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Category Archives: OS X

Andreas Diesner’s `#spiffy` [Fit2Tcx]( command-line utility is a lightweight way to convert Garmin/ANT [FIT]( files to [TCX]( for further processing.

On a linux system, installing it is as simple as:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:andreas-diesner/garminplugin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fit2tcx

On a Mac OS X system, you’ll need to first grab the `tinyxml` package from `homebrew`:

brew install tinyxml

to install the necessary support library.

After a `git clone` of the Fit2Tcx repository, change the


line in `` to


and then do the typical `./configure && make` (there is no `test` target).

You’ll now have a relatively small `fit2tcx` binary that you can move to `/usr/local/bin` or wherever you like command-line utilities to be put.

You can also grab the [pre-compiled binary]( (built on `OS X 10.9.2` with “latest” `Xcode`).

RStudio is my R development environment of choice and I work primarily on/in Mac OS X. While it’s great that Apple provides a built-in Terminal application, I prefer to use [iTerm 2]( when I need to do work at a shell. The fine folks at RStudio provide a handy `Shell`… menu item off the `Tools` menu, but it (rightly) defaults to using Apple’s for functionality since they can’t assume what terminal application you are using.

To change it to iTerm (or whatever your favorite terminal application is) you need to fire up a text editor and change (make a backup first!) `/Applications/` to contain the following modified AppleScript:

on run argv
  set dir to quoted form of (first item of argv)
  tell app "iTerm"
    tell the first terminal
      launch session "Default Session"
      tell the last session
        set name to "RStudio Session"
        write text "cd " & dir
      end tell
    end tell
  end tell
end run

That will open a new tab in iTerm, set the session (tab) name to “RStudio Session” and change the directory to the current working directory in RStudio.

More often than not, I’m just using [Alfred]( to kick up iTerm and doing the `cd` myself, but this added tweak (which you have to do **every** time you upgrade RStudio) reduces the churn when I do end up using the feature within RStudio.

Having received a couple follow-ups to the OS X notifications on RStudio Desktop for the Mac post, I was determined to find a quick hack to get remote notifications to OS X working from (at least) RStudio Server instances running on the same network. It turns out the hack was pretty straightforward just by using a combination of Growl and gntp-send.

To preempt detractors: Yes, Growl isn’t free for newer versions of OS X; but $3.99USD is worth skipping a frappuccino for if you desire this functionality (IMO). I’ve had Growl running since before there was an app store and it’s far more hackable than the Notification Center is (as demonstrated by this post).

You’ll need to configure Growl to listen for incoming connections (with an optional password, which is a good idea if you’re fairly mobile).


Plus, you’ll also want to decide whether you want Notification Center integration or have Growl work independently. My preference is integrated, but YMMV.

The gntp-send app should build without issues. I did it via source download / configure / make / make install on a recent-ish Ubuntu box.

Then it’s just a matter of sourcing a version of this function. You’ll most likely wish to make more of the items defaults. Window users will need to tweak this a bit to work, but I’m betting most RStudio Server instances are running on Linux variants. I have it automatically setting the title and including which RStudio Server host the notice came from.

notify.gntp <- function(message, server, port=23053) {
  system(sprintf("/usr/local/bin/gntp-send -a 'RStudio Server' -s %s:%s '[running on %s]' '%s'",
                 server, port, as.character(["nodename"]), message),
         ignore.stdout=TRUE, ignore.stderr=TRUE, wait=FALSE)
# test it out 
notify.gntp("ddply() finished", WORKSTATION_RUNNING_GROWL)


You are going to need to do some additional work/coding if your IP address(es) change. I was going to hack something together that parses netstat output to make a guess at which node was the originating OS X system, but it should be quick enough to change out what your client IP address is, especially since this hack is intended for long-running jobs.

It’d be #spiffy if RStudio Server supported the browser notifications API and/or access to http header info from within the R session to make hacks like this easier or not necessary.

I’m jumping around analytics environments these days and have to leave the comfort of my Mac’s RStudio Desktop application to use various RStudio Server instances via browser. While I prefer to use Chrome, the need to have a “dedicated” RStudio Server client outweighs the utility of my favorite browser. This is where Fluid (@FluidApp by @iTod) comes in.

Fluid lets you build separate, dedicated, Safari/WebKit engine application wrappers for any web resource. As the web site puts it: “Fluid lets you create a Real Mac App (or “Fluid App”) out of any website or web application, effectively turning your favorite web apps into OS X desktop apps.” This means you can build something that will behave almost like the Desktop client and make one for any RStudio Server instance you use.


It’s far too easy to perform this useful feat. Just download Fluid, point the “URL:” field in the “Create a Fluid App” dialog to an RStudio Server instance, name it what you like (something that lets you know which RStudio Server instance you’re using would be #spiffy), pick an icon (select the RStudio Desktop application to use that one) and go! You can now start a separate app for each RStudio instance you use, complete with its own cookie storage, fullscreen capability and more (provided you pay the quite reasonable $4.99USD).

Here’s a screen shot of what it ends up looking like (sans MacOS menu bar):


If you currently use Fluid this way for RStudio Server instances or give this suggestion a try and come up with any helpful configuration options, Userscripts or Userstyles drop a note in the comments!

I’m not entirely sure what happened to cause it, but the “Show in Finder…” feature of a plethora of OS X apps broke on me just over a month ago. I poked around a bit, deleted a preference file here or there and un-tweaked some tweaks to see if it would help and nothing resolved the issue.

So, I finally had some spare minutes to try the good ol’ “Repair Permissions” feature of Disk Utility. Ten minutes plus one reboot later and —BOOM!—I’m back in business again.

Of note were literally hundreds of issues fixed while permissions were being repaired. Methinks it may have to do with a system crash or two that happened during some of the 10.8 beta update releases I was running.

Hopefully this helps even one other person looking to fix this tedious issue.

Dan Kaminski (@dakami) tweeted a cool, small (11 instruction) TRNG generator called Jytter Friday:

The authors have Windows & Linux ports but no OS X port (and, I play mostly on OS X when not in virtual environments). So, I threw together a quick port of it to OS X. It should work on Snow Leopard or Lion, but YMMV.

You need to install nasm via a quick brew install then copy to and change the nasm and gcc lines to be:

nasm -D_32_ -O0 -fmacho -ojytter.o jytter.asm
nasm -D_32_ -O0 -fmacho -otimestamp.o timestamp.asm
gcc -D_32_ -m32 jytter.o timestamp.o -o demo -O2 demo.c

I ran the resultant demo binary and got:

True random integers:
64-bit: 10DE4A7EA676A869
128-bit: E2B9F86CADC854B540090E125A7C7611
256-bit: 7F3AC590F6EE2AC13F136B802BEBCC8323CB26665BC354CDAC488ED86E153641
True random passwords:
66-bit: OEqQaY8UQeO
132-bit: Gwi9DCMtFy7XzHWHII37Hj
258-bit: TPzqJfLL84Mjq3VZXpQDW0.WhWSFq2HA9X6FL7GSjaX
Execution time in CPU ticks:

which tracks with the linux output I received (obviously not the same values) from the demo program on one of my non-VPS linux nodes.

Russell Leidich (the author) did some really impressive work here. I did virtually nothing (just enabled playing with it on OS X). The posts at the Jytter site are well worth the time spent absorbing.

If this feature was in Mountain Lion Developer Previews prior to revision 4, I didn’t notice it, but you can now tweet directly from the Notification Center “pane”.

You first need to make sure said feature is enabled in System Preferences (note the use of the “old” Notification Center icon in the preference pane icon set…perhaps Apple will change that prior to the final Mountain Lion build):

If it is enabled, you now have a Twitter – er – “button” [?] in the Notification Center pane, and clicking it gives you a tweet box where you can drop your 140 from all your connected Twitter accounts.

I suspect there will be similar Facebook posting features integrated, but I’m not part of the Facebook zombie horde and have no way of testing it.

I also noticed that Chrome now has tighter integration with the Notification Center than it did before (as in, I actually saw notifications pop up from Google Mail) and both the Beta channel and Canary builds have integrated the functionality:

(NOTE: You can keep up with progress best at github, but can always search on “slopegraph” here or just hit the tag page: “slopegraph” regularly)

I’ve been a bit obsessed with slopegraphs (a.k.a “Tufte table-chart”) of late and very dissatisfied with the lack of tools to make this particular visualization tool more prevalent. While my ultimate goal is to have a user-friendly modern web app or platform app that’s as easy as a “drag & drop” of a CSV file, this first foray will require a bit (not much, really!) of elbow grease to be used.

For those who want to get right to the code, head on over to github and have a look (I’ll post all updates there). Setup, sample & source are also below.

First, you’ll need a modern Python install. I did all the development on Mac OS Mountain Lion (beta) with the stock Python 2.7 build. You’ll also need the Cairo 2D graphics library which built and installed perfectly from source, even on ML, so it should work fine for you. If you want something besides PDF rendering, you may need additional libraries, but PDF is decent for hi-res embedding, converting to jpg/png (see below) and tweaking in programs like Illustrator.

If you search for “Gender Comparisons” in the comments on this post at Tufte’s blog, you’ll see what I was trying to reproduce in this bit of skeleton code (below). By modifying the CSV file you’re using [line 21] and then which fields are relevant [lines 45-47] you should be able to make your own basic slopegraphs without much trouble.

If you catch any glitches, add some tweak or have a slopegraph “wish list”, let me know here, twitter (@hrbrmstr) or over at github.

  1. #
  2. #
  3. # Author: Bob Rudis (@hrbrmstr)
  4. #
  5. # Basic Python skeleton to do simple two value slopegraphs
  6. # with output to PDF (most useful form for me...Cairo has tons of options)
  7. #
  8. # Find out more about & download Cairo here:
  9. #
  10. #
  11. # 2012-05-28 - 0.5 - Initial github release. Still needs some polish
  12. #
  14. import csv
  15. import cairo
  17. # original data source:
  19. # get a CSV file to work with 
  21. slopeReader = csv.reader(open('television.csv', 'rb'), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
  23. starts = {} # starting "points"/
  24. ends = {} # ending "points"
  26. # Need to refactor label max width into font calculations
  27. # as there's no guarantee the longest (character-wise)
  28. # label is the widest one
  30. startLabelMaxLen = 0
  31. endLabelMaxLen = 0
  33. # build a base pair array for the final plotting
  34. # wastes memory, but simplifies plotting
  36. pairs = []
  38. for row in slopeReader:
  40. 	# add chosen values (need start/end for each CSV row)
  41. 	# to the final plotting array. Try this sample with 
  42. 	# row[1] (average life span) instead of row[5] to see some
  43. 	# of the scaling in action
  45. 	lab = row[0] # label
  46. 	beg = row[5] # male life span
  47. 	end = row[4] # female life span
  49. 	pairs.append( (float(beg), float(end)) )
  51. 	# combine labels of common values into one string
  52. 	# also (as noted previously, inappropriately) find the
  53. 	# longest one
  55. 	if beg in starts:
  56. 		starts[beg] = starts[beg] + "; " + lab
  57. 	else:
  58. 		starts[beg] = lab
  60. 	if ((len(starts[beg]) + len(beg)) > startLabelMaxLen):
  61. 		startLabelMaxLen = len(starts[beg]) + len(beg)
  62. 		s1 = starts[beg]
  65. 	if end in ends:
  66. 		ends[end] = ends[end] + "; " + lab
  67. 	else:
  68. 		ends[end] = lab
  70. 	if ((len(ends[end]) + len(end)) > endLabelMaxLen):
  71. 		endLabelMaxLen = len(ends[end]) + len(end)
  72. 		e1 = ends[end]
  74. # sort all the values (in the event the CSV wasn't) so
  75. # we can determine the smallest increment we need to use
  76. # when stacking the labels and plotting points
  78. startSorted = [(k, starts[k]) for k in sorted(starts)]
  79. endSorted = [(k, ends[k]) for k in sorted(ends)]
  81. startKeys = sorted(starts.keys())
  82. delta = max(startSorted)
  83. for i in range(len(startKeys)):
  84. 	if (i+1 <= len(startKeys)-1):
  85. 		currDelta = float(startKeys[i+1]) - float(startKeys[i])
  86. 		if (currDelta < delta):
  87. 			delta = currDelta
  89. endKeys = sorted(ends.keys())
  90. for i in range(len(endKeys)):
  91. 	if (i+1 <= len(endKeys)-1):
  92. 		currDelta = float(endKeys[i+1]) - float(endKeys[i])
  93. 		if (currDelta < delta):
  94. 			delta = currDelta
  96. # we also need to find the absolute min & max values
  97. # so we know how to scale the plots
  99. lowest = min(startKeys)
  100. if (min(endKeys) < lowest) : lowest = min(endKeys)
  102. highest = max(startKeys)
  103. if (max(endKeys) > highest) : highest = max(endKeys)
  105. # just making sure everything's a number
  106. # probably should move some of this to the csv reader section
  108. delta = float(delta)
  109. lowest = float(lowest)
  110. highest = float(highest)
  111. startLabelMaxLen = float(startLabelMaxLen)
  112. endLabelMaxLen = float(endLabelMaxLen)
  114. # setup line width and font-size for the Cairo
  115. # you can change these and the constants should
  116. # scale the plots accordingly
  118. FONT_SIZE = 9
  119. LINE_WIDTH = 0.5
  121. # there has to be a better way to get a base "surface"
  122. # to do font calculations besides this. we're just making
  123. # this Cairo surface to we know the max pixel width 
  124. # (font extents) of the labels in order to scale the graph
  125. # accurately (since width/height are based, in part, on it)
  127. filename = 'slopegraph.pdf'
  128. surface = cairo.PDFSurface (filename, 8.5*72, 11*72)
  129. cr = cairo.Context (surface)
  131. cr.select_font_face("Sans", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
  132. cr.set_font_size(FONT_SIZE)
  133. cr.set_line_width(LINE_WIDTH)
  134. xbearing, ybearing, sWidth, sHeight, xadvance, yadvance = (cr.text_extents(s1))
  135. xbearing, ybearing, eWidth, eHeight, xadvance, yadvance = (cr.text_extents(e1))
  136. xbearing, ybearing, spaceWidth, spaceHeight, xadvance, yadvance = (cr.text_extents(" "))
  137. cr.restore()
  138. cr.show_page()
  139. surface.finish()
  141. # setup some more constants for plotting
  142. # all of these are malleable and should cascade nicely
  144. X_MARGIN = 10
  145. Y_MARGIN = 10
  147. spaceWidth = 5
  148. LINE_HEIGHT = 15
  149. PLOT_LINE_WIDTH = 0.5
  151. width = (X_MARGIN * 2) + sWidth + spaceWidth + SLOPEGRAPH_CANVAS_SIZE + spaceWidth + eWidth
  152. height = (Y_MARGIN * 2) + (((highest - lowest + 1) / delta) * LINE_HEIGHT)
  154. # create the real Cairo surface/canvas
  156. filename = 'slopegraph.pdf'
  157. surface = cairo.PDFSurface (filename, width, height)
  158. cr = cairo.Context (surface)
  162. cr.select_font_face("Sans", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
  163. cr.set_font_size(FONT_SIZE)
  165. cr.set_line_width(LINE_WIDTH)
  166. cr.set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0) # need to make this a constant
  168. # draw start labels at the correct positions
  169. # cheating a bit here as the code doesn't (yet) line up 
  170. # the actual data values
  172. for k in sorted(startKeys):
  174. 	label = starts[k]
  175. 	xbearing, ybearing, lWidth, lHeight, xadvance, yadvance = (cr.text_extents(label))
  177. 	val = float(k)
  179. 	cr.move_to(X_MARGIN + (sWidth - lWidth), Y_MARGIN + (highest - val) * LINE_HEIGHT * (1/delta) + LINE_HEIGHT/2)
  180. 	cr.show_text(label + " " + k)
  181. 	cr.stroke()
  183. # draw end labels at the correct positions
  184. # cheating a bit here as the code doesn't (yet) line up 
  185. # the actual data values
  187. for k in sorted(endKeys):
  189. 	label = ends[k]
  190. 	xbearing, ybearing, lWidth, lHeight, xadvance, yadvance = (cr.text_extents(label))
  192. 	val = float(k)
  194. 	cr.move_to(width - X_MARGIN - eWidth - (4*spaceWidth), Y_MARGIN + (highest - val) * LINE_HEIGHT * (1/delta) + LINE_HEIGHT/2)
  195. 	cr.show_text(k + " " + label)
  196. 	cr.stroke()
  198. # do the actual plotting
  200. cr.set_line_width(PLOT_LINE_WIDTH)
  201. cr.set_source_rgba (0.75, 0.75, 0.75) # need to make this a constant
  203. for s1,e1 in pairs:
  204. 	cr.move_to(X_MARGIN + sWidth + spaceWidth + 20, Y_MARGIN + (highest - s1) * LINE_HEIGHT * (1/delta) + LINE_HEIGHT/2)
  205. 	cr.line_to(width - X_MARGIN - eWidth - spaceWidth - 20, Y_MARGIN + (highest - e1) * LINE_HEIGHT * (1/delta) + LINE_HEIGHT/2)
  206. 	cr.stroke()
  208. cr.restore()
  209. cr.show_page()
  210. surface.finish()