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Author Archives: hrbrmstr

Don't look at me…I do what he does — just slower. #rstats avuncular • ?Resistance Fighter • Cook • Christian • [Master] Chef des Données de Sécurité @ @rapid7

Like GODZILLA rising to save Japan, GRANITESEC rises from dormancy (caused mostly by that sod @hrbrmstr) to fill your summer with food, fun & some other audience appropriate word that begins with an “F” to complete the alliteration trifecta.

Hit the Eventbrite link on the right to register and join in the festivities!

Well, the proverbial cat is definitely out of the bag now. I’m moving on from the current gig to take a security data scientist position at Verizon Enterprise. The esteemed Wade Baker will be my new benevolent overlord and it probably isn’t a shocker that I went to the place my [co-author]( works.

Wade’s got an awesome team and I’m excited to start contributing. I’ll definitely miss my evil (and, not-so-evil) minions from the current-but-soon-to-be-former gig, but they’ll continue doing EPIC risk work and security analytics in my absence.

Also, I’m staying put in Maine (apart from what I suspect will be a boatload of travel), so fret not Seacoasters, many a night at 7th Settlement will continue to be had!

Thanks to a comment suggestion, the Rforecastio package is now up to version 1.3.0 and has a new parameter which lets you specify which time conversion function you want to use. Details are up on [github](

Not even going to put an `R` category on this since I don’t want to pollute R-bloggers with this tiny post, but I had to provide the option to let folks specify `ssl.verifypeer=FALSE` (so I made it a generic option to pass in any CURL parameters) and I had a couple gaping bugs that I missed due to not clearing out my environment before building & testing.

I’ve bumped up the version number of `Rforecastio` ([github]( to `1.1.0`. The new
features are:

– removing the SSL certificate bypass check (it doesn’t need it
– using `plyr` for easier conversion of JSON-\>data frame
– adding in a new `daily` forecast data frame
– roxygen2 inline documentation

# NEVER put API keys in revision control systems or source code!
fio.api.key= readLines("~/")
my.latitude = "43.2673"
my.longitude = "-70.8618"
fio.list <- fio.forecast(fio.api.key, my.latitude, my.longitude) <- ggplot(data=fio.list$hourly.df, aes(x=time, y=temperature)) <- + labs(y="Readings", x="Time", title="Houry Readings") <- + geom_line(aes(y=humidity*100), color="green") <- + geom_line(aes(y=temperature), color="red") <- + geom_line(aes(y=dewPoint), color="blue") <- + theme_bw()

daily <- ggplot(data=fio.list$daily.df, aes(x=time, y=temperature)) <- + labs(y="Readings", x="Time", title="Daily Readings") <- + geom_line(aes(y=humidity*100), color="green") <- + geom_line(aes(y=temperatureMax), color="red") <- + geom_line(aes(y=temperatureMin), color="red", linetype=2) <- + geom_line(aes(y=dewPoint), color="blue") <- + theme_bw()


Over on the [Data Driven Security Blog]( there’s a post on how to use `Rcpp` to interface with an external library (in this case `ldns` for DNS lookups). It builds on [another post]( which uses `system()` to make a call to `dig` to lookup DNS `TXT` records.

The core code is below and at both the aforementioned blog post and [this gist]( The post walks you though creating a simple interface and a future post will cover how to build a full package interface to an external library.

Andreas Diesner’s `#spiffy` [Fit2Tcx]( command-line utility is a lightweight way to convert Garmin/ANT [FIT]( files to [TCX]( for further processing.

On a linux system, installing it is as simple as:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:andreas-diesner/garminplugin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fit2tcx

On a Mac OS X system, you’ll need to first grab the `tinyxml` package from `homebrew`:

brew install tinyxml

to install the necessary support library.

After a `git clone` of the Fit2Tcx repository, change the


line in `` to


and then do the typical `./configure && make` (there is no `test` target).

You’ll now have a relatively small `fit2tcx` binary that you can move to `/usr/local/bin` or wherever you like command-line utilities to be put.

You can also grab the [pre-compiled binary]( (built on `OS X 10.9.2` with “latest” `Xcode`).

I had no intention to blog this, but @jayjacobs convinced me otherwise. I was curious about the recent (end of March, 2014) [California earthquake](,0,2465821.story#axzz2xfGBteq0) “storm” and did a quick plot for “fun” and personal use using `ggmap`/`ggplot`.

I used data from the [Southern California Earthquake Center]( (that I cleaned up a bit and that you can find [here](/dl/quakes.dat)) but would have used the USGS quake data if the site hadn’t been down when I tried to get it from there.

The code/process isn’t exactly rocket-science, but if you’re looking for a simple way to layer some data on a “real” map (vs handling shapefiles on your own) then this is a really compact/self-contained tutorial/example.

You can find the code & data over at [github]( as well.

There’s lots of ‘splainin in the comments (which are prbly easier to read on the github site) but drop a note in the comments or on Twitter if it needs any further explanation. The graphic is SVG, so use a proper browser :-) or run the code in R if you can’t see it here.

(click for larger version)

# read in cleaned up data
dat <- read.table("quakes.dat", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# map decimal magnitudes into an integer range
dat$m <- cut(dat$MAG, c(0:10))
# convert to dates
dat$DATE <- as.Date(dat$DATE)
# so we can re-order the data frame
dat <- dat[order(dat$DATE),]
# not 100% necessary, but get just the numeric portion of the cut factor
dat$Magnitude <- factor(as.numeric(dat$m))
# sum up by date for the barplot
dat.sum <- count(dat, .(DATE, Magnitude))
# start the ggmap bit
# It's super-handy that it understands things like "Los Angeles" #spoffy
# I like the 'toner' version. Would also use a stamen map but I can't get 
# to it consistently from behind a proxy server
la <- get_map(location="Los Angeles", zoom=10, color="bw", maptype="toner")
# get base map layer
gg <- ggmap(la) 
# add points. Note that the plot will produce warnings for all points not in the
# lat/lon range of the base map layer. Also note that i'm encoding magnitude by
# size and color and using alpha for depth. because of the way the data is sorted
# the most recent quakes in the set should be on top
gg <- gg + geom_point(data=dat,
                      mapping=aes(x=LON, y=LAT, 
                                  size=MAG, fill=m, alpha=DEPTH), shape=21, color="black")
# this takes the magnitude domain and maps it to a better range of values (IMO)
gg <- gg + scale_size_continuous(range=c(1,15))
# this bit makes the right size color ramp. i like the reversed view better for this map
gg <- gg + scale_fill_manual(values=rev(terrain.colors(length(levels(dat$Magnitude)))))
gg <- gg + ggtitle("Recent Earthquakes in CA & NV")
# no need for a legend as the bars are pretty much the legend
gg <- gg + theme(legend.position="none")
# now for the bars. we work with the summarized data frame
gg.1 <- ggplot(dat.sum, aes(x=DATE, y=freq, group=Magnitude))
# normally, i dislike stacked bar charts, but this is one time i think they work well
gg.1 <- gg.1 + geom_bar(aes(fill=Magnitude), position="stack", stat="identity")
# fancy, schmanzy color mapping again
gg.1 <- gg.1 + scale_fill_manual(values=rev(terrain.colors(length(levels(dat$Magnitude)))))
# show the data source!
gg.1 <- gg.1 + labs(x="Data from:", y="Quake Count")
gg.1 <- gg.1 + theme_bw() #stopthegray
# use grid.arrange to make the sizes work well
grid.arrange(gg, gg.1, nrow=2, ncol=1, heights=c(3,1))