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Author Archives: hrbrmstr

Don't look at me…I do what he does — just slower. #rstats avuncular • ?Resistance Fighter • Cook • Christian • [Master] Chef des Données de Sécurité @ @rapid7

The 2018 IEEE Security & Privacy Conference is in May but they’ve posted their full proceedings and it’s better to grab them early than to wait for it to become part of a paid journal offering.

There are alot of papers. Not all match my interests but (fortunately?) many did and I’ve filtered down a list of the more interesting (to me) ones. It’s encouraging to see academic cybersecurity researchers branching out across a whole host of areas.

I can’t promise a the morning paper-esque daily treatment of these on the blog but I’ll likely exposit a few of them over the coming weeks. I’ve emoji’d a few that stood out. Order is the order I read them in (no other meaning to the order).

A while back, Medium blogger ‘Nykolas Z’ posted results from a globally distributed DNS resolver test to find the speediest provider (NOTE: speed is not the only consideration when choosing an alternative DNS provider). While the test methodology is not provided (the “scientific method” has yet to fully penetrate “cyber”) the data is provided…in in text form in <blockquote>s. O_o

While Nykolas ranked them, a visual comparison teases out some interesting differences between the providers. However, Cloudflare seems to be the clear winner (click/tap chart for larger version):

I’m going to give Cloudflare a few weeks to “settle in” and setup a series of geographically distributed RIPE Atlas probes for them and the others on the list Nykolas provided, then measure them with the same probe sets and frequencies for a few months and report back.

Some enterprising internet explorers have already begun monitoring (that link may take a few seconds to show data since it performs a live search; a screen shot of the first page of results is below).

You have to have been living under a rock to not know about Cloudflare’s new DNS offering. I won’t go into “privacy”, “security” or “speed” concepts in this post since that’s a pretty huge topic to distill for folks given the, now, plethora of confusing (and pretty technical) options that exist to support one or more of those goals.

Instead, I’ll remind R folks about the gdns? package which provides a query interface to Google’s DNS-over-HTTPS JSON API and announce dnsflare? which wraps the new and similar offering by Cloudflare. In fact, Cloudflare adopted Google’s response format so they’re pretty interchangeable:

## List of 10
##  $ Status            : int 0
##  $ TC                : logi FALSE
##  $ RD                : logi TRUE
##  $ RA                : logi TRUE
##  $ AD                : logi FALSE
##  $ CD                : logi FALSE
##  $ Question          :'data.frame': 1 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ name: chr ""
##   ..$ type: int 1
##  $ Answer            :'data.frame': 1 obs. of  4 variables:
##   ..$ name: chr ""
##   ..$ type: int 1
##   ..$ TTL : int 2095
##   ..$ data: chr ""
##  $ Additional        : list()
##  $ edns_client_subnet: chr ""

## List of 8
##  $ Status  : int 0
##  $ TC      : logi FALSE
##  $ RD      : logi TRUE
##  $ RA      : logi TRUE
##  $ AD      : logi FALSE
##  $ CD      : logi FALSE
##  $ Question:'data.frame': 1 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ name: chr ""
##   ..$ type: int 1
##  $ Answer  :'data.frame': 1 obs. of  4 variables:
##   ..$ name: chr ""
##   ..$ type: int 1
##   ..$ TTL : int 1420
##   ..$ data: chr ""
##  - attr(*, "class")= chr "cf_dns_result"

The packages are primarily of use for internet researchers who need to lookup DNS-y things either as a data source in-and-of itself or to add metadata to names or IP addresses in other data sets.

I need to do some work on ensuring they both are on-par feature-wise (named-classes, similar print and batch query methods, etc) and should, perhaps, consider retiring gdns in favour of a new meta-DNS package that wraps all of these since I suspect all the cool kids will be setting these up, soon. (Naming suggestions welcome!)

There’s also getdns? which has very little but stub test code in it (for now) since it was unclear how quickly these new, modern DNS services would take off. But, since they have, that project will be revisited this year (jump in if ye like!) as is is (roughly) a “non-JSON” version of what gns and dnsflare are.

If you know of other, similar services that can be wrapped, drop a note in the comments or as an issue on one of those repos and also file an issue there if you have preferred response formats or have functionality you’d like implemented.

The fs package makes it super quick and easy to find out just how much “package hoarding” you’ve been doing:

library(ggalt) # devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/ggalt")
library(ggraph) # devtools::install_github("thomasp85/ggraph")
library(hrbrthemes) # devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/hrbrthemes")

installed.packages() %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  mutate(pkg_dir = sprintf("%s/%s", LibPath, Package)) %>%
  select(pkg_dir) %>%
  mutate(pkg_dir_size = map_dbl(pkg_dir, ~{
    fs::dir_info(.x, all=TRUE, recursive=TRUE) %>%
      summarise(tot_dir_size = sum(size)) %>% 
  })) %>% 
  ) %>% 
## total_size_of_all_installed_packages 
##                             "1.6 Gb"

While you can modify the above and peruse the list of packages/directories in tabular format or programmatically, you can also do a bit more work to get a visual overview of package size (click/tap the image for a larger view):

installed.packages() %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  mutate(pkg_dir = sprintf("%s/%s", LibPath, Package)) %>%
  mutate(dir_info = map(pkg_dir, fs::dir_info, all=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)) %>% 
  mutate(dir_size = map_dbl(dir_info, ~sum(.x$size))) -> xdf

select(xdf, Package, dir_size) %>% 
  mutate(grp = "ROOT") %>% 
  add_row(grp = "ROOT", Package="ROOT", dir_size=0) %>% 
  select(grp, Package, dir_size) %>% 
  arrange(desc(dir_size)) -> gdf

select(gdf, -grp) %>% 
  mutate(lab = sprintf("%s\n(%s)", Package, ggalt::Mb(dir_size))) %>% 
  mutate(lab = ifelse(dir_size > 1500000, lab, "")) -> vdf

g <- graph_from_data_frame(gdf, vertices=vdf)

ggraph(g, "treemap", weight=dir_size) +
  geom_node_tile(fill="lightslategray", size=0.25) +
    aes(x, y, label=lab, size=dir_size), 
    color="#cccccc", family=font_ps, lineheight=0.875
  ) +
  scale_x_reverse(expand=c(0,0)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
  scale_size_continuous(trans="sqrt", range = c(0.5, 8)) +
  ggraph::theme_graph(base_family = font_ps) +

treemap of package disk consumption


Do some wrangling with the above data and turn it into a package “disk explorer” with @timelyportfolio’s d3treeR? package.

(R⁶ == brief, low-expository posts)

@yoniceedee suggested I look at the Cambridge Analytics “whistleblower” testimony proceedings:

I value the resources @yoniceedee tosses my way (they often end me down twisted paths like this one, though :-) but I really dislike spending any amount of time on youtube and can consume text context much faster than even accelerated video playback.

Google auto-generated captions for that video and you can display them by clicking below the video on the right and enabling the transcript which slowly (well, in my frame of reference) loads into the upper-right. That’s still sub-optimal since we need to be on the youtube page to read/scroll. There’s no “export” option and my initial instinct was to go to Developer Tools and look for the URL and “Copy the Response” to the clipboard and save it to a file then do some JSON/list wrangling (the transcript JSON URL is in the snippet below):


trscrpt <- jsonlite::fromJSON("")

runs <- trscrpt$data$actions$openTranscriptAction$transcriptRenderer$transcriptRenderer$body$transcriptBodyRenderer$cueGroups[[1]]$transcriptCueGroupRenderer$formattedStartOffset$runs
cues <- trscrpt$data$actions$openTranscriptAction$transcriptRenderer$transcriptRenderer$body$transcriptBodyRenderer$cueGroups[[1]]$transcriptCueGroupRenderer$cues

  mark = map_chr(runs, ~.x$text),
  text = map_chr(cues, ~.x$transcriptCueRenderer$cue$runs[[1]]$text)  
) %>% 
  separate(mark, c("minute", "second"), sep=":", remove = FALSE, convert = TRUE) 
## # A tibble: 3,247 x 4
##    mark  minute second text                                    
##    <chr>  <int>  <int> <chr>                                   
##  1 00:00      0      0 all sort of yeah web of things if it's a
##  2 00:02      0      2 franchise then there's a kind of        
##  3 00:03      0      3 ultimately there's a there's a there's a
##  4 00:05      0      5 coordinator of that franchise or someone
##  5 00:07      0      7 who's a you got a that franchise is well
##  6 00:09      0      9 well when I was there that was Alexander
##  7 00:13      0     13 Nixon Steve banning but that's that's a 
##  8 00:16      0     16 question you should be asking aiq yeah  
##  9 00:18      0     18 yeah and just got to a IQ and the GSR   
## 10 00:24      0     24 state from gts-r that's other Hogan data
## # ... with 3,237 more rows

But, then I remembered YouTube has an API for this and threw together a quick script to grab them that way as well:

# the API needs these scopes

) -> scope_list

# oauth dance

  appname = "google",
  key = Sys.getenv("GOOGLE_APP_SECRET"),
  secret = Sys.getenv("GOOGLE_APP_KEY")
) -> captions_app

  endpoint = httr::oauth_endpoints("google"),
  app = captions_app,
  scope = scope_list,
  cache = TRUE
) -> google_token

# list the available captions for this video
# (captions can be in one or more languages)

  url = "",
  query = list(
    part = "snippet",
    videoId = "f2Sxob3fl0k" # the v=string in the YouTube URL
  httr::config(token = google_token)
) -> caps_list

# I'm cheating since I know there's only one but you'd want
# to introspect `caps_list` before blindly doing this for 
# other videos.

  url = sprintf(
  httr::config(token = google_token)
) -> caps

# strangely enough, the JSON response "feels" better than this
# one, though this is a standard format that's parseable quite well.

## 0:00:00.000,0:00:03.659
## all sort of yeah web of things if it's a
## 0:00:02.490,0:00:05.819
## franchise then there's a kind of
## 0:00:03.659,0:00:07.589
## ultimately there's a there's a there's a
## 0:00:05.819,0:00:09.660
## coordinator of that franchise or someone
## 0:00:07.589,0:00:13.139
## who's a you got a that franchise is well
## 0:00:09.660,0:00:16.230
## well when I was there that was Alexander
## ...

Neither a reflection on active memory nor a quick Duck Duck Go search (I try not to use Google Search anymore) seemed to point to an existing R resource for this, hence the quick post in the event the snippet is helpful to anyone else.

If you do know of an R package/snippet that does this already, please shoot a note into the comments so others can find it.

A quick Friday post to let folks know about three in-development R packages that you’re encouraged to poke the tyres o[fn] and also jump in and file issues or PRs for.

Alleviating aversion to versions

I introduced a “version chart” in a recent post and one key element of tagging years (which are really helpful to get a feel for scope of exposure + technical/cyber-debt) is knowing the dates of product version releases. You can pay for such a database but it’s also possible to cobble one together, and that activity will be much easier as time goes on with the vershist? package.

Here’s a sample:

## # A tibble: 29 x 8
##    vers   rls_date   rls_year major minor patch prerelease build
##    <fct>  <date>        <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <chr>      <chr>
##  1 1.3.0  1998-06-05     1998     1     3     0 ""         ""   
##  2 1.3.1  1998-07-22     1998     1     3     1 ""         ""   
##  3 1.3.2  1998-09-21     1998     1     3     2 ""         ""   
##  4 1.3.3  1998-10-09     1998     1     3     3 ""         ""   
##  5 1.3.4  1999-01-10     1999     1     3     4 ""         ""   
##  6 1.3.6  1999-03-23     1999     1     3     6 ""         ""   
##  7 1.3.9  1999-08-19     1999     1     3     9 ""         ""   
##  8 1.3.11 2000-01-22     2000     1     3    11 ""         ""   
##  9 1.3.12 2000-02-25     2000     1     3    12 ""         ""   
## 10 1.3.14 2000-10-10     2000     1     3    14 ""         ""   
## # ... with 19 more rows

Not all vendored-software uses semantic versioning and many have terrible schemes that make it really hard to create an ordered factor, but when that is possible, you get a nice data frame with an ordered factor you can use for all sorts of fun and useful things.

It has current support for:

  • Apache httpd
  • Apple iOS
  • Google Chrome
  • lighttpd
  • memcached
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • nginx
  • openresty
  • openssh
  • sendmail
  • SQLite

and I’ll add more over time.

Thanks to @bikesRdata there will be a …_latest() function for each vendor and I’ll likely add some helper functions so you only need to call one function with a parameter vs individual ones for each version and will also likely add a caching layer so you don’t have to scrape/clone/munge every time you need versions (seriously: look at the code to see what you have to do to collect some of this data).

And, they all it a MIME…a MIME!

I’ve had the wand? package out for a while but have never been truly happy with it. It uses libmagic on unix-ish systems but requires Rtools on Windows and relies on a system call to file.exe on that platform. Plus the “magic” database is too big to embed in the package and due to the (very, very, very good and necessary) privacy/safety practices of CRAN, writing the boilerplate code to deal with compilation or downloading of the magic database is not something I have time for (and it really needs regular updates for consistent output on all platforms).

A very helpful chap, @VincentGuyader, was lamenting some of the Windows issues which spawned a quick release of simplemagic?. The goal of this package is to be a zero-dependency install with no reliance on external databases. It has built-in support for basing MIME-type “guesses” off of a handful of the more common types folks might want to use this package for and a built-in “database” of over 1,500 file type-to-MIME mappings for guessing based solely on extension.

list.files(system.file("extdat", package="simplemagic"), full.names=TRUE) %>% 
      fil = basename(.x),
      mime = list(simplemagic::get_content_type(.x))
  }) %>% 
## # A tibble: 85 x 2
##    fil                        mime                                                                     
##    <chr>                      <chr>                                                                    
##  1 actions.csv                application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet        
##  2 actions.txt                application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet        
##  3 actions.xlsx               application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet        
##  4 test_1.2.class             application/java-vm                                                      
##  5 test_1.3.class             application/java-vm                                                      
##  6 test_1.4.class             application/java-vm                                                      
##  7 test_1.5.class             application/java-vm                                                      
##  8 test_128_44_jstereo.mp3    audio/mp3                                                                
##  9 test_excel_2000.xls        application/msword                                                       
## 10 test_excel_spreadsheet.xml application/xml      
## ...

File issues or PRs if you need more header-magic introspected guesses.

NOTE: The rtika? package could theoretically do a more comprehensive job since Apache Tika has an amazing assortment of file-type introspect-ors. Also, an interesting academic exercise might be to collect a sufficient corpus of varying files, pull the first 512-4096 bytes of each, do some feature generation and write an ML-based classifier for files with a confidence level + MIME-type output.

Site promiscuity detection

urlscan is a fun site since it frees you from the tedium (and expense/privacy-concerns) of using a javascript-enabled scraping setup to pry into the makeup of a target URL and find out all sorts of details about it, including how many sites it lets track you. You can do the same with my splashr? package, but you have the benefit of a third-party making the connection with vs requests coming from your IP space.

I’m waiting on an API key so I can write the “submit a scan request programmatically” function, but—until then—you can retrieve existing sites in their database or manually enter one for later retrieval.

The package is a WIP but has enough bits to be useful now to, say, see just how promiscuous makes you:

cnn_db <- urlscan::urlscan_search("")

latest_scan_results <- urlscan::urlscan_result(cnn_db$results$`_id`[1], TRUE, TRUE)

##  [1] ""   ""  ""     
##  [4] ""       ""    ""  
##  [7] "" ""  ""
## [10] ""   ""   ""    
## [13] ""   "" "" 
## [16] ""    ""  ""   
## [19] ""  ""   ""  
## [22] ""   ""    ""  
## [25] ""  ""    ""   
## [28] ""    ""     ""  
## [31] ""   ""     ""
## [34] ""    ""   ""   
## [37] ""    ""     ""    
## [40] ""    ""    ""  
## [43] ""   ""    "" 
## [46] ""  ""   ""  
## [49] ""  ""   ""  
## [52] ""     ""    ""  
## [55] ""  ""    ""  
## [58] ""   ""      ""  
## [61] ""   ""   ""    
## [64] ""   ""  "" 
## [67] ""  ""   "" 
## [70] ""   ""  ""

## [1] "US" "EU" "GB" "NL" "IE" "FR" "DE"

##  [1] ""                    ""         
##  [3] ""                ""        
##  [5] ""      ""
##  [7] ""      ""                 
##  [9] ""          ""   
## [11] ""             ""               
## [13] ""     ""               
## [15] ""             ""              
## [17] ""  ""              
## [19] ""     ""              
## [21] ""            ""                  
## [23] ""                    ""        
## [25] ""   ""          
## [27] ""        ""      
## [29] ""     ""                  
## [31] ""       ""            
## [33] ""            ""          
## [35] ""        ""                   
## [37] ""          "" 
## [39] ""              ""         
## [41] ""                    ""            
## [43] ""          ""        
## [45] ""               ""                
## [47] ""               "" 
## [49] ""           ""              
## [51] ""            ""              
## [53] ""               ""         
## [55] ""                ""       
## [57] ""                 ""                          
## [59] ""           ""            
## [61] ""            ""                
## [63] ""      ""               
## [65] ""              ""                  
## [67] ""           ""         
## [69] ""         ""          
## [71] ""         ""          
## [73] ""        ""     
## [75] ""        ""            
## [77] ""         ""         
## [79] ""              ""             
## [81] ""             ""



Again, kick the tyres, file issues/PRs and drop a note if you’ve found something interesting as a result of any (or all!) of the packages.

(FWIW I think I even caused myself pain due to the title of this blog post).

Kaiser Fung (@junkcharts) did a makeover post on this chart about U.S. steel tariffs:

Kaiser’s makeover is good (Note: just because I said “good” does not mean I’m endorsing the use of pie charts):

But, I’m curious as to what others would do with the data. Here’s my stab at a single-geom makeover:


  country = c("Rest of World", "Canada*", "Brazil*", "South Korea", "Mexico", 
              "Russia", "Turkey", "Japan", "Taiwan", "Germany", "India"),
  pct = c(22, 16, 13, 10, 9, 9, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2)
) %>% 
  mutate(country = sprintf("%s (%s%%)", country, pct)) %>% 
    colors = c("gray70", viridis_pal(option = "plasma")(10))
  ) +
    title = "U.S. Steel Imports — YTD 2017 Percent of Volume",
    subtitle = "Ten nations account for ~80% of U.S. steel imports.",
    caption = "Source: IHS Global Trade Atlas • YTD through September 2017\n* Canada & Brazil are not impacted by the proposed tariffs"
  ) +
  theme_ipsum_ps() +
  theme(legend.position = "top") +
  theme(axis.text = element_blank()) +
  theme(title = element_text(hjust=0.5)) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5)) +
  theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust=0.5)) +
  theme(plot.caption = element_text(hjust=1))

The percentages are included in the legend titles in the event that some readers of the chart may want to know the specific numbers, but my feeling for the intent of the original pac-man pies was to provide a list that didn’t include China-proper (despite 45 using them to rile up his base) and give a sense of proportion for the “top 10”. The waffle chart isn’t perfect for it, but it is one option.

How would you use the data (provided in the R snippet) to communicate the message you think needs to be communicated? Drop a note in the comments with a link to your creation(s) if you do give the data a spin.

I work with internet-scale data and do my fair share of macro-analyses on vulnerabilities. I use the R semver package for most of my work and wanted to blather on a bit about it since it’s super-helpful for this work and doesn’t get the attention it deserves. semver makes it possible to create charts like this:

which are very helpful in when conducting exposure analytics.

We’ll need a few packages to help us along the way:

library(here) # file mgmt
library(semver) # the whole purpose of the blog post
library(rvest) # we'll need this to get version->year mappings
library(stringi) # b/c I'm still too lazy to switch to ore
library(hrbrthemes) # pretty graphs
library(tidyverse) # sane data processing idioms

By issuing a stats command to a memcached instance you can get a full list of statistics for the server. The recent newsmaking DDoS used this feature in conjunction with address spoofing to create 30 minutes of chaos for GitHub.

I sent a stats command (followed by a newline) to a vanilla memcached installation and it returned 53 lines (1108 bytes) of STAT results that look something like this:

STAT pid 7646
STAT uptime 141
STAT time 1520447469
STAT version 1.4.25 Ubuntu
STAT libevent 2.0.21-stable

The version bit is what we’re after, but there are plenty of other variables you could just as easily focus on if you use memcached in any production capacity.

I extracted raw version response data from our most recent scan for open memcached servers on the internet. For ethical reasons, I cannot blindly share the entire raw data set but hit up if you have a need or desire to work with this data.

Let’s read it in and take a look:

version_strings <- read_lines(here("data", "versions.txt"))


sample(version_strings, 50)

##  [1] "STAT version 1.4.5"             "STAT version 1.4.17"           
##  [3] "STAT version 1.4.25"            "STAT version 1.4.31"           
##  [5] "STAT version 1.4.25"            "STAT version 1.2.6"            
##  [7] "STAT version 1.2.6"             "STAT version 1.4.15"           
##  [9] "STAT version 1.4.17"            "STAT version 1.4.4"            
## [11] "STAT version 1.4.5"             "STAT version 1.2.6"            
## [13] "STAT version 1.4.2"             "STAT version 1.4.14 (Ubuntu)"  
## [15] "STAT version 1.4.7"             "STAT version 1.4.39"           
## [17] "STAT version 1.4.4-14-g9c660c0" "STAT version 1.2.6"            
## [19] "STAT version 1.2.6"             "STAT version 1.4.14"           
## [21] "STAT version 1.4.4-14-g9c660c0" "STAT version 1.4.37"           
## [23] "STAT version 1.4.13"            "STAT version 1.4.4"            
## [25] "STAT version 1.4.17"            "STAT version 1.2.6"            
## [27] "STAT version 1.4.37"            "STAT version 1.4.13"           
## [29] "STAT version 1.4.25"            "STAT version 1.4.15"           
## [31] "STAT version 1.4.25"            "STAT version 1.2.6"            
## [33] "STAT version 1.4.10"            "STAT version 1.4.25"           
## [35] "STAT version 1.4.25"            "STAT version 1.4.9"            
## [37] "STAT version 1.4.30"            "STAT version 1.4.21"           
## [39] "STAT version 1.4.15"            "STAT version 1.4.31"           
## [41] "STAT version 1.4.13"            "STAT version 1.2.6"            
## [43] "STAT version 1.4.13"            "STAT version 1.4.15"           
## [45] "STAT version 1.4.19"            "STAT version 1.4.25 Ubuntu"    
## [47] "STAT version 1.4.37"            "STAT version 1.4.4-14-g9c660c0"
## [49] "STAT version 1.2.6"             "STAT version 1.4.25 Ubuntu"

It’s in decent shape, but it needs some work if we’re going to do a version analysis with it. Let’s clean it up a bit:

  string = stri_match_first_regex(version_strings, "STAT version (.*)$")[,2]
) -> versions

count(versions, string, sort = TRUE) %>%
string n
1.4.15 1966
1.2.6 1764
1.4.17 1101
1.4.37 949
1.4.13 725
1.4.4 531
1.4.25 511
1.4.20 368
1.4.14 (Ubuntu) 334
1.4.21 309
1.4.25 Ubuntu 290
1.4.24 259

Much better! However, we really only need the major parts of the semantic version string for a macro view, so let’s remove non-version strings completely and extract just the major, minor and patch bits:

filter(versions, !stri_detect_fixed(string, "UNKNOWN")) %>% # get rid of things we can't use
  mutate(string = stri_match_first_regex(
    string, "([[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+)")[,2] # for a macro-view, the discrete sub-versions aren't important
  ) -> versions

count(versions, string, sort = TRUE) %>%
string n
1.4.15 1966
1.2.6 1764
1.4.17 1101
1.4.37 949
1.4.25 801
1.4.4 747
1.4.13 727
1.4.14 385
1.4.20 368
1.4.21 309
1.4.24 264

Much, much better! Now, let’s dig into the versions a bit. Using semver is dirt-simple. Just use parse_version() to get the usable bits out:

ex_ver <- semver::parse_version(head(versions$string[1]))

## [1] Maj: 1 Min: 4 Pat: 25

## List of 1
##  $ :Class 'svptr' <externalptr> 
##  - attr(*, "class")= chr "svlist"

It’s a special class, referencing an external pointer (the package relies on an underling C++ library and wraps everything up in a bow for us).

These objects can be compared, ordered, sorted, etc but I tend to just turn the parsed versions into a data frame that can be associated back with the main strings. That way we keep things pretty tidy and have tons of flexibility.

  pull(versions, string) %>%
    semver::parse_version() %>%
) %>%
  arrange(major, minor, patch) %>%
  mutate(string = factor(string, levels = unique(string))) -> versions

## # A tibble: 11,157 x 6
##    string major minor patch prerelease build
##    <fct>  <int> <int> <int> <chr>      <chr>
##  1 1.2.0      1     2     0 ""         ""   
##  2 1.2.0      1     2     0 ""         ""   
##  3 1.2.5      1     2     5 ""         ""   
##  4 1.2.5      1     2     5 ""         ""   
##  5 1.2.5      1     2     5 ""         ""   
##  6 1.2.5      1     2     5 ""         ""   
##  7 1.2.5      1     2     5 ""         ""   
##  8 1.2.5      1     2     5 ""         ""   
##  9 1.2.5      1     2     5 ""         ""   
## 10 1.2.5      1     2     5 ""         ""   
## # ... with 11,147 more rows

Now we have a tidy data frame and I did the extra step of creating an ordered factor out of the version strings since they are ordinal values. With just this step, we have everything we need to do a basic plot shoing the version counts in-order:

count(versions, string) %>%
  ggplot() +
    aes(string, n, xend = string, yend = 0),
    size = 2, color = "lightslategray"
  ) +
  scale_y_comma() +
    x = "memcached version", y = "# instances found",
    title = "Distribution of memcached versions"
  ) +
  theme_ipsum_ps(grid = "Y") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5, angle = 90))

memcached versions (raw)

That chart is informative on its own since we get the perspective that there are some really old versions exposed. But, how old are they? Projects like Chrome or Firefox churn through versions regularly/quickly (on purpose). To make more sense out of this we’ll need more info on releases.

This is where things can get ugly for folks who do not have commercial software management databases handy (or are analyzing a piece of software that hasn’t made it to one of those databases yet). The memcached project maintains a wiki page of version history that’s mostly complete, and definitely complete enough for this exercise. It will some processing before we can associate a version to a year.

GitHub does not allow scraping of their site and — off the top of my head — I do not know if there is a “wiki” API endpoint, but I do know that you can tack on .wiki.git to the end of a GitHub repo to clone the wiki pages, so we’ll use that knowledge and the git2r package to gain access to the file that has the data we need:

td <- tempfile("wiki", fileext="git") # temporary "directory"


  url = "",
  local_path = td,
  credentials = git2r::cred_ssh_key() # need GH ssh keys setup!
) -> repo
## cloning into '/var/folders/1w/2d82v7ts3gs98tc6v772h8s40000gp/T//Rtmpb209Sk/wiki180eb3c6addcbgit'...
## Receiving objects:   1% (5/481),    8 kb
## Receiving objects:  11% (53/481),    8 kb
## Receiving objects:  21% (102/481),   49 kb
## Receiving objects:  31% (150/481),   81 kb
## Receiving objects:  41% (198/481),  113 kb
## Receiving objects:  51% (246/481),  177 kb
## Receiving objects:  61% (294/481),  177 kb
## Receiving objects:  71% (342/481),  192 kb
## Receiving objects:  81% (390/481),  192 kb
## Receiving objects:  91% (438/481),  192 kb
## Receiving objects: 100% (481/481),  192 kb, done.

read_lines(file.path(repo@path, "")) %>%
  keep(stri_detect_fixed, "[[ReleaseNotes") %>%
  stri_replace_first_regex(" \\* \\[\\[.*]] ", "") %>%
  stri_split_fixed(" ", 2, simplify = TRUE) %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  set_names(c("string", "release_year")) %>%
  mutate(string = stri_trim_both(string)) %>%
  mutate(release_year = stri_replace_first_fixed(release_year, "(", "")) %>% # remove leading parens
  mutate(release_year = stri_replace_all_regex(release_year, "\\-.*$", "")) %>% # we only want year so remove remaining date bits from easy ones
  mutate(release_year = stri_replace_all_regex(release_year, "^.*, ", "")) %>% # take care of most of the rest of the ugly ones
  mutate(release_year = stri_replace_all_regex(release_year, "^[[:alpha:]].* ", "")) %>% # take care of the straggler
  mutate(release_year = stri_replace_last_fixed(release_year, ")", "")) %>% # remove any trailing parens
  mutate(release_year = as.numeric(release_year)) -> memcached_releases # make it numeric

unlink(td, recursive = TRUE) # cleanup the git repo we downloaded

## # A tibble: 49 x 2
##    string release_year
##    <chr>         <dbl>
##  1 1.5.6          2018
##  2 1.5.5          2018
##  3 1.5.4          2017
##  4 1.5.3          2017
##  5 1.5.2          2017
##  6 1.5.1          2017
##  7 1.5.0          2017
##  8 1.4.39         2017
##  9 1.4.38         2017
## 10 1.4.37         2017
## # ... with 39 more rows

We have more versions in our internet-scraped memcached versions data
set than this wiki page has on it, so we need to restrict the official
release history to what we have. Then, we only want a single instance of
each year for the annotations, so we’ll have to do some further processing:

filter(memcached_releases, string %in% unique(versions$string)) %>%
  mutate(string = factor(string, levels = levels(versions$string))) %>%
  group_by(release_year) %>%
  arrange(desc(string)) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
  ungroup() -> annotation_df

knitr::kable(annotation_df, "markdown")
string release_year
1.4.4 2009
1.4.5 2010
1.4.10 2011
1.4.15 2012
1.4.17 2013
1.4.22 2014
1.4.25 2015
1.4.33 2016
1.5.4 2017
1.5.6 2018

Now, we’re ready to add the annotation layers! We’ll take a blind stab at it before adding in further aesthetic customization:

version_counts <- count(versions, string) # no piping this time

ggplot() +
  geom_blank(data = version_counts,aes(string, n)) + # prime the scales
    data = annotation_df, aes(xintercept = as.numeric(string)),
    size = 0.5, linetype = "dotted", color = "orange"
  ) +
    data = version_counts,
    aes(string, n, xend = string, yend = 0),
    size = 2, color = "lightslategray"
  ) +
    data = annotation_df, aes(string, Inf, label=release_year),
    family = font_ps, size = 2.5, color = "lightslateblue",
    hjust = 0, vjust = 1, label.size = 0
  ) +
  scale_y_comma() +
    x = "memcached version", y = "# instances found",
    title = "Distribution of memcached versions"
  ) +
  theme_ipsum_ps(grid = "Y") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5, angle = 90))

Almost got it in ggpar 1! We need to tweak this so that the labels do not overlap each other and do not obstruct the segment bars. We can do most of this work in geom_segment() itself, plus add a bit of a tweak to the Y axis scale:

ggplot() +
  geom_blank(data = version_counts,aes(string, n)) + # prime the scales
    data = annotation_df, aes(xintercept = as.numeric(string)),
    size = 0.5, linetype = "dotted", color = "orange"
  ) +
    data = version_counts,
    aes(string, n, xend = string, yend = 0),
    size = 2, color = "lightslategray"
  ) +
    data = annotation_df, aes(string, Inf, label=release_year), vjust = 1,
    family = font_ps, size = 2.5, color = "lightslateblue", label.size = 0,
    hjust = c(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0),
    nudge_x = c(-0.1, 0.1, -0.1, -0.1, 0.1, -0.1, 0.1, 0.1, -0.1, 0.1)
  ) +
  scale_y_comma(limits = c(0, 2050)) +
    x = "memcached version", y = "# instances found",
    title = "Distribution of memcached versions"
  ) +
  theme_ipsum_ps(grid = "Y") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5, angle = 90))

Now, we have version and year info to we can get a better idea of the scope of exposure (and, just how much technical debt many organizations have accrued).

With the ordinal version inforamtion we can also perform other statistical operations as well. All due to the semver package.

You can find this R project over at GitHub.