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Category Archives: Charts & Graphs

If you’re not on the mailing list you missed an interaction about the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse Chronology of Data Breaches data source started by Lance Spitzner (@lspitzner). You’ll need to subscribe to the list see the thread, but one innocent question put me down the path to taking a look at the aggregated data with the intent of helping folks understand the overall utility/efficacy of it when trying to craft messages from it.

Before delving into the data, please note that PRC does an excellent job detailing source material for the data. They fully acknowledge some of the challenges with it, but a picture (or two) is worth a thousand caveats. (NOTE: Charts & numbers have been produced from January 20th, 2013 data).

The first thing I did was try to get a feel for overall volume:

Total breach record entries across all years (2005-present): 3573
Number of entries with ‘Total Records Lost’ filled in: 751
% of entries with ‘Total Records Lost’ filled in: 21.0%

Takeaway #1: Be very wary of using any “Total Records Breached” data from this data set.

It may help to see that computation broken down by reporting source over the years that the data file spans:


This view also gives us:

Takeaway #2: Not all data sources span all years and some have very little data.

However, Lance’s original goal was to compare “human error” vs “technical hack”. To do this, he combined DISC, PHYS, PORT & STAT into one category (accidental/human :: ACC-HUM) and HACK, CARD & INSD into another (malicious/attack :: MAL-ATT). Here’s what that looks like when broken down across reporting sources across time:


(click to enlarge)

This view provides another indicator that one might not want to place a great deal of faith on the PRC’s aggregation efforts. Why? It’s highly unlikely that DatalossDB had virtually no breach recordings in 2011 (in fact, it’s more than unlikely, it’s not true). Further views will show some other potential misses from DatalossDB.

Takeaway #3: Do not assume the components of this aggregated data set are complete.

We can get a further feel for data quality and also which reporting sources are weighted more heavily (i.e. which ones have more records, thus implicitly placing a greater reliance on them for any calculations) by looking at how many records they each contributed to the aggregated population each year:

(click to enlarge)

(click to enlarge)

I’m not sure why 2008 & 2009 have such small bars for and, and you can see the 2011 gap in the DatalossDB graph.

At this point, I’d (maybe) trust some aggregate analysis of the HHS (via PHI), CA Attorney General & Media data, but would need to caveat any conclusions with the obvious biases introduced by each.

Even with these issues, I really wanted a “big picture” view of the entire set and ended up creating the following two charts:

(click to enlarge)

(click to enlarge)

(click to enlarge)

(click to enlarge)

(You’ll probably want to view the PDF documents of each : [1] [2] given how big they are.)

Those charts show the number of breaches-by-type by month across the 2005-2013 span by reporting source. The only difference between the two is that the latter one is grouped by Lance’s “meta type” definition. These views enable us to see gaps in reporting by month (note the additional aggregation issue at the tail end of 2010 for DatalossDB) and also to get a feel for the trends of each band (note the significant increase in “unknown” in 2012 for DatalossDB).

Takeaway #4: Do not ignore the “unknown” classification when performing analysis with this data set.

We can see other data issues if we look at it from other angles, such as the state the breach was recorded in:

(click to enlarge)

(click to enlarge)

We can see at least three issues (missing value and occurrences recorded not in the US) from this view, but it seems the number of breaches mostly aligns with population (discrepancies make sense given the lack of uniform breach reporting requirements).

It’s also very difficult to do any organizational analysis (I’m a big fan of looking at “repeat offenders” in general) with this data set without some significant data cleansing/normalization. For example, all of these are “Bank of America“:

[1] "Bank of America"                                                             
[2] "Wachovia, Bank of America, PNC Financial Services Group and Commerce Bancorp"
[3] "Bank of America Corp."                                                       
[4] "Citigroup, Inc., Bank of America, Corp."

Without any cleansing, here are the orgs with two or more reported breaches since 2005:

(apologies for the IFRAME but Google’s Fusion Tables are far too easy to use when embedding data tables)

Takeaway #5: Do not assume that just because a data set has been aggregated by someone and published that it’s been scrubbed well.

Even if the above sets of issues were resolved, the real details are in the “breach details” field, which is a free-form text field providing more information on who/what/when/where/why/how (with varying degrees of consistency & completeness). This is actually the information you really need. The HACK attribute is all well-and-good, but what kind of hack was it? This is one area VERIS shines. What advice are you going to give financial services (BSF) orgs from this extract:

(click to enlarge)

(click to enlarge)

HACKs are up in 2012 from 2010 & 2011, but what type of HACKs against what size organizations? Should smaller orgs be worried about desktop security and/or larger orgs start focusing more on web app security? You can’t make that determination without mining that free form text field. (NOTE: as I have time, I’m trying to craft a repeatable text analysis function I can perform on that field to see what can be automatically extracted)

Takeaway #6: This data set is pretty much what the PRC says it is: a chronology of data breaches. More in-depth analysis is not advised without a massive clean-up effort.

Finally, hypothesizing that the PRC’s aggregation could have resulted in duplicate records, I created a subset of the records based solely on breach “Date Made Public” + “Organization Name” and then sifted manually through the breach text details, 6 duplicate entries were found. Interestingly enough, only one instance of duplicate records was found across reporting databases (my hunch was that DatalossDB or DataBreaches.NET would have had records other, smaller databases included; however, this particular duplicate detection mechanism does not rule this out given the quality of the data).


Despite the criticisms above, the efforts by the PRC and their sources for aggregation are to be commended. Without their work to document breaches we would only have the mega-media-frenzy stories and labor-intensive artifacts like the DBIR to work with. Just because the data isn’t perfect right now doesn’t mean we won’t get to a point where we have the ability to record and share this breach information like the CDC does diseases (which also ins’t perfect, btw).

I leave you with another column of numbers that shows—if broken down by organization type and breach type—there is an average of 2 breaches per-breach/org-type-per-year (according to this data):

(The complete table includes the mean, median and standard deviation for each type.)

Lance’s final question to me (on the list) was “Bob, what do recommended as the next step to answer the question – What percentage of publicly known data breaches are deliberate cyber attacks, and what percentage are human based accidental loss/disclosure?

I’d first start with a look at the DBIR (especially this year’s) and then see if I could get a set of grad students to convert a complete set of DatalossDB records (and, perhaps, the other sources) into VERIS format for proper analysis. If any security vendors are reading this, I guarantee you’ll gain significant capital/accolades within/from the security practitioner community if you were to sponsor such an effort.

Comments, corrections & constructive criticisms are heartily welcomed. Data crunching & graphing scripts available both on request and perhaps uploaded to my github repository once I clean them up a bit.

Good Stats, Bad Stats has a really good critique of my Mississippi River post that you should read (TL;DR: my graphs & analysis need work).

Folks may debate the merits of the SHODAN tool, but in my opinion it’s a valuable resource, especially if used for “good”. What is SHODAN? I think ThreatPost summed it up nicely:

“Shodan is a Web based search engine that discovers Internet facing computers, including desktops, servers and routers. The engine, created by programmer John Matherly, allows users to filter searches for systems running a specific type of application (say, Apache Web servers or FTP) and filter results by geographic region. The search engine indexes host ’banners,’ which include meta-data sent between a server and client and includes information such as the type of software run, what services are available and so on.”

I’m in R quite a bit these days and thought it would be useful to have access to the SHODAN API in R. I have a very rudimentary version of the API (search only) up on github which can be integrated into your R environment thus:

help(shodan) # you don't really need to do this cmd

It’ll eventually be in CRAN, but I have some cleanup work to do before the maintainers will accept the submission. If you are new to R, there are a slew of dependencies you’ll need to add to the base R installation. Here’s a good description of how to do that on pretty much every platform.

After I tweeted the above reference, @shawnmer asked the following:

That is not an unreasonable request, especially if one is new to R (or SHODAN). I had been working on this post and a more extended example and finally able to get enough code done to warrant publishing it. You can do far more in R than these simple charts & graphs. Imagine taking data from multiple searches–either across time or across ports–and doing a statistical comparison. Or, use some the image processing & recognition libraries within R as well as a package such as RCurl to fetch images from open webcams and attempt to identify people or objects. The following should be enough for most folks to get started.

You can cut/paste the source code here or download the whole source file.

The fundamental shortcut this library provides over just trying to code it yourself is taking the JSON response from SHODAN and turning it into an R data frame. That is not as overtly trivial as you might think and you may want to look at the source code for the library to see where I grabbed some of that code from. I’m also not 100% convinced it’s going to work under all circumstances (hence part of the 0.1 status).

# if you're behind a proxy, setting this will help
# but it's strongly suggested/encouraged that you stick the values in a file and 
# read them in vs paste them in a script
# options(RCurlOptions = list(proxy="proxyhost", proxyuserpwd="user:pass"))
# query example taken from Michael “theprez98” Schearer's DEFCON 18 presentation
# find all Cisco IOS devies that may have an unauthenticated admin login
# setting trace to be TRUE to see the progress of the query
result = SHODANQuery(query="cisco last-modified www-authenticate",trace=TRUE)
#find the first 100 found memcached instances
#result = SHODANQuery(query='port:11211',limit=100,trace=TRUE)
df = result$matches
# aggregate result by operating system
# you can use this one if you want to filter out NA's completely = ddply(df, .(os), summarise, N=sum(as.numeric(factor(os))))
#this one provides count of NA's (i.e. unidentified systems) = ddply(df, .(os), summarise, N=length(os))
# sort & see the results in a text table = transform(, os = reorder(os, -N))

That will yield:

FALSE                 os   N
FALSE 1      Linux 2.4.x  60
FALSE 2      Linux 2.6.x   6
FALSE 3 Linux recent 2.4   2
FALSE 4     Windows 2000   2
FALSE 5   Windows 7 or 8  10
FALSE 6       Windows XP   8
FALSE 7             <NA> 112

You can plot it with:

# plot a bar chart of them
(ggplot(,aes(x=os,y=N,fill=os)) + 
   geom_bar(stat="identity") + 
   theme_few() +
   labs(y="Count",title="SHODAN Search Results by OS"))

to yield:



world = map_data("world")
(ggplot() +
   geom_polygon(data=world, aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group)) +
   geom_point(data=df, aes(x=longitude, y=latitude), colour="#EE760033",size=1.75) +
   labs(x="",y="") +


You can easily do the same by country:

# sort & view the results by country
# see above if you don't want to filter out NA's = ddply(df, .(country_code, country_name), summarise, N=sum(! = transform(, country_code = reorder(country_code, -N))
##    country_code              country_name  N
## 1            AR                 Argentina  2
## 2            AT                   Austria  2
## 3            AU                 Australia  2
## 4            BE                   Belgium  2
## 5            BN         Brunei Darussalam  2
## 6            BR                    Brazil 14
## 7            CA                    Canada 16
## 8            CN                     China  6
## 9            CO                  Colombia  4
## 10           CZ            Czech Republic  2
## 11           DE                   Germany 12
## 12           EE                   Estonia  4
## 13           ES                     Spain  4
## 14           FR                    France 10
## 15           HK                 Hong Kong  2
## 16           HU                   Hungary  2
## 17           IN                     India 10
## 18           IR Iran, Islamic Republic of  4
## 19           IT                     Italy  4
## 20           LV                    Latvia  4
## 21           MX                    Mexico  2
## 22           PK                  Pakistan  4
## 23           PL                    Poland 16
## 24           RU        Russian Federation 14
## 25           SG                 Singapore  2
## 26           SK                  Slovakia  2
## 27           TW                    Taiwan  6
## 28           UA                   Ukraine  2
## 29           US             United States 28
## 30           VE                 Venezuela  2
## 31         <NA>                      <NA>  0

(ggplot(,aes(x=country_code,y=N)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity") +
  theme_few() +
  labs(y="Count",x="Country",title="SHODAN Search Results by Country"))


And, easily generate the must-have choropleth:

# except make a choropleth
# using the very simple rworldmap process
shodanChoropleth = joinCountryData2Map(, joinCode = "ISO2", nameJoinColumn = "country_code")
mapCountryData(shodanChoropleth, nameColumnToPlot="N",colourPalette="terrain",catMethod="fixedWidth")


Again, producing pretty pictures is all well-and-good, but it’s best to start with some good questions you need answering to make any visualization worthwhile. In the coming weeks, I’ll do some posts that show what types of questions you may want to ask/answer with R & SHODAN.

I encourage folks that have issues, concerns or requests to use github vs post in the comments, but I’ll try to respond to either as quickly as possible.

Good Stats, Bad Stats has a really good critique of this post that you should read after this (so you know how to avoid the mistakes I made :-)

I’ve heard quite a bit about the current problems with the Mississippi River and wanted to see for myself (with data) just how bad it is.

St Louis seems to be quite indicative of the severity of the situation, so I pulled the USGS “stream” records for it and also the historic low water level records for it and put them both into R for some analysis & graphing:

click for larger version

click for larger version

They are both in PDF format as well [1] [2]

As you can see, there have only been four other (recorded) times when the river was this low and it has just come off of multi-year severely high points with a fairly rapid trend downwards. I’m sure the residents along the Mississippi do not need this data to tell them just how bad things are, but it has helped me understand just how bad the situation is.

For those interested, the R code uses ggplot2 for time-series charting along with a custom theme and various annotation aids that might be useful to others learning their way around the grammar of graphics in R (so the code is below).

# stream.R - graph the recent history of the Mississippi River at St Louis
# read in st louis, mo USGS stream data
df.raw = read.csv("~/Desktop/stream.txt")
# need date/time as an R Date for ggplot2 time series plot
df = data.frame(as.POSIXct(df.raw$datetime,format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),df.raw$gauge)
df = df[!$gauge),]
# pretty up the column names
colnames(df) = c("datetime","gauge")
# we uses these a few times
maxdate = max(df$datetime)
mindate = min(df$datetime)
mingauge = min(df$gauge)
# do the plot
st1 = ggplot(df, aes(datetime, gauge)) +
  theme_economist() + # pretty theme
  # background bands for various water level stages
  geom_rect(data=df,aes(xmin=mindate, xmax=maxdate, ymin=28, ymax=30), alpha=1, fill="khaki1") +
  geom_rect(data=df,aes(xmin=mindate, xmax=maxdate, ymin=30, ymax=35), alpha=1, fill="gold1") +
  geom_rect(data=df,aes(xmin=mindate, xmax=maxdate, ymin=35, ymax=40), alpha=1, fill="firebrick") +
  geom_rect(data=df,aes(xmin=mindate, xmax=maxdate, ymin=mingauge, ymax=0), alpha=1, fill="white") +
  # labels for the bands
  geom_text(data=data.frame(x=maxdate,y=29), aes(x=x,y=y,label="Action Stage "), size=3, hjust=1) +
  geom_text(data=data.frame(x=maxdate,y=32), aes(x=x,y=y,label="Flood Stage "), size=3, hjust=1) +
  geom_text(data=data.frame(x=maxdate,y=37), aes(x=x,y=y,label="Moderate Flood Stage "), size=3, hjust=1, colour="white") +
  geom_text(data=data.frame(x=mindate,y=mingauge/2), aes(x=x,y=y,label=" Below gauge"), size=3, hjust=0, colour="black") +
  # the raw stream data
  geom_line(size=0.15) +
  # change the x label to just years
  scale_x_datetime(breaks=date_breaks("years"), labels=date_format("%Y")) + 
  # labels
  labs(title="Mississipi River Depth at St Louis, MO", x="", y="Gauge Height (in.)") +
  # add a smoothed trend line
  geom_smooth() +
  # remove the legend
  theme(legend.position = "none")
# make a PDF
# low.R - graph the historic low records for the Mississippi River at St Louis
# read in historic low records
df.raw = read.csv("~/Desktop/low.csv")
# need date/time as an R Date for ggplot2 time series plot
df = data.frame(as.POSIXct(df.raw$date,format = "%m/%d/%Y"),df.raw$gauge)
colnames(df) = c("date","gauge")
# pretty up the column names
maxdate = max(df$date)
mindate = min(df$date)
# do the plot
low1 = ggplot(data=df,aes(date,gauge)) + 
  geom_rect(data=df,aes(xmin=mindate, xmax=maxdate, ymin=-4.55, ymax=-4.55), alpha=1, color="firebrick",fill="firebrick") +
  geom_text(data=data.frame(x=mindate,y=-4.75), aes(x=x,y=y,label="January 2013 :: -4.55in"), size=3, hjust=0, colour="firebrick") +
  geom_line(size=0.15) + 
  labs(title="Historic Low Water Depths at St Louis, MO", x="", y="Gauge Height (in.)") +

I updated the code to use ggsave and tweaked some of the font & line size values for more consistent (and pretty) output. This also means that I really need to get this up on github.

If you even remotely follow this blog, you’ll see that I’m kinda obsessed with slopegraphs. While I’m pretty happy with my Python implementation, I do quite a bit of data processing & data visualization in R these days and had a few free hours on a recent trip to Seattle, so I whipped up some R code to do traditional and multi-column rank-order slopegraphs in R, mostly due to a post over at Microsoft’s security blog.

# multicolumn-rankorder-slopegraph.R
# 2013-01-12 - formatting tweaks
# 2013-01-10 - Initial version - boB Rudis - @hrbrmstr
# Pretty much explained by the script title. This is an R script which is designed to produce
# 2+ column rank-order slopegraphs with the ability to highlight meaningful patterns
# transcription of table from:
# You can download it from: 
df = read.csv("~/Desktop/malware.csv")
# For this slopegraph, we care that #1 is at the top and that higher value #'s are at the bottom, so we 
# negate the rank values in the table we just read in
df$Rank.Win7.SP1 = -df$Rank.Win7.SP1
df$Rank.Win7.RTM = -df$Rank.Win7.RTM
df$Rank.Vista = -df$Rank.Vista
df$Rank.XP = -df$Rank.XP
# Also, we are really comparing the end state (ultimately) so sort the list by the end state.
# In this case, it's the Windows 7 malware data.
df$Family = with(df, reorder(Family, Rank.Win7.SP1))
# We need to take the multi-columns and make it into 3 for line-graph processing 
dfm = melt(df)
# We need to take the multi-columns and make it into 3 for line-graph processing 
dfm = melt(df)
# We define our color palette manually so we can highlight the lines that "matter".
# This means you'll need to generate the slopegraph at least one time prior to determine
# which lines need coloring. This should be something we pick up algorithmically, eventually
sgPalette = c("#990000", "#990000",  "#CCCCCC", "#CCCCCC", "#CCCCCC","#CCCCCC", "#990000", "#CCCCCC", "#CCCCCC", "#CCCCCC", "#CCCCCC", "#CCCCCC", "#CCCCCC", "#CCCCCC", "#CCCCCC")
#sgPalette = c("#000000", "#000000",  "#000000", "#000000", "#000000","#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000")
# start the plot
# we do a ton of customisations to the plain ggplot canvas, but it's not rocket science
sg = ggplot(dfm, aes(factor(variable), value, 
                     group = Family, 
                     colour = Family, 
                     label = Family)) +
  scale_colour_manual(values=sgPalette) +
  theme(legend.position = "none", 
        axis.text.x = element_text(size=5),
        panel.grid.major = element_line("black", size = 0.1),
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
        panel.background = element_blank())
# plot the right-most labels
sg1 = sg + geom_line(size=0.15) + 
  geom_text(data = subset(dfm, variable == "Rank.Win7.SP1"), 
            aes(x = factor(variable), label=sprintf(" %-2d %s",-(value),Family)), size = 1.75, hjust = 0) 
# plot the left-most labels
sg1 = sg1 + geom_text(data = subset(dfm, variable == "Rank.XP"), 
                     aes(x = factor(variable), label=sprintf("%s %2d ",Family,-(value))), size = 1.75, hjust = 1)
# this ratio seems to work well for png output
# you'll need to tweak font size for PDF output, but PDF will make post-processing in 
# Illustrator or Inkscape much easier.

Click for larger version

I really didn’t think the table told a story well and I truly believe slopegraphs are pretty good at telling stories.

This bit of R code is far from generic and requires the data investigator to do some work to make it an effective visualization, but (I think) it’s one of the better starts at a slopegraph library in R. It suffers from the same issues I’ve pointed out before, but it’s far fewer lines of code than my Python version and it handles multi-column slopegraphs quite nicely.

To be truly effective, you’ll need to plot the slopegraph first and then figure out which nodes to highlight and change the sgPalette accordingly to help the reader/viewer focus on what’s important.

I’ll post everything on github once I recover from cross-country travel and—as always–welcome feedback and fixes.

Naomi Robbins is running a graph makeover challenge over at her Forbes blog and this is my entry for the B2B/B2C Traffic Sources one (click for larger version):

And, here’s the R source for how to generate it:

df = read.csv("b2bb2c.csv")
ggplot(data=df,aes(x=Site,y=Percentage,fill=Site)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity") + 
  facet_grid(Venue ~ .) + 
  coord_flip() + 
  opts(legend.position = "none", title="Social Traffic Sources for B2B & B2C Companies") + 
  stat_bin(geom="text", aes(label=sprintf("%d%%",Percentage), vjust=0, hjust=-0.2, size = 10))

And, here’s the data:

Site     Venue	Percentage
Facebook B2B	72
LinkedIn B2B	16
Twitter	 B2B	12
Facebook B2C	84
LinkedIn B2C	1
Twitter	 B2C	15

I chose to go with a latticed bar chart as I think it helps show the relative portions within each category (B2B/B2C) and also enables quick comparisons across categories for all three factors.

For those inclined to click, I was interviewed by Fahmida Rashid (@fahmiwrite) over at Sourceforge’s HTML5 center a few weeks ago (right after the elections) due to my tweets on the use of HTML5 tech over Flash. Here’s one of them:

While a tad inaccurate (one site did use Flash with an HTML fallback and some international sites are still stuck in the 1990s), it is still a good sign of how the modern web is progressing.

I can honestly say I’ve never seen my last name used so many times in one article :-)

Earlier this week, @jayjacobs & I both received our acceptance notice for the talk we submitted to the RSA CFP! [W00t!] Now the hard part: crank out a compelling presentation in the next six weeks! If you’re interested at all in doing more with your security data, this talk is for you. Full track/number & details below:

Session Track: Governance, Risk & Compliance
Session Code: GRC-T18
Scheduled Date: 02/26/2013
Scheduled Time: 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Session Length: 1 hr
Session Title: Data Analysis and Visualization for Security Professionals
Session Classification: Intermediate
Session Keywords: metrics, visualization, risk management, research
Short Abstract: You have a deluge of security-related data coming from all directions and may even have a fancy dashboard full of pretty charts. However, unless you know the right questions to ask and how to ask them, all you really have are compliance artifacts. Move beyond the checkbox and learn techniques for collecting, exploring and visualizing the stories within our security data.