Visualizing “ObamaCare-related” Job Cuts

UPDATE: Added some extra visualization elements since this post went live. New select menu and hover text for individual job impact detail lines in the table. I was reviewing RSS feeds when I came across this story about “ObamaCare Employer Mandate: A List Of Cuts To Work Hours, Jobs” over on Efficacy of the… Continue reading

Secure360 (@Secure360) Data Analysis & Visualization Talk Resources #Sec360

Many thanks to all who attended the talk @jayjacobs & I gave at @Secure360 on Wednesday, May 15, 2013. As promised, here are the [slides]( We’ve enumerated quite a bit of non-slide-but-in-presentation information that we wanted to aggregate into a blog post so you can vi[sz] along at home. If you need more of a… Continue reading

SOURCE Boston (@SOURCEConf) Data Analysis & Visualization Talk Resources #srcbos13

Many thanks to all who attended the talk @jayjacobs & I gave at @SOURCEconf on Thursday, April 18, 2013. As promised, here are the [slides]( which should be much less washed out than the projector version :-) We’ve enumerated quite a bit of non-slide-but-in-presentation information that we wanted to aggregate into a blog post so… Continue reading

Visualizing Risky Words — Part 4 (D3 Word Trees)

This is a fourth post in my [Visualizing Risky Words]( series. You’ll need to read starting from that link for context if you’re just jumping in now. I was going to create a rudimentary version of an interactive word tree for this, but the extremely talented @jasondavies (I marvel especially at his cartographic work) just… Continue reading

Visualizing Risky Words — Part 3

The DST changeover in the US has made today a fairly strange one, especially when combined with a very busy non-computing day yesterday. That strangeness manifest as a need to take the D3 heatmap idea mentioned in the [previous post]( and actually (mostly) implement it. Folks just coming to this thread may want to start… Continue reading

Follow up/Resources :: GRC-T18 – Data Analysis and Visualization for Security Professionals #RSAC

Many thanks to all who attended the talk @jayjacobs & I gave at RSA on Tuesday, February 26, 2013. It was really great to be able to talk to so many of you afterwards as well. We’ve enumerated quite a bit of non-slide-but-in-presentation information that we wanted to aggregate into a blog post so you… Continue reading

Extended (Simple) ASN Graph Visualization Example [R to D3]

The small igraph visualization in the previous post shows the basics of what you can do with the BulkOrigin & BulkPeer functions, and I thought a larger example with some basic D3 tossed in might be even more useful. Assuming you have the previous functions in your environment, the following builds a larger graph structure… Continue reading