Update to metricsgraphics 0.9.0 (now on CRAN)

It’s been a while since I’ve updated my [metricsgraphics package](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/metricsgraphics/index.html). The hit list for changes includes: – Fixes for the new ggplot2 release (metricsgraphics uses the `movies` data set which is now in ggplot2movies) – Updated all javascript libraries to the most recent versions – Borrowed the ability to add CSS rules to a widget… Continue reading

Achieve Charting Zen With TauCharts

There was some chatter on the twitters this week about a relatively new D3-based charting library called [TauCharts](http://taucharts.com/) (also @taucharts). The API looked pretty clean and robust, so I started working on an htmlwidget for it and was quickly joined by the Widget Master himself, @timelyportfolio. TauCharts definitely has a “grammar of graphics” feel about… Continue reading

Making Static/Interactive Voronoi Map Layers In ggplot/leaflet

Despite having shown various ways to overcome D3 cartographic envy, there are always more examples that can cause the green monster to rear it’s ugly head. Take the Voronoi Arc Map example. For those in need of a primer, a Voronoi tesslation/diagram is: …a partitioning of a plane into regions based on distance to points… Continue reading

Two pending features to metricsgraphics

I’ve been slowly prodding the [metricsgraphics package](https://github.com/hrbrmstr/metricsgraphics/) towards a 1.0.0 release, but there are some rough edges that still need sorting out. One of them is the ability to handle passing in variables for the `x` & `y` accessor values (you _can_ pass in bare and quoted strings). This can now be achieved (in the… Continue reading

metricsgraphics 0.8.5 is now on CRAN!

I’m super-pleased to announce that the Benevolent CRAN Overlords [accepted the metricsgraphics package](http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/metricsgraphics/index.html) into CRAN over the weekend. Now, you no longer need to rely on github/devtools to use [MetricsGraphics.js](http://metricsgraphicsjs.org/) charts from your R scripts. If you’re not familiar with `htmlwidgets`, take a look at [the official site for them](http://www.htmlwidgets.org/). To make it easier to… Continue reading

A quick, incomplete comparison of ggplot2 & rbokeh plotting idioms

I set aside a small bit of time to give [rbokeh](https://github.com/bokeh/rbokeh) a try and figured I’d share a small bit of code that shows how to make the “same” chart in both ggplot2 and rbokeh. #### What is Bokeh/rbokeh? rbokeh is an [htmlwidget](http://htmlwidgets.org) wrapper for the [Bokeh](http://bokeh.pydata.org/en/latest/) visualization library that has become quite popular in… Continue reading

Streamgraph htmlwidget version 0.7 released (adds support for markers & annotations)

In preparation for using some of our streamgraphs for production (PDF/print) graphics, I ended up having to hand-edit labels in on one of the graphics in an Adobe product. This bumped up the priority on adding annotation functions to the streamgraph package (you really don’t want to have to hand-edit graphics if at all possible,… Continue reading

Streamgraph package now supports continuous x axis scale

A post on [StackOverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28725604/streamgraphs-dataviz-in-r-wont-plot) asked about using a continuous variable for the x-axis (vs dates) in my [streamgraph package](http://github.com/hrbrmstr/streamgraph). While I provided a workaround for the question, it helped me bump up the priority for adding support for continuous x axis scales. With the [DBIR](http://www.verizonenterprise.com/DBIR/) halfway behind me now, I kicked out a new rev… Continue reading