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I’m extremely pleased to announce that the sergeant package is now on CRAN or will be hitting your local CRAN mirror soon.

sergeant provides JDBC, DBI and dplyr/dbplyr interfaces to Apache Drill. I’ve also wrapped a few goodies into the dplyr custom functions that work with Drill and if you have Drill UDFs that don’t work “out of the box” with sergeant‘s dplyr interface, file an issue and I’ll make a special one for it in the package.

I’ve written about drill on the blog before so check out those posts for some history and stay tuned for more examples. The README should get you started using sergeant and/or Drill (if you aren’t running Drill now, take a look and you’ll likely get hooked).

I’d like to take a moment to call out special thanks to Edward Visel for bootstrapping the dbplyr update to sergeant when the dplyr/dbplyr interfaces split. It saved me loads of time and really helped the progress of this package move faster towards a CRAN release.

4 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. […] I’m extremely pleased to announce that the sergeant package is now on CRAN or will be hitting your local CRAN mirror soon. sergeant provides JDBC, DBI and dplyr/dbplyr interfaces to Apache Drill. I’ve also wrapped a few goodies into the dplyr custom functions that work with Drill and if you have Drill UDFs that don’t… Continue reading → […]

  2. […] article was first published on R –, and kindly contributed to […]

  3. By Ten-HUT! The Apache Drill R interface package — sergeant — is now on CRAN – Cyber Security on 18 Jul 2017 at 2:47 am

    […] I’m extremely pleased to announce that the sergeant package is now on CRAN or will be hitting your local CRAN mirror soon. sergeant provides JDBC, DBI and dplyr/dbplyr interfaces to Apache Drill. I’ve also wrapped a few goodies into the dplyr custom functions that work with Drill and if you have Drill UDFs that don’t… Continue reading → […]

  4. By Apache Drill Interface For R – Curated SQL on 18 Jul 2017 at 7:14 am

    […] Bob Rudis announces a new package on CRAN: […]

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