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Tag Archives: World Wide Web

Feedburner has borked the old RSS feed for the site and has completely disassociated me from it (meaning it’s no longer in my Google Feedburner admin options and they won’t let me re-claim it).

So… the new feed link is

Apologies for any inconvenience.

As you can probably tell from a previous post, I’m not a fan of paywalls—especially poorly implemented ones. Clicking on a link in an RSS feed post and having it land on a page, only to have it smothered in an HTML layer or — in the following case — promptly redirected to “Pay up, buddy!” sites is frustrating at best. I’ll gladly debate the efficacy of paywalls vs other means of generating revenue in another post (or even in the comments, if civil). I primarily wanted to write this post to both show the silliness of the implementation of Foster’s Daily Democrat’s paywall and point out a serious deficiency in Chrome.

First up, lame paywall. You get three free direct story link visits prior to be asked to register and eventually pay for content. NOTE: You could just be going to the same story three times (say, after a browser crash) and each counts as a visit. After those visits, you have to register and give up what little anonymity you have on the Internet to be able to view up to an additional ten free direct story links before then being forced to pay up. If you are a print subscriber, you do get access for “free”, but there’s that tracking thing again. Foster’s uses a service called Clickshare to handle the subscription and tracking. Just how many places do you need to have your data stored/tracked just to read a (most likely) mediocre piece of news?

The paywall setup is accomplished by a simple “Meta Refresh” tag. In its most basic form, it is an instruction that tells the browser to load a particular URL after a certain amount of time. In the case of Foster’s paywall, the HTML tag/directive looks like this:

[code lang=”html”]<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=…"/>[/code]

It’s telling your browser to double-check with their Clickshare code immediately after teasing you with the article content. And, it’s easy to circumvent. Mostly. The problem is, I’m a Chrome user 99% of the time and Google has not seen fit to allow control over the meta refresh directive. To jump the paywall, you’ll need to fire up Firefox. And enter “about:config” in the location bar (and click through the warning message).

Once there, filter for “refresh”, find the setting for “blockautorefresh” and set it to “true“.

Now, every time you visit a web site that attempts to auto-refresh full browser pages, you’ll see a warning (with the option to allow the action):

Why Chrome has not implemented a way to control this is beyond me. Since Safari also has no ability to control this setting, it may have something to do with the webkit core that both browsers are based on.

This doesn’t stop the frustration with the RSS-click-to-read and it doesn’t help iOS/Android users, but it does provide a means help keep a bit of anonymity (if you also use other extensions and controls) and should force these sites to kick their paywall game up a notch.

A while back I was engaged in a conversation on Twitter with @diami03 & @chriseng regarding (what I felt was) the need for someone to provide the perspective from within a medium-to-large enterprise, especially when there are so many folks in infosec who are fond of saying “why didn’t they just…?” in response to events like the Sony attack or the compromise of the web servers.

Between consulting and full-time employment I’ve been in over 20 enterprises ranging from manufacturing to health care to global finance. Some of these shops built their own software, others used/customized COTS. Some have outsourced (to various degrees) IT operations and others were determined to keep all activity in-house. Each of them has had challenges in what many would say should be “easy” activities, such as patching, vulnerability management or ensuring teams were using good coding practices.

It’s pretty easy for a solitary penetration tester or industry pundit to lay down some snark and mock large companies for how they manage their environments. It’s quite another experience to try to manage risk across tens (or hundreds) of thousands of employees/contractors and an equal (or larger) number of workstations, combined with thousands of servers and applications plus hundreds (or thousands) of suppliers/partners.

While I would not attempt to defend all enterprise inadequacies, I will cherry-pick some of the top snarks & off-hand statements for this series and try to explain the difficulties an enterprise might have along with some suggestions on how to overcome them.

If you have a “why didn’t they just…?” you’d like answered drop me a note on Twitter or in the comments.

Catherine Tucker

Presentation [PDF]

Catherine’s talk was really good. She handled questions well and is a very dynamic speaker. I’m looking forward to the paper.

Twitter transcript

#weis2011 Premise of the study was to see what impact privacy controls enablement/usage have on advertising. It's an empirical study #data!

#weis2011 click through rates DOUBLED for personalized ads after the fb privacy controls policy change

#weis2011 it's been a "slightly augment the slides with humor" for the remaining slides. Good data. View the slides & paper (when avail)