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Category Archives: htmlwidgets

What’s Up?

The NPR Visuals Team created and maintains a javascript library that makes it super easy to embed iframes on web pages and have said documents still be responsive.

The widgetframe R htmlwidget uses pym.js to bring this (much needed) functionality into widgets and (eventually) shiny apps.

NPR reported a critical vulnerability in this library on February 15th, 2018 with no details (said details will be coming next week).

Per NPR’s guidance, any production code using pym.js needs to be pulled or updated to use this new library.

I created an issue & pushed up a PR that incorporates the new version. NOTE that the YAML config file in the existing CRAN package and GitHub dev version incorrectly has 1.3.2 as the version (it’s really the 1.3.1 dev version).

A look at the diff:

suggest that the library was not performing URL sanitization (and now is).

Watch Out For Standalone Docs

Any R markdown docs compiled in “standalone” mode will need to be recompiled and re-published as the vulnerable pym.js library comes along for the ride in those documents.

Regardless of “standalone mode”, if you used widgetframe in any context, including:

anything created is vulnerable regardless of standalone compilation or not.


Once the final details are released I’ll update this post and may do a new post. Until then:

  • check if you’ve used widgetframe (directly or indirectly)
  • REMOVE ALL VULNERABLE DOCS from RPubs, GitHub pages, your web site (etc) today
  • regenerate all standalone documents ASAP
  • regenerate your blogs, books, dashboards, etc ASAP with the patched code; DO THIS FOR INTERNAL as well as internet-facing content.
  • monitor this space

NOTE: you won’t need to use this function if you use the [development version]( of `knitr`

Winston Chang released his [`webshot`]( package to CRAN this past week. The package wraps the immensely useful [`phantomjs`]( utility and makes it dirt simple to capture whole or partial web pages in R. One beautiful bonus feature of `webshot` is that you can install `phamtomjs` with it (getting `phantomjs` to work on Windows is a pain).

You can do many things with the `webshot` package but I hastily drafted this post to put forth a means to generate a static image from an `htmlwidget`. I won’t elaborate much since I included a fully `roxygen`-doc’d function below, but the essence of `capture_widget()` is to pass in an `htmlwidget` object and have it rendered for you to a `png` file and get back either:

– a file system `path` reference (e.g. `/path/to/widget.png`)
– a `markdown` image reference (e.g. `![](file:///path/to/widget.png)`)
– an `html` image reference (e.g. ``), or
– an `inline` base64 encoded HTML imgage reference (e.g. ``)

which you can then use in R markdown documents knitted to PDF (or in any other context).

Take a look at the function, poke the tyres and drop suggestions in the comments. I’ll add this to one of my widgets soon so folks can submit complaints or enhancements via issues & PRs on github).

To use the function, just pipe a sized widget to it and use the output from it.

#' Capture a static (png) version of a widget (e.g. for use in a PDF knitr document)
#' Widgets are generally interactive beasts rendered in an HTML DOM with
#' javascript. That makes them unusable in PDF documents. However, many widgets
#' initial views would work well as static images. This function renders a widget
#' to a file and make it usable in a number of contexts.
#' What is returned depends on the value of \code{output}. By default (\code{"path"}),
#' the full disk path will be returned. If \code{markdown} is specified, a markdown
#' string will be returned with a \code{file:///...} URL. If \code{html} is
#' specified, an \code{<img src='file:///...'/>} tag will be returned and if
#' \code{inline} is specified, a base64 encoded \code{<img>} tag will be returned
#' (just like you'd see in a self-contained HTML file from \code{knitr}).
#' @importFrom webshot webshot
#' @importFrom base64 img
#' @param wdgt htmlwidget to capture
#' @param output how to return the results of the capture (see Details section)
#' @param height,width it's important for many widget to be responsive in HTML
#'        documents. PDFs are static beasts and having a fixed image size works
#'        better for them. \code{height} & \code{width} will be passed into the
#'        rendering process, which means you should probably specify similar
#'        values in your widget creation process so the captured \code{<div>}
#'        size matches the size you specify here.
#' @param png_render_path by default, this will be a temporary file location but
#'        a fully qualified filename (with extension) can be specified. It's up to
#'        the caller to free the storage when finished with the resource.
#' @return See Details
#' @export
capture_widget <- function(wdgt,
                           output=c("path", "markdown", "html", "inline"),
                           height, width,
                           png_render_path=tempfile(fileext=".png")) {
  wdgt_html_tf <- tempfile(fileext=".html")
  htmlwidgets::saveWidget(vl, wdgt_html_tf)
  webshot::webshot(url=sprintf("file://%s", wdgt_html_tf),
                   vwidth=width, vheight=height)
  # done with HTML
  switch(match.arg(output, c("path", "markdown", "html", "inline")),
         `markdown`=sprintf("![widget](file://%s)", png_render_path),
             `html`=sprintf("<img src='file://%s'/>", png_render_path),

[Vega-Lite]( 1.0 was [released this past week]( I had been meaning to play with it for a while but I’ve been burned before by working with unstable APIs and was waiting for this to bake to a stable release. Thankfully, there were no new shows in the Fire TV, Apple TV or Netflix queues, enabling some fast-paced nocturnal coding to make an [R `htmlwidget`s interface]( to the Vega-Lite code before the week was out.

What is “Vega” and why “-Lite”? [Vega]( is _”a full declarative visualization grammar, suitable for expressive custom interactive visualization design and programmatic generation.”_ Vega-Lite _”provides a higher-level grammar for visual analysis, comparable to ggplot or Tableau, that generates complete Vega specifications.”_ Vega-Lite compiles to Vega and is more compact and accessible than Vega (IMO). Both are just JSON data files with a particular schema that let you encode the data, encodings and aesthetics for statistical charts.

Even I don’t like to write JSON by hand and I can’t imagine anyone really wanting to do that. I see Vega and Vega-Lite as amazing ways to serialize statistical charts from ggplot2 or even Tableau (or any Grammar of Graphics-friendly creation tool) and to pass around for use in other programs—like [Voyager]( or [Pole★](—or directly on the web. It is “glued” to D3 (given the way data transformations are encoded and colors are specified) but it’s a pretty weak glue and one could make a Vega or Vega-Lite spec render to anything given some elbow grease.

But, enough words! Here’s how to make a simple Vega-Lite bar chart using `vegalite`:

# devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/vegalite")
dat <- jsonlite::fromJSON('[
    {"a": "A","b": 28}, {"a": "B","b": 55}, {"a": "C","b": 43},
    {"a": "D","b": 91}, {"a": "E","b": 81}, {"a": "F","b": 53},
    {"a": "G","b": 19}, {"a": "H","b": 87}, {"a": "I","b": 52}
vegalite() %>% 
  add_data(dat) %>%
  encode_x("a", "ordinal") %>%
  encode_y("b", "quantitative") %>%

Note that bar graph you see above is _not_ a PNG file or `iframe`d widget. If you `view-source:` you’ll see that I was able to take the Vega-Lite generated spec for that widget code (done by piping the widget to `to_spec()`) and just insert it into this post via:

<style media="screen">.wpvegadiv { display:inline-block; margin:auto }</style>
<center><div id="vlvis1" class="wpvegadiv"></div></center>
var spec1 = JSON.parse('{"description":"","data":{"values":[{"a":"A","b":28},{"a":"B","b":55},{"a":"C","b":43},{"a":"D","b":91},{"a":"E","b":81},{"a":"F","b":53},{"a":"G","b":19},{"a":"H","b":87},{"a":"I","b":52}]},"mark":"bar","encoding":{"x":{"field":"a","type":"ordinal"},"y":{"field":"b","type":"quantitative"}},"config":[],"embed":{"renderer":"svg","actions":{"export":false,"source":false,"editor":false}}} ');
var embedSpec = { "mode": "vega-lite", "spec": spec1, "renderer": spec1.embed.renderer, "actions": spec1.embed.actions };
vg.embed("#vlvis1", embedSpec, function(error, result) {});

I did have have all the necessary js libs pre-loaded like you see [in this example]( You can use the `embed_spec()` function to generate most of that for you, too.

This means you can use R to gather, clean, tidy and analyze data. Then, generate a visualization based on that data with `vegalite`. _Then_ generate a lightweight JSON spec from it and easily embed it anywhere without having to rig up a way to get a widget working or ship giant R markdown created files (like [this one]( which has many full `vegalite` widgets on it).

One powerful feature of Vega/Vega-Lite is that the data does not have to be embedded in the spec.

Take this streamgraph visualization about unemployment levels across various industries over time:

vegalite() %>%
  cell_size(500, 300) %>%
  add_data("") %>%
  encode_x("date", "temporal") %>%
  encode_y("count", "quantitative", aggregate="sum") %>%
  encode_color("series", "nominal") %>%
  scale_color_nominal(range="category20b") %>%
  timeunit_x("yearmonth") %>%
  scale_x_time(nice="month") %>%
  axis_x(axisWidth=0, format="%Y", labelAngle=0) %>%
  mark_area(interpolate="basis", stack="center")

The URL you see in the R code is placed into the JSON spec. That means whenever that data changes and the visualization is refreshed, you see updated content without going back to R (or js code).

Now, dynamically-created visualizations are great, but what if you want to actually let your viewers have a copy of it? With Vega/Vega-Lite, you don’t need to resort to hackish bookmarklets, just change a configuration option to enable an export link:

vegalite(export=TRUE) %>%
  add_data("") %>%
  encode_x("date", "temporal") %>%
  encode_y("*", "quantitative", aggregate="count") %>%
  encode_color("weather", "nominal") %>%
                      range=c("#e7ba52","#c7c7c7","#aec7e8","#1f77b4","#9467bd")) %>%
  timeunit_x("month") %>%
  axis_x(title="Month") %>% 

(You can style/place that link however/wherever you want. It’s a simple classed `


If you choose a `canvas` renderer, the “export” option will be PNG vs SVG.

The package is nearly (~98%) feature complete to the 1.0 Vega-Lite standard. There are some tedious bits from the Vega-Lite spec remaining to be encoded. I’ve transcribed much of the Vega-Lite documentation to R function & package documentation with links back to the Vega-Lite sources if you need more detail.

I’m hoping to be able to code up an “`as_spec()`” function to enable quick conversion of ggplot2-created graphics to Vega-Lite (and support converting a ggplot2 object to a Vega-Lite spec in `to_spec()`) but that won’t be for a while unless someone wants to jump on board and implement an Vega expression creator/parser in R for me :-)

You can work with the current code [on github]( and/or jump on board to help with package development or file an issue with an idea or a bug. Please note that this package is under _heavy development_ and the function interface is very likely to change as I and others work with it and develop more streamlined ways to handle the encodings. Check back to the github repo often to find out what’s different (there will be a `NEWS` file posted soon and maintained as well).

(If you don’t know what XML is, you should probably [read a primer]( before reading this post,)

When working with data, one inevitably comes across things encoded in XML. I’m in the “anti-XML” camp, but deal with my fair share of XML in “cyber” and help out enough people who have to work with XML that I’ve become pretty proficient when slicing & dicing it.

R has two main packages to deal with XML: the original `XML` package and the more lightweight and modern `xml2` package. If you really need all the power of `libxml2` (the C library that powers both packages) or are _creating_ XML from R, then you probably know your way around the `XML` package and are pretty self-sufficient.

Most folks can get by with the `xml2` package if their goal is to work with XML data. By “work with” I mean read in files or data from APIs that come in XML format and have to find nuggets of gold in between all those `<` and `>` tags. To do so requires finding what you need and that means using a query language called `XPath` to pinpoint the node(s) you are after. Working with `XPath` can be pretty daunting for those who went to school to ultimately cure diseases, build high-performing stock portfolios, target advertising to everyone or perform a host of other real work. Becoming an expert in `XPath` was not something on the bucket list but to work with XML you will need to be familiar with it.

The [`xmlview`]( package provides a way to visually inspect XML and interactively test out `XPath` expressions. It’s as simple to use as:

devtools::install_github("ramnathv/htmlwidgets") # we use some bleeding edge features
# plain text XML
xml_view("<note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>")
# read-in XML document
doc <- read_xml("")
xml_view(doc, add_filter=TRUE)

(There’s also an experimental `xml_tree_view()` in there by @timelyportfolio that we’ll be adding features to at a pretty rapid pace.)

Here’s a screenshot of it in action:


There are options to change the CSS styling for the formatted code. Yep, it will format and highlight XML for you so it’s easier to work with. There’s an animated gif of a screencast over [on github]( as well.

Once you perfect your `XPath` expression, hit the “R” button and it will generate the code you can copy back into RStudio. It understands namespaces but try not to stuff a huge XML document in there as browsers don’t work well with large data elements (the viewer is an `htmlwidget` and is, hence, browser-based).

It works with plain character XML/HTML, and many `xml2` data types. I have no current plans for `XML` package object support but toss up an issue on github if you really need it (or, better yet, a PR). If there are other desired features (especially from educators), please post a request in github issue as well.

Watch for more features in the coming weeks and a CRAN release once the bleeding edge `htmlwidgets` packages makes it to CRAN.