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Category Archives: Google Docs

The “medals” R post by [TRInker]( and re-blogged by [Revolutions]( were both spiffy and a live example why there’s no point in not publishing raw data.

You don’t need to have R (or any other language) do the scraping, though. The “`IMPORTHTML`” function (yes, function names seem to be ALL CAPS now over at Google Drive) in Google Drive Spreadsheets can easily do the scraping with just s simple:


that will refresh on demand and every hour.

Here’s a [live URL]( that will give back a CSV of the results which can easily be used in R thusly:

sochi.medals.URL = ""
medals <- read.csv(textConnection(getURL(sochi.medals.URL)), 
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
'data.frame':  89 obs. of  6 variables:
$ Rank   : chr  "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
$ Country: chr  "Norway" "Canada" "Netherlands" "United States" ...
$ Gold   : int  4 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ Silver : int  3 3 2 1 0 3 2 0 0 0 ...
$ Bronze : int  4 2 3 3 0 3 0 1 0 0 ...
$ Total  : int  11 9 8 6 2 7 3 2 1 1 ...
   Rank                                   Country Gold Silver Bronze Total
1     1                                    Norway    4      3      4    11
2     2                                    Canada    4      3      2     9
3     3                               Netherlands    3      2      3     8
4     4                             United States    2      1      3     6
5     5                                   Germany    2      0      0     2
6     6                              Russian Fed.    1      3      3     7
7     7                                   Austria    1      2      0     3
8     8                                    France    1      0      1     2
9    =9                                   Belarus    1      0      0     1
10   =9                                     Korea    1      0      0     1
11   =9                                    Poland    1      0      0     1
12   =9                                  Slovakia    1      0      0     1
13   =9                               Switzerland    1      0      0     1
14   14                                    Sweden    0      3      1     4
15   15                            Czech Republic    0      2      1     3
16   16                                  Slovenia    0      1      2     3
17   17                                     Italy    0      1      1     2
18  =18                                     China    0      1      0     1
19  =18                                   Finland    0      1      0     1
20  =20                             Great Britain    0      0      1     1
21  =20                                   Ukraine    0      0      1     1
22    -                                   Albania    0      0      0     0
23    -                                   Andorra    0      0      0     0
24    -                                 Argentina    0      0      0     0
25    -                                   Armenia    0      0      0     0
87    -                             Virgin Isl, B    0      0      0     0
88    -                            Virgin Isl, US    0      0      0     0
89    -                                  Zimbabwe    0      0      0     0

Which frees you up from dealing with the scraping and lets you focus solely on the data.

You can set it up in your own Google Docs as well, just make sure to publish the spreadhseet to the web (with ‘everyone’ read permisssions), strip off the `pubhtml` at the end of the published URL and add `export?format=csv&gid=0` in its place.

We had our first, real, snowfall of the season in Maine today and that usually means school delays/closings. Our “local” station – @WCHS6 – has a Storm Center Closings page as well as an SMS notification service. I decided this morning that I needed a command line version (and, eventually, a version that sends me a Twitter DM), but I also was tight for time (a lunchtime meeting ending early is responsible for this blog post).

While I’ve consumed my share of Beautiful Soup and can throw down some mechanize with the best of them, it came to me that there may be an even easier way, and one that may also help with the eventual blocking of such a scraping service.

I setup a Google Drive spreadsheet to use the importHTML formula to read in the closings table on the page:


Then did a File→Publish to the web and setup up Sheet 1 to “Automatically republish when changes are made” and also to have the link be to the CSV version of the data:

Screenshot 12:17:12 1:16 PM

The raw output looks a bit like:

Name,Status,Last Updated
Westbook Seniors,Luncheon PPD to January 7th,12/17/2012 5:22:51
Allied Wheelchair Van Services,Closed,12/17/2012 6:49:47
American Legion - Dixfield,Bingo cancelled,12/17/2012 11:44:12
American Legion Post 155 - Naples,Closed,12/17/2012 12:49:00

The conversion has some “blank” lines but that’s easy enough to filter out with some quick bash:

curl --silent "
t=csv" | grep -v "^,,"

And, looking for the specific school(s) of our kids is an easy grep as well.

The reason this is interesting is that the importHTML is dynamic and will re-convert the HTML table each time the code retrieves the CSV URL. Couple that with the fact that it’s far less likely that Google will be blocked than it is my IP address(es) and this seems to be a pretty nice alternative to traditional parsing.

If I get some time over the break, I’ll do a quick benchmark of using this method over some python and perl scraping/parsing methods.

I usually take a peek at the Internet Traffic Report (ITR) a couple times a day as part of my routine and was a bit troubled by all of the red today:

I wanted to do some crunching on the data, and I deliberately do not have Word or Excel on my new MacBook Pro (for reasons I can detail if asked). A SELECT / CUT / PASTE into TextWrangler did not really thrill me and I knew there had to be a way to get non-marked-up, columnar data into a format I could mangle and share easily.

Enter, Google Shreadsheet’s importHTML function.

If you don’t have the forumla bar enabled in Google Spreadsheets, just go to View->Formula Bar to enable it. Once there, enter the following in the formula bar to get the data from the ITR into a set of columns that will auto-update every time you reference the sheet.


(as you can see, it’s not case sensitive, either)

Yes, I know Excel can do this. I could have done a quick script whack the pasted data in TextWrangler. You can do something similar in R with htmlTreeParse + xpathApply and Perl has HTML::TableContentParser (and other handy modules), but this was a fast, easy way to get me to a point where I could do the basic analytics I wanted to perform (and, sometimes, all you need is quick & easy).

Official Google Help page on importHTML.