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Category Archives: R

Despite their now inherent evil status, GitHub has some tools other repository aggregators do not. One such tool is the free vulnerability alert service which will scan repositories for outdated+vulnerable dependencies.

Now, “R” is nowhere near a first-class citizen in the internet writ large, including software development tooling (e.g. the Travis-CI and GitLab continuous integration recipes are community maintained vs a first-class/supported offering). This also means that GitHub’s service will never check for nor alert when a pure R package has security issues, mostly due to the fact that there’s only a teensy few of us who even bother to check packages for issues once in a while and there’s no real way to report said issues into the CVE process easily (though I guess I could given that my $DAYJOB is an official CVE issuer), so the integrity & safety of the R package ecosystem is still in the “trust me, everything’s ?!!” state. Given that, any extra way to keep even some R packages less insecure is great.

So, right now you’re thinking “you click-baited us with a title that your lede just said isn’t possible…WTHeck?!.

It’s true that GitHub does not consider R a first-class citizen, but it does support Java and:

    available.packages() %>% 
      dplyr::as_data_frame() %>% 
      tidyr::separate_rows(Imports, sep=",[[:space:]]*") %>% # we really just
      tidyr::separate_rows(Depends, sep=",[[:space:]]*") %>% # need these two
      tidyr::separate_rows(Suggests, sep=",[[:space:]]*") %>%
      tidyr::separate_rows(Enhances, sep=",[[:space:]]*") %>%
      dplyr::select(Package, Imports, Depends) %>% 
        grepl("rJava", Imports) | grepl("rJava", "Depends") | 
          grepl("Suggests", Imports) | grepl("Enhances", "Depends")
      ) %>% 
      dplyr::distinct(Package) %>% 
      dplyr::summarise(total_pkgs_using_rjava = n())
    ## # A tibble: 1 x 1
    ##   total_pkgs_using_rjava
    ##                    <int>
    ## 1                     66

according to ☝ there are 66 CRAN packages that require rJava, seven of which explicitly provide only JARs (a compressed directory tree of supporting Java classes). There are more CRAN-unpublished rJava-based projects on GitLab & GitHub, but it’s likely that public-facing rJava packages that include or depend on public JAR-dependent projects still number less than ~200. Given the now >13K packages in CRAN, this is a tiny subset but with the sorry state of R security, anything is better than nothing.

Having said that, one big reason (IMO) for the lack of Java-wrapped CRAN or “devtools”-only released rJava-dependent packages it that it’s 2018 and you still have better odds of winning a Vegas-jackpot than you do getting rJava to work on your workstation in less than 4 tries and especially after an OS upgrade. That’s sad since there are many wonderful, solid and useful Java libraries that would be super-handy for many workflows yet most of us (I’m including myself) package-writers prefer to spin wheels to get C++ or Rust libraries working with R than try to make it easier for regular R users to tap into that rich Java ecosystem.

But, I digress.

For the handful of us that do write and use rJava-based packages, we can better serve our userbase by deliberately putting those R+Java repos on GitHub. Now, I hear you. They’re evil and by doing this one of the most evil corporations on the planet can make money with your metadata (and, possibly just blatantly steal your code for use in-product without credit) but I’ll give that up on a case-by-case basis to make it easier to keep users safe.

Why will this enhance safety? Go take a look at one of my non-CRAN rJava-backed packages: pdfbox?. It has this awesome “in-your-face” security warning banner:

The vulnerability is CVE-2018-11797 which is baseline computed to be “high severity” with a the following specific weakness: In Apache PDFBox 1.8.0 to 1.8.15 and 2.0.0RC1 to 2.0.11, a carefully crafted PDF file can trigger an extremely long running computation when parsing the page tree.. So, it’s a process denial of service vulnerability. You’ll also note I haven’t updated the JARs yet (mostly since it’s not a code-execution vulnerability).

I knew about this 28 days ago (I’ve been incredibly busy and there’s alot of blather required to talk about it, hence the delay in blogging) thanks to the GitHub service and will resolve it when I get some free time over the Thanksgiving break. I received an alert for this, there are hooks for security alerts (so one can auto-create an issue) and there’s a warning for users and any of them could file an issue to let me know it’s super-important to them that I get it fixed (or they could be super-awesome and file a PR :-).


The TLDR is (first) a note — to package authors — who use rJava to bite the GitHub bullet and take advantage of this free service; and, (second) — to users — to encourage use of this service by authors of packages you use and to keep a watchful eye out for any security alerts for code you depend on to get things done.

A (perhaps) third and final note is for all of us to be to continually mindful about the safety & integrity of the R package ecosystem and do what we can to keep moving it forward.

If you’re an R/RStudio user who has migrated to Mojave (macOS 10.14) or are contemplating migrating to it, you will likely eventually run into an issue where you’re trying to access resources that are in Apple’s new hardened filesystem sandboxes.

Rather than reinvent the wheel by blathering about what that means, give these links a visit if you want more background info:

and/or Google/DuckDuckGo for macos privacy tcc full disk access as there have been a ton of blogs on this topic.

The TLDR for getting your R/RStudio bits to work in these sandboxed areas is to grant them “Full Disk Access” (if that sounds scary, it is) permissions. You can do that by adding both the R executable and RStudio executable (drag their icons) to the Full Disk Access pane under the Privacy tab of System Preferences => Security & Privacy:

I also used the Finder’s “Go To” command to head on over /usr/local/bin and use the “Show Original” popup on both R and Rscript and dragged their fully qualified path binaries into the pane as well (you can’t see them b/c the pane is far too small). The symbolic links might be sufficient, but I’ve been running this way since the betas and just re-drag the versioned R/Rscript binaries each time I upgrade (or rebuild) R.

If you do grant FDA to R/RStudio just make sure be even more careful about trusting R code you run from the internet or R packages you install from untrusted sources (like GitHub) since R/RStudio are now potential choice conduits for malicious code that wants to get at your seekret things.

Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

The CBC covered the recent (as of the original post-time on this blog entry) Quebec elections and used a well-crafted hex grid map to display results:

They have a great ‘splainer on why they use this type of map.

Thinking that it may be useful for others, I used a browser Developer Tools inspector to yank out the javascript-created SVG and wrangled out the hexes using svg2geojson? and put them into a GeoJSON file along with some metadata that I extracted from the minified javascript from the CBC’s site and turned into a data frame using the V8? package. Since most of the aforementioned work was mouse clicking and ~8 (disjointed) lines of accompanying super-basic R code, there’s not really much to show wrangling-wise1, but I can show an example of using the new GeoJSON file in R and the sf? package:


# get the GeoJSON file from: or
sf::st_read("quebec-ridings.geojson", quiet = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% 
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = regionname)) +
  coord_sf(datum = NA) +
  ggthemes::scale_fill_tableau(name = NULL, "Tableau 20") +
  ggthemes::theme_map() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

And, with a little more ggplot2-tweaking and some magick, we can even put it in the CBC-styled border:


plt <- image_graph(1488, 1191, bg = "white")
sf::st_read("quebec-ridings.geojson", quiet=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) %>% 
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(aes(fill=regionname)) +
  coord_sf(datum=NA) +
  scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,2)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
  ggthemes::theme_map() +
  theme(plot.margin = margin(t=150)) +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

# get this bkgrnd img from the repo
image_composite(plt, image_read("imgs/background.png")) %>% 

You can tweak the border color with magick? as needed and there’s a background2.png in the imgs directory in the repo that has the white inset that you can further composite as needed.

With a teensy bit of work you should be able adjust the stroke color via aes() to separate things as the CBC did.


It’s important to re-state that the CBC made the original polygons for the hexes (well, they made a set of grid points and open source software turned it into a set of SVG paths) and the background images. All I did was some extra bit of wrangling and conversionating2.

1 I can toss a screencast if there’s sufficient interest.
2 Totally not a word.

In my semi-daily run of brew update I noticed that proj4 had been updated to 5.2. I kinda “squeee“‘d since (as the release notes show) the Equal Earth projection was added to it (+proj=eqearth).

As the team who created the projection describes it: “The Equal Earth map projection is a new equal-area pseudocylindrical projection for world maps. It is inspired by the widely used Robinson projection, but unlike the Robinson projection, retains the relative size of areas. The projection equations are simple to implement and fast to evaluate. Continental outlines are shown in a visually pleasing and balanced way.”

They continue: “The Robinson and Equal Earth projections share a similar outer shape[…] Upon close inspection, however, the way that they differ becomes apparent. The Equal Earth with a height-to-width ratio of 1:2.05 is slightly wider than the Robinson at 1:1.97. On the Equal Earth, the continents in tropical and mid-latitude areas are more elongated (north to south) and polar areas are more flattened. This is a consequence of Equal Earth being equal-area in contrast to the Robinson that moderately exaggerates high-latitude areas.”

Here’s a comparison of it to other, similar, projections:

©Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. All rights reserved.

Map projections are a pretty nerdy thing, but this one even got the attention of Newsweek.

To use this new projection now in R, you’ll need to install the proj4 ? from source after upgrading to the new proj4 library. That was a simple brew upgrade for me and Linux users can do the various package manager incantations to get theirs as well. Windows users can be jealous for a while until updated package binaries make their way to CRAN (or switch to a real platform ?).

After a fresh source install of proj4 all you have to do is:

library(ggalt) # git[la|hu]b/hrbrmstr/hrbrthemes
library(hrbrthemes) # git[la|hu]b/hrbrmstr/hrbrthemes

world <- map_data("world")

ggplot() +
    map = world, data = world,
    aes(long, lat, map_id = region), 
    color = ft_cols$white, fill = ft_cols$slate,
    size = 0.125
  ) +
  coord_proj("+proj=eqearth") +
    x = NULL, y = NULL,
    title = "Equal Earth Projection (+proj=eqearth)"
  ) +
  theme_ft_rc(grid="") +

to get:

Remember, friends don't let friends use Mercator.

Despite having sailed through the core components of this year’s Talk Like A Pirate Day R post a few months ago, time has been an enemy of late so this will be a short post that others can build off of, especially since there’s lots more knife work ground to cover from the data.


Since this is TLAPD, I’ll pilfer some of the explanation from GitHub itself:

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) <start_of_current_pilfer>“provides a safe harbor for service providers that host user-generated content. Since even a single claim of copyright infringement can carry statutory damages of up to $150,000, the possibility of being held liable for user-generated content could be very harmful for service providers. With potential damages multiplied across millions of users, cloud-computing and user-generated content sites like YouTube, Facebook, or GitHub probably never would have existed without the DMCA (or at least not without passing some of that cost downstream to their users).”

“The DMCA addresses this issue by creating a copyright liability safe harbor for internet service providers hosting allegedly infringing user-generated content. Essentially, so long as a service provider follows the DMCA’s notice-and-takedown rules, it won’t be liable for copyright infringement based on user-generated content. Because of this, it is important for GitHub to maintain its DMCA safe-harbor status.”</end_of_current_pilfer>

(I’ll save you from a long fact- and opinion-based diatribe on the DMCA, but suffice it to say it’s done far more harm than good IMO. Also, hopefully the “piracy” connection makes sense, now :-)

If your initial reaction was “What does the DMCA have to do with GitHub?” it likely (quickly) turned to “Oh…GitHub is really just a version-controlled file sharing service…”. As such it has to have a robust takedown policy and process.

I don’t know if Microsoft is going to keep the practice of being open about DMCA requests now that they own GitHub nor do I know if they’ll use the same process on themselves (since, as we’ll see, they have issued DMCA requests to GitHub in the past). For now, we’ll assume they will, thus making the code from this post usable in the future to check on the status of DMCA requests over a longer period of time. But first we need the data.

Hunting for treasure in the data hoard

Unsurprisingly, GitHub stores DMCA data on GitHub. Ironically, they store it openly — in-part — to shine a light on what giant, global megacorps like Microsoft are doing. Feel free to use one of the many R packages to clone the repo, but a simple command-line git clone is quick and efficient (not everything needs to be done from R).

The directory structure looks like this:

├── 2011
├── 2012
├── 2013
├── 2014
├── 2015
├── 2016
├── 2017
├── 2018
├── data

Unfortunately, the data directory contains fools’ gold (it’s just high-level summary data).

We want DMCA filer names, repo names, file names and the DMCA notice text (though we’ll be leaving NLP projects up to the intrepid readers). For that, it will mean processing the directories of notices.

Notices are named (sadly, with some inconsistency) like this: Year, month, date and name of org. The contents are text-versions of correspondence (usually email text) that have some requirements in order to be processed. There’s also an online form one can fill out but it’s pretty much a free text field with some semblance of structure. It’s up to humans to follow that structure and — as such — there is inconsistency in the text as well. (Perhaps this is a great lesson that non-constrained inputs and human-originated filenames aren’t a great plan for curating data stores.)

You may have seen what look like takedown files in the top level of the repo. I have no idea if they are legit (since they aren’t in the structured directories) so we’ll be ignoring them.

When I took a look at the directories, some files end in .markdown but most end in .md. We’ll cover both instances (you’ll need to replace /data/github/dmca with the prefix where you stored the repo:


  path = sprintf("/data/github/dmca/%s", 2011:2018), 
  pattern = "\\.md$|\\.markdown$",
  full.names = TRUE
) -> dmca_files

As noted previously, we’re going to focus on DMCA views over time, look at organizations who filed DMCA notices and the notice content. It turns out the filenames also distinguish whether a notice is a takedown request or a counter-notice (i.e. an “oops…my bad…” by a takedown originator) or a retraction, so we’ll collect that metadata as well. Finally, we’ll slurp up the text along the way.

Again, I’ve taken a pass at this and found out the following:

  • Some dates are coded incorrectly (infrequently enough to be able to use some causal rules to fix)
  • Some org names are coded incorrectly (often enough to skew counts, so we need to deal with it)
  • Counter-notice and retraction tags are inconsistent, so we need to deal with that as well

It’s an ugly pipeline, so I’ve annotated these initial steps to make what’s going on a bit clearer:

map_df(dmca_files, ~{
  file_path_sans_ext(.x) %>% # remove extension
    basename() %>% # get just the filename
      "([[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{1,2})-(.*)" # try to find the date and the org
    ) %>% 
    unlist() -> date_org
  if ([2])) { # handle a special case where the date pattern above didn't work
    file_path_sans_ext(.x) %>% 
      basename() %>%
      ) %>% 
      unlist() -> date_org
  # a few files are still broken so we'll deal with them as special cases
  if (stri_detect_fixed(.x, "2017/")) {
    date_org <- c("", "2017-11-06", "1776")
  } else if (stri_detect_fixed(.x, "2017/")) {
    date_org <- c("", "2017-12-30", "Offensive-Security-7")
  } else if (stri_detect_fixed(.x, "2017/")) {
    date_org <- c("", "2017-12-29", "Offensive-Security-6")
  # we used a somewhat liberal regex to capture dates since some are 
  # still broken. We'll deal with those first, then turn them
  # into proper Date objects
    notice_day = case_when(
      date_org[2] == "2015-12-3"  ~ "2015-12-03",
      date_org[2] == "2015-12-7"  ~ "2015-12-07",
      date_org[2] == "2016-08"    ~ "2016-08-01",
      date_org[2] == "2016-10-7"  ~ "2016-10-07",
      date_org[2] == "2016-11-1"  ~ "2016-11-01",
      date_org[2] == "2016-11-3"  ~ "2016-11-03",
      date_org[2] == "2017-06"    ~ "2017-06-01",
      date_org[2] == "0107-05-22" ~ "2017-05-22",
      date_org[2] == "2017-11-1"  ~ "2017-11-01",
      TRUE ~ date_org[2]
    ) %>% 
    notice_org = date_org[3] %>% # somtimes the org name is messed up so we need to clean it up
      stri_replace_last_regex("[-]*[[:digit:]]+$", "") %>% 
      stri_replace_all_fixed("-", " "),
    notice_content = list(read_lines(.x)) # grab the content
  ) -> ret
  # and there are still some broken org names
  if (stri_detect_fixed(.x, "2017/")) {
    ret$notice_org <- "1776"
}) -> dmca

## # A tibble: 4,460 x 3
##    notice_day notice_org                   notice_content
##  1 2011-01-27 sony                             
##  2 2011-01-28 tera                             
##  3 2011-01-31 sony                             
##  4 2011-02-03 sony counternotice                
##  5 2011-02-03 sony                          
##  6 2011-03-24 oracle                            
##  7 2011-03-30 mentor graphics                  
##  8 2011-05-24 cpp virtual world operations     
##  9 2011-06-07 sony                             
## 10 2011-06-13 diablominer                      
## # ... with 4,450 more rows

Much better. We’ve got more deck-swabbing to do, now, to tag the counter-notice and retractions:

  counter_notice = stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "counternotice|counter notice"), # handle inconsistency
  retraction = stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "retraction"), 
  notice_org = stri_trans_tolower(notice_org) %>% 
    stri_replace_first_regex("\ *(counternotice|counter notice)\ *", "") %>% # clean up org names with tags
    stri_replace_first_regex("\ *retraction\ *", "")
) -> dmca

## # A tibble: 4,460 x 5
##    notice_day notice_org        notice_content counter_notice retraction
##  1 2011-01-27 sony                   FALSE          FALSE     
##  2 2011-01-28 tera                   FALSE          FALSE     
##  3 2011-01-31 sony                   FALSE          FALSE     
##  4 2011-02-03 sony                    FALSE          FALSE     
##  5 2011-02-03 sony                FALSE          FALSE     
##  6 2011-03-24 oracle                  FALSE          FALSE     
##  7 2011-03-30 mentor graphics        FALSE          FALSE     
##  8 2011-05-24 cpp virtual worl…      FALSE          FALSE     
##  9 2011-06-07 sony                   FALSE          FALSE     
## 10 2011-06-13 diablominer            FALSE          FALSE     
## # ... with 4,450 more rows

I’ve lower-cased the org names to make it easier to wrangle them since we do, indeed, need to wrangle them.

I’m super-not-proud of the following code block, but I went into it thinking the org name corrections would be infrequent. But, as I worked with the supposedly-cleaned data, I kept adding correction rules and eventually created a monster:

  notice_org = case_when(
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "accenture")        ~ "accenture",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "adobe")            ~ "adobe",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "amazon")           ~ "amazon",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "ansible")          ~ "ansible",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "aspengrove")       ~ "aspengrove",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "apple")            ~ "apple",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "aws")              ~ "aws",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "blizzard")         ~ "blizzard",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "o reilly")         ~ "oreilly",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "random")           ~ "random house",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "casado")           ~ "casadocodigo",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "ccp")              ~ "ccp",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "cisco")            ~ "cisco",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "cloudsixteen")     ~ "cloud sixteen",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "collinsharper")    ~ "collins ’harper",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "contentanalytics") ~ "content analytics",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "packt")            ~ "packt",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "penguin")          ~ "penguin",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "wiley")            ~ "wiley",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "wind river")       ~ "windriver",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "windriver")        ~ "windriver",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "wireframe")        ~ "wireframe shader",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "listen")           ~ "listen",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "wpecommerce")      ~ "wpecommerce",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "yahoo")            ~ "yahoo",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "youtube")          ~ "youtube",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "x pressive")       ~ "xpressive",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "ximalaya")         ~ "ximalaya",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "pragmatic")        ~ "pragmatic",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "evadeee")          ~ "evadeee",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "iaai")             ~ "iaai",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "line corp")        ~ "line corporation",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "mediumrare")       ~ "medium rare",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "profittrailer")    ~ "profit trailer",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "smartadmin")       ~ "smart admin",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "microsoft")        ~ "microsoft",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "monotype")         ~ "monotype",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "qualcomm")         ~ "qualcomm",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "pearson")          ~ "pearson",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "sony")             ~ "sony",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "oxford")           ~ "oxford",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "oracle")           ~ "oracle",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "out fit")          ~ "outfit",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "nihon")            ~ "nihon",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "opencv")           ~ "opencv",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "newsis")           ~ "newsis",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "nostarch")         ~ "nostarch",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "stardog")          ~ "stardog",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "mswindows")        ~ "microsoft",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "moody")            ~ "moody",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "minecraft")        ~ "minecraft",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "medinasoftware")   ~ "medina software",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "linecorporation")  ~ "line corporation",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "steroarts")        ~ "stereoarts",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "mathworks")        ~ "mathworks",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "tmssoftware")      ~ "tmssoftware",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "toontown")         ~ "toontown",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "wahoo")            ~ "wahoo",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "webkul")           ~ "webkul",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "whmcs")            ~ "whmcs",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "viber")            ~ "viber",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "totalfree")        ~ "totalfreedom",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "successacademies") ~ "success academies",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "ecgwaves")         ~ "ecgwaves",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "synology")         ~ "synology",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "infistar")         ~ "infistar’",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "galleria")         ~ "galleria",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "jadoo")            ~ "jadoo",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "dofustouch")       ~ "dofus touch",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "gravityforms")     ~ "gravity forms",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "fujiannewland")    ~ "fujian newland",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "dk uk")            ~ "dk",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "dk us")            ~ "dk",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "dkuk")             ~ "dk",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "dkus")             ~ "dk",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "facet")            ~ "facet",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "fh admin")         ~ "fhadmin",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "electronicarts")   ~ "electronic arts",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "daikonforge")      ~ "daikon forge",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "corgiengine")      ~ "corgi engine",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "epicgames")        ~ "epic  games",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "essentialmode")    ~ "essentialmode",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "jetbrains")        ~ "jetbrains",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "foxy")             ~ "foxy themes",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "cambridgemobile")  ~ "cambridge mobile",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "offensive")        ~ "offensive security",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "outfit")           ~ "outfit",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "haihuan")          ~ "shanghai haihuan",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "schuster")         ~ "simon & schuster",
    stri_detect_fixed(notice_org, "silicon")          ~ "silicon labs",
    TRUE ~ notice_org
  )) %>% 
  arrange(notice_day) -> dmca

## # A tibble: 4,460 x 5
##    notice_day notice_org        notice_content counter_notice retraction
##  1 2011-01-27 sony                   FALSE          FALSE     
##  2 2011-01-28 tera                   FALSE          FALSE     
##  3 2011-01-31 sony                   FALSE          FALSE     
##  4 2011-02-03 sony                    FALSE          FALSE     
##  5 2011-02-03 sony                FALSE          FALSE     
##  6 2011-03-24 oracle                  FALSE          FALSE     
##  7 2011-03-30 mentor graphics        FALSE          FALSE     
##  8 2011-05-24 cpp virtual worl…      FALSE          FALSE     
##  9 2011-06-07 sony                   FALSE          FALSE     
## 10 2011-06-13 diablominer            FALSE          FALSE     
## # ... with 4,450 more rows

You are heartily encouraged to create a translation table in place of that monstrosity.

But, we finally have usable data. You can avoid the above by downloading and using jsonlite::stream_in() or ndjson::stream_in() to get the above data frame.

Hoisting the mizzen sailplots

Let’s see what the notice submission frequency looks like over time:

# assuming you downloaded it as suggested
jsonlite::stream_in(gzfile("~/Data/github-dmca.json.gz")) %>% 
  tbl_df() %>% 
  mutate(notice_day = as.Date(notice_day)) -> dmca

filter(dmca, !retraction) %>% 
    notice_year = lubridate::year(notice_day),
    notice_ym = as.Date(format(notice_day, "%Y-%m-01"))
  ) %>% 
  dplyr::count(notice_ym) %>% 
  arrange(notice_ym) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(notice_ym, n)) +
    geom="area", fill=alpha(ft_cols$blue, 1/3), color=ft_cols$blue
  ) +
  scale_y_comma() +
    x = NULL, y = "# Notices", 
    title = "GitHub DMCA Notices by Month Since 2011"
  ) +

I’m not naive, but that growth was a bit of a shocker, which made me want to jump in and see who the top-filers were:

count(dmca, notice_org, sort=TRUE)
## # A tibble: 1,948 x 2
##    notice_org             n
##  1 webkul                92
##  2 pearson               90
##  3 stereoarts            86
##  4 qualcomm              72
##  5 codility              71
##  6 random house          62
##  7 outfit                57
##  8 offensive security    49
##  9 sensetime             46
## 10 penguin               44
## # ... with 1,938 more rows

“Webkul” is an enterprise eCommerce (I kinda miss all the dashed “e-” prefixes we used to use back in the day) platform. I mention that since I didn’t know what it was either. There are some recognizable names there like “Pearson” and “Random House” and “Penguin” which make sense since it’s easy to share improperly share e-books (modern non-dashed idioms be darned).

Let’s see the top 15 orgs by year since 2015 (since that’s when DMCA filings really started picking up and because I like 2×2 grids). We’ll also leave out counter-notices and retractions and alpha-order it since I want to be able to scan the names more than I want to see rank:

filter(dmca, !retraction, !counter_notice, notice_day >= as.Date("2015-01-01")) %>%
    notice_year = lubridate::year(notice_day),
  ) %>% 
  dplyr::count(notice_year, notice_org) %>% 
  group_by(notice_year) %>% 
  top_n(15) %>% 
  slice(1:15) %>% 
  dplyr::ungroup() %>%
  mutate( # a-z order with "a" on top 
    notice_org = factor(notice_org, levels = unique(sort(notice_org, decreasing = TRUE)))
  ) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(n, notice_org, xend=0, yend=notice_org)) +
  geom_segment(size = 2, color = ft_cols$peach) +
  facet_wrap(~notice_year, scales = "free") +
  scale_x_comma(limits=c(0, 60)) +
    x = NULL, y = NULL,
    title = "Top 15 GitHub DMCA Filers by Year Since 2015"
  ) +

Let’s look at rogues’ gallery of the pirates themselves:

dmca %>% 
    ghusers = notice_content %>% 
        stri_match_all_regex(.x, "http[s]*://[^/]+)/.*") %>% 
          discard([,1])) %>% 
          map_chr(~.x[,2]) %>% 
          unique() %>% 
          discard(`==`, "github") %>% 
          discard(~grepl(" ", .x))
  ) %>% 
  unnest(ghusers) %>% 
  dplyr::count(ghusers, sort=TRUE) %>% 
  print() -> offenders
## # A tibble: 18,396 x 2
##    ghusers           n
##  1 RyanTech         16
##  2 sdgdsffdsfff     12
##  3 gamamaru6005     10
##  4 ranrolls         10
##  5 web-padawan      10
##  6 alexinfopruna     8
##  7 cyr2242           8
##  8 liveqmock         8
##  9 promosirupiah     8
## 10 RandyMcMillan     8
## # ... with 18,386 more rows

As you might expect, most users have only 1 or two complaints filed against them since it was likely an oversight more than malice on their part:

ggplot(offenders, aes(x="", n)) +
    color = ft_cols$white, fill = alpha(ft_cols$red, 1/10),
    shape = 21, size = 3, stroke = 0.125
  ) +
  scale_y_comma(breaks=1:16, limits=c(1,16)) +
  coord_flip() +
    x = NULL, y = NULL,
    title = "Distribution of the Number of GitHub DMCA Complaints Received by a User"
  ) +

But, there are hundreds of digital buccaneers, and we can have a bit of fun with them especially since I noticed quite a few had default (generated) avatars with lots of white in them (presenting this with a pirate hat-tip to Maëlle & Lucy):



# this kinda spoils the surprise; i should have renamed it
download.file("", "jolly-roger.jpeg")

ghs <- safely(gh::gh) # no need to add cruft to our namespace for one function 

filter(offenders, n>2) %>% 
  pull(ghusers) %>% 
  { .pb <<- progress_estimated(length(.)); . } %>% # there are a few hundred of them
    user <- ghs(sprintf("/users/%s", .x))$result # the get-user and then download avatar idiom shld help us not bust GH API rate limits
    if (!is.null(user)) {
      download.file(user$avatar_url, file.path("gh-pirates", .x), quiet=TRUE) # can't assume avatar file type

# we'll convert them all to jpeg and resize them at the same time plus make sure they aren't greyscale
list.files("gh-pirates", full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE) %>%
    image_read(.x) %>% 
      image_scale("72x72") %>% 
      image_convert("jpeg", type = "TrueColor", colorspace = "rgb") %>% 
        path = file.path("gh-pirates-jpeg", sprintf("%s.jpeg", basename(.x))), 
        format = "jpeg"

set.seed(20180919) # seemed appropriate for TLAPD
RsimMosaic::composeMosaicFromImageRandomOptim( # this takes a bit
  originalImageFileName = "jolly-roger.jpeg",
  outputImageFileName = "gh-pirates-flag.jpeg",
  imagesToUseInMosaic = "gh-pirates-jpeg",
  removeTiles = TRUE,
  fracLibSizeThreshold = 0.1

Finally, we’ll look at the types of pilfered files. To do that, we’ll first naively look for github repo URLs (there are ones in there too, though, which is an exercise left to ye corsairs):

  files = notice_content %>% 
      paste0(.x, collapse = " ") %>% 
        stri_extract_all_regex(gh_url_pattern, omit_no_match=FALSE, opts_regex = stri_opts_regex(TRUE)) %>% 
        unlist() %>% 
        stri_replace_last_regex("[[:punct:]]+$", "")
) -> dmca_with_files

Now, we can see just how many resources/repos/files are in a complaint:

filter(dmca_with_files, map_lgl(files, ~![1]))) %>% 
  select(notice_day, notice_org, files) %>% 
  mutate(num_refs = lengths(files)) %>%
  arrange(desc(num_refs)) %>%  # take a peek at the heavy hitters
  print() -> files_with_counts
## # A tibble: 4,020 x 4
##    notice_day notice_org files         num_refs
##  1 2014-08-27 monotype        2504
##  2 2011-02-03 sony            1160
##  3 2016-06-08 monotype        1015
##  4 2018-04-05 hexrays            906
##  5 2016-06-15 ibo                877
##  6 2016-08-18 jetbrains          777
##  7 2017-10-14 cengage            611
##  8 2016-08-23 yahoo              556
##  9 2017-08-30 altis              529
## 10 2015-09-22 jetbrains          468
## # ... with 4,010 more rows

ggplot(files_with_counts, aes(x="", num_refs)) +
    color = ft_cols$white, fill = alpha(ft_cols$red, 1/10),
    shape = 21, size = 3, stroke = 0.125
  ) +
  scale_y_comma(trans="log10") +
  coord_flip() +
    x = NULL, y = NULL,
    title = "Distribution of the Number of Files/Repos per-GitHub DMCA Complaint",
    caption = "Note: Log10 Scale"
  ) +

And, what are the most offensive file types (per-year):

  extensions = map(files, ~tools::file_ext(.x) %>% 
    discard(`==` , "")
) %>% 
  select(notice_day, notice_org, extensions) %>% 
  unnest(extensions) %>% 
  mutate(year = lubridate::year(notice_day)) -> file_types

count(file_types, year, extensions) %>% 
  filter(year >= 2014) %>% 
  group_by(year) %>% 
  top_n(10) %>% 
  slice(1:10) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  ggplot(aes(year, n)) +
    aes(label = extensions, size=n), 
    color = ft_cols$green, family=font_ps, show.legend=FALSE
  ) +
  scale_size(range = c(3, 10)) +
    x = NULL, y = NULL,
    title = "Top 10 File-type GitHub DMCA Takedowns Per-year"
  ) +
  theme_ft_rc(grid="X") +

It’s not all code (lots of fonts and books) but there are plenty of source code files in those annual lists.


That’s it for this year’s TLAPD post. You’ve got the data and some starter code so build away! There are plenty more insights left to find and if you do take a stab at finding your own treasure, definitely leave a note in the comments.

The wayback? package has had an update to more efficiently retrieve mementos and added support for working with the Internet Archive’s advanced search+scrape API.


The search/scrape interface lets you examine the IA collections and download what you are after (programmatically). The main function is ia_scrape() but you can also paginate through results with the helper functions provided.

To demonstrate, let’s peruse the IA NASA collection and then grab one of the images. First, we need to search the collection then choose a target URL to retrieve and finally download it. The identifier is the key element to ensure we can retrieve the information about a particular collection.


nasa <- ia_scrape("collection:nasa", count=100L)

## # A tibble: 100 x 3
##    identifier addeddate            title                                       
##  1 00-042-154 2009-08-26T16:30:09Z International Space Station exhibit         
##  2 00-042-32  2009-08-26T16:30:12Z Swamp to Space historical exhibit           
##  3 00-042-43  2009-08-26T16:30:16Z Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command …
##  4 00-042-56  2009-08-26T16:30:19Z Test Control Center exhibit                 
##  5 00-042-71  2009-08-26T16:30:21Z Space Shuttle Cockpit exhibit               
##  6 00-042-94  2009-08-26T16:30:24Z RocKeTeria restaurant                       
##  7 00-050D-01 2009-08-26T16:30:26Z Swamp to Space exhibit                      
##  8 00-057D-01 2009-08-26T16:30:29Z Astro Camp 2000 Rocketry Exercise           
##  9 00-062D-03 2009-08-26T16:30:32Z Launch Pad Tour Stop                        
## 10 00-068D-01 2009-08-26T16:30:34Z Lunar Lander Exhibit                        
## # ... with 90 more rows

(item <- ia_retrieve(nasa$identifier[1]))

## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##   file                       link                                                               last_mod          size 
## 1 00-042-154.jpg                06-Nov-2000 15:34 1.2M 
## 2 00-042-154_archive.torrent 06-Jul-2018 11:14 1.8K 
## 3 00-042-154_files.xml       06-Jul-2018 11:14 1.7K 
## 4 00-042-154_meta.xml        03-Jun-2016 02:06 1.4K 
## 5 00-042-154_thumb.jpg       26-Aug-2009 16:30 7.7K 
## 6 __ia_thumb.jpg                06-Jul-2018 11:14 26.6K

download.file(item$link[1], file.path("man/figures", item$file[1]))

I just happened to know this would take me to an image. You can add the media type to the result (along with a host of other fields) to help with programmatic filtering.

The API is still not sealed in stone, so you're encouraged to submit questions/suggestions.


The vignette is embedded below and frame-busted here. It covers a very helpful and practical use-case identified recently by an OP on StackOverflow.

There's also a new pkgdown-gen'd site for the package.

Issues & PRs welcome at your community coding site of choice.

I was chatting with some cyber-mates at a recent event and the topic of cyber attacks on the U.S. power-grid came up (as it often does these days). The conversation was brief, but the topic made its way into active memory and resurfaced when I saw today’s Data Is Plural newsletter which noted that “Utility companies are required to report major power outages and other “electric disturbance events” to the Department of Energy within a business day (or, depending on the type of event, sooner) of the incident. The federal agency then aggregates the reports annual summary datasets.” (follow the links to the newsletter to get the URLs for the site since Jeremy deserves your ?).

Many of us data nerds use the Data Is Plural newsletters as fodder for class assignments, blog posts or personal “data katas”. This time, I was after cyber attack data.

When you head to the annual reports URL, you’re greeted with a SharePoint-driven HTML table:

So, our options are PDF or XLS (and I mean .xls, too, they’re not modern .xlsx files). We’ll opt for the latter and cache them locally before working on them. One “gotcha” is that the hrefs look like this: — i.e. no filenames. But, the filenames come along for the ride when an HTTP GET or HEAD request is issued in a content-disposition response header. We’ll use this metadata instead of siphoning off the year from the first column of the table:


doe <- read_html("")

dir.create("~/Data/doe-cache-dir", showWarnings = FALSE)

html_nodes(doe, xpath=".//a[contains(., 'XLS')]") %>%
  html_attr("href") %>%
  { .pb <<- progress_estimated(length(.)) ; . } %>% # we likely don't rly need progress bars tho


    dl_url <- sprintf("", .x)

    res <- HEAD(dl_url) # so we can get the filename
    stop_for_status(res) # halt on network errors

    fil <- str_replace(
      string = res$headers['content-disposition'],
      pattern = "attachment; filename=",
      replacement = "~/Data/doe-cache-dir/"

    if (!file.exists(fil)) { # this pattern allows us to issue a lightweight HTTP HEAD request, then cache and refresh w/o wasting server/our bandwidth/cpu
      res <- GET(dl_url, httr::write_disk(fil))
      Sys.sleep(5) # be kind to the server(s) but only if we're downloading data files since HEAD requests don't really tax services


Let's do a quick check for the likelihood of uniformity. Some of these files go back to 2002 and I suspect they're more geared for "printing" (the PDF counterparts were a clue) than programmatic processing:

# check to see if the files are all the same (spoiler alert: they're not)
list.files("~/Data/doe-cache-dir", "xls", full.names=TRUE) %>%
    fil = basename(.x),
    ncols = read_xls(.x, col_names=FALSE, col_types="text") %>% ncol()
  )) -> cols_profile

## # A tibble: 17 x 2
##    fil                     ncols
##  1 2002_Annual_Summary.xls     8
##  2 2003_Annual_Summary.xls     8
##  3 2004_Annual_Summary.xls     8
##  4 2005_Annual_Summary.xls     8
##  5 2006_Annual_Summary.xls     8
##  6 2007_Annual_Summary.xls     8
##  7 2008_Annual_Summary.xls     8
##  8 2009_Annual_Summary.xls     8
##  9 2010_Annual_Summary.xls     8
## 10 2011_Annual_Summary.xls     9
## 11 2012_Annual_Summary.xls     9
## 12 2013_Annual_Summary.xls     9
## 13 2014_Annual_Summary.xls     9
## 14 2015_Annual_Summary.xls    11
## 15 2016_Annual_Summary.xls    11
## 16 2017_Annual_Summary.xls    11
## 17 2018_Annual_Summary.xls    11


At this point, I paused and wanted to see what was going on in the minds of the DoE staffers charged with releasing this data.

(You can grab the macOS Quick Look preview snaps of all of those here.)

From 2002 to 2010 the Excel documents are clearly designed for print as the target, complete with month breaklines and repeated (+ heavily formatted) headers. They even left other tabs around (inconsistently).

Things got a little better between 2011 and 2014, but we still have month breaks and occasional, repeated headers (someone likely learned how to generate headers-per-page in Excel in 2011 then the administration changed hands and new staffers came in and fubar'd 2012 a bit before going back to the slightly better format).

Prior to 2015, the print-as-target trumped programmatic access. Interestingly enough, this is roughly when "data science" was on the upswing (in a major way):

Starting with 2015 we have a "month" column, more uniformity for specifying dates & times and more care given to other value fields, so kudos to the then and current staffers who made our data-machinating lives easier.

This really is, I believe, a byproduct of modern "data literacy". Folks in charge of gathering and publishing data are realizing there are multiple ways others want/need to consume the data. The original purpose for this data was to hand a report to someone after regulations were put in place to mandate notifications. I'm willing to bet nobody did anything with this data for a few years. Staffers either learned to wield Excel better or new staffers came in with this new knowledge. Finally, recent years clearly show that the staffers realize that folks are as (or more) likely to programmatically consume this information as they are reading a a long list of events (?). More work is needed (and an API or CSV/JSON output would be super cool) but it's great to see data literacy alive and well in the halls of the U.S. gov.

Said modern format changes do not really help us work with the complete data set and the more recent files have issues all their own, including inconsistency in the way the date/time columns are represented in Excel cells.

By golly, we're still going to try to read all these files in and work with them (for at least the purpose I originally set out on). We'll have to deal with the differences in columns and come up with a way to remove non-data rows. I also kinda at least want dates as dates. Here's my stab at an initial clean-up (there's lots more work to do, though):

map2(cols_profile$fil, cols_profile$ncols, ~{

  if (.y == 8) { # handle 8 cols

      path = sprintf("~/Data/doe-cache-dir/%s", .x),
      col_names = c("date_began", "region", "time", "area", "event_type", "loss", "customers_affected", "date_restored"),
      col_types = c("date", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "date")
    )) %>%
      filter(! %>%
      mutate(date_began = as.Date(date_began))

  } else if (.y == 9) { # handle 9 cols

      path = sprintf("~/Data/doe-cache-dir/%s", .x),
      col_names = c("date_began", "time_began", "date_restored", "time_restored", "area", "region", "event_type", "loss", "customers_affected"),
      col_types = c("date", "guess", "date", "guess", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text")
    )) %>%
      filter(! %>%
      mutate(date_began = as.Date(date_began))

  } else if (.y == 11) { # handle 11 cols

    # note that the date columns aren't uniform in the Excel spreadsheets even in these more data-literate files :-(

      path = sprintf("~/Data/doe-cache-dir/%s", .x),
      col_names = c("month", "date_began", "time_began", "date_restored", "time_restored", "area", "region", "alert_criteria", "event_type", "loss", "customers_affected"),
      col_types = c("text", "text", "guess", "text", "guess", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text")
    )) %>%
        date_began = case_when(
          str_detect(date_began, "/") ~ suppressWarnings(as.Date(date_began, format="%m/%d/%Y")),
          str_detect(date_began, "^[[:digit:]]+$") ~ suppressWarnings(as.Date(as.integer(date_began), origin = "1899-12-30")),
          TRUE ~ suppressWarnings(as.Date(NA))
      ) %>%
        date_restored = case_when(
          str_detect(date_restored, "/") ~ suppressWarnings(as.Date(date_restored, format="%m/%d/%Y")),
          str_detect(date_restored, "^[[:digit:]]+$") ~ suppressWarnings(as.Date(as.integer(date_restored), origin = "1899-12-30")),
          TRUE ~ suppressWarnings(as.Date(NA))
      ) %>%


}) -> reports

## # A tibble: 23 x 8
##    date_began region time                area      event_type      loss  customers_affec… date_restored
##  1 2002-01-30 SPP    0.25                Oklahoma  Ice Storm       500   1881134          2002-02-07 12:00:00
##  2 2002-01-29 SPP    Evening             Metropol… Ice Storm       500-… 270000           NA
##  3 2002-01-30 SPP    0.66666666666666663 Missouri  Ice Storm       210   95000            2002-02-10 21:00:00
##  4 2002-02-27 WSCC   0.45000000000000001 Californ… Interruption o… 300   255000           2002-02-27 11:35:00
##  5 2002-03-09 ECAR   0                   Lower Pe… Severe Weather  190   190000           2002-03-11 12:00:00
##  6 2002-04-08 WSCC   0.625               Arizona   Vandalism/      0     0                2002-04-09 00:00:00
##  7 2002-07-09 WSCC   0.51875000000000004 Californ… Interruption o… 240   1 PG&E           2002-07-09 19:54:00
##  8 2002-07-19 WSCC   0.49375000000000002 Californ… Interruption o… 240   1 PG&E           2002-07-19 16:30:00
##  9 2002-07-20 NPCC   0.52777777777777779 New York  Fire            278   63500            2002-07-20 20:12:00
## 10 2002-08-02 MAIN   0.52986111111111112 Illinois  Interruption o… 232   53565            2002-08-02 18:36:00
## # ... with 13 more rows

## # A tibble: 307 x 9
##    date_began time_began  date_restored       time_restored  area    region event_type loss  customers_affec…
##  1 2011-01-11 0.96388888… 2011-01-11 00:00:00 0.96388888888… Athens… NPCC   Electrica… 0     0
##  2 2011-01-12 0.25        2011-01-12 00:00:00 0.58333333333… Massac… NPCC   Winter St… N/A   80000
##  3 2011-01-13 0.30624999… 2011-01-13 00:00:00 0.34236111111… North … FRCC   Firm Syst… 150   20900
##  4 2011-01-18 0.58333333… 2011-01-18 00:00:00 0.58333333333… Whitma… NPCC   Vandalism  0     0
##  5 2011-01-23 0.29166666… 2011-01-23 00:00:00 0.54166666666… Frankl… WECC   Vandalism  0     0
##  6 2011-01-24 0.55555555… 2011-01-24 00:00:00 0.5625         Newman… WECC   Suspiciou… 0     0
##  7 2011-01-25 0.14097222… 2011-01-25 00:00:00 0.45833333333… Newark… RFC    Vandalism  0     0
##  8 2011-01-26 0.39236111… 2011-01-27 00:00:00 0.70833333333… Carson… WECC   Suspected… 0     0
##  9 2011-01-26 0.39791666… 2011-01-27 00:00:00 0.62708333333… Michig… RFC    Vandalism  0     0
## 10 2011-01-26 0.70833333… 2011-01-31 00:00:00 0.33333333333… Montgo… RFC    Winter St… N/A   210000
## # ... with 297 more rows

## # A tibble: 120 x 11
##    month  date_began time_began date_restored time_restored area   region alert_criteria     event_type loss
##  1 Janua… 2018-01-01 0.7645833… 2018-01-02    0.7576388888… Tenne… SERC   Public appeal to … Severe We… Unkn…
##  2 Janua… 2018-01-01 0.7381944… NA            Unknown       Texas: TRE    Public appeal to … Severe We… Unkn…
##  3 Janua… 2018-01-01 0.9006944… 2018-01-02    0.4375        Tenne… SERC   Public appeal to … System Op… Unkn…
##  4 Janua… 2018-01-02 0.4166666… 2018-02-12    0.3333333333… New Y… NPCC   Fuel supply emerg… Fuel Supp… 675
##  5 Janua… 2018-01-02 0.3125     NA            Unknown       South… SERC   Public appeal to … Severe We… 0
##  6 Janua… 2018-01-02 0.28125    2018-01-02    0.375         North… SERC   System-wide volta… Severe We… 14998
##  7 Janua… 2018-01-04 0.0756944… 2018-01-04    0.0895833333… Texas… TRE    Physical attack t… Actual Ph… Unkn…
##  8 Janua… 2018-01-12 0.5472222… 2018-01-12    0.6201388888… Michi… RF     Cyber event that … System Op… 41
##  9 Janua… 2018-01-15 0.1805555… 2018-01-18    0.2416666666… Texas: TRE    Public appeal to … Severe We… Unkn…
## 10 Janua… 2018-01-16 0.625      2018-01-18    0.5416666666… Tenne… SERC   Public appeal to … Severe We… Unkn…
## # ... with 110 more rows, and 1 more variable: customers_affected 

If you'd've handled the above differently it'd be ? if you could drop a note in the comments (for both my benefit and that of any other readers who have kindly made it this far into this tome).

At this point, I really just want to finally see if there are any "cyber" events in the data set and when/where they were. To do that, let's whittle down the columns a bit and make one data frame out of all the reports:

map_df(reports, ~{
  select(.x, date_began, region, area, event_type, customers_affected, date_restored) %>%
    mutate(date_restored = as.Date(date_restored)) %>%
      customers_affected = suppressWarnings(
        str_replace_all(customers_affected, "\\-.*$|[[:punct:]]+|[[:alpha:]]+", "") %>%
    ) %>%
    mutate(date_restored = as.Date(ifelse(, date_began, date_restored), origin = "1970-01-01"))
}) -> events

## # A tibble: 2,243 x 6
##    date_began region area                          event_type                 customers_affect… date_restored
##  1 2002-01-30 SPP    Oklahoma                      Ice Storm                            1881134 2002-02-07
##  2 2002-01-29 SPP    Metropolitan Kansas City Area Ice Storm                             270000 2002-01-29
##  3 2002-01-30 SPP    Missouri                      Ice Storm                              95000 2002-02-10
##  4 2002-02-27 WSCC   California                    Interruption of Firm Load             255000 2002-02-27
##  5 2002-03-09 ECAR   Lower Peninsula of Michigan   Severe Weather                        190000 2002-03-11
##  6 2002-04-08 WSCC   Arizona                       Vandalism/                                 0 2002-04-09
##  7 2002-07-09 WSCC   California                    Interruption of Firm Power                 1 2002-07-09
##  8 2002-07-19 WSCC   California                    Interruption of Firm Powe…                 1 2002-07-19
##  9 2002-07-20 NPCC   New York                      Fire                                   63500 2002-07-20
## 10 2002-08-02 MAIN   Illinois                      Interruption of Firm Power             53565 2002-08-02
## # ... with 2,233 more rows

Now we're cookin' with gas!

Let's do a quick check to make sure things look OK:

count(events, event_type, sort=TRUE)
## # A tibble: 390 x 2
##    event_type                         n
##  1 Severe Weather                   369
##  2 Vandalism                        216
##  3 Severe Weather - Thunderstorms    97
##  4 Suspected Physical Attack         87
##  5 System Operations                 74
##  6 Severe Thunderstorms              70
##  7 Winter Storm                      51
##  8 Ice Storm                         42
##  9 Physical Attack - Vandalism       40
## 10 High Winds                        33
## # ... with 380 more rows

Those events+quantities seem to make sense. Now, for my ultimate goal:

filter(events, grepl("cyber|hack", event_type, # yep, grepl() is still in muscle memory
## # A tibble: 19 x 6
##    date_began region area                               event_type             customers_affec… date_restored
##  1 2003-01-25 ECAR   Cincinnati, Ohio                   Cyber Threat From Int…               NA 2003-01-25
##  2 2011-02-03 RFC    Bowie, Maryland                    Suspected Cyber Attack                0 2011-02-03
##  3 2011-02-17 WECC   Roseville, California              Suspected Cyber Attack                0 2011-02-23
##  4 2011-03-14 RFC    Baltimore, Maryland                Suspected Cyber Attack               NA 2011-03-14
##  5 2011-04-03 SERC   Unknown                            Suspected Cyber Attack                0 2011-04-05
##  6 2011-07-08 RFC    PJM Corporate Office, Pennsylvania Suspected Cyber Attack               NA 2011-07-11
##  7 2011-12-21 WECC   Boise, Idaho                       Suspected Cyber Attack                0 2011-12-21
##  8 2012-01-17 TRE    Austin, Texas                      Suspected Cyber Attack                0 2012-01-17
##  9 2012-02-17 SERC   Little Rock, Arkansas              Suspected Cyber Attack               NA 2012-02-17
## 10 2012-11-15 MRO    Iowa; Michigan                     Suspected Cyber Attack               NA 2012-11-15
## 11 2013-06-21 MRO    Michigan, Iowa                     Suspected Cyber Attack               NA 2013-10-30
## 12 2013-10-16 SERC   Roxboro Plant, North Carolina      Cyber Event with Pote…                0 2013-10-16
## 13 2014-03-20 NPCC   New York                           Suspected Cyber Attack               NA 2014-03-20
## 14 2014-10-21 MRO    Carmel, Indiana                    Suspected Cyber Attack               NA 2014-10-21
## 15 2014-12-30 NPCC   New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Mai… Suspected Cyber Attack               NA 2014-12-31
## 16 2016-02-07 NPCC   New York: Orange County            Cyber Attack                         NA 2016-02-07
## 17 2016-04-12 WECC   Washington: Pend Oreille County    Cyber Attack                          0 2016-04-12
## 18 2016-11-09 WECC   California: Stanislaus County, Sa… Cyber Attack                          0 2016-11-09
## 19 2016-12-13 WECC   California: Riverside County;      Cyber Event                           0 2016-12-13



There's a great deal of work left out of this power-outage data cleanup work:

  • Turn outage start/end info into POSIXct objects
  • Normalize area (make it a data_frame column with state and municipality so it can be unnested nicely)
  • Normalize event_type since many of the phrases used are equivalent and some have more than one categorization
  • Normalize loss somehow and do a better job with customers_affected (I did not double-check my work and I think there are errors in that column, now, but I didn't need it for my goal).

Since GitLab snippets are terrible, awful, slow things I've grudgingly posted the above code (contiguously) over at GitHub.

If you wrangle the data more and/or come up with other insights drop a note in the comments with a link to your post.

The sergeant? package has a minor update that adds REST API coverage for two “new” storage endpoints that make it possible to add, update and remove storage configurations on-the-fly without using the GUI or manually updating a config file.

This is an especially handy feature when paired with Drill’s new, official Docker container since that means we can:

  • fire up a clean Drill instance
  • modify the storage configuration (to, say, point to a local file system directory)
  • execute SQL ops
  • destroy the Drill instance

all from within R.

This is even more handy for those of us who prefer handling JSON data in Drill than in R directly or with sparklyr.

Quick Example

In a few weeks most of the following verbose-code-snippets will have a more diminutive and user-friendly interface within sergeant, but for now we’ll perform the above bulleted steps with some data that was used in a recent new package which was also generated by another recent new package. The zdnsr::zdns_exec() function ultimately generates a deeply nested JSON file that I really prefer working with in Drill before shunting it into R. Said file is stored, say, in the ~/drilldat directory.

Now, I have Drill running all the time on almost every system I use, but we’ll pretend I don’t for this example. I’ve run zdns_exec() and generated the JSON file and it’s in the aforementioned directory. Let’s fire up an instance and connect to it:

library(sergeant) # git[hu|la]b:hrbrmstr/sergeant

docker <- Sys.which("docker") # you do need docker. it's a big dependency, but worth it IMO

  command = docker,  
  args = c(
    "run", "-i", 
    "--name", "drill-1.14.0", 
    "-p", "8047:8047", 
    "-v", paste0(c(path.expand("~/drilldat"), "/drilldat"), collapse=":"),
    "-t", "drill/apache-drill:1.14.0",
  stdout = TRUE
) -> drill_container)
## [1] "d6bc79548fa073d3bfbd32528a12669d753e7a19a6258e1be310e1db378f0e0d"

The above snippet fires up a Drill Docker container (downloads it, too, if not already local) and wires up a virtual directory to it.

We should wait a couple seconds and make sure we can connect to it:

drill_connection() %>% 
## [1] TRUE

Now, we need to add a storage configuration so we can access our virtual directory. Rather than modify dfs we’ll add a drilldat plugin that will work with the local filesystem just like dfs does:

drill_connection() %>%
    name = "drilldat",
    config = '
  "config" : {
    "connection" : "file:///", 
    "enabled" : true,
    "formats" : null,
    "type" : "file",
    "workspaces" : {
      "root" : {
        "location" : "/drilldat",
        "writable" : true,
        "defaultInputFormat": null
  "name" : "drilldat"
## $result
## [1] "success"

Now, we can perform all the Drill ops sergeant has to offer, including ones like this:

(db <- src_drill("localhost"))
## src:  DrillConnection
## tbls: cp.default, dfs.default, dfs.root, dfs.tmp, drilldat.default, drilldat.root,

tbl(db, "drilldat.root.`/*.json`")
## # Source:   table [?? x 10]
## # Database: DrillConnection
##    data                                              name   error class status timestamp          
##  1 "{\"authorities\":[{\"ttl\":180,\"type\":\"SOA\"… _dmar… NA    IN    NOERR… 2018-09-09 13:18:07
##  2 "{\"authorities\":[],\"protocol\":\"udp\",\"flag… _dmar… NA    IN    NXDOM… 2018-09-09 13:18:07
##  3 "{\"authorities\":[],\"protocol\":\"udp\",\"flag… _dmar… NA    IN    NXDOM… 2018-09-09 13:18:07
##  4 "{\"authorities\":[],\"protocol\":\"udp\",\"flag… _dmar… NA    IN    NXDOM… 2018-09-09 13:18:07
##  5 "{\"authorities\":[],\"protocol\":\"udp\",\"flag… _dmar… NA    IN    NXDOM… 2018-09-09 13:18:07
##  6 "{\"authorities\":[{\"ttl\":1799,\"type\":\"SOA\… _dmar… NA    IN    NOERR… 2018-09-09 13:18:07
##  7 "{\"authorities\":[],\"protocol\":\"udp\",\"flag… _dmar… NA    IN    NXDOM… 2018-09-09 13:18:07
##  8 "{\"authorities\":[],\"protocol\":\"udp\",\"flag… _dmar… NA    IN    NXDOM… 2018-09-09 13:18:07
##  9 "{\"authorities\":[],\"protocol\":\"udp\",\"flag… _dmar… NA    IN    NXDOM… 2018-09-09 13:18:07
## 10 "{\"authorities\":[],\"protocol\":\"udp\",\"flag… _dmar… NA    IN    NOERR… 2018-09-09 13:18:07
## # ... with more rows

(tbl(db, "(
SELECT AS question,
 b.answers.answer AS answer
   FLATTEN( AS answers
   drilldat.root.`/*.json` a
   (a.status = 'NOERROR')
) b
)") %>% 
 collect() -> dmarc_recs)
## # A tibble: 1,250 x 2
##    question             answer                                                                    
##  *                                                                                      
##  1  v=DMARC1; p=none                                                          
##  2     v=DMARC1; p=none;,mailto:7cc566d7@mxtoolbox.d…
##  3       v=DMARC1; pct=100; p=none                                                 
##  4      v=DMARC1;p=none;;ruf=mailto:DKIM_DMARC@aac…
##  5      v=DMARC1; p=none;; ruf=mailto:Office…
##  6 v=DMARC1; p=none; pct=100;…
##  7       v=DMARC1;p=quarantine;sp=none;fo=1;ri=86400;pct=50;rua=mailto:dmarcreply@…
##  8 v=DMARC1; p=none;                                                         
##  9     v=DMARC1; p=none; pct=100;; ruf=mailto:dev…
## 10  v=DMARC1; p=none;; ruf=mailto:mcambron@s…
## # ... with 1,240 more rows

Finally (when done), we can terminate the Drill container:

  command = "docker",
  args = c("rm", "-f", drill_container)


Those system2() calls are hard on the ? and a pain to type/remember, so they’ll be wrapped in some sergeant utility functions (I’m hesitant to add a reticulate dependency to sergeant which is necessary to use the docker package, hence the system call wrapper approach).

Check your favorite repository for more sergeant updates and file issues if you have suggestions for how you’d like this Docker API for Drill to be controlled.