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Category Archives: Mountain Lion

With Gizmodo doing a post hyping Mountain Lion’s new dictation feature it’s probably a good time to note that folks in regulated environments or who just care about security & privacy a bit more than others should not enable or use this feature for the dictation of sensitive information.

From Apple’s own warning on the matter:

When you use the keyboard dictation feature on your computer, the things you dictate will be recorded and sent to Apple to convert what you say into text. Your computer will also send Apple other information, such as your first name and nickname; and the names, nicknames, and relationship with you (for example, “my dad”) of your address book contacts. All of this data is used to help the dictation feature understand you better and recognize what you say. Your User Data is not linked to other data that Apple may have from your use of other Apple services.

It’s much like what happens with Siri, Dragon Dictation or a myriad of other iOS and modern desktop apps/browser extensions. Thankfully, it performs the transfers over SSL, but that still won’t help you if your dictating health, financial or other regulated/NPPI/PII data.

While the feature is cool and does work pretty well, it’s important to make sure you and your users know what it does, how it works and where they can/cannot use it.

If this feature was in Mountain Lion Developer Previews prior to revision 4, I didn’t notice it, but you can now tweet directly from the Notification Center “pane”.

You first need to make sure said feature is enabled in System Preferences (note the use of the “old” Notification Center icon in the preference pane icon set…perhaps Apple will change that prior to the final Mountain Lion build):

If it is enabled, you now have a Twitter – er – “button” [?] in the Notification Center pane, and clicking it gives you a tweet box where you can drop your 140 from all your connected Twitter accounts.

I suspect there will be similar Facebook posting features integrated, but I’m not part of the Facebook zombie horde and have no way of testing it.

I also noticed that Chrome now has tighter integration with the Notification Center than it did before (as in, I actually saw notifications pop up from Google Mail) and both the Beta channel and Canary builds have integrated the functionality:

Work & home chaos has me a bit behind in the “ThinkStats…in R” posts, but I “needed” to get some of the homebrew kit working in Mountain Lion Developer Preview 2 (to run some network discovery tools while waiting for #4’s surgery to be done at the hospital).

Keying off the great outline by @myobie (read that first), I managed to get (at least what I needed working) everything cranking for homebrew with the Xcode 4.4 Developer Preview 2 for Mountain Lion.

  1. Grab the Xcode 4.4. Developer Preview 2 from the Mac Dev Center “Mountain Lion” section and put it in /Applications
  2. Install the Xcode Command Line Tools via:
  3. Use xcode-select to tell the system which Xcode to use:
    xcode-select -switch /Applications/
  4. Grab & install XQuartz 2.7.1
  5. Start brewing!

After performing those steps, I was able to force an update install of nmap that worked perfectly. As @myobie points out, it’s important to add the --use-gcc option to your brew installs if you experience anything behaving weirdly without it.

Drop a note below if you discover any other necessary tweaks for certain homebrew operations in Mountain Lion Developer Preview 2.