Armchair Quarterbacking Systemic Organization and Industry Failures

insert(post, “{ ‘standard_disclaimer’ : ‘My opinion, not my employer\’s’ }”) This is a post about the fictional company FredCo. If the context or details presented by the post seem familiar, it’s purely coincidental. This is, again, a fictional story. Let’s say FredCo had a pretty big breach that (fictionally) garnered media, Twitterverse, tech-world and Government-level… Continue reading

Revisiting Readability With RStudio

I’ve blogged about my in-development R package hgr a before and it’s slowly getting to a CRAN release. There are two new features to it that are more useful in an interactive session than in a programmatic context. Since they build on each other, we’ll take them in order. New S3 print() Method Objects created… Continue reading

Teasing Out Top Daily Topics with GDELT’s Television Explorer

Earlier this year, the GDELT Project released their Television Explorer that enabled API access to closed-caption tedt from television news broadcasts. They’ve done an incredible job expanding and stabilizing the API and just recently released “top trending tables” which summarise what the “top” topics and phrases are across news stations every fifteen minutes. You should… Continue reading

New CRAN Package Announcement: splashr

I’m pleased to announce that splashr is now on CRAN. (That image was generated with splashr::render_png(url = “”)). The package is an R interface to the Splash javascript rendering service. It works in a similar fashion to Selenium but is fear more geared to web scraping and has quite a bit of power under the… Continue reading

Rpad Domain Repurposed To Deliver Creepy (and potentially malicious) Content

I was about to embark on setting up a background task to sift through R package PDFs for traces of functions that “omit NA values” as a surprise present for Colin Fay and Sir Tierney: [Please RT]#RStats folks, @nj_tierney & I need your help for {naniar}!When does R silently drop/omit NA? — Colin… Continue reading