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Author Archives: hrbrmstr

Don't look at me…I do what he does — just slower. #rstats avuncular • ?Resistance Fighter • Cook • Christian • [Master] Chef des Données de Sécurité @ @rapid7

I noticed that the @rOpenSci folks had an interface to []( on their [ToDo]( list so I whipped up a small R package to fill said gap.

Their IP Geolocation API will take an IPv4, IPv6 or FQDN and kick back a ASN, lat/lon, address and more. The [ipapi package]( exposes one function – `geolocate` which takes in a character vector of any mixture of IPv4/6 and domains and returns a `data.table` of results. Since `` has a restriction of 250 requests-per-minute, the package also tries to help ensure you don’t get your own IP address banned (there’s a form on their site you can fill in to get it unbanned if you do happen to hit the limit). Overall, there’s nothing fancy in the package, but it gets the job done.

I notified the rOpenSci folks about it, so hopefully it’ll be one less thing on that particular to-do list.

You can see it in action in combination with the super-spiffy [leaflet]( htmlwidget:

# get top 500 domains
sites <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# make reproducible
# pick out a random 50
sites <- sample(sites$URL, 50) 
sites <- gsub("/", "", sites)
locations <- geolocate(sites)
# take a quick look
## Observations: 50
## Variables:
## $ as          (fctr) AS2635 Automattic, Inc, AS15169 Google Inc., AS3561...
## $ city        (fctr) San Francisco, Mountain View, Chesterfield, Mountai...
## $ country     (fctr) United States, United States, United States, United...
## $ countryCode (fctr) US, US, US, US, US, US, JP, US, US, IT, US, US, US,...
## $ isp         (fctr) Automattic, Google, Savvis, Google, Level 3 Communi...
## $ lat         (dbl) 37.7484, 37.4192, 38.6631, 37.4192, 38.0000, 33.7516...
## $ lon         (dbl) -122.4156, -122.0574, -90.5771, -122.0574, -97.0000,...
## $ org         (fctr) Automattic, Google, Savvis, Google, AddThis, Peer 1...
## $ query       (fctr),,, 74.125...
## $ region      (fctr) CA, CA, MO, CA, , GA, 13, MA, TX, , MA, TX, CA, , ,...
## $ regionName  (fctr) California, California, Missouri, California, , Geo...
## $ status      (fctr) success, success, success, success, success, succes...
## $ timezone    (fctr) America/Los_Angeles, America/Los_Angeles, America/C...
## $ zip         (fctr) 94110, 94043, 63017, 94043, , 30303, , 02142, 78218...
# all i want is the world!
world <- map("world", fill = TRUE, plot = FALSE) 
# kick out a a widget
leaflet(data=world) %>% 
  addTiles() %>% 
  addCircleMarkers(locations$lon, locations$lat, 
                   color = '#ff0000', popup=sites)

50 Random Top Sites

A post on [StackOverflow]( asked about using a continuous variable for the x-axis (vs dates) in my [streamgraph package]( While I provided a workaround for the question, it helped me bump up the priority for adding support for continuous x axis scales. With the [DBIR]( halfway behind me now, I kicked out a new rev of the package/widget that has support for continuous scales.

Using the data from the SO post, you can see there’s not much difference in how you use continuous vs date scales:

dat <- read.table(text="week variable value
40     rev1  372.096
40     rev2  506.880
40     rev3 1411.200
40     rev4  198.528
40     rev5   60.800
43     rev1  342.912
43     rev2  501.120
43     rev3  132.352
43     rev4  267.712
43     rev5   82.368
44     rev1  357.504
44     rev2  466.560", header=TRUE)
dat %>% 
  streamgraph("variable","value","week", scale="continuous") %>% 

Product Revenue

I’ll be adding support for using a categorical variable on the x axis soon. Once that’s done, it’ll be time to do the CRAN dance.

We were looking for a different type of visualization for a project at work this past week and my thoughts immediately gravitated towards [streamgraphs]( The TLDR on streamgraphs is they they are generalized versions of stacked area graphs with free baselines across the x axis. They are somewhat [controversial]( but have a “draw you in” aesthetic appeal (which is what we needed for our visualization).

You can make streamgraphs/stacked area charts pretty easily in D3, and since we needed to try many different sets of data in the streamgraph style, it made sense to make this an R [htmlwidget]( Thus, the [streamgraph package]( was born.

### Making a streamgraph

The package isn’t in CRAN yet, so you have to do the `devtools` dance:


Streamgraphs require a continuous variable for the x axis, and the `streamgraph` widget/package works with years or dates (support for `xts` objects and `POSIXct` types coming soon). Since they display categorical values in the area regions, the data in R needs to be in [long format]( which is easy to do with `dplyr` & `tidyr`.

The package recognizes when years are being used and does all the necessary conversions for you. It also uses a technique similar to `expand.grid` to ensure all categories are represented at every observation (not doing so makes `d3.stack` unhappy).

Let’s start by making a `streamgraph` of the number of movies made per year by genre using the `ggplot2` `movies` dataset:

ggplot2::movies %>%
  select(year, Action, Animation, Comedy, Drama, Documentary, Romance, Short) %>%
  tidyr::gather(genre, value, -year) %>%
  group_by(year, genre) %>%
  tally(wt=value) %>%
  streamgraph("genre", "n", "year") %>%
  sg_axis_x(20) %>%
  sg_fill_brewer("PuOr") %>%
  sg_legend(show=TRUE, label="Genres: ")

Movie count by genre by year

We can also mimic an example from the [Name Voyager]( project (using the `babynames` R package) but change some of the aesthetics, just to give an idea of how some of the options work:

babynames %>%
 filter(grepl("^(Alex|Bob|Jay|David|Mike|Jason|Stephen|Kymberlee|Lane|Sophie|John|Andrew|Thibault|Russell)$", name)) %>%
  group_by(year, name) %>%
  tally(wt=n) %>%
  streamgraph("name", "n", "year", offset="zero", interpolate="linear") %>%
  sg_legend(show=TRUE, label="DDSec names: ")

Data-Driven Security Podcast guest+host names by year

There are more examples over at [RPubs]( and [github](, but I’ll close with a streamgraph of housing data originally made by [Alex Bresler](

dat <- read.csv("")
dat %>%
  streamgraph("asset_class", "volume_billions", "year") %>%
  sg_axis_x(1, "year", "%Y") %>%
  sg_fill_brewer("PuOr") %>%
  sg_legend(show=TRUE, label="Assets: ")

Commercial Real Estate Transaction Volume by Asset Class Since 2006

While the radical volume change would have been noticeable in almost any graph style, it’s especially noticeable with the streamgraph version as your eyes tend to naturally follow the curves of the flow.

### Fin

While I wouldn’t have these replace my trusty ggplot2 faceted bar charts for regular EDA and reporting, streamgraphs can add a bit of color and flair, and may be an especially good choice when you need to view many categorical variables over time.

As usual, issues/feature requests on [github]( and showcase/general feedback in the comments.

I felt compelled to dust off my 2013 [Valentine’s Day]( `#rstats` post and make it all Shiny and new again. I used the same math from that post, but made the polygon a bit sharper and used ggplot2 for the plotting.

To kick it up a bit, I decided to pay homage to a local company (Necco) who makes the venerable [Sweethearts candies]( that are popular this time of year (at least in the U.S.). The heart color is randomized to take on one of the signature pastels of the candy and I took the various sayings that have been on their hearts over the years (except 2006, which was a strange year) and also randomized them. The plot also displays the year of the saying.

I wrapped it all up in a Shiny bow, so all you have to do to get a new heart/saying is refresh the page!

To play with it, you can:

– refresh this post (since the `iframe` below is pointing to the shiny app)
– refresh the target [ app](
– run it locally via `shiny::runGist(“cf34f7230c88bd99b153”)`

NOTE: You’ll probably want/need to run it locally. I only have a free ShinyApps account and it’ll probably run out of free CPU time depending on when you’re reading this post.

The surprisingly small bit of code is in [this gist](

Now there’s even one more way to have a data-driven romance!

Oh, and Happy Valentine’s Day @mrshrbrmstr!!

I received an out-of-band question on the use of `%<>%` in my [CDC FluView]( post, and took the opportunity to address it in a broader, public fashion.

Anyone using R knows that the two most common methods of assignment are the venerable (and sensible) left arrow `<-` and it's lesser cousin `=`. `<-` has an evil sibling, `<<-`, which is used when you want/need to have R search through parent environments for an existing definition of the variable being assigned (up to the global environment). Since the introduction of the "piping idom"--`%>%`–made popular by `magrittr`, `dplyr`, `ggvis` and other packages, I have struggled with the use of `<-` in pipes. Since pipes flow data in a virtual forward motion, that LHS (left hand side) assignment has an awkward characteristic about it. Furthermore, many times you are piping from an object with the intent to replace the contents of said object. For example:

iris$Sepal.Length <- 
  iris$Sepal.Length %>%

(which is from the `magrittr` documentation).

To avoid the repetition of the left-hand side immediately after the assignment operator, Bache & Wickham came up with the `%<>%` operator, which shortens the above to:

iris$Sepal.Length %<>% sqrt

Try as I may (including the CDC FluView blog post), that way of assigning variables still _feels_ awkward, and is definitely confusing to new R users. But, what’s the alternative? I believe it’s R’s infrequently used `->` RHS assignment operator.

Let’s look at that in the context of the somewhat-long pipe in the CDC FluView example:

dat %>%
                       labels=c("Boston", "New York",
                                "Philadelphia", "Atlanta",
                                "Chicago", "Dallas",
                                "Kansas City", "Denver",
                                "San Francisco", "Seattle"),
                       ordered=TRUE)) %>%
  mutate(season_week=ifelse(WEEK>=40, WEEK-40, WEEK),
                       sprintf("%d-%d", YEAR-1, YEAR),
                       sprintf("%d-%d", YEAR, YEAR+1))) -> dat

That pipe flow says _”take `dat`, change-up some columns, make some new columns and reassign into `dat`”_. It’s a very natural flow and reads well, too, since you’re following a process up to it’s final destination. It’s even more natural in pipes that actually transform the data into something else. For example, to get a vector of the number of US male births since 1880, we’d do:

births <- html("")
births %>%
  html_nodes("table") %>%
  extract2(2) %>%
  html_table %>%
  use_series(Male) %>%
  gsub(",", "", .) %>%
  as.numeric -> males

That’s very readable (one of the benefits of pipes) and the flow, again, makes sense. Compare that to it’s base R counterpart:

males <- as.numeric(gsub(",", "", html_table(html_nodes(births, "table")[[2]])$Male))

The base R version is short and the LHS assignment fits well as the values “pop out” of the function calls. But, it’s also only initially, quickly readable to veteran R folks. Since code needs to be readable, maintainable and (often times) shared with folks on a team, I believe the pipes help increase overall productivity and aid in documenting what is trying to be achieved in that portion of an analysis (especially when combined with `dplyr` idioms).

Pipes are here to stay and they are definitely a part of my data analysis workflows. Moving forward, so will RHS (`->`) assignments from pipes.

I’ve updated my [metricsgraphics]( package to version [0.7]( The core [MetricsGraphics]( JavaScript library has been updated to version 2.1.0 (from 1.1.0). Two blog-worthy features since releasing version 0.5 are `mjs_grid` (which is a `grid.arrange`-like equivalent for `metricsgraphics` plots and `mjs_add_rollover` which lets you add your own custom rollover text to the plots.

### The Grid

The `grid.arrange` (and `arrangeGrob`) functions from the `gridExtra` package come in handy when combining `ggplot2` charts. I wanted a similar way to arrange independent or linked `metricsgraphics` charts, hence `mjs_grid` was born.

`mjs_grid` uses the tag functions in `htmltools` to arrange `metricsgraphics` plot objects into an HTML `

` structure. At present, only uniform tables are supported, but I’m working on making the grid feature more flexible (just like `grid.arrange`). The current functionality is pretty straightforward:

– You build individual `metricsgraphics` plots;
– Optionally combine them in a `list`;
– Pass in the plots/lists into `mjs_grid`;
– Tell `mjs_grid` how many rows & columns are in the grid; and
– Specify the column widths

But, code > words, so here are some examples. To avoid code repetition, note that you’ll need the following packages available to run most of the snippets below:


First, we’ll combine a few example plots:

tmp <- data.frame(year=seq(1790, 1970, 10), uspop=as.numeric(uspop))
tmp %>%
  mjs_plot(x=year, y=uspop, width=300, height=300) %>%
  mjs_line() %>%
  mjs_add_marker(1850, "Something Wonderful") %>%
  mjs_add_baseline(150, "Something Awful") -> mjs1
mjs_plot(rnorm(10000), width=300, height=300) %>%
  mjs_histogram(bins=30, bar_margin=1) -> mjs2
movies <- ggplot2::movies[sample(nrow(ggplot2::movies), 1000), ]
mjs_plot(movies$rating, width=300, height=300) %>% mjs_histogram() -> mjs3
tmp %>%
  mjs_plot(x=year, y=uspop, width=300, height=300) %>%
  mjs_line(area=TRUE) -> mjs4
mjs_grid(mjs1, mjs2, mjs3, mjs4, ncol=2, nrow=2)

Since your can pass a `list` as a parameter, you can generate many (similar) plots and then grid-display them without too much code. This one generates 7 random histograms with linked rollovers and displays them in grid. Note that this example has `mjs_grid` using the same algorithm `grid.arrange` does for auto-computing “optimal” grid size.

lapply(1:7, function(x) {
  mjs_plot(rnorm(10000, mean=x/2, sd=x), width=250, height=250, linked=TRUE) %>%
    mjs_histogram(bar_margin=2) %>%
    mjs_labs(x_label=sprintf("Plot %d", x))
}) -> plots

And, you can use `do` from `dplyr` to get `ggplot2` `facet_`-like behavior (though, one could argue that interactive graphics should use controls/selectors vs facets). This example uses the `tips` dataset from `reshape2` and creates a list of plots that are then passed to `mjs_grid`:

tips <- reshape2::tips
a <- tips %>%
         day=factor(day, levels=c("Thur", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"), ordered=TRUE)) %>%
  group_by(day) %>%
  do( plot={ day_label <- unique(.$day)
             mjs_plot(., x=total_bill, y=percent, width=275, height=275, left=100) %>%
               mjs_point(color_accessor=sex, color_type="category") %>%
               mjs_labs(x_label=sprintf("Total Bill (%s)", day_label), y_label="Tip %") })
mjs_grid(a$plot, ncol=2, nrow=2, widths=c(0.5, 0.5))

### Rollovers

I’ve had a few requests to support the use of different rollovers and this is a first stab at exposing MetricsGraphics’ native functionality to users of the `metricsgraphics` package. The API changed from MG 1.1.0 to 2.2.0, so I’m _kinda_ glad I waited for this. It requires knowledge of javascript, D3 and the use of `{{ID}}` as part of the CSS node selector when targeting the MetricsGraphics SVG element that displays the rollover text. Here is a crude, but illustrative example of how to take advantage of this feature (mouseover the graphics to see the altered text):

dat <- data.frame(date=seq(as.Date("2014-01-01"),
                           by="1 day"),
                  value=rnorm(n=31, mean=0, sd=2))
dat %>%
  mjs_plot(x=date, y=value, width=500, height=300) %>%
  mjs_line() %>%
  mjs_axis_x(xax_format = "date") %>%
  mjs_add_mouseover("function(d, i) {
                $('{{ID}} svg .mg-active-datapoint')
                    .text('custom text : ' + + ' ' + i);

### Postremo

If you are using `metricsgraphics`, drop a link in the comments here to show others how you’re using it! If you need/want some functionality (I’m hoping to get `xts` support into the 0.8 release) that isn’t already in existing feature requests or something’s broken for you, post a new [issue on github](

D Kelly O’Day did a [great post]( on charting NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) temperature anomaly data, but it sticks with base R for data munging & plotting. While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with base R operations, I thought a modern take on the chart using `dplyr`, `magrittr` & `tidyr` for data manipulation and `ggplot2` for formatting would be helpful for the scores of new folk learning R this year (our little language is becoming [all the rage](, it seems). I also really enjoy working with weather data.

Before further exposition, here’s the result:


I made liberal use of the “piping” idiom encouraged `magrittr`, `dplyr` and other new R packages, including the forward assignment operator `->` (which may put some folks off a bit). That also meant using `magrittr`’s aliases for `[` and `[[`, which are more readable in pipes.

I don’t use `library(tidyr)` since `tidyr`’s `extract` conflicts with `magrittr`’s, but you’ll see a `tidyr::gather` in the code for wide-to-long data shaping.

I chose to use the monthly temperature anomaly data as a base layer in the chart as a contrast to the monthly- and annual-anomaly means. I also marked the hottest annual- and annual-mean anomalies and framed the decades with vertical markers.

There are no hardcoded years or decades anywhere in the `ggplot2` code, so this should be quite reusable as the data source gets updated.

As I come back to the chart, I think there may be a bit too much “chart junk” on it, but you can tweak it to your own aesthetic preferences (if you do, drop a note in the comments with a link to your creation).

The code is below and in [this gist](

# data retrieval ----------------------------------------------------------
# the user agent string was necessary for me; YMMV
pg <- GET("",
          user_agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.75.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.3 Safari/7046A194A"))
# extract monthly data ----------------------------------------------------
content(pg, as="text") %>%
  strsplit("\n") %>%
  extract2(1) %>%
  grep("^[[:digit:]]", ., value=TRUE) -> lines
# extract column names ----------------------------------------------------
content(pg, as="text") %>%
  strsplit("\n") %>%
  extract2(1) %>%
  extract(8) %>%
  strsplit("\ +") %>%
  extract2(1) -> lines_colnames
# make data frame ---------------------------------------------------------
data <- read.table(text=lines, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(data) <- lines_colnames
# transform data frame ----------------------------------------------------
data %>%
  tidyr::gather(month, value, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
                       Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec) %>%     # wide to long
  mutate(value=value/100) %>%                                # convert to degree Celcius change
  select(year=Year, month, value) %>%                        # only need these fields
  mutate(date=as.Date(sprintf("%d-%d-%d", year, month, 1)),  # make proper dates
         decade=year %/% 10,                                 # calc decade
         start=decade*10, end=decade*10+9) %>%               # calc decade start/end
  group_by(decade) %>%
    mutate(decade_mean=mean(value)) %>%                      # calc decade mean
  group_by(year) %>%
    mutate(annum_mean=mean(value)) %>%                       # calc annual mean
  ungroup -> data
# start plot --------------------------------------------------------------
gg <- ggplot()
# decade vertical markers -------------------------------------------------
gg <- gg + geom_vline(data=data %>% select(end),
                      aes(xintercept=as.numeric(as.Date(sprintf("%d-12-31", end)))),
                          size=0.5, color="#4575b4", linetype="dotted", alpha=0.5)
# monthly data ------------------------------------------------------------
gg <- gg + geom_line(data=data, aes(x=date, y=value, color="monthly anomaly"),
                     size=0.35, alpha=0.25)
gg <- gg + geom_point(data=data, aes(x=date, y=value, color"monthly anomaly"),
                      size=0.75, alpha=0.5)
# decade mean -------------------------------------------------------------
gg <- gg + geom_segment(data=data %>% distinct(decade, decade_mean, start, end),
                        aes(x=as.Date(sprintf("%d-01-01", start)),
                            xend=as.Date(sprintf("%d-12-31", end)),
                            y=decade_mean, yend=decade_mean,
                            color="decade mean anomaly"),
# annual data -------------------------------------------------------------
gg <- gg + geom_line(data=data %>% distinct(year, annum_mean),
                      aes(x=as.Date(sprintf("%d-06-15", year)), y=annum_mean,
                          color="annual mean anomaly"),
gg <- gg + geom_point(data=data %>% distinct(year, annum_mean),
                      aes(x=as.Date(sprintf("%d-06-15", year)), y=annum_mean,
                          color="annual mean anomaly"),
# additional annotations --------------------------------------------------
# max annual mean anomaly horizontal marker/text
gg <- gg + geom_hline(yintercept=max(data$annum_mean),  alpha=0.9,
                      color="#d73027", linetype="dashed", size=0.25)
gg <- gg + annotate("text",
                    x=as.Date(sprintf("%d-12-31", mean(range(data$year)))),
                    color="#d73027", alpha=0.9,
                    hjust=0.25, vjust=-1, size=3,
                    label=sprintf("Max annual mean anomaly %2.1fºC", max(data$annum_mean)))
gg <- gg + geom_hline(yintercept=max(data$value),  alpha=0.9,
                      color="#7f7f7f", linetype="dashed", size=0.25)
# max annual anomaly horizontal marker/text
gg <- gg + annotate("text",
                    x=as.Date(sprintf("%d-12-31", mean(range(data$year)))),
                    color="#7f7f7f",  alpha=0.9,
                    hjust=0.25, vjust=-1, size=3,
                    label=sprintf("Max annual anomaly %2.1fºC", max(data$value)))
gg <- gg + annotate("text",
                    x=as.Date(sprintf("%d-12-31", range(data$year)[2])),
                    y=min(data$value), size=3, hjust=1,
# set colors --------------------------------------------------------------
gg <- gg + scale_color_manual(name="", values=c("#d73027", "#4575b4", "#7f7f7f"))
# set x axis limits -------------------------------------------------------
gg <- gg + scale_x_date(expand=c(0, 1),
                        limits=c(as.Date(sprintf("%d-01-01", range(data$year)[1])),
                                 as.Date(sprintf("%d-12-31", range(data$year)[2]))))
# add labels --------------------------------------------------------------
gg <- gg + labs(x=NULL, y="GLOBAL Temp Anomalies in 1.0ºC",
                title=sprintf("GISS Land and Sea Temperature Annual Anomaly Trend (%d to %d)\n",
                              range(data$year)[1], range(data$year)[2]))
# theme/legend tweaks -----------------------------------------------------
gg <- gg + theme_bw()
gg <- gg + theme(panel.grid=element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(panel.border=element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(legend.position=c(0.9, 0.2))
gg <- gg + theme(legend.key=element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(legend.background=element_blank())

**NOTE** If there’s a particular data set from that you want and that isn’t in the pacakge, please file it as an issue and be as specific as you can (screen shot if possible).


Towards the end of 2014 I had been tinkering with flu data from the [CDC’s FluView portal]( since flu reports began to look like this season was going to go the way of 2009.

While you can track the flu over at [The Washington Post](, I like to work with data on my own. However the CDC’s portal is Flash-driven and there was no obvious way to get the data files programmatically. This is unfortunate, since there are weekly updates to the data set.

As an information security professional, one of the tools in my arsenal is [Burp Proxy](, which is an application that—amongst other things—lets you configure a local proxy server for your browser and inspect all web requests. By using this tool, I was able to discern that the Flash portal calls out to `` with custom `POST` form parameters (that I also mapped out) to make the data sets it delivers back to the user.

With that information in hand, I whipped together a small R package: [cdcfluview]( to interface with the same server the FluView Portal does. It has a singular function – `get_flu_data` that lets you choose between different region/sub-region breakdowns and also whether you want data from WHO, ILINet (or both). It also lets you pick which years you want data for.

One reason I wanted to work with the data was to see just how this season differs from previous ones. The view I’ll leave on the blog this time—mostly as an example of how to use the package—is a faceted chart, by CDC region and CDC week showing this season (in red) as it relates to previous ones.

# devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/cdcfluview") # if necessary
dat <- get_flu_data(region="hhs", 
dat %<>%
                       labels=c("Boston", "New York",
                                "Philadelphia", "Atlanta",
                                "Chicago", "Dallas",
                                "Kansas City", "Denver",
                                "San Francisco", "Seattle"),
                       ordered=TRUE)) %>%
  mutate(season_week=ifelse(WEEK>=40, WEEK-40, WEEK),
                       sprintf("%d-%d", YEAR-1, YEAR),
                       sprintf("%d-%d", YEAR, YEAR+1)))
prev_years <- dat %>% filter(season != "2014-2015")
curr_year <- dat %>% filter(season == "2014-2015")
curr_week <- tail(dat, 1)$season_week
gg <- ggplot()
gg <- gg + geom_point(data=prev_years,
                      aes(x=season_week, y=X..WEIGHTED.ILI, group=season),
                      color="#969696", size=1, alpa=0.25)
gg <- gg + geom_point(data=curr_year,
                      aes(x=season_week, y=X..WEIGHTED.ILI, group=season),
                      color="red", size=1.25, alpha=1)
gg <- gg + geom_line(data=curr_year, 
                     aes(x=season_week, y=X..WEIGHTED.ILI, group=season),
                     size=1.25, color="#d7301f")
gg <- gg + geom_vline(xintercept=curr_week, color="#d7301f", size=0.5, linetype="dashed", alpha=0.5)
gg <- gg + facet_wrap(~REGION, ncol=3)
gg <- gg + labs(x=NULL, y="Weighted ILI Index", 
                title="ILINet - 1999-2015 year weighted flu index history by CDC region\nWeek Ending Jan 3, 2015 (Red == current season)\n")
gg <- gg + theme_bw()
gg <- gg + theme(panel.grid=element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(strip.background=element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(axis.ticks.x=element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(axis.text.x=element_blank())


(You can see an SVG version of that plot [here](

Even without looking at the statistics, it’s pretty easy to tell that this is fixing to be a pretty bad season in many regions.

### State-level data

Soon after this post I found the state-level API for the CDC FluView interface and added a `get_state_data` function for it:

get_state_data() %>%
  filter(WEEKEND=="Jan-03-2015") %>%
  select(state=STATENAME, value=ACTIVITY.LEVEL) %>%
  filter(!(state %in% c("Puerto Rico", "New York City"))) %>% # need to add NYC & PR to statebins
  mutate(value=as.numeric(gsub("Level ", "", value))) %>%
  statebins(brewer_pal="RdPu", breaks=4,
            labels=c("Minimal", "Low", "Moderate", "High"),
            legend_position="bottom", legend_title="ILI Activity Level") +
  ggtitle("CDC State FluView (2014-01-03)")


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