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Category Archives: Browsers

Cross-post to Substack where I dropped some details on the newest browser in town: Arc. Intro:

It feels like it’s been forever since The Browser Company started teasing us about their new browser, Arc. I did the dance many of you almost certainly did and typed in my throwaway email address to try to get access to the beta when it came out. I noticed some tech rags starting to cover Arc in-depth this past week, so I checked my email (50/50 chance I’m reading email on any given day), and — sure enough — I had my download link as well.

I won’t be able to give a multi-thousand word review today, especially since I did not get time to capture Netflow over a couple hours to see how skeezy Arc may be, so consider this an Arc introduction vs full review. (I am also, sadly, out of invite codes but drop me a message if you want one as I’m trying to get more invites).

I use Google quite a bit when conjuring up R projects, whether it be in a lazy pursuit of a PDF vignette or to find a package or function to fit a niche need. Inevitably, I’ll do something like [this]( (yeah, I’m still on a mapping kick) and the first (and best) results will come back with ``-prefixed URLs. If all this works, what’s the problem? Well, the main CRAN site is, without mincing words, _slow_ much of the time. The switch to `https` on it (and it’s mostly-academic mirrors) has introduced noticeable delays.

Now, these aren’t productivity-crushing delays, but (a) why wait if you don’t have to; and, (b) why not spread the load to a whole [server farm]( dedicated to ensuring fast delivery of content? I was going to write a Chrome extension specifically for this, but I kinda figured this was a solved problem, and it is!

From the plethora of options in the Chrome Store, I grabbed [Switcheroo Redirector]( because (a) it has a decent user base and rating; (b) it’s not super-complex to use; and, (c) the source is [on github]( and closely matches what’s in the actual installed extension (some extensions are tricksy/evil and you can even build your own with the source vs trust the Chrome Store one).

So, go install it and come back. We’ll wait.

OK, you back? Good. Let’s continue. You should have a Switcheroo icon near your location bar. Select it and you should see a popup like this:


I’ve already made the entry, but you just need to tell the app to substitute all URL occurrences of `` with `` when Chrome is trying to load a URL.

Now, when you click one of those links in the above example, it will go (speedily!) to the RStudio CRAN mirror server farm.

Once nice (to security freaks like me) feature is that if you have one of the Switcheroo links open in a new tab (i.e. not directly/immediately visible to you) it will let you know that something is happening out of the ordinary:


This is a tiny (and good) price to pay to know you’re not being whacked by a bad plugin.

If you have another preference (or have suggestions for Safari or Firefox) please drop a note in the comments so others can benefit from your experience!

I’m not sure why I never did this earlier, but a post on LifeHacker gave me an idea to add location bar quick search of CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures), no doubt due to their example on searching LifeHacker for “security”.

My two favorite sites for searching CVE specifics are, at present, Risk IO’s and CVE Details.

I’m fairly certain anyone in security reading this can figure out the rest, but as I’m ever a slave to minutiae, here are the two shortcuts I’ve setup in Chrome:

Title: CVE Details
Search URL:
Shortcut: cved
Title: Risk I/O Vulnerability Search
Search URL:
Shortcut: cvedb

Here’s what the location bar changes to when I use cvedb to search for 2012‑4774


In reality, this is only saving a scroll and a click since entering CVE‑2012‑4774 into an unoptimized location bar would have just searched Google and given me most of the usual suspects in the first few links. Still, it saves some time and immediately gets me the vulnerability data from the sites I prefer.

I may start poking to see what other security-related searches I can setup in the location bar.

For those inclined to click, I was interviewed by Fahmida Rashid (@fahmiwrite) over at Sourceforge’s HTML5 center a few weeks ago (right after the elections) due to my tweets on the use of HTML5 tech over Flash. Here’s one of them:

While a tad inaccurate (one site did use Flash with an HTML fallback and some international sites are still stuck in the 1990s), it is still a good sign of how the modern web is progressing.

I can honestly say I’ve never seen my last name used so many times in one article :-)

As you can probably tell from a previous post, I’m not a fan of paywalls—especially poorly implemented ones. Clicking on a link in an RSS feed post and having it land on a page, only to have it smothered in an HTML layer or — in the following case — promptly redirected to “Pay up, buddy!” sites is frustrating at best. I’ll gladly debate the efficacy of paywalls vs other means of generating revenue in another post (or even in the comments, if civil). I primarily wanted to write this post to both show the silliness of the implementation of Foster’s Daily Democrat’s paywall and point out a serious deficiency in Chrome.

First up, lame paywall. You get three free direct story link visits prior to be asked to register and eventually pay for content. NOTE: You could just be going to the same story three times (say, after a browser crash) and each counts as a visit. After those visits, you have to register and give up what little anonymity you have on the Internet to be able to view up to an additional ten free direct story links before then being forced to pay up. If you are a print subscriber, you do get access for “free”, but there’s that tracking thing again. Foster’s uses a service called Clickshare to handle the subscription and tracking. Just how many places do you need to have your data stored/tracked just to read a (most likely) mediocre piece of news?

The paywall setup is accomplished by a simple “Meta Refresh” tag. In its most basic form, it is an instruction that tells the browser to load a particular URL after a certain amount of time. In the case of Foster’s paywall, the HTML tag/directive looks like this:

[code lang=”html”]<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=…"/>[/code]

It’s telling your browser to double-check with their Clickshare code immediately after teasing you with the article content. And, it’s easy to circumvent. Mostly. The problem is, I’m a Chrome user 99% of the time and Google has not seen fit to allow control over the meta refresh directive. To jump the paywall, you’ll need to fire up Firefox. And enter “about:config” in the location bar (and click through the warning message).

Once there, filter for “refresh”, find the setting for “blockautorefresh” and set it to “true“.

Now, every time you visit a web site that attempts to auto-refresh full browser pages, you’ll see a warning (with the option to allow the action):

Why Chrome has not implemented a way to control this is beyond me. Since Safari also has no ability to control this setting, it may have something to do with the webkit core that both browsers are based on.

This doesn’t stop the frustration with the RSS-click-to-read and it doesn’t help iOS/Android users, but it does provide a means help keep a bit of anonymity (if you also use other extensions and controls) and should force these sites to kick their paywall game up a notch.

The FBI made a tool to help you determine if you were a victim of the DNSChanger malware.

If you’re like many casual Internet users, you have no idea how to get the information to plug into the input box.

Unfortunately, the security model of most modern browsers makes it impossible to easily retrieve this information. However, it is possible to grab the DNS entries if the user is willing to trust the requesting source.

To help make it easier to determine if you’re infected, I wrote DNSChanger Detector. It’s a small Java applet that requires the user to allow it to have privileged access to the DNS entries via a call to to get the nameservers. Once it has them, there is some jQuery glue in place to let Javascript access the results.

I understand why the FBI didn’t attempt to go this route, but it will hopefully be useful to folks who don’t wish to walk their friends and family through the process.