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Category Archives: HTML5

I’ve been getting a huge uptick in views of my Slopegraphs in Python post and I think it’s due to @edwardtufte’s recent slopegraph contest announcement.

The original Python code is crufty and a mess mostly due to the intermittent attention to it, wanting to reduce dependencies and hacking vs programming. I’ve been wanting to do a D3 version for a while, so I went a bit overboard once I learned of Mr Tufte’s challenge and made more of a “workbench” for making slopegraphs:


It’s all in D3/HTML5/javascrpt/CSS and requires no server-side components at all.

You can play with a live, alpha-quality version and check out the rest of the components on github.

It needs work, but it should be a good starting point for folks.

As my track record for “winning” things is scant, if you do end up using the code, passing on word of my upcoming book with @jayjacobs would be
#spiffy :-)

It started with a local R version and migrated to a Shiny version and is now in full D3 glory.

Some down time gave me the opportunity to start a basic D3 version of the outage map, but it needs a bit of work as it relies on a page meta refresh to update (every 5 minutes) vs an inline element dynamic refresh. The fam was getting a bit irked at coding time on Thanksgiving, so keep watching the following gists for updates after the holiday:

I decided to forego the D3 map mentioned in the previous post in favor of a Shiny one since I had 90% of the mapping code written.

I binned the ranges into three groups, changed the color over to something more pleasant (with RColorBrewer), added an interactive table for the counties with outage and have the elements updating every minute.

You can see the Live Outage Map over at it’s live Shiny server. Source is below or over at github if you’ve got blockers enabled.

Data Driven Security launches in February 2014. @jayjacobs & I have seen half of the book in PDF form so far and it’s almost unbelievable that this journey is almost over.


We setup a live Amazon “sales rank” tracker over at the book’s web site and provided some Python and JavaScript code to show folks how use the AWS API in conjunction with the dygraphs charting library to do the same for any ISBN. In the coming weeks, we’ll have a Google App Engine component you can clone to setup something similar without the need for your own server(s).

Since @jayjacobs & I are down to the home stretch on Data Driven Security, I thought it would be interesting to do some post-writing pseudo-analyses of the book itself. I won’t have exact page or word counts for a bit, but I wanted to see how many R packages we ended up relying on for the examples in the chapters. It was fairly straightforward to run a grep for calls to library() or require() across all the source files, and I grouped the results into four categories: “analysis”, “core”, “munging” and “visualization”.

Since I <3 D3 circular dendrograms, I figured that would be a fun way to show the groupings. For those who dislike spinning your noggin around, a more traditional one is also presented. You'll need an SVG-capable browser to see the visualizations (below). Stay on the lookout for more "behind the scenes" posts.



UPDATE: Added some extra visualization elements since this post went live. New select menu and hover text for individual job impact detail lines in the table.

I was reviewing RSS feeds when I came across this story about “ObamaCare Employer Mandate: A List Of Cuts To Work Hours, Jobs” over on Efficacy of the law notwithstanding, I thought it might be interesting to visualize the data since the folks over at provided a handy spreadsheet that they seem to maintain pretty well (link is in the article).

The spreadsheet is organized by date and lists each state where the jobs were impacted along with the employer, employer type (public/private), reason and number of jobs impacted (if available). They also have links to news stories related to each entry.

My first thought was to compare impact across states by date, so I threw together a quick R script to build a faceted bar chart:

# Source for job impact data:
emp.f <- read.csv("~/employers.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(emp.f) <- c("State","Employer","Type","Action","Jobs.Cut","Action.Date")
emp.f[$Jobs.Cut),]$Jobs.Cut = median(emp.f$Jobs.Cut, na.rm=TRUE)
emp.f[emp.f$State=="Virgina", ]$State = "Virginia"
emp.f[emp.f$State=="Washington DC", ]$State = "District of Columbia"

Yes, they really spelled “Virginia” wrong, at least in the article text where I initially scraped the data from before I saw there was a spreadsheet available. Along with fixing “Virginia”, I also changed the name of “Washington DC” to “District of Columbia” for reasons you’ll see later on in this post. I’m finding it very helpful to do as much of the data cleanup in-code (R or Python) whenever possible since it makes the process far more repeatable than performing the same tasks by hand in a text editor and is essential if you know the data is going to change/expand.

After reading in the data, it was trivial to get a ggplot of the job impacts by state (click image for larger version):

p <- ggplot(emp.f, aes(x=Action.Date, y=Jobs.Cut))
p <- p + geom_bar(aes(fill=State), stat="identity")
p <- p + facet_wrap(~State)
p <- p + theme_bw()
p <- p + theme(legend.position=0, axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))
p <- p + labs(x="Action Date", y="# Jobs Cut")


That visualization provided some details, but I decided to expand the scope a bit and wanted to make an interactive “bubble chart” (since folks seem to love bubbles) with circle size relative to the total job cuts per state and circle color reflecting the conservative/liberal leaning of each state (i.e. ‘red’ vs ‘blue’) to see if there was any visual correlation by that attribute. I found the political data over at Gallup and went to work prepping the data with some additional R code. (NOTE: The Gallup data was the reason for the “DC” name change since Gallup uses “District of Columbia” in their data set.)

# aggregate state data
emp.state.sum.df <- count(emp.f,c("State"),c("Jobs.Cut"))
colnames(emp.state.sum.df) <- c("State","Total.Jobs.Cut")
# get total (estimated) jobs impacted <- sum(emp.state.sum.df$Total.Jobs.Cut)
# Source for the red v blue state data:
# read political leanings <- read.csv("~/red-blue.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# join the jobs and leaning data together
s <- join(emp.state.sum.df,, by="State")
# cheat and get leaning range for manual input into the datavis
leaning.range <- range(s$Conservative.Advantage)
# build the JSON data file. store state summary data for the bubbles, but also include
# the detail level for extra data for the viz
# need to clean up this file post-write and definitely run it through
jsfile = file("states.tmp","w")
by(s, 1:nrow(s), function(row) {
  writeLines(sprintf('      {"name": "%s", "size":%d, "leaning":%2.1f, "detail":[',row$State,row$Total.Jobs.Cut,row$Conservative.Advantage),jsfile)
  employers = emp.f[emp.f$State == row$State,]
  by(employers, 1:nrow(employers), function(emp.row) {
    writeLines(sprintf('          { "employer":"%s", "emptype":"%s", "actiondetail":"%s", "jobsimpacted":%d, "when":"%s"},',
                       emp.row$Employer, emp.row$Type, gsub('"',"'",emp.row$Action), emp.row$Jobs.Cut, emp.row$Action.Date),jsfile)

I know the comments point out the need to tweak the resulting JSON a bit (mostly to remove “errant” commas, which is one of the annoying bits about JSON), but I wanted to re-emphasize the huge utility of JSONlint as it can save you a great deal of time debugging large amounts of gnarly JSON data.

With the data prepped, I threw together a D3 visualization that shows the bubbles on the left and details by date and employer on the right.


Since it’s D3, there’s no need to put the source code in the blog post. Just do a “view-source” on the resulting visualization or poke around the github repository. I will, however, point out a couple useful/interesting bits from the code.

First, coloring circles by political leaning took exactly one line of code since D3 provides a means to map a range of values to colors:

var ramp = d3.scale.linear().domain([-21,36]).range(["#253494","#B30000"]);

I chose the colors with Color Brewer but cheated (as I indicated in the R code) by pre-computing the range of the values for the palette. You can see the tiny District of Columbia’s very blue circle in the lower-left of the field of circles. Hopefully will maintain the data set and we can look at changes over a larger period of time.

Second, you get rudimentary “popups” for free via element “title” tags on the SVG circles, so no need for custom tooltip code:

   .text(function(d) { return d.stateName + ": " + format(d.value) + " jobs impacted"; });

I could have tweaked the display a bit more, added links to the stories and provided a means to sort the “# Jobs” column by count or date, but I took enough time away from the book to scratch this visualization itch and it came out pretty much the way I wanted it to.

If you do hack at it and build something better (which should not be terribly difficult), drop a note in the comments or over at github.

We had our first, real, snowfall of the season in Maine today and that usually means school delays/closings. Our “local” station – @WCHS6 – has a Storm Center Closings page as well as an SMS notification service. I decided this morning that I needed a command line version (and, eventually, a version that sends me a Twitter DM), but I also was tight for time (a lunchtime meeting ending early is responsible for this blog post).

While I’ve consumed my share of Beautiful Soup and can throw down some mechanize with the best of them, it came to me that there may be an even easier way, and one that may also help with the eventual blocking of such a scraping service.

I setup a Google Drive spreadsheet to use the importHTML formula to read in the closings table on the page:


Then did a File→Publish to the web and setup up Sheet 1 to “Automatically republish when changes are made” and also to have the link be to the CSV version of the data:

Screenshot 12:17:12 1:16 PM

The raw output looks a bit like:

Name,Status,Last Updated
Westbook Seniors,Luncheon PPD to January 7th,12/17/2012 5:22:51
Allied Wheelchair Van Services,Closed,12/17/2012 6:49:47
American Legion - Dixfield,Bingo cancelled,12/17/2012 11:44:12
American Legion Post 155 - Naples,Closed,12/17/2012 12:49:00

The conversion has some “blank” lines but that’s easy enough to filter out with some quick bash:

curl --silent "
t=csv" | grep -v "^,,"

And, looking for the specific school(s) of our kids is an easy grep as well.

The reason this is interesting is that the importHTML is dynamic and will re-convert the HTML table each time the code retrieves the CSV URL. Couple that with the fact that it’s far less likely that Google will be blocked than it is my IP address(es) and this seems to be a pretty nice alternative to traditional parsing.

If I get some time over the break, I’ll do a quick benchmark of using this method over some python and perl scraping/parsing methods.

For those inclined to click, I was interviewed by Fahmida Rashid (@fahmiwrite) over at Sourceforge’s HTML5 center a few weeks ago (right after the elections) due to my tweets on the use of HTML5 tech over Flash. Here’s one of them:

While a tad inaccurate (one site did use Flash with an HTML fallback and some international sites are still stuck in the 1990s), it is still a good sign of how the modern web is progressing.

I can honestly say I’ve never seen my last name used so many times in one article :-)