I caught this tweet by Terence Eden about using Twitter image alt-text to “PGP sign” tweet and my mind immediately went to “how can I abuse this for covert communications, malicious command-and-control, and embedding R code in tweets?”.
When you paste or upload an image to tweet (web interface, at least) you have an opportunity to add “alt” text which is — in theory — supposed to help communicate the content of the image to folks using assistive technology. Terence figured out the alt-text limit on Twitter is large (~1K) which is plenty of room for useful R code.
I poked around for something to use as an example and settled on using data from COVID Stimulus Watch. The following makes the chart in this tweet — https://twitter.com/hrbrmstr/status/1261641887603179520.
I’m not posting the chart here b/c it’s nothing special, but the code for it is below.
x <- read.csv("https://data.covidstimuluswatch.org/prog.php?&detail=export_csv")[,3:5];
x[,3] <- as.numeric(gsub("[$,]","",x[,3]));
x <- x[(x[,1]>20200400)&x[,3]>0,];
x[,1] <- as.Date(as.character(x[,1]),"%Y%m%d");
ggplot(x, aes(Award.Date, Grant.Amount, fill=Award.Type)) +
geom_col() +
labels = c("$0", "$5bn", "$10bn", "$15bn")
) +
title = "COVID Stimulus Watch: Grants",
caption = "Source: https://data.covidstimuluswatch.org/prog.php?detail=opening"
) +
Semicolons are necessary b/c newlines are going to get stripped when we paste that code block into the alt-text entry box.
We can read that code back into R with some help from read_html()
& {styler}:
pg <- read_html("https://twitter.com/hrbrmstr/status/1261641887603179520")
html_nodes(pg, "img") %>%
html_attr("alt") %>%
keep(stri_detect_fixed, "library") %>%
x <- read.csv("https://data.covidstimuluswatch.org/prog.php?&detail=export_csv")[, 3:5]
x[, 3] <- as.numeric(gsub("[$,]", "", x[, 3]))
x <- x[(x[, 1] > 20200400) & x[, 3] > 0, ]
x[, 1] <- as.Date(as.character(x[, 1]), "%Y%m%d")
ggplot(x, aes(Award.Date, Grant.Amount, fill = Award.Type)) +
geom_col() +
labels = c("$0", "$5bn", "$10bn", "$15bn")
) +
title = "COVID Stimulus Watch: Grants",
caption = "Source: https://data.covidstimuluswatch.org/prog.php?detail=opening"
) +
theme_ipsum_es(grid = "XY")
Twitter’s API does not seem to return alt-text: (see UPDATE)
rtweet::lookup_statuses("1261641887603179520") %>%
## [
## {
## "user_id": "5685812",
## "status_id": "1261641887603179520",
## "created_at": "2020-05-16 12:57:20",
## "screen_name": "hrbrmstr",
## "text": "Twitter's img alt-text limit is YUGE! So, we can abuse it for semi-covert comms channels, C2, or for \"embedding\" the code ## that makes this chart!\n\nUse `read_html()` on URL of this tweet; find 'img' nodes w/html_nodes(); extract 'alt' attr text w/## html_attr(). #rstats \n\nh/t @edent https://t.co/v5Ut8TzlRO",
## "source": "Twitter Web App",
## "display_text_width": 278,
## "is_quote": false,
## "is_retweet": false,
## "favorite_count": 8,
## "retweet_count": 2,
## "hashtags": ["rstats"],
## "symbols": [null],
## "urls_url": [null],
## "urls_t.co": [null],
## "urls_expanded_url": [null],
## "media_url": ["http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYI_W-xWsAAZFeP.png"],
## "media_t.co": ["https://t.co/v5Ut8TzlRO"],
## "media_expanded_url": ["https://twitter.com/hrbrmstr/status/1261641887603179520/photo/1"],
## "media_type": ["photo"],
## "ext_media_url": ["http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYI_W-xWsAAZFeP.png"],
## "ext_media_t.co": ["https://t.co/v5Ut8TzlRO"],
## "ext_media_expanded_url": ["https://twitter.com/hrbrmstr/status/1261641887603179520/photo/1"],
## "mentions_user_id": ["14054507"],
## "mentions_screen_name": ["edent"],
## "lang": "en",
## "geo_coords": ["NA", "NA"],
## "coords_coords": ["NA", "NA"],
## "bbox_coords": ["NA", "NA", "NA", "NA", "NA", "NA", "NA", "NA"],
## "status_url": "https://twitter.com/hrbrmstr/status/1261641887603179520",
## "name": "boB • Everywhere is Baltimore • Rudis",
## "location": "Doors & Corners",
## "description": "Don't look at me…I do what he does—just slower. 🇷 #rstats avuncular • pampa • #tired • 👨🍳 • ✝️ • Prìomh ## Neach-saidheans Dàta @ @rapid7",
## "url": "https://t.co/RgY1wHjoqM",
## "protected": false,
## "followers_count": 11886,
## "friends_count": 458,
## "listed_count": 667,
## "statuses_count": 84655,
## "favourites_count": 15140,
## "account_created_at": "2007-05-01 14:04:24",
## "verified": true,
## "profile_url": "https://t.co/RgY1wHjoqM",
## "profile_expanded_url": "https://rud.is/b",
## "profile_banner_url": "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/5685812/1398248552",
## "profile_background_url": "http://abs.twimg.com/images/themes/theme15/bg.png",
## "profile_image_url": "http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/824974380803334144/Vpmh_s3x_normal.jpg"
## }
## ]
but I still need to poke over at the API docs to figure out if there is a way to get it more programmatically. (see UPDATE)
If we want to be incredibly irresponsible and daft (like a recently semi-shuttered R package installation service) we can throw caution to the wind and just plot it outright:
pg <- read_html("https://twitter.com/hrbrmstr/status/1261641887603179520")
html_nodes(pg, "img") %>%
html_attr("alt") %>%
keep(stri_detect_fixed, "library") %>%
textConnection() %>%
Seriously, though, don’t do that. Lots of bad things can happen when you source()
from the internet.
UPDATE (2020-05-17)
You can use:
paste(as.character(parse(text = "...")), collapse = "; ")
to “minify” R code for the alt-text.
And, you can use https://github.com/hrbrmstr/rtweet until it is PR’d back into {rtweet} proper to send tweets with image alt-text. The “status” functions also return any alt-text in a new ext_alt_text
Now, you can make your Twitter charts reproducible on-platform (until Twitter does something to thwart this new communication and file-sharing channel).
Since twitter status URLs are just GET requests, orgs should consider running the content of those URLs through alt-text extractors just in case there’s some funny business going on across user endpoints.
Parler Whack-a-Mole
(this is an unrolled Twitter thread converted to the blog since one never knows how long content will be preserved anywhere anymore)
It looks like @StackPath (
redirects to them) is enabling insurrection-mongers. They’re frontingnews[.]parler[.]com
.It seems they (Parler) have a second domain
with the actual content, too.dicecrm[.]com
is hosted in @awscloud, so it looks like Parler folks are smarter than Bezos’ minions. Amazon might want to take this down before it gets going (again).They load JS via @Google tag manager (you can see in the HTML src). The
“In site source screenshot in the first tweet there’s a reference to
. DNS for it shows they also haveleftwexit[.]com
(which is a very odd site)."Twexit" is being enabled by @awscloud @GoDaddy and @WordPress/@automattic plus @StackPath.
While the main page has (unsurprisingly) busted HTML, they’re using their old sitemap[.]xml — https://carbon.now.sh/mdyJbvddCvZaGu2tOnD6 — which has a singular recent (whining) entry:
Looks like @Shareaholic is also enabling Parler. Their “
” is “f7b53d75b2e7afdc512ea898bbbff585
“.One of the CDN content refs is this (attached img). It’s loading content for Parler from
free[ ]pressers[.]com
, which is a pretty nutjob fake news site enabled by @IBMcloud (so IBM is enabling Parler as well). thefree[ ]pressers
Twitter is equally nutjob.I suspect Parler is going to keep rejiggering this nutjob-fueled content network knowing that AWS, IBM (et al) won't play whack-a-mole and are rly just waiting for our collective memory and attention to fade so they can go back to making $ from divisiveness, greed, & hate.
protip: perhaps not spin up a new FQDN with such hastily-crafted garbage behind it when you know lots of very technically-resourced 👀 are on you.
Originally tweeted by (@hrbrmstr) on 2021-01-29.