Zellingenach: A visual exploration of the spatial patterns in the endings of German town and village names in R

Moritz Stefaner started off 2016 with a [very spiffy post](http://truth-and-beauty.net/experiments/ach-ingen-zell/) on _”a visual exploration of the spatial patterns in the endings of German town and village names”_. Moritz was [exploring some new data processing & visualization tools](https://github.com/moritzstefaner/ach-ingen-zell) for the post, but when I saw what he was doing I wondered how hard it would be… Continue reading

quotebox – An NPR-like Embedded Twitter Quote Generator

I’m an avid NPR listener also follow a number of their programs and people on Twitter. I really dig their [quotable](https://github.com/nprapps/quotable) tweets. Here’s a sample of a recent one: Minn. state senators cannot look other senators in the eye during floor debate. @ailsachang http://t.co/SfQBq4yyHQ pic.twitter.com/DNHGEiVA9j — NPR News (@nprnews) May 8, 2015 I asked @brianboyer… Continue reading