Rforecastio Package Update (1.1.0)

I’ve bumped up the version number of `Rforecastio` ([github](https://github.com/hrbrmstr/Rforecastio)) to `1.1.0`. The new
features are:

– removing the SSL certificate bypass check (it doesn’t need it
– using `plyr` for easier conversion of JSON-\>data frame
– adding in a new `daily` forecast data frame
– roxygen2 inline documentation

# NEVER put API keys in revision control systems or source code!
fio.api.key= readLines("~/.forecast.io")
my.latitude = "43.2673"
my.longitude = "-70.8618"
fio.list <- fio.forecast(fio.api.key, my.latitude, my.longitude)
fio.gg <- ggplot(data=fio.list$hourly.df, aes(x=time, y=temperature))
fio.gg <- fio.gg + labs(y="Readings", x="Time", title="Houry Readings")
fio.gg <- fio.gg + geom_line(aes(y=humidity*100), color="green")
fio.gg <- fio.gg + geom_line(aes(y=temperature), color="red")
fio.gg <- fio.gg + geom_line(aes(y=dewPoint), color="blue")
fio.gg <- fio.gg + theme_bw()


fio.gg <- ggplot(data=fio.list$daily.df, aes(x=time, y=temperature))
fio.gg <- fio.gg + labs(y="Readings", x="Time", title="Daily Readings")
fio.gg <- fio.gg + geom_line(aes(y=humidity*100), color="green")
fio.gg <- fio.gg + geom_line(aes(y=temperatureMax), color="red")
fio.gg <- fio.gg + geom_line(aes(y=temperatureMin), color="red", linetype=2)
fio.gg <- fio.gg + geom_line(aes(y=dewPoint), color="blue")
fio.gg <- fio.gg + theme_bw()


Cover image from Data-Driven Security
Amazon Author Page

7 Comments Rforecastio Package Update (1.1.0)

  1. Stefan


    first time I stumbled upon your package so I’m sorry if I ask stupid questions. I’m using the Rforecastio version from 4 hours ago on R 3.1.0

    1. I don’t know what the “SSL certificate bypass check” did but something is needed:

    Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE) :
    SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:
    error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3GETSERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

    1. When I set ssl.verifypeer=FALSE I get a:

    Error in as.POSIXlt.default(fio.daily.df$precipIntensityMaxTime, origin = “1970-01-01”) :
    do not know how to convert ‘fio.daily.df$precipIntensityMaxTime’ to class “POSIXlt”

    This seems to happen because precipIntensityMaxTime doesn’t exist and as.POSIXlt doesn’t like to convert NULL.

    Otherwise this package is a great idea. I hope to see it on CRAN soon.

  2. Stefan

    The following at the beginning of fio.forecast solved the second issue – a cleaner solution would be a different function name, of course:

    if(!is.null(x)) base::as.POSIXlt(x,…) else NULL

    1. hrbrmstr

      thx. i added a ... option in the function to enable passing in of CURL options (so you can use ssl.verifypeer=FALSE and even set proxies if you need it). I also did the NULL test and fixed another issue. Thx for checking out the package & giving me a heads up on the issues!

  3. dksam

    Sir, please how can I download yearly / 5 / 10 yearly data, I need it for Disease forecasting
    How can i plot more information like day temperature, night temperature, wind speed etc,
    thanks for such a wonderful piece of software, Dr.D.K.Samuel, Sr.Scientist, IIHR, Bangalore – 89, India

  4. dksam

    Sir please help me I am getting these errors in win 8 64 bits

    fio.list <- fio.forecast(fio.api.key, my.latitude, my.longitude)
    Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE) :
    SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:
    error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3GETSERVERCERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
    fio.gg <- ggplot(data=fio.list$hourly.df, aes(x=time, y=temperature))
    Error in ggplot(data = fio.list$hourly.df, aes(x = time, y = temperature)) :
    object ‘fio.list’ not found
    fio.gg <- fio.gg + labs(y=”Readings”, x=”Time”, title=”Houry Readings”)
    Error: object ‘fio.gg’ not found
    fio.gg <- fio.gg + geom
    line(aes(y=humidity100), color=”green”)
    Error: object ‘fio.gg’ not found
    fio.gg <- fio.gg + geom
    line(aes(y=temperature), color=”red”)
    Error: object ‘fio.gg’ not found
    fio.gg <- fio.gg + geom
    line(aes(y=dewPoint), color=”blue”)
    Error: object ‘fio.gg’ not found
    fio.gg <- fio.gg + themebw()
    Error: object ‘fio.gg’ not found
    Error: object ‘fio.gg’ not found
    fio.list <- fio.forecast (fio.api.key, my.latitude, my.longitude, proxy=’host:port’ and ssl.verifypeer=FALSE)
    Error: unexpected symbol in “fio.list <- fio.forecast (fio.api.key, my.latitude, my.longitude, proxy=’host:port’ and”
    fio.gg <- ggplot(data=fio.list$hourly.df, aes(x=time, y=temperature))
    Error in ggplot(data = fio.list$hourly.df, aes(x = time, y = temperature)) :
    object ‘fio.list’ not found
    fio.gg <- fio.gg + labs(y=”Readings”, x=”Time”, title=”Houry Readings”)
    Error: object ‘fio.gg’ not found
    fio.gg <- fio.gg + geom
    line(aes(y=humidity100), color=”green”)
    Error: object ‘fio.gg’ not found
    fio.gg <- fio.gg + geomline(aes(y=temperature), color=”red”)
    Error: object ‘fio.gg’ not found
    fio.gg <- fio.gg + geom
    line(aes(y=dewPoint), color=”blue”)
    Error: object ‘fio.gg’ not found
    fio.gg <- fio.gg + theme_bw()
    Error: object ‘fio.gg’ not found
    Error: object ‘fio.gg’ not found

    1. hrbrmstr

      Please see the 1.2.0 update on github. You’ll need to specify ssl.verifypeer=FALSE in the parameter list. I’ll see if I can get to adding a bulk downloading later this week.


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