This is a fourth post in my [Visualizing Risky Words]( series. You’ll need to read starting from that link for context if you’re just jumping in now.
I was going to create a rudimentary version of an interactive word tree for this, but the extremely talented @jasondavies (I marvel especially at his cartographic work) just posted what is probably the best online [word tree generator]( ever made…and in D3 no less.

A word tree is a “visual interactive concordance” and was created back in 2007 by Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Viégas. You can [read more about]( this technique on your own, but a good summary (from their site) is:
A word tree is a visual search tool for unstructured text, such as a book, article, speech or poem. It lets you pick a word or phrase and shows you all the different contexts in which it appears. The contexts are arranged in a tree-like branching structure to reveal recurrent themes and phrases.
I pasted the VZ RISK INTSUM texts into Jason’s tool so you could investigate the corpus to your heart’s content. I would suggest exploring “patch”, “vulnerability”, “adobe”, “breach” & “malware” (for starters).
Jason’s implementation is nothing short of beautiful. He uses SVG text
s to make the individual text elements not just selectable but easily scaleable with browser window resize events.

The actual [word tree D3 javascript code]( shows just how powerful the combination of the language and @mbostock’s library is. He has, in essence, built a completely cross-platform tokenizer and interactive visualization tool in ~340 lines of javascript. Working your way through that code through to understanding will really help improve your D3 skills.
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[…] DataVis, DataViz, Javascript on 2013-03-06 by hrbrmstr NOTE: Parts [2], [3] & [4] are also now […]