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Spent some time today updating the missing bits of the OS X version of the Dropbox cloner I uploaded last night. You can just grab the executable or grab the whole project from the github repository.

The app can now backup/restore of local config, clone dropbox configs to a URL/file and also impersonate a captured Dropbox config.

Use it all at your own risk. As stated in the original post, all comments, bugs, additions, fixes etc. are welcome either here or at github.

2 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. […] you are concerned about the Dropbox design flaw exposed by the dbClone attack, then have we got a link for […]

  2. By dbClone “hack” for OS X | on 27 Mar 2017 at 9:24 am

    […] Check out the newer post on additional […]

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