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Author Archives: hrbrmstr

Don't look at me…I do what he does — just slower. #rstats avuncular • ?Resistance Fighter • Cook • Christian • [Master] Chef des Données de Sécurité @ @rapid7

As indicated in the code comments, Google took down the cone KML files. I’ll be changing the code to use the NHC archived cone files later tonight

NOTE: There is significantly updated code on github for the Sandy ‘R’ dataviz.

This is a follow-up post to the quickly crafted Watch Sandy in “R” post last night. I noticed that Google provided the KML on their crisis map and wanted to show how easy it is to add it to previous code.

I added comments inline to make it easier to follow along.

# need this for handling "paste" extra spaces
trim.trailing <- function (x) sub("\\s+$", "", x)
# get track data from Unisys
wx = read.table(file="", skip=3,fill=TRUE)
# join last two columns (type of storm) that read.table didn't parse as one
# and give the data frame real column names
wx$V7 = trim.trailing(paste(wx$V7,wx$V8," "))
wx$V8 = NULL
colnames(wx) = c("Advisory","Latitude","Longitude","Time","WindSpeed","Pressure","Status")
# annotate the name with forecast (+12/+24/etc) projections
wx$Advisory = unlist(strsplit(toString(wx$Advisory),", "))
wx$a = ""
wx$a[grep("\\+",wx$Advisory)] = wx$Advisory[grep("\\+",wx$Advisory)]
wx$Status = trim.trailing(paste(wx$Status,wx$a," "))
# cheap way to make past plots one color and forecast plots another
wx$color = "red"
wx$color[grep("\\+",wx$Advisory)] = "orange"
# only want part of the map
# plot the map itself
map("state", interior = FALSE, xlim=xlim)
map("state", boundary = FALSE, col="gray", add = TRUE,xlim=xlim)
# plot the track with triangles and colors
# annotate it with the current & projects strength status + forecast
# get the forecast "cone" from the KML that google's crisis map provides
# NOTE: you need curl & unzip (with funzip) on your system
# NOTE: Google didn't uniquely name the cone they provide, so this will break
#       post-Sandy. I suggest saving the last KML & track files out out if you
#       want to save this for posterity
# this gets the cone and makes it into a string that getKMLcoordinates can process
coneKML = paste(unlist(system("curl -s -o - | funzip", intern = TRUE)),collapse="")
# process the coneKML and make a data frame out of it
coords = getKMLcoordinates(textConnection(coneKML))
coords = data.frame(SpatialPoints(coords, CRS('+proj=longlat')))
# this plots the cone and leaves the track visible
polygon(coords$X1,coords$X2, pch=16, border="red", col='#FF000033',cex=0.25)
# no one puts Sandy in a box (well, except us)


  • Significantly updated code on github
  • Well, a couple folks asked how to make it more “centered” on the hurricane and stop the labels from chopping off, so I modified the previous code a bit to show how to do that.

As indicated in the code comments, Google took down the cone KML files. I’ll be changing the code to use the NHC archived cone files later tonight

While this will pale in comparison to the #spiffy Sandy graphics on Weather Underground and other sites (including Google’s “Crisis Center” maps), I thought it might be interesting to show folks how they can keep an eye on “Sandy” using R.

trim.trailing <- function (x) sub("\\s+$", "", x)
wx = read.table(file="", skip=3,fill=TRUE)
wx$V7 = trim.trailing(paste(wx$V7,wx$V8," "))
wx$V8 = NULL
colnames(wx) = c("Advisory","Latitude","Longitude","Time","WindSpeed","Pressure","Status")
wx$Advisory = unlist(strsplit(toString(wx$Advisory),", "))
wx$a = ""
wx$a[grep("\\+",wx$Advisory)] = wx$Advisory[grep("\\+",wx$Advisory)]
wx$Status = trim.trailing(paste(wx$Status,wx$a," "))
wx$color = "red"
wx$color[grep("\\+",wx$Advisory)] = "orange"
map("state", interior = FALSE, xlim=xlim)
map("state", boundary = FALSE, col="gray", add = TRUE,xlim=xlim)

This short script reads in data from the Unisys Hurricane Weather Center and plots colored symbols on a US map with the forecast projections. I may be extending this, but it’s a good starting point for anyone who wants to play with mapping relatively live data from the internet (or learn some more R).

I played around with OSE Firewall for WordPress for a couple days to see if it was worth switching to from the plugin I was previously using. It’s definitely not as full featured and I didn’t see any WP database extensions where it kept a log I could review/analyze, so I whipped up a little script to extract all the alert data from the Gmail account I setup for it to log to.

The script below – while focused on getting OSE Firewall alert data – can be easily modified to search for other types of automated/formatted e-mails and build a CSV file with the results. Remember, tho, that you’re going to be putting your e-mail credentials in this file (if you end up using it) so either use a mailbox you don’t care about or make sure you use sane permissions on the script and keep it somewhere safe.

I tested it on linux boxes, but it should work anywhere you have Python and mailbox access.

I highly doubt there will be any updates to this version (I’m not using OSE Firewall anymore), but you an grab the source below or on github. There should be sufficient annotation in the comments, but if you have any questions, drop a note in the comments.

# - extract WordPress OSE Firewall mail alerts to CSV
# Author: @hrbrmstr

import imaplib
import datetime
import re

# get 'today' (in the event you are just reporting on today's hits
date = ( - datetime.timedelta(1)).strftime("%d-%b-%Y")

# setup IMAP connection

gmail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('',993) # use your IMAP server it not Gmail
gmail.login("YOUR_IMAP_USERNAME","YOUR_PASSWORD")'[Gmail]/All Mail') # Your IMAP's "all mail" if not using Gmail

# now search for all mails with "OSE Firewall" in the subject

# uncomment this line and comment out the next one to just get results from 'today'
#result, data = gmail.uid('search', None, '(SENTSINCE {date} HEADER Subject "OSE Firewall*")'.format(date=date))
result, data = gmail.uid('search', None, '(HEADER Subject "OSE Firewall*")')

# setup CSV file for output

f = open("osefw.csv", "w+")
f.write("Date,IP,URI,Method,UserAgent,Referer\n") ;

# cycle through result set from IMAP search query, extracting salient info
# from headers/body of each found message

for msg in data[0].split():

    # fetch the msg for the UID
    res, msg_txt = gmail.uid('fetch', msg, '(RFC822)')

    # get rid of carriage returns
    body = re.sub(re.compile('\r', re.MULTILINE), '', msg_txt[0][1])

    # extract salient fields from the message body/header
    DATE = re.findall('^Date: (.*?)$', body, re.M)
    IP = re.findall('^FROM IP: http:\/\/\/(.*?)$', body, re.M)
    URI = re.findall('^URI: (.*?)$', body, re.M)
    METHOD = re.findall('^METHOD: (.*?)$', body, re.M)
    USERAGENT= re.findall('^USERAGENT: (.*?)$', body, re.M)
    REFERER = re.findall('^REFERER: (.*?)$', body, re.M)

    # format for CSV output
    ose_log  = "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n" % (DATE, IP, URI, METHOD, USERAGENT, REFERER)

    # quicker to replace array output brackets than to deal with non-array results checking
    f.write(re.sub("[\[\]]*", "", ose_log))

    f.flush() ;


There’s a good FAQ on how to do the MongoDB query -> R data frame but I wanted to post a more complete example that included the database connection and query setup since I suspect there are folks new to Mongo who would appreciate the end-to-end view. The code is fully annotated with comments, and I’ll caveat that this was for pulling data from my solar radiation sensor (it provides some context for the query and values).

library(chron) # NOTE: you don't need this for Mongo; it's for the sensor readings plot
# connect to mongodb server on host and connect to db
mongo = mongo.create(host="MONGODB_HOST",db="DATABASE_NAME")
if ( {
  # this sets up the query (there are other "buffer.append…" functions
  today = format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")
  buf = mongo.bson.buffer.create()
  query = mongo.bson.from.buffer(buf)
  # run the query and get total results & the starting db cursor  
  todays.readings.count = mongo.count(mongo,"solar.readings",query)
  todays.readings.cursor = mongo.find(mongo,"solar.readings",query)
  # setup some vectors to hold our results  
  time = vector("character",todays.readings.count)
  lux = vector("numeric",todays.readings.count)
  full = vector("numeric",todays.readings.count)
  IR = vector("numeric",todays.readings.count)
  i = 1
  # iterate over the results with the cursor    
  while ( {
    # get the values of the current record
    cval = mongo.cursor.value(todays.readings.cursor)
    # split it out into our vectors    
    time[i] = mongo.bson.value(cval,"time")
    full[i] = mongo.bson.value(cval,"Full")
    lux[i] = mongo.bson.value(cval,"Lux")
    IR[i] = mongo.bson.value(cval,"IR")
    i = i + 1
  # packages all our values up into a data frame  
  df =,full=full,lux=lux,IR=IR))
  # (for my wx data, I need 'time' as an actual time value)  
  df$Time = times(df$time)
  df$time = NULL
  plot(df$full~df$Time,type="l",col="blue",lwd="1",xlab="",ylab="Full Spectrum",main=paste(today," Solar Radiation Readings"))
  plot(df$lux~df$Time,type="l",col="blue",lwd="1",xlab="",ylab="Lux (calculated)")

I’m not entirely sure what happened to cause it, but the “Show in Finder…” feature of a plethora of OS X apps broke on me just over a month ago. I poked around a bit, deleted a preference file here or there and un-tweaked some tweaks to see if it would help and nothing resolved the issue.

So, I finally had some spare minutes to try the good ol’ “Repair Permissions” feature of Disk Utility. Ten minutes plus one reboot later and —BOOM!—I’m back in business again.

Of note were literally hundreds of issues fixed while permissions were being repaired. Methinks it may have to do with a system crash or two that happened during some of the 10.8 beta update releases I was running.

Hopefully this helps even one other person looking to fix this tedious issue.

UPDATE: While the cautionary advice still (IMO) holds true, it turns out that – once I actually looked at the lat/lng pair being returned for the anomaly presented below, the weird results come from horrible precision resolution from the initial IP address → lat/lng conversion (which isn’t the fault of @fslabs, but of the service they used). It’s hard to get a ZIP code right/more precise when you only have integer resolution (38.0,-97.0).

We’re still crunching through some of the ZeroAccess data and have some (hopefully) interesting results to present, but an weirld GeoIP anomaly has come up that I wanted to quickly share.

To get some more granular data, I’m using the GeoNames API to get the latitude/longitude pairs down to various US-level ZIP codes to facilitate additional analysis. During this exercise (which hasn’t finished as of this blog post due to needing to pace the API calls), it has become quite noticeable that GeoIP-coding definitely has flaws. Take, for example, Potwin, KS:

This cozy little town (population ~450) has the largest collection of bots, so far : 800. Yes, 800 bots (computers) in a 128 acre town of 450 people. (#unlikely)

Either there’s some weirdness in the way @fslabs is tracking the bots (which is possible since we only have a lat/long file with no other context/data to look at) or we need to treat GeoIP results very lightly – or at least do some post-processing validation – since I suspect a decent portion of the 800 bots are actually in neighbor to the southwest:

I know GeoIP translation is not an exact science and is dependent upon a whole host of factors, but this one was just pretty humorous. It has caused me to slightly question the @fslabs data a bit, but I’m comfortable assuming they did sufficient due diligence before crafting an IP address list to geocode.

In case you’re wondering what the other “Top US Bots” are (with 7K more to crunch):

NOTE: A great deal of this post comes from @jayjacobs as he took a conversation we were having about thoughts on ways to look at the data and just ran like the Flash with it.

Did you know that – if you’re a US citizen – you have approximately a 1 in 5 chance of getting the flu this year? If you’re a male (no regional bias for this one), you have a 1 in 400 chance of developing Hodgkin’s Disease and a 1 in 5,000 chance of dying from testicular cancer.

Moving away from medical stats, if you’re a NJ resident, you have a 1 in 1,000 chance of winning $275 in the straight “Pick 3” lottery and a 1 in 13,983,816 chance of jackpotting the “Pick 6”.

What does this have to do with botnets? Well, we’ve determined that – if you’re a US resident – you have a 1 in 6,000 chance of getting the ZeroAccess flu (or winning the ZeroAccess lottery, whichever makes you feel better). Don’t believe me? Let’s look at the data.

For starters, we’re working with this file which is a summary file by US state that includes actual state population, the number of internet users in that state and the number of bots in that state (data is from Internet World Statistics). As an example, Maine has:

  • 1,332,155 residents
  • 1,102,933 internet users
  • 219 bot infections

(To aspiring security data scientists out there, I should point out that we’ve had to gather or crunch through on our own much of the data we’re using. While @fsecure gave us a great beginning, there’s no free data lunch)

Where’d we get the 1 : 6000 figure? We can do some quick R math and view the histogram and summary data:

#read in the summary data
df <- read.csv("zerogeo.csv", header=T)
# calculate how many people for 1 bot infection per state:
df$per <- round(df$intUsers/df$bots)
# plot histogram of the spread
hist(df$per, breaks=10, col="#CCCCFF", freq=T, main="Internet Users per Bot Infection")

Along with the infection rate/risk, we can also do a quick linear regression to see if there’s a correlation between the number of internet users in a state and the infection rate of that state:

# "lm" is an R function that, amongst other things, can be used for linear regression
# so we use it to performa quick regression on how internet users describe bot infections
users <- lm(df$bots~df$intUsers)
# and, R makes it easy to plot that model
plot(df$intUsers, df$bots, xlab="Internet Users", ylab="Bots", pch=19, cex=0.7, col="#3333AA")
abline(users, col="#3333AA")

Apart from some outliers (more on that in another post), there is – as Jay puts it – “very strong (statistical) relationship between the population of internet users and the infection rate in the states.” Some of you may be saying “Duh?!” right about now, but all we’ve had up until this point are dots or colors on a map. We’ve taken that superficial view (yes, it’s just really eye candy) and given it some depth and meaning.

We’re pulling some demographic data from the US Census and will be doing another data summarization at the ZIP code level to see what other aspects (I’m really focused on analyzing median income by ZIP code to see if/how that describes bot presence).

If you made it this far, I’d really like to know what you would have thought the ZeroAccess “flu” chances were before seeing that it’s 1 : 6,000 (since your guesstimate was probably based on the map views).

Finally, Jay used the summary data to work up a choropleth in R:

# setup our environment
# read the data
zero <- read.csv("zerogeo.csv", header=T)
# extract state geometries from maps library
states <- map_data("state")
# this "cleans up the data" to make it easier to merge with the built in state data
zero.clean <- data.frame(region=tolower(zero$state), 
choro <- merge(states, zero.clean, sort = FALSE, by = "region")
choro <- choro[order(choro$order),]
# "bin" the data to enable us to use a better set of colors
choro$botBreaks <- cut(choro$perBot, 10)
# get the plot
c1 = qplot(long, lat, data = choro, group = group, fill = botBreaks, geom = "polygon", 
      main="Population of Internet Users to One Zero Access Botnet Infenction") +
# display it with modified color scheme (we hate the default ggplot2 blue)
c1 + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Reds")

While shiny visualizations are all well-and-good, sometimes plain ol’ charts & graphs can give you the data you’re looking for.

If we take the one-liner filter from the previous example and use it to just output CSV-formatted summary data:

cat ZeroAccessGeoIPs.csv | cut -f1,1 -d\,| sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]" | while read a b ; do echo "$b, $a" ; done > bots.csv

then we can take the output file and shove it in Google Docs to do more traditional analysis, beginning with the classic bar chart:

In this view, it’s pretty obvious that the United States is an outlier with Japan a distant second. This is interesting in-and-of itself since Japan has 126,475,664 inhabitants and the United States has 313,232,044 (i.e. the U.S. has ~3x more people). If we take a look at Internet users, Japan has 101,228,736 while the U.S. has 245,203,319 (i.e. the U.S. has ~2x more internet users). If we look at GDP, Japan’s was $5.869 trillion while the U.S. cranked out $15.09 trillion (i.e. U.S. is ~3x). Yet, the botnet stats show that Japan has 10,110 bots while the U.S. has 47,880 (i.e. the U.S. has ~5x more bots). So, clearly U.S. citizens are either more targeted, have system characteristics/user-behavior or user-attributes that make them more susceptible to bot infections.

This type of data doesn’t always jump out from an eye-candy visualization.

If we filter out the U.S. outlier, there’s a more gradual progression between the other countries:

We now have some great starting points – using simple/freely available tools – to ask more questions, which is one of the fundamental goals of data analysis.

Taking this one step further before my next post, if we use some R code to convert longitude & latitude to U.S. state names (yes, there’s a US-centric bias to some of my tools :-), we can see – with a traditional bar chart – which ones were more impacted than others:

Click for larger version

We can use the state names to make a choropleth, but I’ll leave that as an exercise to the reader, or may do a sample with that in Python in an upcoming post.

The data used for these charts are all available in Google Docs.