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I decided to forego the D3 map mentioned in the previous post in favor of a Shiny one since I had 90% of the mapping code written.

I binned the ranges into three groups, changed the color over to something more pleasant (with RColorBrewer), added an interactive table for the counties with outage and have the elements updating every minute.

You can see the Live Outage Map over at it’s live Shiny server. Source is below or over at github if you’ve got blockers enabled.


  1. Very nice. FYI, the search is case sensitive.

  2. That’s pretty cool. Was just up there in the middle of it all!

    • Thx. We’re at the bottom of York County, and usually have some type of outage (which is one reason I’m building all these data trackers :-). Strangely enough, we escaped all the damage this time around. Hope the storms and power issues didn’t cause too much trouble for you.

3 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. By Maine Power Outage Map – Show Me Shiny on 27 Dec 2013 at 5:35 pm

    […] Code: […]

  2. […] started with a local R version and migrated to a Shiny version and is now in full D3 […]

  3. By Mapping Power Outages In Maine With R | on 02 Apr 2017 at 10:52 pm

    […] UPDATE: A Shiny (dynamic) version of this is now available. […]

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