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Category Archives: Information Security

Nevena Vratonjic
Julien Freudiger
Vincent Bindschaedler
Jeane-Pierre Hubaux

Presentation [PDF]

Twitter transcript

#weis2011 Overview of basic ssl/tls/https concepts. Asking: how prevalent is https, what are problems with https?

#weis2011 Out of their large sample, only 1/3 (34.7%) have support for https, login is worse! only 22.6% < #data!

#weis2011 (me) just like Microsoft for patches/vulns, everyone uses Bank of America for https & identity examples. #sigh

#weis2011 More Certificates 101, but a good venn diagram explaining what authentication success looks like w/%ages. rly good visualization.

#weis2011 domain mismatch accounts for over 80% of certificate authentication failures. why? improper reuse. it has a simple solution (SNI)

#weis2011 the team did a very thorough analysis that puts data behind what most folks have probably assumed. #dataisspiffy

#weis2011 We've created a real mess for users with certs. EV certs help, but are expensive and not pervasive (***6%***!)

#weis2011 economics don't back good cert issuance practices; 0 liability on issuers; too many subcontractors; we trained users to click "OK"

#weis2011 great slide on CA success rates (hint: godaddy is #1) #sadtrombone

#weis2011 sample: 1 million web sites; less than 6% do SSL/TLS right. cheap certs == cheap "security"; policies need to change incentives

#weis2011 URL for the data is in the last slide. first question is challenging the approach for the analysis and went on for a while

Brett Stone-Gross
Ryan Abman
Richard A. Kemmerer
Christopher Kruegel
Douglas G Steigerwald

Presentation [PDF]

Twitter transcript

#weis2011 presenting analysis of *actual* data from 21 servers from 3 multi-million $ fake a/v ops!!! < #spiffy #weis2011 showing example of fake a/v exploit that was embedded in HTML. good walkthrough. useful slides for an orgs tech ed/brown bag sessn #weis2011 good/succinct survey of techniques blackhat seo, annoying popups, preying on user naivete. #weis2011 great graphic on the flow of the money trail in fake a/v. Brett & his colleagues paid attention to detail. #weis2011 talking about affiliate programs (think amazon associates but for bad guys) & webmoney (evil bitcoins). #weis2011 189K sales; $11mil in 3mos!! 8.4m installs. conversion rate 2.4% (wow). if it had not been stopped, fy net $ wld be 45mil! #weis2011 comparing campaigns & operations. the choice in malicious hosting provider is key. downtime reduces profits. #timeforMalCloud? #weis2011 fake a/v providers actually give refunds to help avoid bank fraud detection. Refund rates between 3-9%. #weis2011 now showing their economic statistical models (and plugging real data into them) and the back-end infrastructure that runs the biz #weis2011 (me) the bad guys have better metrics, better partnerships & rely on naivete of users. the good guys don't share anything w/anyone #weis2011 the threshold for payment processors to terminate a bad account is when bad transactions (chargbacks) hit 10%. virt no incentive

Presentation [PDF]

Dinei Florncio
Cormac Herley

Presentation [PDF]

Twitter transcript

#weis2011 New threat model (that may scale). Rather than use individual users & attackers, use population of users, pop of attackers

#weis2011 assumption/proposition: attacker attacks when Expected{gain} > Expected{loss}

#weis2011 (me) more good math on the slides. using the populations, they made a probability model to predict detection/succumb/gain & cost

#weis2011 model has a core of "sum of efforts defense" (vs weakest link)

#weis2011 attacks are proven unprofitable if prob of success is too low or gain is too low < this may seem obv. but it's an intersting model #weis2011 (me) really good examples of practical example of model efficacy. mimics/validates 2011 DBIR results (does not mention DBIR) #weis2011 working though another example of using "dog's name" as password. (me) this could be a *rly* handy tool for threat modeling #weis2011 Security does not mean avoiding harm, and avoiding harm is less expensive than being secure. #weis2011 "Thinking like an attacker" does not end when an attack is found. Ask how you can use what you found to your advantage.

Sam Ransbotham
Sabayasachi Mitra

Presentation [PDF]

Twitter transcript

#weis2011 Does immediate disclosure of vulns affect exploitation attempts? Looking at impact on risk/diffusion/volume

#weis2011 speaker is presenting standard attack process & security processes timelines (slides will be in the blog post)

#weis2011 the fundamental question is when from the vulnerability discovery to patch development is disclosure appropriate

#weis2011 immediate disclosure places a significant amount of pressure on defenders while aiding attackers < yep. #weis2011 penalty for MSSP, IDS/IDP/malware vendors for not doing nigh daily "software updates" is huge. a very high pressure industry. #weis2011 IDS systems produce tons of records which needs to be analyzed and understood. results may or may not be actionable. #weis2011 *Tons* of neat data on analysis of NVD data. Very data rich slides (some of them). Lots of math. #good #stuff #weis2011 immediate disclosure has significant increase in acceleration of exploit devel only slight increase in penetration #weis2011 the window may open faster, but defenders are reacting really quickly. this has effect of causing attackers to stop attacks sooner #weis2011 vendors patch vulnerabilities that have been immediately disclosed faster than "traditional" ones. #weiss answer to a q: "the data does not support immediate disclosure for all vulns. no way to extrapolate that information"

Dr Greer [cgreer at] is Assistant Director, Information Technology R&D, Office of Science & Technology Policy, The White House

Opening: “The expertise of the attendees is greatly needed.”

He provided a broad overview of the goals & initiatives of the federal government as they relate to domestic & international cybersecurity. Greer went through the responsibilities of various agencies and made it clear that this is a highly distributed effort across all sectors of government.

He emphasized the need for a close partnership with private sector to accomplish these goals and also the criticality of not just coming up with plans but also implementing those plans.

It really was a high-level overview and – as I point out in the twitter transcript – would have been cooler if Dr Greer did a deep-dive on 2-3 items vs do a survey. He did set the tone pretty well – we are in challenging times that are changing rapidly. We’re still fighting the fights of 5-10 years ago but are working to provide a framework for keeping pace with cybercrimminals. The government is “doing stuff”, but it’s all useless without translating thousands of pages of legal mumbo jumbo into practical, actionable activities.

The 10 minute post-talk Q&A was far better than the actual preso.

Twitter transcript:

#weis2011 Obama: "America's economic prosperity in 21st cent will depend on cybersecurity" :: sec begets growth but underscores threats, too

#weis2011 one time we never expected every individual to need an IP address, now even refrigerators have one.

#weis2011 IPv6 need exacerbated by mobile, mobile apps themselves have great benefit, but also introduces new threat vector.

#weis2011 OSTP runs phishing tests 3x year #spiffy

#weis2011 POTUS Strategy: Catalyze brkthrus for natnl priorities, promote mkt-based innov; invest in building blocks of american innovation

#weis2011 policy review (2009) themes: lead frm top;build cap for dig natin;share resp for cybersec;effective info sharing/irp; encrge innov

#weis2011 pimping the International Strategy For Cyberspace release recently

#weis2011 key "norms" in ISC report: upholding fundamental freedoms (esp speech), global interoperability & cybersecurity due diligence

#weis2011 Greer shifting to talking about legis; OSTP has been wrkng to promote good bills esp for natnl data breach rprting & penalties

#weis2011 computer fraud & abuse act is *25 years old*. We need new regulations to help fight 21st century crime < 25 years! yikes! #weis2011 FISMA shifting from compliance-based to proactive protection-based; mentioned EINSTEIN IDS/ISP #wes2011 pimping education & awareness efforts #weis2011 pimping fed trusted ID initiative ; password are $ & failing; multiple accts are real & problematic #weis2011 (pers comment) the audience knows much of what Greer is saying, surprised he's giving such a broad overview vs 2/3 deep dives #weis2011 (pers comment) the efforts for fed cybesec seem waaay to disjoint & distributed to truly be effective. #weis2011 pimping fed trusted ID initiative ; password are $ & failing; multiple accts are real & problematic #weis2011 pimping CSIA, SSG & SCORE < much alphabet soup in fed cybersec…the letters didn't help today #weis2011 results of many research efforts are both near & just over the horizon, but all useless if not put into effective practice #weiss2011 impt to work with priv sector on economics of legis&policy choices (immunity/liability/safe hrbr/incentives/disclosure/audit) #weis2011 need to understand market factors incentivizing hackers (valuation/cost-ben/risk-decision making/criminal markets) #weis2011 (pers comment) another poke at Microsoft when talking about server security. Major hacks of late were linux/apache/solaris. #lame #weis2011 Cyber insurance is a possibility if we can develop good quant-based risk assessment/management frameworks #weis2011 #weis2011 q:"where will cybersec be in 10yrs?" -cyberspace will be more resilient & trustworthy; hardening sys&nets useless w/o educatng ppl #weis2011 by 2021 we will have solved all the cybersecurity issues of 2005 < wise man #weis2011 q:"the US spends > than rest of wrld combined on cybersec but it's still just pennies. will this change?" :: it's in the proposals

If you are concerned about the Dropbox design flaw exposed by the dbClone attack, then have we got a link for you!

The intrepid DB devs have tossed up a forum release which purports to fix all the thorny security issues. You can no longer just copy a config file to a separate machine to clone a filesystem and the file itself is now also encrypted. (Forum builds do not automagically download like standard Dropbox updates)

Given the fact that Dropbox did not prompt me for any credentials when I started the new version, I’m still a bit skeptical that it has truly fixed the problem. Given my schedule today, I doubt I’ll have time to poke at it before someone else does, but the thoroughness of this fix does need to be independently validated. The local Dropbox client has to be getting the encryption key/passphrase from *somewhere*, and if it’s not prompting me on start, then it’s stored online or locally and that’s a recipe for another hack.

There is nothing overt in the application bundle (looking on OS X) or quickly discernable from a dump of a few of the app’s .pyc files. Granted, a bit of obfuscation will stop the current hack and dissuade some other sophomoric attempts, but I can almost guarantee that the passphrase (or the algorithm one needs to discern the passphrase) will be found by folks.

The new build replaces your local configuration file with a new, encrypted one (now named config.dbx). I didn’t see signs of either SQLiteEncrypt, SEE, SQLCipher or SQLiteCrypt but haven’t had time to dig more thoroughly. It’s completely possible the Dropbox devs just built an encryption layer over the Dropbox calls themselves (which is not a difficult task).

Please note that forum builds are not necessarily stable and that this is a pretty major architecture change. I had no issues on OS X, but I suspect that any micro-errors in your SQLite config.db may cause some heartache if you do attempt the upgrade. Best to wait for a full production release if you do not have your Dropbox backed up somewhere.

Spent some time today updating the missing bits of the OS X version of the Dropbox cloner I uploaded last night. You can just grab the executable or grab the whole project from the github repository.

The app can now backup/restore of local config, clone dropbox configs to a URL/file and also impersonate a captured Dropbox config.

Use it all at your own risk. As stated in the original post, all comments, bugs, additions, fixes etc. are welcome either here or at github.