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Tag Archives: Sam Ransbotham Sabayasachi Mitra

Sam Ransbotham
Sabayasachi Mitra

Presentation [PDF]

Twitter transcript

#weis2011 Does immediate disclosure of vulns affect exploitation attempts? Looking at impact on risk/diffusion/volume

#weis2011 speaker is presenting standard attack process & security processes timelines (slides will be in the blog post)

#weis2011 the fundamental question is when from the vulnerability discovery to patch development is disclosure appropriate

#weis2011 immediate disclosure places a significant amount of pressure on defenders while aiding attackers < yep. #weis2011 penalty for MSSP, IDS/IDP/malware vendors for not doing nigh daily "software updates" is huge. a very high pressure industry. #weis2011 IDS systems produce tons of records which needs to be analyzed and understood. results may or may not be actionable. #weis2011 *Tons* of neat data on analysis of NVD data. Very data rich slides (some of them). Lots of math. #good #stuff #weis2011 immediate disclosure has significant increase in acceleration of exploit devel only slight increase in penetration #weis2011 the window may open faster, but defenders are reacting really quickly. this has effect of causing attackers to stop attacks sooner #weis2011 vendors patch vulnerabilities that have been immediately disclosed faster than "traditional" ones. #weiss answer to a q: "the data does not support immediate disclosure for all vulns. no way to extrapolate that information"