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Rick Wicklin (@[RickWicklin]( made a
recent post to the SAS blog on
[An exploratory technique for visualizing the distributions of 100
variables]( It’s a very succinct tutorial on both the power of
boxplots and how to make them in SAS (of course). I’m not one to let R
be “out-boxed”, so I threw together a quick re-creation of his example,
mostly as tutorial for any nascent R folks that come across it. (As an
aside, I catch Rick’s and other cool, non-R stuff via the [Stats
Blogs]( blog aggregator.)

The R implementation (syntax notwithstanding) is extremely similar.
First, we’ll need some packages to assist with data reshaping and pretty


Then, we setup a list so we can pick from the same four distributions
and set the random seed to make this example reproducible:

dists <- c(rnorm, rexp, rlnorm, runif)

Now, we generate a data frame of the `100` variables with `1,000`
observations, normalized from `0`-`1`:

many_vars <- data.frame(sapply(1:100, function(x) {
  # generate 1,000 random samples
  tmp <- sample(dists, 1)[[1]](1000)
  # normalize them to be between 0 & 1
  (tmp - min(tmp)) / (max(tmp) - min(tmp))

The `sapply` iterates over the numbers `1` through `100`, passing each
number into a function. Each iteration samples an object from the
`dists` list (which are actual R functions) and then calls the function,
telling it to generate `1,000` samples and normalize the result to be
values between `0` & `1`. By default, R will generate column names that
begin with `X`:

str(many_vars[1:5]) # show the structure of the first 5 cols
## 'data.frame':    1000 obs. of  5 variables:
##  $ X1: num  0.1768 0.4173 0.5111 0.0319 0.0644 ...
##  $ X2: num  0.217 0.275 0.596 0.785 0.825 ...
##  $ X3: num  0.458 0.637 0.115 0.468 0.469 ...
##  $ X4: num  0.5186 0.0358 0.5927 0.1138 0.1514 ...
##  $ X5: num  0.2855 0.0786 0.2193 0.433 0.9634 ...

We’re going to plot the boxplots, sorted by the third quantile (just
like in Rick’s example), so we’ll calculate their rank and then use
those ranks (shortly) to order a factor varible:

ranks <- names(sort(rank(sapply(colnames(many_vars), function(x) {
  as.numeric(quantile(many_vars[,x], 0.75))

There’s alot going on in there. We pass the column names from the
`many_vars` data frame to a function that will return the quantile we
want. Since `sapply` preserves the names we passed in as well as the
values, we extract them (via `names`) after we rank and sort the named
vector, giving us a character vector in the order we’ll need:

##  chr [1:100] "X29" "X8" "X92" "X43" "X11" "X52" "X34" ...

Just like in the SAS post, we’ll need to reshape the data into [long
format from wide
which we can do with `melt`:

many_vars_m <- melt(as.matrix(many_vars))
## 'data.frame':    100000 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ Var1 : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ Var2 : Factor w/ 100 levels "X1","X2","X3",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ value: num  0.1768 0.4173 0.5111 0.0319 0.0644 ...

And, now we’ll use our ordered column names to ensure that our boxplots
will be presented in the right order (it would be in alpha order if
not). Factor variables in R are space-efficient and allow for handy
manipulations like this (amongst other things). By default,
`many_vars_m$Var2` was in alpha order and this call just re-orders that

many_vars_m$Var2 <- factor(many_vars_m$Var2, ranks)
## 'data.frame':    100000 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ Var1 : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ Var2 : Factor w/ 100 levels "X29","X8","X92",..: 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 ...
##  $ value: num  0.1768 0.4173 0.5111 0.0319 0.0644 ...

Lastly, we plot all our hard work (click/touch for larger version):

gg <- ggplot(many_vars_m, aes(x=Var2, y=value))
gg <- gg + geom_boxplot(fill="#BDD7E7", notch=TRUE, outlier.size=1)
gg <- gg + labs(x="")
gg <- gg + theme_bw()
gg <- gg + theme(panel.grid=element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=-45, hjust=0.001, size=5))


Here’s the program in it’s entirety:

dists <- c(rnorm, rexp, rlnorm, runif)
many_vars <- data.frame(sapply(1:100, function(x) {
  tmp <- sample(dists, 1)[[1]](1000)
  (tmp - min(tmp)) / (max(tmp) - min(tmp))
ranks <- names(sort(rank(sapply(colnames(many_vars), function(x) {
  as.numeric(quantile(many_vars[,x], 0.75))
many_vars_m <- melt(as.matrix(many_vars))
many_vars_m$Var2 <- factor(many_vars_m$Var2, ranks)
gg <- ggplot(many_vars_m, aes(x=Var2, y=value))
gg <- gg + geom_boxplot(fill="steelblue", notch=TRUE, outlier.size=1)
gg <- gg + labs(x="")
gg <- gg + theme_bw()
gg <- gg + theme(panel.grid=element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=-45, hjust=0.001))

I tweaked the boxplot, using a
and making the outliers take up a fewer pixels.

I’m definitely in agreement with Rick that this is an excellent way to
compare many distributions.

Bonus points for the commenter who shows code to color the bars by which distribution generated them!


Like GODZILLA rising to save Japan, GRANITESEC rises from dormancy (caused mostly by that sod @hrbrmstr) to fill your summer with food, fun & some other audience appropriate word that begins with an “F” to complete the alliteration trifecta.

Hit the Eventbrite link on the right to register and join in the festivities!

Well, the proverbial cat is definitely out of the bag now. I’m moving on from the current gig to take a security data scientist position at Verizon Enterprise. The esteemed Wade Baker will be my new benevolent overlord and it probably isn’t a shocker that I went to the place my [co-author]( works.

Wade’s got an awesome team and I’m excited to start contributing. I’ll definitely miss my evil (and, not-so-evil) minions from the current-but-soon-to-be-former gig, but they’ll continue doing EPIC risk work and security analytics in my absence.

Also, I’m staying put in Maine (apart from what I suspect will be a boatload of travel), so fret not Seacoasters, many a night at 7th Settlement will continue to be had!

Thanks to a comment suggestion, the Rforecastio package is now up to version 1.3.0 and has a new parameter which lets you specify which time conversion function you want to use. Details are up on [github](

Not even going to put an `R` category on this since I don’t want to pollute R-bloggers with this tiny post, but I had to provide the option to let folks specify `ssl.verifypeer=FALSE` (so I made it a generic option to pass in any CURL parameters) and I had a couple gaping bugs that I missed due to not clearing out my environment before building & testing.

I’ve bumped up the version number of `Rforecastio` ([github]( to `1.1.0`. The new
features are:

– removing the SSL certificate bypass check (it doesn’t need it
– using `plyr` for easier conversion of JSON-\>data frame
– adding in a new `daily` forecast data frame
– roxygen2 inline documentation

# NEVER put API keys in revision control systems or source code!
fio.api.key= readLines("~/")
my.latitude = "43.2673"
my.longitude = "-70.8618"
fio.list <- fio.forecast(fio.api.key, my.latitude, my.longitude) <- ggplot(data=fio.list$hourly.df, aes(x=time, y=temperature)) <- + labs(y="Readings", x="Time", title="Houry Readings") <- + geom_line(aes(y=humidity*100), color="green") <- + geom_line(aes(y=temperature), color="red") <- + geom_line(aes(y=dewPoint), color="blue") <- + theme_bw()

daily <- ggplot(data=fio.list$daily.df, aes(x=time, y=temperature)) <- + labs(y="Readings", x="Time", title="Daily Readings") <- + geom_line(aes(y=humidity*100), color="green") <- + geom_line(aes(y=temperatureMax), color="red") <- + geom_line(aes(y=temperatureMin), color="red", linetype=2) <- + geom_line(aes(y=dewPoint), color="blue") <- + theme_bw()


Over on the [Data Driven Security Blog]( there’s a post on how to use `Rcpp` to interface with an external library (in this case `ldns` for DNS lookups). It builds on [another post]( which uses `system()` to make a call to `dig` to lookup DNS `TXT` records.

The core code is below and at both the aforementioned blog post and [this gist]( The post walks you though creating a simple interface and a future post will cover how to build a full package interface to an external library.

Andreas Diesner’s `#spiffy` [Fit2Tcx]( command-line utility is a lightweight way to convert Garmin/ANT [FIT]( files to [TCX]( for further processing.

On a linux system, installing it is as simple as:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:andreas-diesner/garminplugin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fit2tcx

On a Mac OS X system, you’ll need to first grab the `tinyxml` package from `homebrew`:

brew install tinyxml

to install the necessary support library.

After a `git clone` of the Fit2Tcx repository, change the


line in `` to


and then do the typical `./configure && make` (there is no `test` target).

You’ll now have a relatively small `fit2tcx` binary that you can move to `/usr/local/bin` or wherever you like command-line utilities to be put.

You can also grab the [pre-compiled binary]( (built on `OS X 10.9.2` with “latest” `Xcode`).