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Category Archives: Apache Drill

Continuing the blog’s UDF theme of late, there are two new UDF kids in town:

Now, if you’re an Apache Drill fanatic, you’re likely thinking “Hey hrbrmstr: don’t you know that Drill has a parse_url()? function already?” My answer is “Sure, but it’s based on which is fundamentally broken.”

Slicing & dicing URLs and IDNs is a large part of the $DAYJOB and they go together pretty well, hence the joint UDF release.

Rather than just use boring SQL for an example, we’ll start with some SQL and use R for a decent example of working with the two, new UDFs.

Counting Lying Lock Icons

SSL/TLS is all the craze these days, so let’s see how many distinct sites in the GDELT Global Front Page (GFG) data set use port 443 vs port 80 (a good indicator, plus it will help show how the URL tools pick up ports even when they’re not there).

If you go to the aforementioned URL it instructs us that the most current GFG dataset URL can be retrieved by inspecting the contents of this metadata URL

There are over a million records in that data set but — as we’ll see — not nearly as many distinct hosts.

Let’s get the data:


  file = "", 
  delim = " ", 
  col_names = FALSE,
  col_types = "ccc"
) -> gfg_update

dl_path <- file.path("~/Data/gfg_links.tsv.gz")

if (!file.exists(dl_path)) download.file(gfg_update$X3[1], dl_path)

Those operations have placed the GFG data set in a place where my local Drill instance can get to them. It's a tab separated file (TSV) which — while not a great data format — is workable with Drill.

Now we'll setup a SQL query that will parse the URLs and domains, giving us a nice rectangular structure for R & dbplyr. We'll use the second column since a significant percentage of the URLs in column 6 are malformed:

db <- src_drill()

tbl(db, "(
  b.rec.hostname AS hostname,
  b.rec.assigned AS assigned,
  b.rec.tld AS tld,
  b.rec.subdomain AS subdomain
    host, port, suffix_extract(host) AS rec             -- break the hostname into components
    (SELECT AS host, a.rec.port AS port
        columns[1] AS url, url_parse(columns[1]) AS rec -- break the URL into components
      FROM dfs.d.`/gfg_links.tsv.gz`) a
    WHERE a.rec.port IS NOT NULL                        -- filter out URL parsing failures
  ) b
WHERE b.rec.tld IS NOT NULL                             -- filter out domain parsing failures
)") -> gfg_df

## # Database: DrillConnection
##    hostname  port host              subdomain assigned      tld  
##  1 www         80 NA ee   
##  2 www         80 NA ee   
##  3 www         80 NA ee   
##  4 www         80 NA ee   
##  5 www         80 NA ee   
##  6 www         80 NA ee   
##  7 www         80 NA ee   
##  8 www         80 NA ee   
##  9 www         80 NA ee   
## 10 www         80 NA ee   
## # ... with more rows

While we could have done it all in SQL, we saved some bits for R:

distinct(gfg_df, assigned, port) %>% 
  count(port) %>% 
  collect() -> port_counts

# A tibble: 2 x 2
   port     n
1    80 20648
2   443 22178

You'd think more news-oriented sites would be HTTPS by default given the current global political climate (though those lock icons are no safety panacea by any stretch of the imagination).


Now, R can do URL & IDN slicing, but Drill can operate at-scale. That is, R's urltools package may be fine for single-node, in-memory ops, but Drill can process billions of URLs when part of a cluster.

I'm not 100% settled on the galimatias library for URL parsing (I need to do some extended testing) and I may add some less-strict IDN slicing & dicing functions as well.

Kick the tyres & file issues & PRs as necessary.

There are many ways to gather Twitter data for analysis and many R and Python (et al) libraries make full use of the Twitter API when building a corpus to extract useful metadata for each tweet along with the text of each tweet. However, many corpus archives are minimal and only retain a small portion of the metadata — often just tweet timestamp, the tweet creator and the tweet text — leaving to the analyst the trudging work of re-extracting hashtags, mentions, URLs (etc).

Twitter provides a tweet-text processing library for many languages. One of these languages is Java. Since it make sense to perform at-scale data operations in Apache Drill, it also seemed to make sense that Apache Drill could use a tweet metadata extraction set of user-defined functions (UDFs). Plus, there just aren’t enough examples of Drill UDFs out there. Thus begat drill-twitter-text?.

What’s Inside the Tin?

There are five UDF functions in the package:

  • tw_parse_tweet(string): Parses the tweet text and returns a map column with the following named values:
    • weightedLength: (int) the overall length of the tweet with code points weighted per the ranges defined in the configuration file
    • permillage: (int) indicates the proportion (per thousand) of the weighted length in comparison to the max weighted length. A value > 1000 indicates input text that is longer than the allowable maximum.
    • isValid: (boolean) indicates if input text length corresponds to a valid result.
    • display_start / display_end: (int) indices identifying the inclusive start and exclusive end of the displayable content of the Tweet.
    • valid_start / valid_end: (int) indices identifying the inclusive start and exclusive end of the valid content of the Tweet.
  • tw_extract_hashtags(string): Extracts all hashtags in the tweet text into a list which can be FLATTEN()ed.
  • tw_extract_screennames(string): Extracts all screennames in the tweet text into a list which can be FLATTEN()ed.
  • tw_extract_urls(string): Extracts all URLs in the tweet text into a list which can be FLATTEN()ed.
  • tw_extract_reply_screenname(): Extracts the reply screenname (if any) from the tweet text into a VARCHAR.

The repo has all the necessary bits and info to help you compile and load the necessary JARs, but those in a hurry can just copy all the files in the target directory to your local jars/3rparty directory and restart Drill.


Here’s an example of how to call each UDF along with the output:

  tw_extract_screennames(tweetText) AS mentions,
  tw_extract_hashtags(tweetText) AS tags,
  tw_extract_urls(tweetText) AS urls,
  tw_extract_reply_screenname(tweetText) AS reply_to,
  tw_parse_tweet(tweetText) AS tweet_meta
     '@youThere Load data from #Apache Drill to @QlikSense - #Qlik Tuesday Tips and Tricks #ApacheDrill #BigData' AS tweetText
   FROM (VALUES((1))))

| mentions | tags | urls | reply_to | tweet_meta |
| ["youThere","QlikSense"] | ["Apache","Qlik","ApacheDrill","BigData"] | ["",""] | youThere | {"weightedLength":154,"permillage":550,"isValid":true,"display_start":0,"display_end":153,"valid_start":0,"valid_end":153} |


Kick the tyres and file issues and PRs as needed.

I spent some time this morning upgrading the JDBC driver (and changing up some supporting code to account for changes to it) for my metis package? which connects R up to Amazon Athena via RJDBC. I’m used to JDBC and have to deal with Java separately from R so I’m also comfortable with Java, JDBC and keeping R working with Java. I notified the Twitterverse about it and it started this thread (click on the embed to go to it — and, yes, this means Twitter is tracking you via this post unless you’ve blocked their JavaScript):

If you do scroll through the thread you’ll see @hadleywickham suggested using the odbc package with the ODBC driver for Athena.

I, and others, have noted that ODBC on macOS (and — for me, at least — Linux) never really played well together for us. Given that I’m familiar with JDBC, I just gravitated towards using it after trying it out with raw Java and it worked fine in R.

Never one to discount advice from Hadley, I quickly grabbed the Athena ODBC driver and installed it and wired up an odbc + dplyr connection almost instantly:


  driver = "/Library/simba/athenaodbc/lib/libathenaodbc_sbu.dylib", 
  Schema = "sampledb",
  AwsRegion = "us-east-1",
  AuthenticationType = "Default Credentials",
  S3OutputLocation = "s3://aws-athena-query-results-redacted"
) -> con

some_tbl <- tbl(con, "elb_logs")

## # Source:   table<elb_logs> [?? x 16]
## # Database: Amazon Athena 01.00.0000[@Amazon Athena/AwsDataCatalog]
##    timestamp    elbname requestip  requestport backendip backendport
##    <chr>        <chr>   <chr>            <int> <chr>           <int>
##  1 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 249.6.80.…        5123 249.6.80…        8888
##  2 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 246.22.15…        5123 248.178.…        8888
##  3 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 248.179.3…       45667 254.70.2…         443
##  4 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 243.2.127…       14496 248.178.…          80
##  5 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 247.76.18…        6887 252.0.81…        8888
##  6 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 254.110.3…       22052 248.178.…        8888
##  7 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 249.113.2…       24902 245.241.…        8888
##  8 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 246.128.7…        5123 244.202.…        8888
##  9 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 249.6.80.…       24902 255.226.…        8888
## 10 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 253.102.6…        6887 246.22.1…        8888
## # ... with more rows, and 10 more variables:
## #   requestprocessingtime <dbl>, backendprocessingtime <dbl>,
## #   clientresponsetime <dbl>, elbresponsecode <chr>,
## #   backendresponsecode <chr>, receivedbytes <S3: integer64>,
## #   sentbytes <S3: integer64>, requestverb <chr>, url <chr>,
## #   protocol <chr>## 

The TLDR is that I can now use 100% dplyr idioms with Athena vs add one to the RJDBC driver I made for metis. The metis package will still be around to support JDBC on systems that do have issues with ODBC and to add other methods that work with the AWS Athena API (managing Athena vs the interactive queries part).

The downside is that I’m now even more likely to run up the AWS bill ;-)

What About Drill?

I also maintain the sergeant package? which provides REST API and REST query access to Apache Drill along with a REST API DBI driver and an RJDBC interface for Drill. I remember trying to get the MapR ODBC client working with R a few years ago so I made the package (which was also a great learning experience).

I noticed there was a very recent MapR Drill ODBC driver released. Since I was on a roll, I figured why not try it one more time, especially since the RStudio team has made it dead simple to work with ODBC from R.


  driver = "/Library/mapr/drill/lib/libdrillodbc_sbu.dylib",
  ConnectionType = "Zookeeper",
  AuthenticationType = "No Authentication",
  ZkQuorum = "HOST:2181",
  AdvancedProperties = "CastAnyToVarchar=true;HandshakeTimeout=30;QueryTimeout=180;TimestampTZDisplayTimezone=utc;
) -> drill_con

(employee <- tbl(drill_con, sql("SELECT * FROM cp.`employee.json`")))
## # Source:   SQL [?? x 16]
## # Database: Drill 01.13.0000[@Apache Drill Server/DRILL]
##    employee_id   full_name    first_name last_name position_id   position_title   store_id  
##    <S3: integer> <chr>        <chr>      <chr>     <S3: integer> <chr>            <S3: inte>
##  1 1             Sheri Nowmer Sheri      Nowmer    1             President        0         
##  2 2             Derrick Whe… Derrick    Whelply   2             VP Country Mana… 0         
##  3 4             Michael Spe… Michael    Spence    2             VP Country Mana… 0         
##  4 5             Maya Gutier… Maya       Gutierrez 2             VP Country Mana… 0         
##  5 6             Roberta Dam… Roberta    Damstra   3             VP Information … 0         
##  6 7             Rebecca Kan… Rebecca    Kanagaki  4             VP Human Resour… 0         
##  7 8             Kim Brunner  Kim        Brunner   11            Store Manager    9         
##  8 9             Brenda Blum… Brenda     Blumberg  11            Store Manager    21        
##  9 10            Darren Stanz Darren     Stanz     5             VP Finance       0         
## 10 11            Jonathan Mu… Jonathan   Murraiin  11            Store Manager    1         
## # ... with more rows, and 9 more variables: department_id <S3: integer64>, birth_date <chr>,
## #   hire_date <chr>, salary <dbl>, supervisor_id <S3: integer64>, education_level <chr>,
## #   marital_status <chr>, gender <chr>, management_role <chr>## 

count(employee, position_title, sort=TRUE)
## # Source:     lazy query [?? x 2]
## # Database:   Drill 01.13.0000[@Apache Drill Server/DRILL]
## # Ordered by: desc(n)
##    position_title            n              
##    <chr>                     <S3: integer64>
##  1 Store Temporary Checker   268            
##  2 Store Temporary Stocker   264            
##  3 Store Permanent Checker   226            
##  4 Store Permanent Stocker   222            
##  5 Store Shift Supervisor    52             
##  6 Store Permanent Butcher   32             
##  7 Store Manager             24             
##  8 Store Assistant Manager   24             
##  9 Store Information Systems 16             
## 10 HQ Finance and Accounting 8              
## # ... with more rows##

Apart from having to do that sql(…) to make the table connection work, it was pretty painless and I had both Athena and Drill working with dplyr verbs in under ten minutes (total).

You can head on over to the main Apache Drill site to learn all about the ODBC driver configuration parameters and I’ve updated my ongoing Using Apache Drill with R e-book to include this information. I will also keep maintaining the existing sergeant package but also be including some additional methods provide ODBC usage guidance and potentially other helpers if there are any “gotchas” that arise.


The odbc package is super-slick and it’s refreshing to be able to use dplyr verbs with Athena vs gosh-awful SQL. However, for some of our needs the hand-crafted queries will still be necessary as they are far more optimized than what would likely get pieced together via the dplyr verbs. However, those queries can also be put right into sql() with the Athena ODBC driver connection and used via the same dplyr verb magic afterwards.

Today is, indeed, a good day to query!

(For first-timers, R⁶ tagged posts are short & sweet with minimal expository; R⁶ feed)

At work-work I mostly deal with medium-to-large-ish data. I often want to poke at new or existing data sets w/o working across billions of rows. I also use Apache Drill for much of my exploratory work.

Here’s how to uniformly sample data from Apache Drill using the sergeant package:


db <- src_drill("sonar")
tbl <- tbl(db, "dfs.dns.`aaaa.parquet`")

summarise(tbl, n=n())
## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
## # Database: DrillConnection
##          n
##      <int>
## 1 19977415

mutate(tbl, r=rand()) %>% 
  filter(r <= 0.01) %>% 
## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
## # Database: DrillConnection
##        n
##    <int>
## 1 199808

mutate(tbl, r=rand()) %>% 
  filter(r <= 0.50) %>% 
## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
## # Database: DrillConnection
##         n
##     <int>
## 1 9988797

And, for groups (using a different/larger “database”):

fdns <- tbl(db, "dfs.fdns.`201708`")

summarise(fdns, n=n())
## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
## # Database: DrillConnection
##            n
##        <int>
## 1 1895133100

filter(fdns, type %in% c("cname", "txt")) %>% 
## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 2]
## # Database: DrillConnection
##    type        n
##   <chr>    <int>
## 1 cname 15389064
## 2   txt 67576750

filter(fdns, type %in% c("cname", "txt")) %>% 
  group_by(type) %>% 
  mutate(r=rand()) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  filter(r <= 0.15) %>% 
## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 2]
## # Database: DrillConnection
##    type        n
##   <chr>    <int>
## 1 cname  2307604
## 2   txt 10132672

I will (hopefully) be better at cranking these bite-sized posts more frequently in 2018.

Putting this here to make it easier for others who try to Google this topic to find it w/o having to find and tediously search through other UDFs (user-defined functions).

I was/am making a custom UDF for base64 decoding/encoding and ran into:

SYSTEM ERROR: IndexOutOfBoundsException: index: 0, length: #### (expected: range(0, 256))

It’s incredibly easy to “fix” (and, if my Java weren’t so rusty I’d likely have seen it sooner) but I found this idiom in the spatial UDFs for Drill that enables increasing the default buffer size:

buffer = out.buffer = buffer.reallocIfNeeded(outputSize);

Hopefully this will prevent someone else from spinning a few minutes trying to tackle this use-case. I even had looked at the source for the DrillBuf class and did not manage to put 2 + 2 together for some reason.

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Apache Drill. One big strength of the platform is that it normalizes the access to diverse data sources down to ANSI SQL calls, which means that I can pull data from parquet, Hie, HBase, Kudu, CSV, JSON, MongoDB and MariaDB with the same SQL syntax. This also means that I get access to all those platforms in R centrally through the sergeant package that rests atop d[b]plyr. However, it further means that when support for a new file type is added, I get that same functionality without any extra effort.

Why am I calling this out?

Well, the intrepid Drill developers are in the process of finalizing the release candidate for version 1.11.0 and one feature they’ve added is the ability to query individual and entire directories full of PCAP files from within Drill. While I provided a link to the Wikipedia article on PCAP files, the TL;DR on them is that it’s an optimized binary file format for recording network activity. If you’re on macOS or a linux-ish system go do something like this:

sudo tcpdump -ni en0 -s0 -w capture01.pcap

And, wait a bit.

NOTE: Some of you may have to change the en0 to your main network interface name (a quick google for that for your platform should get you to the right one to use).

That command will passively record all network activity on your system until you ctrl-c it. The longer it goes the larger it gets.

When you’ve recorded a minute or two of packets, ctrl-c the program and then try to look at the PCAP file. It’s a binary mess. You can re-read it with tcpdump or Wireshark and there are many C[++] libraries and other utilities that can read them. You can even convert them to CSV or XML, but the PCAP itself requires custom tools to work with them effectively. I had started creating crafter to work with these files but my use case/project dried up and haven’t gone back to it.

Adding the capability into Drill means I don’t really have to work any further on that specialized package as I can do this:


db <- src_drill("localhost")

my_pcaps <- tbl(db, "dfs.caps.`/capture02.pcap`")

## Observations: 25
## Variables: 12
## $ src_ip          <chr> "", "", "192.168.10...
## $ src_port        <int> 60025, 443, 60025, 443, 60025, 58976, 443, 535...
## $ tcp_session     <dbl> -2.082796e+17, -2.082796e+17, -2.082796e+17, -...
## $ packet_length   <int> 129, 129, 66, 703, 66, 65, 75, 364, 65, 65, 75...
## $ data            <chr> "...g9B..c.<..O..@=,0R.`........K..EzYd=.........
## $ src_mac_address <chr> "78:4F:43:77:02:00", "D4:8C:B5:C9:6C:1B", "78:...
## $ dst_port        <int> 443, 60025, 443, 60025, 443, 443, 58976, 5353,...
## $ type            <chr> "TCP", "TCP", "TCP", "TCP", "TCP", "UDP", "UDP...
## $ dst_ip          <chr> "", "", "54.159.166...
## $ dst_mac_address <chr> "D4:8C:B5:C9:6C:1B", "78:4F:43:77:02:00", "D4:...
## $ network         <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1...
## $ timestamp       <dttm> 2017-07-27 23:54:58, 2017-07-27 23:54:59, 201...

summarise(my_pcaps, max = max(timestamp), min = min(timestamp)) %>% 
  collect() %>% 
  summarise(max - min)
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
##     `max - min`
##          <time>
## 1 1.924583 mins

count(my_pcaps, type)
## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 2]
## # Database: DrillConnection
##    type     n
##   <chr> <int>
## 1   TCP  4974
## 2   UDP   774

filter(my_pcaps, type=="TCP") %>% 
  count(dst_port, sort=TRUE)
## # Source:     lazy query [?? x 2]
## # Database:   DrillConnection
## # Ordered by: desc(n)
##    dst_port     n
##       <int> <int>
##  1      443  2580
##  2    56202   476
##  3    56229   226
##  4    56147   169
##  5    56215   103
##  6    56143    94
##  7    56085    89
##  8    56203    56
##  9    56205    39
## 10    56209    39
## # ... with more rows

filter(my_pcaps, type=="TCP") %>% 
  count(dst_ip, sort=TRUE) %>% 
  collect() -> dst_ips

filter(dst_ips, ! %>%
  left_join(ips_in_cidrs(.$dst_ip, c("", "", "")),
            by = c("dst_ip"="ips")) %>%
  filter(!in_cidr) %>%
  left_join(distinct(bulk_origin(.$dst_ip), ip, .keep_all=TRUE), c("dst_ip" = "ip")) %>%
  select(dst_ip, n, as_name)
## # A tibble: 37 x 3
##            dst_ip     n                              as_name
##             <chr> <int>                                <chr>
##  1   862           TWITTER - Twitter Inc., US
##  2   556           TWITTER - Twitter Inc., US
##  3   183 CLOUDFLARENET - CloudFlare, Inc., US
##  4   160        FACEBOOK - Facebook, Inc., US
##  5   100     AMAZON-02 -, Inc., US
##  6    79 CLOUDFLARENET - CloudFlare, Inc., US
##  7    66     AMAZON-02 -, Inc., US
##  8    58           TWITTER - Twitter Inc., US
##  9    47           TWITTER - Twitter Inc., US
## 10    42    AMAZON-AES -, Inc., US
## # ... with 27 more rows

No custom R code. No modification to the sergeant package. Just query it like any other data source.

One really cool part of this is that — while similar functionality has been available in various Hadoop contexts for a few years — we’re doing this query from a local file system outside of a Hadoop context.

I had to add "pcap": { "type": "pcap" } to the formats section of the dfs storage configuration (#ty to the Drill community for helping me figure that out) and, I setup a directory that defaults to the pcap type. But after that, it just works.

Well, kinda.

The Java code that the plugin is based on doesn’t like busted PCAP files (which we get quite a bit of in infosec- & honeypot-lands) and it seems to bork on IPv6 packets a bit. And, my sergeant package (for now) can’t do much with the data component (neither can Drill-proper, either). But, it’s a great start and I can use it to do bulk parquet file creation of basic protocols & connection information or take a quick look at some honeypot captures whenever I need to, right from R, without converting them first.

Drill 1.11.0 is only at RC0 right now, so some of these issues may be gone by the time the full release is baked. Some fixes may have to wait for 1.12.0. And, much work needs to be done on the UDF-side and sergeant side to help make the data element more useful.

Even with the issues and limitations, this is an amazing new feature that’s been added to an incredibly useful tool and much thanks goes out to the Drill dev team for sneaking this in to 1.11.0.

If you have cause to work with PCAP files, give this a go and see if it helps speed up parts of your workflow.

I’m extremely pleased to announce that the sergeant package is now on CRAN or will be hitting your local CRAN mirror soon.

sergeant provides JDBC, DBI and dplyr/dbplyr interfaces to Apache Drill. I’ve also wrapped a few goodies into the dplyr custom functions that work with Drill and if you have Drill UDFs that don’t work “out of the box” with sergeant‘s dplyr interface, file an issue and I’ll make a special one for it in the package.

I’ve written about drill on the blog before so check out those posts for some history and stay tuned for more examples. The README should get you started using sergeant and/or Drill (if you aren’t running Drill now, take a look and you’ll likely get hooked).

I’d like to take a moment to call out special thanks to Edward Visel for bootstrapping the dbplyr update to sergeant when the dplyr/dbplyr interfaces split. It saved me loads of time and really helped the progress of this package move faster towards a CRAN release.

The Apache Drill folks have a nice walk-through tutorial on how to analyze the Yelp Academic Dataset with Drill. It’s a bit out of date (the current Yelp data set structure is different enough that the tutorial will error out at various points), but it’s a great example of how to work with large, nested JSON files as a SQL data source. By ‘large’ I mean around 4GB of JSON data spread across 5 files.

If you have enough memory and wanted to work with “flattened” versions of the files in R you could use my ndjson package (there are other JSON “flattener” packages as well, and a new one — corpus::read_ndjson — is even faster than mine, but it fails to read this file). Drill doesn’t necessarily load the entire JSON structure into memory (you can check out the query profiles after the fact to see how much each worker component ended up using) and I’m only mentioning that “R can do this w/o Drill” to stave off some of those types of comments.

The main reasons for replicating their Yelp example was to both have a more robust test suite for sergeant (it’s hitting CRAN soon now that dplyr 0.7.0 is out) and to show some Drill SQL to R conversions. Part of the latter reason is also to show how to use SQL calls to create a tbl that you can then use dplyr verbs to manipulate.

The full tutorial replication is at but also iframe’d below.