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Tag Archives: d3

WebR 0.1.0 was released! I had been git-stalking George (the absolute genius who we all must thank for this) for a while and noticed the GH org and repos being updated earlier this week, So, I was already pretty excited.

It dropped today, and you can hit that link for all the details and other links.

I threw together a small demo to show how to get it up and running without worrying about fancy “npm projects” and the like.

View-source on that link, or look below for a very small (so, hopefully accessible) example of how to start working with WASM-ified R in a web context.


Four more links:

<html xmlns=""> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <title>WebR Super Simple Demo</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css" type="text/css"> <style> li { font-family:monospace; } .nospace { margin-bottom: 2px; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="main"> <p>Simple demo to show the basics of calling the new WebR WASM!!!!</p> <p><code>view-source</code> to see how the sausage is made</code></p> <p class="nospace">Input a number, press "Call R" (when it is enabled) and magic will happen.</p> <!-- We'll pull the value from here --> <input type="text" id="x" value="10"> <!-- This button is disabled until WebR is loaded --> <button disabled="" id="callr">Call R</button> <!-- Output goes here --> <div id="output"></div> <!-- WebR is a module so you have to do this. --> <!-- NOTE: Many browsers will not like it if `.mjs` files are served --> <!-- with a content-type that isn't text/javascript --> <!-- Try renaming it from .mjs to .js if you hit that snag. --> <script type="module"> // // // I was lazy and just left it in one directory import { WebR } from '/webr-d3-demo/webr.mjs'; // service workers == full path starting with / const webR = new WebR(); // get ready to Rumble await webR.init(); // shot's fired console.log("WebR"); // just for me b/c I don't trust anything anymore // we call this function on the button press async function callR() { let x = document.getElementById('x').value.trim(); // get the value we input; be better than me and do validation console.log(`x = ${x}`) // as noted, i don't trust anything let result = await webR.evalR(`rnorm(${x},5,1)`); // call some R! let output = await result.toArray(); // make the result something JS can work with document.getElementById("output").replaceChildren() // clear out the <div> (this is ugly; be better than me) // d3 ops"#output").append("ul") const ul ="ul") ul.selectAll("li") .data(output) .enter() .append("li") .text(d => d) } // by the time we get here, WebR is ready, so we tell the button what to do and re-enable the button document.getElementById('callr').onclick = callR; document.getElementById('callr').disabled = false; </script> <!-- d/l from D3 site or here if you trust me --> <script src="d3.min.js"></script> </div> </body> </html>

This made the rounds on social media last week:

One of the original versions was static and was not nearly as popular, but—as you can see—this one went viral.

Despite the public’s infatuation with circles (I’m lookin’ at you, pie charts), I’m not going to reproduce this polar coordinate visualization in ggplot2. I believe others have already done so (or are doing so) and you can mimic the animation pretty easily with `coord_polar()` and @drob’s enhanced ggplot2 animation tools.

NOTE: If you’re more interested in the stats/science than a spirograph or colorful D3 animation (below), Gavin Simpson (@ucfagls) has an [awesome post]( with a detailed view of the HadCRUT data set.

## HadCRUT in R

I noticed that [the original data source](, had 12 fields, two of which (columns 11 & 12) are the lower+upper bounds of the 95% confidence interval of the combined effects of all the uncertainties described in the HadCRUT4 error model (measurement and sampling, bias and coverage uncertainties). The spinning vis of doom may be mesmerizing, but it only shows the median. I thought it might be fun to try to make a good looking visualization using the CI as well (you can pick one of the other pairs to try this at home), both in R and then in D3. I chose D3 for the animated version mostly to play with the new 4.0 main branch, but I think it’s possible to do more with dynamic visualizations in D3 than it is with R (and it doesn’t require stop-motion techniques).

The following code:

– reads in the data set (and saves it locally to be nice to their bandwidth bill)
– does some munging to get fields we need
– saves a version out for use with D3
– uses `geom_segment()` + `geom_point()` to do the heavy lifting
– colors the segments by year using the `viridis` palette (the Plasma version)
– labels the plot by decade using facets and some fun facet margin “tricks” to make it look like the x-axis labels are on top

library(readr)    # read_table() / write_csv()
library(zoo)      # as.yearmon()
library(ggplot2)  # devtools::install_github("hadley/ggplot2")
library(hrbrmisc) # devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/hrbrmisc")

URL <- ""
fil <- sprintf("data/%s", basename(URL))
if (!file.exists(fil)) download.file(URL, fil)

global_temps <- read_table(fil, col_names=FALSE)

global_temps %>%
  select(year_mon=1, median=2, lower=11, upper=12) %>%
  mutate(year_mon=as.Date(as.yearmon(year_mon, format="%Y/%m")),
         year=as.numeric(format(year_mon, "%Y")),
         decade=(year %/% 10) * 10,
         month=format(year_mon, "%b")) %>%
  mutate(month=factor(month, %>%
  filter(year != 2016) -> global_temps

# for D3 vis
write_csv(global_temps, "data/temps.csv")

#+ hadcrut, fig.retina=2, fig.width=12, fig.height=6
gg <- ggplot(global_temps)
gg <- gg + geom_segment(aes(x=year_mon, xend=year_mon, y=lower, yend=upper, color=year), size=0.2)
gg <- gg + geom_point(aes(x=year_mon, y=median), color="white", shape=".", size=0.01)
gg <- gg + scale_x_date(name="Median in white", expand=c(0,0.5))
gg <- gg + scale_y_continuous(name=NULL, breaks=c(0, 1.5, 2),
                              labels=c("0°C", "1.5°C", "2.0°C"), limits=c(-1.6, 2.25))
gg <- gg + scale_color_viridis(option="C")
gg <- gg + facet_wrap(~decade, nrow=1, scales="free_x")
gg <- gg + labs(title="Global Temperature Change (1850-2016)",
                subtitle="Using lower and upper bounds of the 95% confidence interval of the combined effects of all the uncertainties described in the HadCRUT4 error model (measurement and sampling, bias and coverage uncertainties; fields 11 & 12)",
                caption="HadCRUT4 (")
gg <- gg + theme_hrbrmstr_my(grid="XY")
gg <- gg + theme(panel.background=element_rect(fill="black", color="#2b2b2b", size=0.15))
gg <- gg + theme(panel.margin=margin(0,0,0,0))
gg <- gg + theme(panel.grid.major.y=element_line(color="#b2182b", size=0.25))
gg <- gg + theme(strip.text=element_text(hjust=0.5))
gg <- gg + theme(axis.title.x=element_text(hjust=0, margin=margin(t=-10)))
gg <- gg + theme(axis.text.x=element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(axis.text.y=element_text(size=12, color="#b2182b"))
gg <- gg + theme(legend.position="none")
gg <- gg + theme(plot.margin=margin(10, 10, 10, 10))
gg <- gg + theme(plot.caption=element_text(margin=margin(t=-6)))


(Click image for larger version)

My `theme_hrbrmstr_my()` required the Myriad Pro font, so you’ll need to use one of the other themes in the `hrbrmisc` package or fill in some `theme()` details on your own.

## HadCRUT in D3

While the static visualization is pretty, we can kick it up a bit with some basic animations. Rather than make a multi-file HTML+js+D3+CSS example, this is all self-contained (apart from the data) in a single `index.html` file (some folks asked for the next D3 example to be self-contained).

Some nice new features of D3 4.0 (that I ended up using here):

– easier to use `scale`s
– less verbose `axis` creation
– `viridis` is now a first-class citizen

Mike Bostock has spent much time refining the API for [D3 4.0]( and it shows. I’m definitely looking forward to playing with it over the rest of the year.

The vis is below but you can bust the `iframe` via [](

I have it setup as “click to view” out of laziness. It’s not hard to make it trigger on `div` scroll visibility, but this way you also get to repeat the visualization animation without it looping incessantly.

If you end up playing with the D3 code, definitely change the width. I had to make it a bit smaller to fit it into the blog theme.

## Fin

You can find the source for both the R & D3 visualizations [on github](

In @jayjacobs’ latest post on SSH honeypot passsword analysis he shows some spiffy visualizations from crunching the data with Tableau. While I’ve joked with him and called them “robocharts”, the reality is that Tableau does let you work on visualizing the answers to questions quickly without having to go into “code mode” (and that doesn’t make it wrong).

I’ve been using Jay’s honeypot data for both attack analysis as well as an excuse to compare data crunching and visualization tools (so far I’ve poked at it with R and python) in an effort to see what tools are good for exploring various types of questions.

A question that came to mind recently was “Hmmm…I wonder if there is a patten to the timings of probes/attacks?” and I posited that a time-series view across the days would help illustrate that. To that end, I came up with the idea of breaking the attacks into one hour chuncks and build a day-stacked heatmap which could be filtered by country. Something like this:

I’ve been wanting to play with D3 and exploring this concept with it seemed to be a good fit.

Given that working with the real data would entail loading a ~4MB file every time someone viewed this blog post, I put the working example in a separate page where you can do a “view source” to see the code. Without the added complexity of a popup selector and loading spinner, the core code is about 50 lines, much of which could be condensed even further since it’s just chaining calls in javascript. I cheated a bit and used jQuery, too, plus made some of it dependent on WebKit (the legend may look weird in Firefox) due to time constraints.

The library is wicked simple to grok and makes it easy to come up with new ways to look at data (as you can see from the examples gallery on the D3 site).

Unfortunately, no real patterns emerged, but I’m going to take a stab at taking the timestamps (which is the timestamp at the destination of the attack) and align it to the origin to see if that makes a difference in the view. If that turns up anything interesting, I’ll make another quick post on it.

Given that much of data (“big” or otherwise) analysis is domain knowledgable folk asking interesting questions, are there any folks out there who have questions that they’d like to see explored with this data set?