Create Parquet Files From R Data Frames With sergeant & Apache Drill (a.k.a. Make Parquet Files Great Again in R)

2021-11-04 UPDATE: Just use {arrow}. Apache Drill is a nice tool to have in the toolbox as it provides a SQL front-end to a wide array of database and file back-ends and runs in standalone/embedded mode on every modern operating system (i.e. you can get started with or play locally with Drill w/o needing a… Continue reading

sergeant : An R Boot Camp for Apache Drill

I recently mentioned that I’ve been working on a development version of an Apache Drill R package called sergeant. Here’s a lifted “TLDR” on Drill: Drill supports a variety of NoSQL databases and file systems, including HBase, MongoDB, MapR-DB, HDFS, MapR-FS, Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, Swift, NAS and local files. A… Continue reading