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Author Archives: hrbrmstr

Don't look at me…I do what he does — just slower. #rstats avuncular • ?Resistance Fighter • Cook • Christian • [Master] Chef des Données de Sécurité @ @rapid7

Given my [obsession]( with slopegraphs, I’m not sure how I missed this [post]( back in late February by @JeffClark that includes a very nicely executed [interactive sloepgraph]( on the global obesity problem. He used [Processing]( & [Processing JS]( to build the visualization and I think it illustrates how well animation/interaction and slopegraphs work together. It would be even spiffier if demographic & obesity details (perhaps even a dynamic map) were displayed as you select a country/region.

You can try your hand at an alternate implementation by [grabbing the data]( and playing along at home.

alogoWhile you can (and should) view [all the presentations]( from #PyCon2013, here are my picks for the ones that interested me the most, as they focus on scaling, mapping, automation (both web & electronics) and data analysis:

– [Chef: Why you should automate your web infrastructure]( by Kate Heddleston
– [Messaging at Scale at Instagram]( by Rick Branson
– [Python at Netflix]( by Jeremy Edberg, Corey Bertram, and Roy Rapoport
– [Real-time Tracking and Mapping of Geographic Objects]( by Ragi Burhum
– [Scaling Realtime at DISQUS]( by Adam Hitchcock
– [A Crash Course in MongoDB](
– [Server Log Analysis with Pandas]( by Taavi Burns
– [Who’s There – Home Automation with Arduino and RaspberryPi]( by Rupa Dachere
– [Why you should use Python 3 for text processing]( by David Mertz
– [Awesome Big Data Algorithms]( by Titus Brown

A huge thanks to the speakers and conference organizers for making these resources freely available, especially to those of us who were not able to attend the conference.

I’m still getting my self-hosted [Tiny Tiny RSS]( configuration just the way I want it prior to doing a full blog post on it, but I thought it would be helpful to share a basic Chrome App for it. I ended up creating it to replace the Google Reader Chrome App icon. Making these “Chrome App bookmarks” is dead simple: just create a manifest.json with the following contents:

     "name": "TT-RSS",
     "description": "Tiny Tiny RSS Reader",
     "version": "",
     "app": {
          "urls": [
          "launch": {
               "web_url": ""
     "icons": {
          "128": "rss_128.png",
          "16": "rss_16.png"
     "permissions": [
     "manifest_version": 2

Change the salient strings and put it in a directory along with the images below.



Then, enable “Developer Mode” under Chrome→Extensions, select “Load Unpacked Extensions…” and navigate to the folder you made.

You can also just [download a pre-built folder]( with the above files, but you’ll still need to edit the manifest.json to customize the strings.

If you can make a more “TT-RSS-like” set of images, please drop a note in the comments with their location and I’ll incorporate them into the download (and may even setup a github for the whole project if there’s interest).

Far too many interesting bits to spam on Twitter individually but each is worth getting the word out on:


– It’s [π Day](*
– Unless you’re living in a hole, you probably know that [Google Reader is on a death march]( I’m really liking self-hosting [Tiny Tiny RSS](,d.dmg) so far, and will follow up with a standalone blog post on it.
– @jayjacobs & I are speaking soon at both [SOURCE Boston]( & [Secure360]( We hope to have time outside the talk to discuss security visualization & analysis with you, so go on and register!
– Speaking of datavis, [VizSec 2013]( is on October 14th in Atlanta, GA this year and the aligned [VAST 2013 Challenge]( (via @ieeevisweek) will have another infosec-themed mini-challenge. Watch that space, grab the data and start analyzing & visualizing!
– If you’re in or around Boston, it’d be great to meet you at @openvisconf on May 16-17.
– Majestic SEO has released a new data set for folks to play with: [a list of the top 100,000 websites broken down by the country in which they are hosted]( It requires a free reg to get the link, but no spam so far. (h/t @teamcymru)
– And, finally, @MarketplaceAPM aired a [good, accessible story]( on “Who pays the bill for a cyber war?”. I always encourage infosec industry folk to listen to shows like Marketplace to see how we sound to non-security folk and to glean ways we can communicate better with the people we are ultimately trying to help.

*Image via davincismurf

This is a fourth post in my [Visualizing Risky Words]( series. You’ll need to read starting from that link for context if you’re just jumping in now.

I was going to create a rudimentary version of an interactive word tree for this, but the extremely talented @jasondavies (I marvel especially at his cartographic work) just posted what is probably the best online [word tree generator]( ever made…and in D3 no less.


A word tree is a “visual interactive concordance” and was created back in 2007 by Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Viégas. You can [read more about]( this technique on your own, but a good summary (from their site) is:

A word tree is a visual search tool for unstructured text, such as a book, article, speech or poem. It lets you pick a word or phrase and shows you all the different contexts in which it appears. The contexts are arranged in a tree-like branching structure to reveal recurrent themes and phrases.

I pasted the VZ RISK INTSUM texts into Jason’s tool so you could investigate the corpus to your heart’s content. I would suggest exploring “patch”, “vulnerability”, “adobe”, “breach” & “malware” (for starters).

Jason’s implementation is nothing short of beautiful. He uses SVG text tspans to make the individual text elements not just selectable but easily scaleable with browser window resize events.


The actual [word tree D3 javascript code]( shows just how powerful the combination of the language and @mbostock’s library is. He has, in essence, built a completely cross-platform tokenizer and interactive visualization tool in ~340 lines of javascript. Working your way through that code through to understanding will really help improve your D3 skills.

The DST changeover in the US has made today a fairly strange one, especially when combined with a very busy non-computing day yesterday. That strangeness manifest as a need to take the D3 heatmap idea mentioned in the [previous post]( and actually (mostly) implement it. Folks just coming to this thread may want to start with the [first post]( in the series.

I did a quick extraction of the R TermDocumentMatrix with nested for loops and then extracted the original texts of the corpus and put them into some javascript variables along with some D3 code to show how to do a [rudimentary interactive heatmap](

(click for larger)

(click for live demo)

As you mouse over each of the tiles they will be highlighted and the word/document will be displayed along with the frequency count. Click on the tile and the text will appear with the highlighted word.

Some caveats:

– The heatmap looks a bit different from the R one in part 2 as the terms/keywords are in alphabetical order.
– There are no column or row headers. I won’t claim anything but laziness, though the result does look a bit cleaner this way.
– I didn’t bother extracting the stemming results (it’s kind of a pain), so not all of the keywords will be highlighted when you select a tile.
– It’s one, big HTML document complete with javascript & data. That’s not a recommended practice in production code but it will make it easier for folks to play around with.
– The HTML is not commented well, but there’s really not much of it. The code that makes the heatmap is pretty straightforward if you even have a rough familiarity with D3. Basically, enumerate the data, generating a colored tile for each row/col entry and then mapping click & mouseover/out events to each generated SVG element.
– I also use jQuery in the code, but that’s not a real dependency. I just like using jQuery selectors for non-D3 graphics work. It bulks up the document, so use them together wisely. NOTE: If you don’t want to use jQuery, you’ll need to change the selector code.

Drop a note in the comments if you do use the base example and improve on it or if you have any questions on the code. For those interested, I’ll be putting all the code from the “Visualizing Risky Words” posts into a github repository at the end of the series.

This is a follow-up to my [Visualizing Risky Words]( post. You’ll need to read that for context if you’re just jumping in now. Full R code for the generated images (which are pretty large) is at the end.

Aesthetics are the primary reason for using a word cloud, though one can pretty quickly recognize what words were more important on well crafted ones. An interactive bubble chart is a tad better as it lets you explore the corpus elements that contained the terms (a feature I have not added yet).

I would posit that a simple bar chart can be of similar use if one is trying to get a feel for overall word use across a corpus:

(click for larger version)

It’s definitely not as sexy as a word cloud, but it may be a better visualization choice if you’re trying to do analysis vs just make a pretty picture.

If you are trying to analyze a corpus, you might want to see which elements influenced the term frequencies the most, primarily to see if there were any outliers (i.e. strong influencers). With that in mind, I took @bfist’s [corpus]( and generated a heat map from the top terms/keywords:

(click for larger version)

There are some stronger influencers, but there is a pattern of general, regular usage of the terms across each corpus component. This is to be expected for this particular set as each post is going to be talking about the same types of security threats, vulnerabilities & issues.

The R code below is fully annotated, but it’s important to highlight a few items in it and on the analysis as a whole:

– The extra, corpus-specific stopword list : “week”, “report”, “security”, “weeks”, “tuesday”, “update”, “team” : was designed after manually inspecting the initial frequency breakdowns and inserting my opinion at the efficacy (or lack thereof) of including those terms. I’m sure another iteration would add more (like “released” and “reported”). Your expert view needs to shape the analysis and—in most cases—that analysis is far from a static/one-off exercise.
– Another area of opine was the choice of 0.7 in the removeSparseTerms(tdm, sparse=0.7) call. I started at 0.5 and worked up through 0.8, inspecting the results at each iteration. Playing around with that number and re-generating the heatmap might be an interesting exercise to perform (hint).
– Same as the above for the choice of 10 in subset(tf, tf>=10). Tweak the value and re-do the bar chart vis!
– After the initial “ooh! ahh!” from a word cloud or even the above bar chart (though, bar charts tend to not evoke emotional reactions) is to ask yourself “so what?”. There’s nothing inherently wrong with generating a visualization just to make one, but it’s way cooler to actually have a reason or a question in mind. One possible answer to a “so what?” for the bar chart is to take the high frequency terms and do a bigram/digraph breakdown on them and even do a larger cross-term frequency association analysis (both of which we’ll do in another post)
– The heat map would be far more useful as a D3 visualization where you could select a tile and view the corpus elements with the term highlighted or even select a term on the Y axis and view an extract from all the corpus elements that make it up. That might make it to the TODO list, but no promises.

I deliberately tried to make this as simple as possible for those new to R to show how straightforward and brief text corpus analysis can be (there’s less than 20 lines of code excluding library imports, whitespace, comments and the unnecessary expansion of some of the tm function calls that could have been combined into one). Furthermore, this is really just a basic demonstration of tm package functionality. The post/code is also aimed pretty squarely at the information security crowd as we tend to not like examples that aren’t in our domain. Hopefully it makes a good starting point for folks and, as always, questions/comments are heartily encouraged.

# need this NOAWT setting if you're running it on Mac OS; doesn't hurt on others
# input the raw corpus raw text
# you could read directly from @bfist's source :
a = readLines("intext.txt")
# convert raw text into a Corpus object
# each line will be a different "document"
c = Corpus(VectorSource(a))
# clean up the corpus (function calls are obvious)
c = tm_map(c, tolower)
c = tm_map(c, removePunctuation)
c = tm_map(c, removeNumbers)
# remove common stopwords
c = tm_map(c, removeWords, stopwords())
# remove custom stopwords (I made this list after inspecting the corpus)
c = tm_map(c, removeWords, c("week","report","security","weeks","tuesday","update","team"))
# perform basic stemming : background:
# save original corpus
c_orig = c
# do the actual stemming
c = tm_map(c, stemDocument)
c = tm_map(c, stemCompletion, dictionary=c_orig)
# create term document matrix : : from corpus
tdm = TermDocumentMatrix(c, control = list(minWordLength = 1))
# remove the sparse terms (requires trial->inspection cycle to get sparse value "right")
tdm.s = removeSparseTerms(tdm, sparse=0.7)
# we'll need the TDM as a matrix
m = as.matrix(tdm.s)
# datavis time
# convert matri to data frame
m.df = data.frame(m)
# quick hack to make keywords - which got stuck in row.names - into a variable
m.df$keywords = rownames(m.df)
# "melt" the data frame ; ?melt at R console for info
m.df.melted = melt(m.df)
# not necessary, but I like decent column names
colnames(m.df.melted) = c("Keyword","Post","Freq")
# generate the heatmap
hm = ggplot(m.df.melted, aes(x=Post, y=Keyword)) + 
  geom_tile(aes(fill=Freq), colour="white") + 
  scale_fill_gradient(low="black", high="darkorange") + 
  labs(title="Major Keyword Use Across VZ RISK INTSUM 202 Corpus") + 
  theme_few() +
  theme(axis.text.x  = element_text(size=6))
# not done yet
# better? way to view frequencies
# sum rows of the tdm to get term freq count
tf = rowSums(as.matrix(tdm))
# we don't want all the words, so choose ones with 10+ freq
tf.10 = subset(tf, tf>=10)
# wimping out and using qplot so I don't have to make another data frame
bf = qplot(names(tf.10), tf.10, geom="bar") + 
  coord_flip() + 
  labs(title="VZ RISK INTSUM Keyword Frequencies", x="Keyword",y="Frequency") + 

NOTE: Parts [2], [3] & [4] are also now up.

Inspired by a post by @bfist who created the following word cloud in Ruby from VZ RISK INTSUM posts (visit the link or select the visualization to go to the post):


I ♥ word clouds as much as anyone and usually run Presidential proclamations & SOTU addresses through a word cloud generator just to see what the current year’s foci are.

However, word clouds rarely provide what the creator of the visualization intends. Without performing more strict corpus analysis, one is really just getting a font-based frequency counter. While pretty, it’s not a good idea to derive too much meaning from a simple frequency count since there are phrase & sentence structure components to consider as well as concepts such as stemming (e.g. “risks” & “risk” are most likely the same thing, one is just plural…that’s a simplistic definition/example, though).

I really liked Jim Vallandingham’s Building a Bubble Cloud walk through on how he made a version of @mbostock’s NYTimes convention word counts and decided to both run a rudimentary stem on the VZ RISK INTSUM corpus along with a principal component analysis [PDF] to find the core text influencers and feed the output to a modified version of the bubble cloud:


You can select the graphic to go to the “interactive”/larger version of it. I had intended to make selecting a circle bring up the relevant documents from the post corpus, but that will have to be a task for another day.

It’s noteworthy that both @bfist’s work and this modified version share many of the same core “important” words. With some stemming refinement and further stopword removal (e.g. “week” was in the original run of this visualization and is of no value for this risk-oriented visualization, so I made it part of the stopword list), this could be a really good way to get an overview of what the risky year was all about.

I won’t promise anything, but I’ll try to get the R code cleaned up enough to post. It’s really basic tm & PCA work, so no rocket-science degree is required. Fork @vlandham’s github repo & follow the aforelinked tutorial for the crunchy D3-goodness bits.