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Given the focus on actual development of the PySlopegraph tool in most of the blog posts of late, folks may be wondering why an infosec/inforisk guy is obsessing so much on a tool and not talking security. Besides the fixation on filling a void and promoting an underused visualization tool, I do believe there is a place for slopegraphs in infosec data analysis and will utilize some data from McAfee’s recent Q1 2012 Threat Report [PDF] to illustrate how one might use slopegraphs in interpreting the “Spam Volume” data presented in the “Messaging Threats” section (pages 11 & 12 of the report).

The report shows individual graphs of spam volume per country from April of 2011 through March of 2012. Each individual graph conveys useful information, but I put together two slopegraphs that each show alternate and aggregate views which let you compare spam volume data relative to each country (versus just in-country).

When first doing this exploration, the scale problem reared it’s ugly head again since the United States is a huge spam outlier and causes the chart to be as tall as my youngest son when printed. I really wanted to show relative spam volume between countries as well as the increase or decrease between years in one chart and — after chatting with @maximumyin a bit — decided to test out using a log scale option for the charting (click for larger image):

This chart — Spam Volume by Country — instantly shows that:

  • overall volume has declined for most countries
  • two countries have remained steady
  • one country (Germany) has increased

The next chart – Spam Volume Percentage by Country — also needed to be presented on a log scale and has some equally compelling information:

Despite holding steady count-wise, the United States percentage of global spam actually increased and is joined by seven other countries, with Germany having the second largest percentage increase. Both charts present an opportunity to further explore why the values changed (since the best metrics are supposed to both inform and be actionable in some way).

I’m going to extract some more data from the McAfee report and some other security reports to show how slopegraphs can be used to interpret the data. Feedback on both the views and the use of the log scale would be greatly appreciated by general data scientists as well as those in the infosec community.

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