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Tag Archives: Computer security

It’s rare that two of my passions—food and information security—intersect, but thanks to the USDA’s announcement of their Blueprint For Stronger Service, I can touch on both in one post.

In 2011, the Obama administration challenged all departments to reduce costs in a effort dubbed the “Campaign to Cut Waste“. In response, the USDA has managed to trim annual expenses by $150 million through a number of efforts. One such effort is to close 259 domestic USDA offices (you can see which states are impacted below).

I’m going to expand on why this is a bad idea over at #nom later this week, but 2011 was not a good year in terms of controlling food poisoning in the United States and I don’t think closing offices will make for better oversight.

Other efforts focus on the elimination of redundancies and inefficiencies. The Blueprint has 27 initial (or to-be-implemented immediately) improvements that include the following:

  • Consolidate more than 700 cell phone plans into about 10
  • Standardize civil rights training and purchases of cyber security products
  • Centralize civil rights, human resource, procurement, and property management functions

So, they were either getting gouged by suppliers (unlikely since there is negotiated pricing for the government) or the USDA’s “cyber-security” strategy was severely fragmented (and, thus, broken) enough that even finance folks could see the problem. Regardless of the source, it had to be pretty bad to make it to the top three of 27 immediate items (and called out in every sub-department press release) and even more so amongst over 160 initiatives that are being or have been put in place.

I still cannot find the details of the plan or budget analysis that went into the focus on cyber security products (links appreciated if you have them), but as private organizations continue their efforts to defend against existing and emerging threats, it might be worth a look at your strategy and spend a bit more closely. Would your infosec department be included in a similar list if your organization went through such a sweeping cost-cutting analysis program? Is your portfolio of security products as optimized as it can be? Could you use a budget sweep as an opportunity to leap frog your security capabilities (e.g. move to whitelisting vs signature-based anti-malware) vs just pressure your existing vendors and re-negotiate contracts?

Unfortunately, the government being the government, I’m now even more concerned that the USDA may need to worry about increased infections on both the food-level and the “cyber” level.

Another #spiffy tip from @MetricsHulk:

Evan Applegate put together a great & simple infographic for Businessweek that illustrates the number and size of 2011 data breaches pretty well.

(Click for larger version)

The summary data (below the timeline bubble chart) shows there was a 37.4% increase in reported incidents and over 260 million records exposed/stolen for the year. It will be interesting to see how this compares with the DBIR.

IT Security Metrics : A Practical Framework for Measuring Security & Protecting Data has has solid reviews by Richard Bejtlich (@TaoSecurity), David J. Elfering (@icxc) & Dr. Anton Chuvakin (@anton_chuvakin), amongst others. You can get it (for a short time) for just about fourteen Washingtons by doing the following.

First, go to this Amazon link and enter “ETXTBOOK” (no quotes) as the code, you’ll get a credit of $10.00USD for Amazon Kindle textbooks. That credit expires on January 9th, 2012, btw.

Now, if you view IT Security Metrics : A Practical Framework for Measuring Security & Protecting Data on Amazon and order it (again, by January 9th, 2012), it will cost you a whole ~$14.00USD

I’m on a “three things” motif for 2012, as it’s really difficult for most folks to focus on more than three core elements well. This is especially true for web developers as they have so much to contend with on a daily basis, whether it be new features, bug reports, user help requests or just ensuring proper caffeine levels are maintained.

In 2011, web sites took more hits then they ever have and—sadly—most attacks could have been prevented. I fear that the pastings will continue in 2012, but there are some steps you can take to help make your site less of a target.

Bookmark & Use OWASP’s Web Site Regularly

I’d feel a little sorry for hacked web sites if it weren’t for resources like OWASP, tools like IronBee and principles like Rugged being in abundance, with many smart folks associated with them being more than willing to offer counsel and advice.

If you run a web site or develop web applications and have not inhaled all the information OWASP has to provide, then you are engaging in the Internet equivalent of driving a Ford Pinto (the exploding kind) without seat belts, airbags, doors and a working dashboard console. There is so much good information and advice out there with solid examples that prove some truly effective security measures can really be implemented in a single line of code.

Make it a point to read, re-read and keep-up-to-date on new articles and resources that OWASP provides. I know you also need to beat the competition to new features and crank out “x” lines of code per day, but you also need to do what it takes to avoid joining the ranks of those in DataLossDB.

Patch & Properly Configure Your Bootstrap Components

Your web app uses frameworks, runs in some type of web container and sits on top of an operating system. Unfortunately, vulnerabilities pop up in each of those components from time to time and you need to keep on top of those and determine which ones you will patch and when. Sites like Secunia and US-CERT aggregate patch information pretty well for operating systems and popular server software components, but it’s best to also subscribe to release and security mailing lists for your frameworks and other bootstrap components.

Configuring your bootstrap environment securely is also important and you can use handy guides over at the Center for Internet Security and the National Vulnerability Database (which is also good for vulnerability reports). The good news is that you probably only need to double-check this a couple times a year and can also integreate secure configuration baselines into tools like Chef & Puppet.

Secure Data Appropriately

I won’t belabor this point (especially if you promise to read the OWASP guidance on this thoroughly) but you need to look at the data being stored and how it is accessed and determine the most appropriate way to secure it. Don’t store more than you absolutely need to. Encrypt password fields (and other sensitive data) with more than a plain MD5 hash. Don’t store any credit card numbers (really, just don’t) or tokenize them if you do (but you really don’t). Keep data off the front-end environment and watch the database and application logs with a service like Loggly (to see if there’s anything fishy going on).

I’m going to cheat and close with a fourth resolution for you: Create (and test) a data breach response plan. If any security professional is being honest, it’s virtually impossible to prevent a breach if a hacker is determined enough and the best thing you can do for your user base is to respond well when it happens. The only way to do that is have a plan and to test it (so you know what you are doing when the breach occurs). And, you should run your communications plan by other folks to make sure it’s adequate (ping @securitytwits for suggestions for good resources).

You want to be able to walk away from a breach with your reputation as intact as possible (so you’ll have to keep the other three resolutions anyway) with your users feeling fully informed and assured that you did everything you could to prevent it.

What other security-related resolutions are you making this year as a web developer or web site owner and what other tools/services are you using to secure your sites?

Everyone who can read this blog should remember the Deepwater Horizon spill that occurred in the Spring of 2010; huge loss of life (any loss is huge from my persective) and still unknown impact to the environment. This event was a wake-up call to BP execs and other companies in that industry sector.

You should all also remember the “Sonage” of this Spring where Sony lost millions of records across 12+ web site breaches and should have been a wake-up call to almost every sector.

BP committed to developing and implmenting a new Safety & Operational Risk (S&OR) program (which is now active). Sony is planning on hiring a CISO and has started hiring security folk, but they really need to develop a comprehensive Security & Operational Information Risk Program (and I suspect your org does as well).

What can we in the info risk world glean (steal) from BP’s plan and new S&OR Organization? Well, to adapt their charter, a new S&OIR program charter might be:

<ul><li>Strengthen & clarify requirements for secure, compliant and reliable computing & networking operations</li>
  • Have an appropriately staffed department of specialists that are integrated with the business
  • Provide deep technical expertise to the company’s operating business
  • Intervenes where needed to stop operations and bring about corrective actions
  • Provides checks & balances independent of business & IT
  • Strengthens mandatory security & compliance standards & processes (including operational risk management)
  • Provide an independent view of operational risk
  • Assess and enhance the competency of its workforce in matters related to information security
  • BP claims success form their current program (the link above has examples), and imagine – just imagine – if you your org required – yes, required – that new systems & applications conform to core, reasonable standards.

    In their annual report, BP fully acknowledged that risks inherent in its operations include a number of hazards that, “although many may have a low probability of occurrence, they can have extremely serious consequences if they do occur, such as the Gulf of Mexico incident.”. Imagine – just imagine – if you could get your org to think the same way about information risk (you have plenty of examples to work from).

    BP did not remove responsibility for managing operational risk and operational delivery from the business lines, but they integrated risk analysts into those teams and gave them the authority to intervene when necessary. It took a disaster to forge this new plan. You don’t need to wait for a disaster in your org to begin socializing this type of change.

    Imagine…just, imagine…

    Sam Ransbotham
    Sabayasachi Mitra

    Presentation [PDF]

    Twitter transcript

    #weis2011 Does immediate disclosure of vulns affect exploitation attempts? Looking at impact on risk/diffusion/volume

    #weis2011 speaker is presenting standard attack process & security processes timelines (slides will be in the blog post)

    #weis2011 the fundamental question is when from the vulnerability discovery to patch development is disclosure appropriate

    #weis2011 immediate disclosure places a significant amount of pressure on defenders while aiding attackers < yep. #weis2011 penalty for MSSP, IDS/IDP/malware vendors for not doing nigh daily "software updates" is huge. a very high pressure industry. #weis2011 IDS systems produce tons of records which needs to be analyzed and understood. results may or may not be actionable. #weis2011 *Tons* of neat data on analysis of NVD data. Very data rich slides (some of them). Lots of math. #good #stuff #weis2011 immediate disclosure has significant increase in acceleration of exploit devel only slight increase in penetration #weis2011 the window may open faster, but defenders are reacting really quickly. this has effect of causing attackers to stop attacks sooner #weis2011 vendors patch vulnerabilities that have been immediately disclosed faster than "traditional" ones. #weiss answer to a q: "the data does not support immediate disclosure for all vulns. no way to extrapolate that information"

    This morning, @joshcorman linked to an article in the Harvard Business ReviewThe Conversation” blog that put forth the author’s view of The Four Personas of the Next-Genereation CIO. The term persona is very Jungian and literally refers to “masks worn by a mime”. According to Jung, the persona “enables an individual to interrelate with the surrounding environment by reflecting the role in life that the individual is playing. In this way one can arrive at a compromise between one’s innate psychological constitution and society.1

    So, the jist of the article is that there are four critial roles that the new CIO must play to succesfully interrelate with and orchestrate the IT environment within their business. I believe this provides a context to dovetail information security & compliance components within personas (since none of them are overtly infosec or compliance), essentially facilitating a compromise between the innate desire to “do the right thing” – i.e. compliance/security – (which I do believe most CIOs possess) and the initiatives that stem from these personas which appear to be – on the surface – in direct conflict. As Josh pointed out, this gives us – the professionals that support our CIOs – an opportunity to help rather than obstruct. Let’s take a look at each of the four personas and what parts of information security & compliance are critical to the real success of each role.

    Chief “Infrastructure” Officer

    Key points:

    • cost reduction
    • accounts for 70% of IT budget
    • “lights on” focus
    • needs to maintain legacy environments while trying to integrate disruptive technologies
    • internal-facing

    This area is where most IT information security & compliance dollars are spent and typically involve personnel & legacy security technology costs (e.g. firewalls and traditional anti-virus) and contribute to the overall budget impact of verifying the efficacy of established controls (i.e. audits).

    The best way to help this CIO persona is to ensure that your organization is only spending what it needs to in order to safeguard the information at risk and can be facilitated through regular and repeated risk assessments which prioritize the systems, networks and applications that require the most protection and enable the design & implementation of automated controls in these environments.

    Government and industry regulations, third party business partner mandates and internal audit requirements are all factors in the risk assessment process, so there should be no surprises when the auditors come around. Furthermore, this risk assessment process will ultimately ensure that the controls are operating as efficiently as your organization can support with as little resource consumption as possible. It will also help shed light on controls that are missing or ineffective (both the first time through and as you perform regular validations). If you don’t believe compliance has a budget impact, take a look at the True Cost of Compliance report by Ponemon Instutite & Tripwire, Inc.

    Solid and well-integrated risk assessment methodologies will speed up infrastructure and application deployment times as there will be no last-minute security surprises that either hold up a rollout or cause compliance problems at a later date due to them not being properly considered. By driving manual control costs to automation, focusing on the right risks and keeping the compliance folks satisfied, you will provide your CIO the tools she needs to keep the lights on and the budget requried to correctly integrate new technologies.

    Chief “Integration” Officer

    Key points:

    • connect internal & external ecosystems
    • accounts for 10% of IT budget
    • connects disperate processes, data, systems, etc
    • M&A-centric
    • external- & internal-facing

    Of all the areas, I believe this one presents the best opportunity for our profession to shine and deliver the most value to IT & the business. They key is to weed out all “Doctor No’s” in your organization. The “Doctor No” basically says “No” to every ” can we do ‘x'” questions, which is at the heart of all the activities this CIO persona needs to perform. For example:

    Senior Business Analyst: “Can we connect these systems to this cloud service?”
    Security Analyst: “NO! Of course not, you fool!”

    Moving from “No” to enabling the business to operate in a secure fashion is an extension of the risk management practices that make the Infrastructure persona successful and needs to be combined with a strong Security Architecture program. For every connection, identify the non-negotiable compliance requirements as factors in a thoughtful risk assessment process. Communicate the “must-haves” and the risk finding to the business & IT stakeholders and enable them to make an informed decision with innovative and/or time-tested architecture options.

    Business owners are used to taking risks all the time (or just going out of business if they fail to take on risks regularly) and security/compliance risks are no different except that most senior executives are far more familiar with traditional risk management activities and need your help integrating security & compliance risk understanding into their existing knowledge-base.

    Natural by-products of your support in this area will be:

    • an understanding of the benefits of a data classification system (so your CIO will know what she really does need to protect),
    • an appreciation for the development of lightweight, repeatable process during the early stages of analysis & integration design, and
    • a comprehension of the inherent, legitimate risks in the environment

    which will all support more efficient acquisition and integration endeavours (and, I can’t think of one CIO that would be against increased efficieny in those areas).

    Chief “Intelligence” Officer

    Key points:

    • actionable insight
    • accounts for 10% of IT budget
    • improves business-user access to information
    • right data to right person at right time on right interface
    • internal-facing

    This area has a similar reliance on a robust data classification program and can be more easily facilitated via a robust identity and access management program. To make your CIO successful, you will need to help her work with the business to identify the information assets to be incorporated into each business intelligence (BI) initiative and ensure they are classified by their owners/stakeholders. There’s a good chance you’ll need to re-think your access control infrastructure architecture as well since you will be facing users armed with iPads, Macs and modern web client technologies that you’ve managed to avoid up until now.

    To ensure these BI activities will not just add to audit findings it will be important to incorporate regular access rights reviews into the mix since authentication and authorization will be the most robust control points. Perhaps this will also be a way to start the discussion on moving from archaic username and password credentials to multi-factor authentication, adaptive authentication or even a full-on migration to PKI. You will not have a better time than now for showing how these solutions enable better access control and give even more options even in the general application space.

    Finally, with all of this information flying through your network this may be the most opportune time to research what DLP solutions are available and how they might be deployed (one size and even one solution does not fit all) to ensure the business is retaining as much control over the data as it wants (risk management always seems to sneak its way in).

    Remember, the goal is to facilitate the business operations with as little disruption as possible. Getting in up-front with your ideas and solutions will make your CIO much more effective in orchestrating successful BI programs and projects.

    Chief “Innovation” Officer

    Key points:

    • pilots disruptive technologies
    • accounts for 10% of IT budget
    • move fast; fail fast; move on
    • externa-facing

    I like shiny objects as much as the next tech-SQUIRREL!-and many CIOs do as well. Who wouldn’t want to arm their workforce with iPads connected to VDI sessions in the cloud (shameless SEO-inspired sentence)? Seriously, though, the modern CIO must regularly push IT & business users and management out of their comfort zones to avoid having their whole shop turn into a data center maze of twisty legacy deployments. Even if the mainframe is still king in many large shops, getting that data into the hands of consumers wielding iOS and Android devices will be crucial to the ongoing success of each enterprise (and, that’s just today).

    Moving beyond traditional development models and languages and embracing faster, lighter and domain-specific tools is also part of the equation. Rapid code updates across far more platforms than you are use to will eventually be the norm. And, deployment models that involve traditional systems, internally dynamically provisioned application spaces and external content and hosting providers will almost be a necessity for business to succeed.

    You must be prepared to have your organization adapt with these changing models. Make sure your staff is part of initiatives like the Cloud Security Alliance, OWASP and Rugged. Keep up with disruptive innovators and embrace the challenge of working with these groups instead of fighting against them.

    You will need to help your CIO bake security and compliance checkpoints all throughout the exploratory and development phases of these risky endeavours. Identifying compliance pitfalls will be paramount as the regulatory bodies and auditors are even less apt to embrace change than your security teams are, never mind the monumental and drawn-out tasks of making any changes to established regulatory requirements. Working to help these efforts succeed is great, but you also need to take care to avoid being the reason they fail (especially if that’s not due solely to a compliance problem).

    I believe this new model of modern CIO will be very willing to work with a information security/risk/compliance group that exhibits even some of the qualities listed above. It won’t be easy (hey, it isn’t now) but it will give you the most opportunity to be successful in your program(s) and be one of the most critical components in enabling your CIO to respond to ever changing business needs and ventures.

    Those were the words that greeted me within five minutes of checking out the Flask microframework for Python web applications. I feel compelled to inline those four, short paragraphs:

    I’m not joking. Well, maybe a little. If you write a web application, you are probably allowing users to register and leave their data on your server. The users are entrusting you with data. And even if you are the only user that might leave data in your application, you still want that data to be stored securely.

    Unfortunately, there are many ways the security of a web application can be compromised. Flask protects you against one of the most common security problems of modern web applications: cross-site scripting (XSS). Unless you deliberately mark insecure HTML as secure, Flask and the underlying Jinja2 template engine have you covered. But there are many more ways to cause security problems.

    The documentation will warn you about aspects of web development that require attention to security. Some of these security concerns are far more complex than one might think, and we all sometimes underestimate the likelihood that a vulnerability will be exploited, until a clever attacker figures out a way to exploit our applications. And don’t think that your application is not important enough to attract an attacker. Depending on the kind of attack, chances are that automated bots are probing for ways to fill your database with spam, links to malicious software, and the like.

    So always keep security in mind when doing web development.

    Let’s look at the key take-away messages…

    Data Should Be Stored Securely

    Interestingly enough, this is not the default mindset of one of the more popular modern database technologies [mongoDB] (and it has plenty of company [memcached], too).

    Even if your app starts out without any real sensitive data, odds are you will be storing credentials, e-mail addresses, social network handles and other bits of information that you should feel some fundamental responsibility to treat with care. There are somemcached manymysql resourcesoracle tocouchdb helpsqlite that you really have no excuse.

    And, it will save you time later on when you realize you actually need to have a secure storage foundation.

    Watch The Input To Your Apps

    Flask protects you against one of the most common security problems of modern web applications: cross-site scripting (XSS). There are many others. If you are a programmer and have never even heard of OWASP, then you need to put down your PS3/Xbox controller and do a quick read on at least their take on the top ten web app security risks (btw: there are way more than ten, but you need to start somewhere).

    The thing is, unless the halls of higher education have crumbled completely since I was in school, I distinctly remember having the concept of input validation, bounds checking, etc. being rammed into my thick skull in almost every programming class (and this was way before web apps were even contemplated). You may think you’re innovating by posting a link to your functioning rapid prototype on Hacker News, but what you’re really doing is being sloppy, lazy and irresponsible. Period.

    And, while it’s fine to seek out frameworks like Flask and rely on some of their inherent protections, it does not absolve you from your responsibility to deliberately & consciously build rugged software (which doesn’t just mean “secure”).

    “Don’t think that your application is not important enough to attract an attacker”

    I’m not sure if any amount of verbiage will convince someone of this fact if they are determined not to believe/accept it. It’s a much larger discussion (and this is already a long post). If you are inclined to have a slightly open mind, I encourage you to read So You Think Your Website Won’t Get Hacked by Joseph Schembr. It’s really slanted towards “script-kiddies,” but should pique your interest enough to keep exploring why your hacked-up personal URL shortener might be a target.


    It’s impressive that the Flask authors cover security in some way, shape or form on 21 pages in the documentation [PDF]. If you’re building or contributing to other frameworks, projects or engines (hint, hint, Node.JS devs!) I would strongly encourage you to take as much time and consideration as the Flask team did to ensure you are making it as easy as possible for your users to deploy applications as securely as possible by default.