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Category Archives: xml

The D.C. Universe magic hero Zatanna used spells (i.e. incantations) to battle foes and said spells were just sentences said backwards, hence the mixed up jumble in the title. But, now I’m regretting not naming the package zatanna and reversing the function names to help ensure they’re only used deliberately & carefully. You’ll see why in a bit.

Just like their ore-seeking speleological counterparts, workers in our modern day data mines process a multitude of mineralic data formats to achieve our goals of world domination finding meaning, insight & solutions to hard problems.

Two formats in particular are common occurrences in many of our $DAYJOBs: XML and JSON. The rest of this (hopefully short-ish) post is going to assume you have at least a passing familiarity with — if not full-on battle scars from working with — them.

XML and JSON are, in many ways, very similar. This similarity is on purpose since JSON was originally created to make is easier to process data in browsers and help make data more human-readable. If your $DAYJOB involves processing small or large streams of nested data, you likely prefer JSON over XML.

There are times, though, that — even if one generally works with only JSON data — one comes across a need to ingest some XML and turn it into JSON. This was the case for a question-poser on Stack Overflow this week (I won’t point-shill with a direct link but it’ll be easy to find if you are interested in this latest SODD package).

Rather than take on the potentially painful task of performing the XML to JSON transformation on their own the OP wished for a simple incantation to transform the entirety of the incoming XML into JSON.

We’ll switch comic universes for a moment to issue a warning that all magic comes with a price. And, the cost for automatic XML<->JSON conversion can be quite high. XML has namespaces, attributes tags and values and requires schemas to convey data types and help validate content structure. JSON has no attributes, implicitly conveys types and is generally schema-less (though folks have bolted on that concept).

If one is going to use magic for automatic data conversion there must be rules (no, not those kind of Magic rules), otherwise how various aspects of XML become encoded into JSON (and the reverse) will generate inconsistency and may even result in significant data corruption. Generally speaking, you are always better off writing your own conversion utility vs rely on specific settings in a general conversion script/function. However, if your need is a one-off (which anyone who has been doing this type of work for a while knows is also generally never the case) you may have cause to throw caution to the wind, get your quick data fix, and move on. If that is the case, the blackmagic? package may be of use to you.

gnitrevnoC eht ANAI sserddA ecapS yrtsigeR ot NOSJ

One file that’s in XML that I only occasionally have to process is the IANA IPv4 Address Space Registry. If you visited that link you may have uttered “Hey! That’s not XML it’s HTML!”, to wit — I would respond — “Well, HTML is really XML anyway, but use the View Source, Luke! and see that it is indeed XML with some clever XSL style sheet processing being applied in-browser to make the gosh awful XML human readable.”.

With blackmagic we can make quick work of converting this monstrosity into JSON.

The blackmagic package itself uses even darker magic to accomplish its goals. The package is just a thin V8 wrapper around the xml-js? javascript library. Because of this, it is recommended that you do not try to process gigabytes of XML with it as there is a round trip of data marshalling between R and the embedded v8 engine.

requireNamespace("jsonlite") # jsonlite::flatten clobbers purrr::flatten in the wrong order so I generally fully-qualify what I need
## Loading required namespace: jsonlite
library(blackmagic) # devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/blackmagic")
requireNamespace("dplyr") # I'm going to fully qualify use of dplyr:data_frame() below
## Loading required namespace: dplyr

You can thank @yoniceedee for the URL processing capability in blackmagic:

source_url <- ""

iana_json <- blackmagic::xml_to_json(source_url)

# NOTE: cat the whole iana_json locally to see it — perhaps to file="..." vs clutter your console
cat(substr(iana_json, 1800, 2300))
## me":"prefix","elements":[{"type":"text","text":"000/8"}]},{"type":"element","name":"designation","elements":[{"type":"text","text":"IANA - Local Identification"}]},{"type":"element","name":"date","elements":[{"type":"text","text":"1981-09"}]},{"type":"element","name":"status","elements":[{"type":"text","text":"RESERVED"}]},{"type":"element","name":"xref","attributes":{"type":"note","data":"2"}}]},{"type":"element","name":"record","elements":[{"type":"element","name":"prefix","elements":[{"type":"

By by the hoary hosts of Hoggoth that's not very "human readable"! And, it looks super-verbose. Thankfully, Yousuf Almarzooqi knew we'd want to fine-tune the output and we can use those options to make this a bit better:

  doc = source_url, 
  spaces = 2,                # Number of spaces to be used for indenting XML output
  compact = FALSE,           # Whether to produce detailed object or compact object
  ignoreDeclaration = TRUE   # No declaration property will be generated.
) -> iana_json

# NOTE: cat the whole iana_json locally to see it — perhaps to file="..." vs clutter your console
cat(substr(iana_json, 3000, 3300))
## pe": "element",
##               "name": "prefix",
##               "elements": [
##                 {
##                   "type": "text",
##                   "text": "000/8"
##                 }
##               ]
##             },
##             {
##               "type": "element",
##               "name": "designation",

One "plus side" for doing the mass-conversion is that we don't really need to do much processing to have it be "usable" data in R:

  doc = source_url, 
  compact = FALSE,        
  ignoreDeclaration = TRUE
) -> iana_json

# NOTE: consider taking some more time to explore this monstrosity than this
str(processed <- jsonlite::fromJSON(iana_json), 3)
## List of 1
##  $ elements:'data.frame':    3 obs. of  5 variables:
##   ..$ type       : chr [1:3] "instruction" "instruction" "element"
##   ..$ name       : chr [1:3] "xml-stylesheet" "oxygen" "registry"
##   ..$ instruction: chr [1:3] "type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"ipv4-address-space.xsl\"" "RNGSchema=\"ipv4-address-space.rng\" type=\"xml\"" NA
##   ..$ attributes :'data.frame':  3 obs. of  2 variables:
##   .. ..$ xmlns: chr [1:3] NA NA ""
##   .. ..$ id   : chr [1:3] NA NA "ipv4-address-space"
##   ..$ elements   :List of 3
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. ..$ :'data.frame':  280 obs. of  4 variables:

compact(processed$elements$elements[[3]]$elements) %>% 
  head(6) %>% 
## List of 6
##  $ :'data.frame':    1 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ type: chr "text"
##   ..$ text: chr "IANA IPv4 Address Space Registry"
##  $ :'data.frame':    1 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ type: chr "text"
##   ..$ text: chr "Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) Address Space"
##  $ :'data.frame':    1 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ type: chr "text"
##   ..$ text: chr "2018-04-23"
##  $ :'data.frame':    3 obs. of  4 variables:
##   ..$ type      : chr [1:3] "text" "element" "text"
##   ..$ text      : chr [1:3] "Allocations to RIRs are made in line with the Global Policy published at " NA ". \nAll other assignments require IETF Review."
##   ..$ name      : chr [1:3] NA "xref" NA
##   ..$ attributes:'data.frame':   3 obs. of  2 variables:
##   .. ..$ type: chr [1:3] NA "uri" NA
##   .. ..$ data: chr [1:3] NA "" NA
##  $ :'data.frame':    3 obs. of  4 variables:
##   ..$ type      : chr [1:3] "text" "element" "text"
##   ..$ text      : chr [1:3] "The allocation of Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) address space to various registries is listed\nhere. Origi"| __truncated__ NA " documents most of these allocations."
##   ..$ name      : chr [1:3] NA "xref" NA
##   ..$ attributes:'data.frame':   3 obs. of  2 variables:
##   .. ..$ type: chr [1:3] NA "rfc" NA
##   .. ..$ data: chr [1:3] NA "rfc1466" NA
##  $ :'data.frame':    5 obs. of  4 variables:
##   ..$ type      : chr [1:5] "element" "element" "element" "element" ...
##   ..$ name      : chr [1:5] "prefix" "designation" "date" "status" ...
##   ..$ elements  :List of 5
##   .. ..$ :'data.frame':  1 obs. of  2 variables:
##   .. ..$ :'data.frame':  1 obs. of  2 variables:
##   .. ..$ :'data.frame':  1 obs. of  2 variables:
##   .. ..$ :'data.frame':  1 obs. of  2 variables:
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##   ..$ attributes:'data.frame':   5 obs. of  2 variables:
##   .. ..$ type: chr [1:5] NA NA NA NA ...
##   .. ..$ data: chr [1:5] NA NA NA NA ...

As noted previously, all magic comes with a price and we just traded XML processing for some gnarly list processing. This isn't the case for all XML files and you can try to tweak the parameters to xml_to_json() to make the output more usable (NOTE: key name transformation parameters still need to be implemented in the package), but this seems a whole lot easier (to me):

doc <- read_xml(source_url)


  prefix = xml_find_all(doc, ".//record/prefix") %>% xml_text(),
  designation = xml_find_all(doc, ".//record/designation") %>% xml_text(),
  date = xml_find_all(doc, ".//record/date") %>% 
    xml_text() %>% 
    sprintf("%s-01", .) %>% 
  whois = xml_find_all(doc, ".//record") %>% 
    map(xml_find_first, "./whois") %>% 
  status = xml_find_all(doc, ".//record/status") %>% xml_text()
## # A tibble: 256 x 5
##    prefix designation                     date       whois        status  
##  1 000/8  IANA - Local Identification     1981-09-01          RESERVED
##  2 001/8  APNIC                           2010-01-01 whois.apnic… ALLOCAT…
##  3 002/8  RIPE NCC                        2009-09-01 whois.ripe.… ALLOCAT…
##  4 003/8  Administered by ARIN            1994-05-01 whois.arin.… LEGACY  
##  5 004/8  Level 3 Parent, LLC             1992-12-01 whois.arin.… LEGACY  
##  6 005/8  RIPE NCC                        2010-11-01 whois.ripe.… ALLOCAT…
##  7 006/8  Army Information Systems Center 1994-02-01 whois.arin.… LEGACY  
##  8 007/8  Administered by ARIN            1995-04-01 whois.arin.… LEGACY  
##  9 008/8  Administered by ARIN            1992-12-01 whois.arin.… LEGACY  
## 10 009/8  Administered by ARIN            1992-08-01 whois.arin.… LEGACY  
## # ... with 246 more rows


xml_to_json() has a sibling function --- json_to_xml() for the reverse operation and you're invited to fill in the missing parameters with a PR as there is a fairly consistent and straightforward way to do that. Note that a small parameter tweak can radically change the output, which is one of the aforementioned potentially costly pitfalls of this automagic conversion.

Before using either function, seriously consider taking the time to write a dedicated, small package that exposes a function or two to perform the necessary conversions.

The intrepid @ma_salmon cranked out another blog post, remixing classical music schedule data from Radio Swiss Classic. It’s a fun post and you should read it before continuing here.

Seriously, click the link and go read it before continuing.

No, I mean it. Click the link or the rest of this makes no sense ;-)

OK, good. You finally read her ? post.

Now, I’m riffing off of said post here for four reasons. Three of the reasons are short, one is longer.

The first, short one is: be kind to web servers when scraping. If you ran a site and suddenly got hit with 3,000+ immediately sequential requests you might not be able to handle it depending on your server config. At a minimum add a Sys.sleep(sample(seq(0,1,0.25), 1)) before each sequential scrape and — if you can spare the time — sample(5,1) would be even better for a delay.

The second, short one is: purrr::safely() is your bff when it comes to xml2::read_html() and other network-ops. The internet is fundamentally broken. Nodes die. Pages get lost. Links rot. You have to be able to handle exceptions and if you define something like s_read_html <- safely(read_html) then when you do s_read_html("") the $result component will be NULL if the network request failed but will contain valid, parsed HTML if it succeeds. It is silent by default and works quite well (as we’ll see below).

The third, short one is: MPGA (Make Progress-bars Great Again). dplyr::progress_estimated() can really simplify the usage of progress bars in purrr calls (drop a note in the comments if the code is confusing and I’ll add some expository).

The last requires the code example for context:


s_read_html <- safely(read_html)

# helper for brevity
xtract_nodes <- function(node, css) {
  html_nodes(node, css) %>% html_text(trim = TRUE)

get_one_day_program <- function(date=Sys.Date(),
                                pb=NULL) {

  if (!is.null(pb)) pb$tick()$print()

  Sys.sleep(sample(seq(0,1,0.25), 1)) # ideally, make this sample(5,1)

  date <- ymd(date) # handles case where input is character ISO date

  pg <- s_read_html(sprintf(base_url, format(date, "%Y%m%d")))

  if (!is.null(pg$result)) {


      date = date,
      duration = xtract_nodes(pg$result, 'div[class="playlist"] *
                                            span[class="time hidden-xs"]') %>% hm() %>% as.numeric(),
      artist = xtract_nodes(pg$result, 'div[class="playlist"] * span[class="titletag"]'),
      title = xtract_nodes(pg$result, 'div[class="playlist"] * span[class="artist"]'),

      hour = purrr::map(0:23, ~{
        if (.x<23) {
          nod <- html_nodes(pg$result,
                             xpath=sprintf(".//div[@id='%02d']/following-sibling::div[contains(@class, 'item-row')
                                                                 and (following-sibling::div[@id='%02d'])]", .x, .x+1))
        } else {
          nod <- html_nodes(pg$result,
                            xpath=sprintf(".//div[@id='%02d']/following-sibling::div[contains(@class, 'item-row')]", .x))
        rep(.x, length(nod))
      }) %>%


  } else {


search_dates <- seq(from = ymd("2008-09-01"), to = ymd("2017-04-22"), by = "1 day")

pb <- progress_estimated(length(search_dates[1:5]))
programs_df <- map_df(search_dates[1:5], get_one_day_program, pb=pb)
## # A tibble: 825 × 5
##          date duration                    artist                                                                         title  hour
##        <date>    <dbl>                     <chr>                                                                         <chr> <int>
## 1  2008-09-01       60   Franz Anton Hoffmeister "Andante grazioso" From Flute Quartet In A Major (After Mozart's KV 331) (CH)     0
## 2  2008-09-01      360     Johann Nepomuk Hummel                              "Rondo brillante" Op. 56 For Piano And Orchestra     0
## 3  2008-09-01     1380            Franz Schubert                       "Andante con moto" From Symphony No. 9 In C Major D 944     0
## 4  2008-09-01     2340       Camille Saint-Saëns                                       Violin Concerto No. 1 In A Major Op. 20     0
## 5  2008-09-01     3000        Alexander Scriabin                                           Nocturne In A Flat Major Op. posth.     0
## 6  2008-09-01     3180        Alexander Glazunov                                          Valse From "Scènes de ballet" Op. 52     0
## 7  2008-09-01     3540 Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach                                                           Symphony In G Major     0
## 8  2008-09-01     4200            Giuseppe Verdi                      "O Signore, dal tetto natio" From The Opera "I Lombardi"     1
## 9  2008-09-01     4440             Franz Krommer                                 Clarinet Concerto In E Flat Major Op. 36 (CH)     1
## 10 2008-09-01     5820            Georges Onslow             "Andantino molto cantabile" From Symphony No. 4 In G Major Op. 71     1
## # ... with 815 more rows

One of the reasons Maëlle created her post was to use XPath. Now, I was around when XML was defined and I have a sad, long history with the format, so XPath & I are old friends adversaries. However, there are simpler ways to target some of the nodes.

xpath="//span[@class='time hidden-xs']//text()" is ++gd XPath but it doesn’t need to be if we switch to using html_nodes() which will automatically translate CSS selectors to XPath for us. That bit of XPath turns into div[class="playlist"] * span[class="time hidden-xs"]. Why the extra selector at the beginning? Read on!

div[class="playlist"] * span[class="time hidden-xs"] actually translates to the following XPath:

selectr::css_to_xpath('div[class="playlist"] * span[class="time hidden-xs"]')
## [1] "descendant-or-self::div[@class = 'playlist']/descendant::*/descendant::span[@class = 'time hidden-xs']"

I use the parent playlist <div> because a few of the code bits in Maëlle’s post have to subtract away the last node because the XPath expression is a bit too greedy and also gets the “now playing” info vs just the “what played that day” info. It’s not strictly necessary for the time-code but it is for the artist & title. You can see that it simplifies the scraping a bit.

However, we can use XPath for to scrape the “hour the song played” and use it to fill the resultant data frame.

This .//div[@id='%02d']/following-sibling::div[contains(@class, 'item-row') and (following-sibling::div[@id='%02d'])] is not the most complex XPath but it is pretty gnarly, yet it also shows the power of XPath. What we’re doing in that purrr::map() call (which said XPath is in) is:

  • if the hour is 0:22, then use get all the sibling target nodes between one <div id="hh"> and the next <div id="hh">.
  • if the hour is 23, then get all the target nodes until there are no sibling
  • for either result, make an integer vector containing the hour repeated n times (n being the length of the number of songs played in the hour)
  • flatten it all into one big integer vector

(also: note that whitespace is your bff as well when it comes to formatting XPath queries)

If any read_html request is “bad” NULL will be returned instead of a data_frame, which purrr::map_df() will ignore.

I only did 5 scrapes since I won’t be using the data, but it’s working well on other random sequences I tried.

I tossed in a few more alternative ways to get some of the data, which you can pick up on if you compare the each code bits to each other.

Drop any questions, jibes or better XPath queries (once you post an XPath query on the internet the XPath wonks — like me ? — come out of hiding to prey on innocent bloggers) in the comments.

(If you don’t know what XML is, you should probably [read a primer]( before reading this post,)

When working with data, one inevitably comes across things encoded in XML. I’m in the “anti-XML” camp, but deal with my fair share of XML in “cyber” and help out enough people who have to work with XML that I’ve become pretty proficient when slicing & dicing it.

R has two main packages to deal with XML: the original `XML` package and the more lightweight and modern `xml2` package. If you really need all the power of `libxml2` (the C library that powers both packages) or are _creating_ XML from R, then you probably know your way around the `XML` package and are pretty self-sufficient.

Most folks can get by with the `xml2` package if their goal is to work with XML data. By “work with” I mean read in files or data from APIs that come in XML format and have to find nuggets of gold in between all those `<` and `>` tags. To do so requires finding what you need and that means using a query language called `XPath` to pinpoint the node(s) you are after. Working with `XPath` can be pretty daunting for those who went to school to ultimately cure diseases, build high-performing stock portfolios, target advertising to everyone or perform a host of other real work. Becoming an expert in `XPath` was not something on the bucket list but to work with XML you will need to be familiar with it.

The [`xmlview`]( package provides a way to visually inspect XML and interactively test out `XPath` expressions. It’s as simple to use as:

devtools::install_github("ramnathv/htmlwidgets") # we use some bleeding edge features
# plain text XML
xml_view("<note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>")
# read-in XML document
doc <- read_xml("")
xml_view(doc, add_filter=TRUE)

(There’s also an experimental `xml_tree_view()` in there by @timelyportfolio that we’ll be adding features to at a pretty rapid pace.)

Here’s a screenshot of it in action:


There are options to change the CSS styling for the formatted code. Yep, it will format and highlight XML for you so it’s easier to work with. There’s an animated gif of a screencast over [on github]( as well.

Once you perfect your `XPath` expression, hit the “R” button and it will generate the code you can copy back into RStudio. It understands namespaces but try not to stuff a huge XML document in there as browsers don’t work well with large data elements (the viewer is an `htmlwidget` and is, hence, browser-based).

It works with plain character XML/HTML, and many `xml2` data types. I have no current plans for `XML` package object support but toss up an issue on github if you really need it (or, better yet, a PR). If there are other desired features (especially from educators), please post a request in github issue as well.

Watch for more features in the coming weeks and a CRAN release once the bleeding edge `htmlwidgets` packages makes it to CRAN.

UPDATE: `docxtractr` is now [on CRAN](


This is more of a follow-up from [yesterday’s post]( The hack and function in said post was fine, but it was limited to uniform tables and made you do more work than you had to. So, there’s now a `devtools`-installable package [on github]( that makes it way easier to get information about the tables in a Word document and extract them—uniform or not.

There are plenty of examples in the GitHub README and also in the package examples. But, I will show the basic functionality here.

The package ships with four example Word documents, but we’ll work with the last one: `complex.doc`. It has five tables and the last two have varying columns and rows and look like:


Let’s read those two in:

complx <- read_docx(system.file("examples/complex.docx", package="docxtractr"))

#> [1] 5

#> Word document [/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.2/Resources/library/docxtractr/examples/complex.docx]
#> Table 1
#>   total cells: 16
#>   row count  : 4
#>   uniform    : likely!
#>   has header : likely! => possibly [This, Is, A, Column]
#> Table 2
#>   total cells: 12
#>   row count  : 4
#>   uniform    : likely!
#>   has header : likely! => possibly [Foo, Bar, Baz]
#> Table 3
#>   total cells: 14
#>   row count  : 7
#>   uniform    : likely!
#>   has header : likely! => possibly [Foo, Bar]
#> Table 4
#>   total cells: 11
#>   row count  : 4
#>   uniform    : unlikely => found differing cell counts (3, 2) across some rows 
#>   has header : likely! => possibly [Foo, Bar, Baz]
#> Table 5
#>   total cells: 21
#>   row count  : 7
#>   uniform    : likely!
#>   has header : unlikely

docx_extract_tbl(complx, 4, header=TRUE)
#> Source: local data frame [3 x 3]
#>   Foo  Bar Baz
#> 1  Aa BbCc  NA
#> 2  Dd   Ee  Ff
#> 3  Gg   Hh  ii

docx_extract_tbl(complx, 5, header=TRUE)
#> Source: local data frame [6 x 3]
#>    Foo Bar Baz
#> 1   Aa  Bb  Cc
#> 2   Dd  Ee  Ff
#> 3   Gg  Hh  Ii
#> 4 Jj88  Kk  Ll
#> 5       Uu  Ii
#> 6   Hh  Ii   h

It reads in “uniform” tables properly and will warn you if there is a header marked in Word but not asked for in the extraction.

Next steps are to both allow specifying column types and try to guess column types (`readr` has some nice functions for this) and perhaps return more metadata (if possible).

Feature requests & bug reports are most welcome [on GitHub](

NOTE: after reading this post head on over to this new one as it has wrapped this functionality (and more!) into a package.

Also: docxtractr is now on CRAN

This was asked on twitter recently:

The answer is a very cautious “yes”. Much depends on how well-formed and un-formatted the table is.

Take this really simple docx file: data.docx.

It has a single table in it:


Now, .docx files are just zipped directories, so rename that to, unzip it and navigate to data/word/document.xml and you’ll see something like this (though it’ll be more compressed):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<w:document xmlns:wpc="" xmlns:mo="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:mv="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:mac:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:r="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:wp14="" xmlns:wp="" xmlns:w10="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:w="" xmlns:w14="" xmlns:w15="" xmlns:wpg="" xmlns:wpi="" xmlns:wne="" xmlns:wps="" mc:Ignorable="w14 w15 wp14">
            <w:tblStyle w:val="TableGrid"/>
            <w:tblW w:w="0" w:type="auto"/>
            <w:tblLook w:val="04A0" w:firstRow="1" w:lastRow="0" w:firstColumn="1" w:lastColumn="0" w:noHBand="0" w:noVBand="1"/>
            <w:gridCol w:w="2337"/>
            <w:gridCol w:w="2337"/>
            <w:gridCol w:w="2338"/>
            <w:gridCol w:w="2338"/>
        <w:tr w:rsidR="00244D8A" w14:paraId="6808A6FE" w14:textId="77777777" w:rsidTr="00244D8A">
                    <w:tcW w:w="2337" w:type="dxa"/>
                <w:p w14:paraId="7D006905" w14:textId="77777777" w:rsidR="00244D8A" w:rsidRDefault="00244D8A">
                    <w:tcW w:w="2337" w:type="dxa"/>
                <w:p w14:paraId="13C9E52C" w14:textId="77777777" w:rsidR="00244D8A" w:rsidRDefault="00244D8A">

We can easily make out a table structure with rows and columns. In the simplest cases (which is all I’ll cover in this post) where the rows and columns are uniform it’s pretty easy to grab the data:


# read in the XML file
doc <- read_xml("data/word/document.xml")

# there is an egregious use of namespaces in these files
ns <- xml_ns(doc)

# extract all the table cells (this is assuming one table in the document)
cells <- xml_find_all(doc, ".//w:tbl/w:tr/w:tc", ns=ns)

# convert the cells to a matrix then to a data.frame)
dat <- data.frame(matrix(xml_text(cells), ncol=4, byrow=TRUE), 

# if there are column headers, make them the column name and remove that line
colnames(dat) <- dat[1,]
dat <- dat[-1,]
rownames(dat) <- NULL


##   This      Is     A   Column
## 1    1     Cat   3.4      Dog
## 2    3    Fish 100.3     Bird
## 3    5 Pelican   -99 Kangaroo

You’ll need to clean up the column types, but you have at least freed the data from the evil file format it was in.

If there is more than one table you can use XML node targeting to process each one separately or into a list. I’ve wrapped that functionality into a rudimentary function that will:

  • auto-copy a Word doc to a temporary location
  • rename it to a zip
  • unzip it to a temporary location
  • read in the document.xml
  • auto-determine the number of tables in the document
  • auto-calculate # rows & # columns per table
  • convert each table
  • return all the tables into a list
  • clean up the temporarily created items

get_tbls <- function(word_doc) {
  tmpd <- tempdir()
  tmpf <- tempfile(tmpdir=tmpd, fileext=".zip")
  file.copy(word_doc, tmpf)
  unzip(tmpf, exdir=sprintf("%s/docdata", tmpd))
  doc <- read_xml(sprintf("%s/docdata/word/document.xml", tmpd))
  unlink(sprintf("%s/docdata", tmpd), recursive=TRUE)

  ns <- xml_ns(doc)
  tbls <- xml_find_all(doc, ".//w:tbl", ns=ns)
  lapply(tbls, function(tbl) {
    cells <- xml_find_all(tbl, "./w:tr/w:tc", ns=ns)
    rows <- xml_find_all(tbl, "./w:tr", ns=ns)
    dat <- data.frame(matrix(xml_text(cells), 
    colnames(dat) <- dat[1,]
    dat <- dat[-1,]
    rownames(dat) <- NULL

Using this multi-table Word doc – doc3:


we can extract the three tables thusly:


## [[1]]
##   This      Is     A   Column
## 1    1     Cat   3.4      Dog
## 2    3    Fish 100.3     Bird
## 3    5 Pelican   -99 Kangaroo
## [[2]]
##   Foo Bar Baz
## 1  Aa  Bb  Cc
## 2  Dd  Ee  Ff
## 3  Gg  Hh  ii
## [[3]]
##   Foo Bar
## 1  Aa  Bb
## 2  Dd  Ee
## 3  Gg  Hh
## 4  1    2
## 5  Zz  Jj
## 6  Tt  ii

This function tries to calculate the rows/columns per table but it does rely on a uniform table structure.

Have an alternate method or more feature-complete way of handling Word docs as tabular data sources? Then definitely drop a note in the comments.

As I was putting together the [coord_proj]( ggplot2 extension I had posted a ( that I shared on Twitter. Said gist received a comment (several, in fact) and a bunch of us were painfully reminded of the fact that there is no built-in way to receive notifications from said comment activity.

@jennybryan posited that it could be possible to use IFTTT as a broker for these notifications, but after some checking that ended up not being directly doable since there are no “gist comment” triggers to act upon in IFTTT.

There are a few standalone Ruby gems that programmatically retrieve gist comments but I wasn’t interested in managing a Ruby workflow [ugh]. I did find a Heroku-hosted service – – that will turn gist comments into an RSS/Atom feed (based on Ruby again). I gave it a shot and hooked it up to IFTTT but my feed is far enough down on the food chain there that it never gets updated. It was possible to deploy that app on my own Heroku instance, but—again—I’m not interested in managing a Ruby workflow.

The Ruby scripts pretty much:

– grab your main gist RSS/Atom feed
– visit each gist in the feed
– extract comments & comment metadata from them (if any)
– return a composite data structure you can do anything with

That’s super-easy to duplicate in R, so I decided to build a small R script that does all that and generates an RSS/Atom file which I added to my Feedly feeds (I’m pretty much always scanning RSS, so really didn’t need the IFTTT notification setup). I put it into a `cron` job that runs every hour. When Feedly refreshes the feed, a new entry will appear whenever there’s a new comment.

The script is below and [on github]( (ironically as a gist). Here’s what you’ll grok from the code:

– one way to deal with the “default namespace” issue in R+XML
– one way to deal with error checking for scraping
– how to build an XML file (and, specifically, an RSS/Atom feed) with R
– how to escape XML entities with R
– how to get an XML object as a character string in R

You’ll definitely need to tweak this a bit for your own setup, but it should be a fairly complete starting point for you to work from. To see the output, grab the [generated feed](

# Roll your own GitHub Gist Comments Feed in R
library(xml2)    # github version
library(rvest)   # github version
library(stringr) # for str_trim & str_replace
library(dplyr)   # for data_frame & bind_rows
library(pbapply) # free progress bars for everyone!
library(XML)     # to build the RSS feed
who <- "hrbrmstr" # CHANGE ME!
# Grab the user's gist feed -----------------------------------------------
gist_feed <- sprintf("", who)
feed_pg <- read_xml(gist_feed)
ns <- xml_ns_rename(xml_ns(feed_pg), d1 = "feed")
# Extract the links & titles of the gists in the feed ---------------------
links <-  xml_attr(xml_find_all(feed_pg, "//feed:entry/feed:link", ns), "href")
titles <-  xml_text(xml_find_all(feed_pg, "//feed:entry/feed:title", ns))
#' This function does the hard part by iterating over the
#' links/titles and building a tbl_df of all the comments per-gist
get_comments <- function(links, titles) {
  bind_rows(pblapply(1:length(links), function(i) {
    # get gist
    pg <- read_html(links[i])
    # look for comments
    ref <- tryCatch(html_attr(html_nodes(pg, "div.timeline-comment-wrapper a[href^='#gistcomment']"), "href"),
                    error=function(e) character(0))
    # in theory if 'ref' exists then the rest will
    if (length(ref) != 0) {
      # if there were comments, get all the metadata we care about
      author <- html_text(html_nodes(pg, "div.timeline-comment-wrapper"))
      timestamp <- html_attr(html_nodes(pg, "div.timeline-comment-wrapper time"), "datetime")
      contentpg <- str_trim(html_text(html_nodes(pg, "div.timeline-comment-wrapper div.comment-body")))
    } else {
      ref <- author <- timestamp <- contentpg <- character(0)
    # bind_rows ignores length 0 tbl_df's
    if (sum(lengths(list(ref, author, timestamp, contentpg))==0)) {
    return(data_frame(title=titles[i], link=links[i],
                      ref=ref, author=author,
                      timestamp=timestamp, contentpg=contentpg))
comments <- get_comments(links, titles)
feed <- xmlTree("feed")
feed$addNode("id", sprintf("user:%s", who))
feed$addNode("title", sprintf("%s's gist comments", who))
feed$addNode("icon", "")
feed$addNode("link", attrs=list(href=sprintf("", who)))
feed$addNode("updated", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", tz="GMT"))
for (i in 1:nrow(comments)) {
  feed$addNode("entry", close=FALSE)
    feed$addNode("id", sprintf("gist:comment:%s:%s", who, comments[i, "timestamp"]))
    feed$addNode("link", attrs=list(href=sprintf("%s%s", comments[i, "link"], comments[i, "ref"])))
    feed$addNode("title", sprintf("Comment by %s", comments[i, "author"]))
    feed$addNode("updated", comments[i, "timestamp"])
    feed$addNode("author", close=FALSE)
      feed$addNode("name", comments[i, "author"])
    feed$addNode("content", saveXML(xmlTextNode(as.character(comments[i, "contentpg"])), prefix=""), 
rss <- str_replace(saveXML(feed), "<feed>", '<feed xmlns="">')
writeLines(rss, con="feed.xml")

To get that RSS feed into something that an internet service can process you have to make sure that `feed.xml` is being written to a directory that translates to a publicly accessible web location (mine is at []( if you want to see it).

On the internet-facing Ubuntu box that generated the feed I’ve got a `cron` entry:

30  * * * * /home/bob/bin/gengcfeed.R

which means it’s going to check github every 30 minutes for comment updates. Tune said parameters to your liking.

At the top of `gengcfeed.R` I have an `Rscript` shebang:


and the execute bit is set on the file.

Run the file by hand, first, and then test the feed via []( to ensure it’s accessible and that it validates correctly. Now you can enter that feed URL into your favorite newsfeed reader (I use @feedly).