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Don't look at me…I do what he does — just slower. #rstats avuncular • ?Resistance Fighter • Cook • Christian • [Master] Chef des Données de Sécurité @ @rapid7

Apache Zeppelin is a “notebook” alternative to Jupyter (and other) notebooks. It supports a plethora of kernels/interpreters and can do a ton of things that this post isn’t going to discuss (perhaps future ones will, especially since it’s the first “notebook” environment I’ve been able to tolerate for longer than a week).

One really cool feature of Zeppelin is the ability for it to wire it up to databases via JDBC and use it interactive queries. A future post will provide instructions for Apache Drill, but this one’s about wiring up Amazon Athena and Apache Zeppelin. A big reason to do this is that image at the top of the post. The query interface is far nicer than the Amazon console and — while RStudio is going to have similar features in the 1.2 release — Zeppelin has some advantages over it, especially as 0.9.0 moves to final release.

If you use basic credentials in Athena, this post can help you connect up.

At $DAYJOB we use an open source application that we developed — Awsaml? at $DAYJOB — which provides automagically rotated temporary AWS credentials every hour after a successful initial multi-factor authentication (you should think about doing this, too).

Because it uses a non default profile name we need to use a different authentication class when using the Athena JDBC interface.

To somewhat dup the aforelinked post, you’ll need to download the driver that matches your version of the JDK and the JDBC data standards.

I like to put JARs like this in /usr/local/jars (just remember where you put it).

Now, just create a Zeppelin interpreter named athena (or whatever you like). Set the default.driver to com.simba.athena.jdbc.Driver and the JDBC string to this horribly long entity:


I intentionally left it un-wrapped so it’s easier to copy. Here are the individual parts (separating the bullets at the semicolons):

  • jdbc:awsathena:// (use what you need to here)
  • S3OutputLocation=s3://aws-athena-query-results-something-us-east-1 (wherever Athena can write to)
  • Schema=default (the schema you’ll use)
  • AwsCredentialsProviderClass=com.simba.athena.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider (this is the proper class to select a profile by name)
  • AwsCredentialsProviderArguments="your-profile-name" (this is the profile name you want to use)

NOTE: You can use other JDBC driver parameters as well. I just focused on the minimum ones to keep it simple.

Blank-out any username/password fields (which, in theory, won’t be referenced anyway) and then scroll down and add the JAR you’re using an artifact. In my case that’s /usr/local/jars/AthenaJDBC42_2.0.2.jar.

Now, you can use a stored profile and hopefully rotating creds to work with %athena interpreter blocks in Zeppelin.

I had to processes a bunch of emails for a $DAYJOB task this week and my “default setting” is to use R for pretty much everything (this should come as no surprise). Treating mail as data is not an uncommon task and many R packages exist that can reach out and grab mail from servers or work directly with local mail archives.

Mbox’in off the rails on a crazy tm1

This particular mail corpus is in mbox? format since it was saved via Apple Mail. It’s one big text file with each message appearing one after the other. The format has been around for decades, and R’s tm package — via the tm.plugin.mail plugin package — can process these mbox files.

To demonstrate, we’ll use an Apple Mail archive excerpt from a set of R mailing list messages as they are not private/sensitive:


# point the tm corpus machinery to the mbox file and let it know the timestamp format since it varies
  readerControl = list(
    reader = readMail(DateFormat = "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
) -> mbox

str(unclass(mbox), 1)
## List of 3
##  $ content:List of 198
##  $ meta   : list()
##   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "CorpusMeta"
##  $ dmeta  :'data.frame': 198 obs. of  0 variables

str(unclass(mbox[[1]]), 1)
## List of 2
##  $ content: chr [1:476] "Try this:" "" "> library(lubridate)" "> library(tidyverse)" ...
##  $ meta   :List of 9
##   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "TextDocumentMeta"

str(unclass(mbox[[1]]$meta), 1)
## List of 9
##  $ author       : chr "jim holtman "
##  $ datetimestamp: POSIXlt[1:1], format: "2018-08-01 15:01:17"
##  $ description  : chr(0) 
##  $ heading      : chr "Re: [R] read txt file - date - no space"
##  $ id           : chr ""
##  $ language     : chr "en"
##  $ origin       : chr(0) 
##  $ header       : chr [1:145] "Delivered-To:" "Received: by 2002:ac0:e681:0:0:0:0:0 with SMTP id b1-v6csp950182imq;" "        Wed, 1 Aug 2018 08:02:23 -0700 (PDT)" "X-Google-Smtp-Source: AAOMgpcdgBD4sDApBiF2DpKRfFZ9zi/4Ao32Igz9n8vT7EgE6InRoa7VZelMIik7OVmrFCRPDBde" ...
##  $              : NULL

We’re using unclass() since the str() output gets a bit crowded with all of the tm class attributes stuck in the output display.

The tm suite is designed for text mining. My task had nothing to do with text mining and I really just needed some header fields and body content in a data frame. If you’ve been working with R for a while, some things in the str() output will no doubt cause a bit of angst. For instance:

  • datetimestamp: POSIXlt[1:1], : POSIXlt ? and data frames really don’t mix well
  • description : chr(0) / origin : chr(0): zero-length character vectors ☹️
  • $ : NULL : Blank element name with a NULL value…I Don’t Even ??‍♀️2

The tm suite is also super opinionated and “helpfully” left out a ton of headers (though it did keep the source for the complete headers around). Still, we can roll up our sleeves and turn that into a data frame:

# helper function for cleaner/shorter code
`%|0|%` <- function(x, y) { if (length(x) == 0) y else x }

# might as well stay old-school since we're using tm,
  lapply(mbox, function(.x) {

    # we have a few choices, but this one is pretty explicit abt what it does
    # so we'll likely be able to decipher it quickly in 2 years when/if we come
    # back to it

      author = .x$meta$author %|0|% NA_character_,
      datetimestamp = as.POSIXct(.x$meta$datetimestamp %|0|% NA),
      description = .x$meta$description %|0|% NA_character_,
      heading = .x$meta$heading %|0|% NA_character_,
      id = .x$meta$id %|0|% NA_character_,
      language = .x$meta$language %|0|% NA_character_,
      origin = .x$meta$origin %|0|% NA_character_,
      header = I(list(.x$meta$header %|0|% NA_character_)),
      body = I(list(.x$content %|0|% NA_character_)),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

) %>%
## Observations: 198
## Variables: 9
## $ author         "jim holtman ", "PIKAL Petr ...
## $ datetimestamp  2018-08-01 15:01:17, 2018-08-01 13:09:18, 2018-...
## $ description    NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, ...
## $ heading        "Re: [R] read txt file - date - no space", "Re: ...
## $ id             " "en", "en", "en", "en", "en", "en", "en", "en", ...
## $ origin         NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, ...
## $ header         Delivere...., Delivere...., Delivere...., De...
## $ body           Try this...., SGkNCg0K...., Dear Pik...., De... 

That wasn’t a huge effort, but we would now have to re-process the headers and/or write a custom version of tm.plugin.mail::readMail() (the function source is very readable and extendable) to get any extra data out. Here’s what that might look like:

# Custom msg reader
read_mail <- function(elem, language, id) {

  # extract header val
  hdr_val <- function(src, pat) {
      sprintf("%s: ", pat), "",
      grep(sprintf("^%s:", pat), src, "", value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
    ) %|0|% NA

  mail <- elem$content

  index <- which(mail == "")[1]
  header <- mail[1:index]
  mid <- hdr_val(header, "Message-ID")

    x = mail[(index + 1):length(mail)],
    author = hdr_val(header, "From"),

    spam_score = hdr_val(header, "X-Spam-Score"), ### <<==== an extra header!

    datetimestamp = as.POSIXct(hdr_val(header, "Date"), format = "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", tz = "GMT"),
    description = NA_character_,
    header = header,
    heading = hdr_val(header, "Subject"),
    id = if (length(mid)) mid[1] else id,
    language = language,
    origin = hdr_val(header, "Newsgroups"),
    class = "MailDocument"


  readerControl = list(reader = read_mail)
) -> mbox

str(unclass(mbox[[1]]$meta), 1)
## List of 9
##  $ author       : chr "jim holtman "
##  $ datetimestamp: POSIXct[1:1], format: "2018-08-01 15:01:17"
##  $ description  : chr NA
##  $ heading      : chr "Re: [R] read txt file - date - no space"
##  $ id           : chr ""
##  $ language     : chr "en"
##  $ origin       : chr NA
##  $ spam_score   : chr "-3.631"
##  $ header       : chr [1:145] "Delivered-To:" "Received: by 2002:ac0:e681:0:0:0:0:0 with SMTP id b1-v6csp950182imq;" "        Wed, 1 Aug 2018 08:02:23 -0700 (PDT)" "X-Google-Smtp-Source: AAOMgpcdgBD4sDApBiF2DpKRfFZ9zi/4Ao32Igz9n8vT7EgE6InRoa7VZelMIik7OVmrFCRPDBde" ...

If we wanted all the headers, there are even more succinct ways to solve for that use case.

Packaging up emails with a reticulated message.mbox

Since the default functionality of tm.plugin.mail::readMail() forced us to work a bit to get what we needed there’s some justification in seeking out an alternative path. I’ve written about reticulate before and am including it in this post as the Python standard library module mailbox? can also make quick work of mbox files.

Two pieces of advice I generally reiterate when I talk about reticulate is that I highly recommend using Python 3 (remember, it’s a fragmented ecosystem) and that I prefer specifying the specific target Python to use via the RETICULATE_PYTHON environment variable that I have in ~/.Renviron as RETICULATE_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python3.

Let’s bring the mailbox module into R:


mailbox <- import("mailbox")

If you're unfamiliar with a Python module or object, you can get help right in R via reticulate::py_help(). Et sequitur3: py_help(mailbox) will bring up the text help for that module and py_help(mailbox$mbox) (remember, we swap out dots for dollars when referencing Python object components in R) will do the same for the mailbox.mbox class.

Text help is great and all, but we can also render it to HTML with this helper function:

py_doc <- function(x) {
  pydoc <- reticulate::import("pydoc")
      pydoc$render_doc(x, renderer=pydoc$HTMLDoc())

Here's what the text and HTML help for mailbox.mbox look like side-by-side:

We can also use a helper function to view the online documentation:

readthedocs <- function(obj, py_ver=3, check_keywords = "yes") {
  query <- obj$`__name__`

Et sequitur: readthedocs(mailbox$mbox) will take us to this results page

Going back to the task at hand, we need to cycle through the messages and make a data frame for the bits we (well, I) care about). The reticulate package does an amazing job making Python objects first-class citizens in R, but Python objects may feel "opaque" to R users since we have to use the $ syntax to get to methods and values and — very often — familiar helpers such as str() are less than helpful on these objects. Let's try to look at the first message (remember, Python is 0-indexed):

msg1 <- mbox$get(0)



The output for those last two calls is not shown because they both are just a large text dump of the message source. #unhelpful

We can get more details, and we'll wrap some punctuation-filled calls in two, small helper functions that have names that will sound familiar:

pstr <- function(obj, ...) { str(obj$`__dict__`, ...) } # like 'str()`

pnames <- function(obj) { import_builtins()$dir(obj) } # like 'names()' but more complete

Lets see them in action:

pstr(msg1, 1) # we can pass any params str() will take
## List of 10
##  $ _from        : chr " Wed Aug 01 15:02:23 2018"
##  $ policy       :Compat32()
##  $ _headers     :List of 56
##  $ _unixfrom    : NULL
##  $ _payload     : chr "Try this:\n\n> library(lubridate)\n> library(tidyverse)\n> input <- read.csv(text =3D \"date,str1,str2,str3\n+ "| __truncated__
##  $ _charset     : NULL
##  $ preamble     : NULL
##  $ epilogue     : NULL
##  $ defects      : list()
##  $ _default_type: chr "text/plain"

##  [1] "__bytes__"                 "__class__"                
##  [3] "__contains__"              "__delattr__"              
##  [5] "__delitem__"               "__dict__"                 
##  [7] "__dir__"                   "__doc__"                  
##  [9] "__eq__"                    "__format__"               
## [11] "__ge__"                    "__getattribute__"         
## [13] "__getitem__"               "__gt__"                   
## [15] "__hash__"                  "__init__"                 
## [17] "__init_subclass__"         "__iter__"                 
## [19] "__le__"                    "__len__"                  
## [21] "__lt__"                    "__module__"               
## [23] "__ne__"                    "__new__"                  
## [25] "__reduce__"                "__reduce_ex__"            
## [27] "__repr__"                  "__setattr__"              
## [29] "__setitem__"               "__sizeof__"               
## [31] "__str__"                   "__subclasshook__"         
## [33] "__weakref__"               "_become_message"          
## [35] "_charset"                  "_default_type"            
## [37] "_explain_to"               "_from"                    
## [39] "_get_params_preserve"      "_headers"                 
## [41] "_payload"                  "_type_specific_attributes"
## [43] "_unixfrom"                 "add_flag"                 
## [45] "add_header"                "as_bytes"                 
## [47] "as_string"                 "attach"                   
## [49] "defects"                   "del_param"                
## [51] "epilogue"                  "get"                      
## [53] "get_all"                   "get_boundary"             
## [55] "get_charset"               "get_charsets"             
## [57] "get_content_charset"       "get_content_disposition"  
## [59] "get_content_maintype"      "get_content_subtype"      
## [61] "get_content_type"          "get_default_type"         
## [63] "get_filename"              "get_flags"                
## [65] "get_from"                  "get_param"                
## [67] "get_params"                "get_payload"              
## [69] "get_unixfrom"              "is_multipart"             
## [71] "items"                     "keys"                     
## [73] "policy"                    "preamble"                 
## [75] "raw_items"                 "remove_flag"              
## [77] "replace_header"            "set_boundary"             
## [79] "set_charset"               "set_default_type"         
## [81] "set_flags"                 "set_from"                 
## [83] "set_param"                 "set_payload"              
## [85] "set_raw"                   "set_type"                 
## [87] "set_unixfrom"              "values"                   
## [89] "walk"

##  [1] "add_flag"                "add_header"             
##  [3] "as_bytes"                "as_string"              
##  [5] "attach"                  "defects"                
##  [7] "del_param"               "epilogue"               
##  [9] "get"                     "get_all"                
## [11] "get_boundary"            "get_charset"            
## [13] "get_charsets"            "get_content_charset"    
## [15] "get_content_disposition" "get_content_maintype"   
## [17] "get_content_subtype"     "get_content_type"       
## [19] "get_default_type"        "get_filename"           
## [21] "get_flags"               "get_from"               
## [23] "get_param"               "get_params"             
## [25] "get_payload"             "get_unixfrom"           
## [27] "is_multipart"            "items"                  
## [29] "keys"                    "policy"                 
## [31] "preamble"                "raw_items"              
## [33] "remove_flag"             "replace_header"         
## [35] "set_boundary"            "set_charset"            
## [37] "set_default_type"        "set_flags"              
## [39] "set_from"                "set_param"              
## [41] "set_payload"             "set_raw"                
## [43] "set_type"                "set_unixfrom"           
## [45] "values"                  "walk"

# See the difference between pnames() and names()

setdiff(pnames(msg1), names(msg1))
##  [1] "__bytes__"                 "__class__"                
##  [3] "__contains__"              "__delattr__"              
##  [5] "__delitem__"               "__dict__"                 
##  [7] "__dir__"                   "__doc__"                  
##  [9] "__eq__"                    "__format__"               
## [11] "__ge__"                    "__getattribute__"         
## [13] "__getitem__"               "__gt__"                   
## [15] "__hash__"                  "__init__"                 
## [17] "__init_subclass__"         "__iter__"                 
## [19] "__le__"                    "__len__"                  
## [21] "__lt__"                    "__module__"               
## [23] "__ne__"                    "__new__"                  
## [25] "__reduce__"                "__reduce_ex__"            
## [27] "__repr__"                  "__setattr__"              
## [29] "__setitem__"               "__sizeof__"               
## [31] "__str__"                   "__subclasshook__"         
## [33] "__weakref__"               "_become_message"          
## [35] "_charset"                  "_default_type"            
## [37] "_explain_to"               "_from"                    
## [39] "_get_params_preserve"      "_headers"                 
## [41] "_payload"                  "_type_specific_attributes"
## [43] "_unixfrom"

Using just names() excludes the "hidden" builtins for Python objects, but knowing they are there and what they are can be helpful, depending on the program context.

Let's continue on the path to our messaging goal and see what headers are available. We'll use some domain knowledge about the _headers component, though we won't end up going that route to build a data frame:

map_chr(msg1$`_headers`, ~.x[[1]])
##  [1] "Delivered-To"               "Received"                  
##  [3] "X-Google-Smtp-Source"       "X-Received"                
##  [5] "ARC-Seal"                   "ARC-Message-Signature"     
##  [7] "ARC-Authentication-Results" "Return-Path"               
##  [9] "Received"                   "Received-SPF"              
## [11] "Authentication-Results"     "Received"                  
## [13] "X-Virus-Scanned"            "Received"                  
## [15] "Received"                   "Received"                  
## [17] "X-Virus-Scanned"            "X-Spam-Flag"               
## [19] "X-Spam-Score"               "X-Spam-Level"              
## [21] "X-Spam-Status"              "Received"                  
## [23] "Received"                   "Received"                  
## [25] "Received"                   "DKIM-Signature"            
## [27] "X-Google-DKIM-Signature"    "X-Gm-Message-State"        
## [29] "X-Received"                 "MIME-Version"              
## [31] "References"                 "In-Reply-To"               
## [33] "From"                       "Date"                      
## [35] "Message-ID"                 "To"                        
## [37] "X-Tag-Only"                 "X-Filter-Node"             
## [39] "X-Spam-Level"               "X-Spam-Status"             
## [41] "X-Spam-Flag"                "Content-Disposition"       
## [43] "Subject"                    "X-BeenThere"               
## [45] "X-Mailman-Version"          "Precedence"                
## [47] "List-Id"                    "List-Unsubscribe"          
## [49] "List-Archive"               "List-Post"                 
## [51] "List-Help"                  "List-Subscribe"            
## [53] "Content-Type"               "Content-Transfer-Encoding" 
## [55] "Errors-To"                  "Sender"

The mbox object does provide a get() method to retrieve header values so we'll go that route to build our data frame but we'll make yet-another helper since doing something like msg1$get("this header does not exist") will return NULL just like list(a=1)$b would. We'll actually make two new helpers since we want to be able to safely work with the payload content and that means ensuring it's in UTF-8 encoding (mail systems are horribly diverse beasts and the R community is international and, remember, we're using R mailing list messages):

# execute an object's get() method and return a character string or NA if no value was present for the key
get_chr <- function(.x, .y) { as.character(.x[["get"]](.y)) %|0|% NA_character_ }

# get the object's value as a valid UTF-8 string
utf8_decode <- function(.x) { .x[["decode"]]("utf-8", "ignore") %|0|% NA_character_ }

We're also doing this because I get really tired of using the $ syntax.

We also want the message content or payload. Modern mail messages can be really complex structures with many multiple part entities. To put it a different way, there may be HTML, RTF and plaintext versions of a message all in the same envelope. We want the plaintext ones so we'll have to iterate through any multipart messages to (hopefully) get to a plaintext version. Since this post is already pretty long and we ignored errors in the tm portion, I'll refrain from including any error handling code here as well.

map_df(1:py_len(mbox), ~{

  m <- mbox$get(.x-1) # python uses 0-index lists

    date = as.POSIXct(get_chr(m, "date"), format = "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"),
    from = get_chr(m, "from"),
    to = get_chr(m, "to"),
    subj = get_chr(m, "subject"),
    spam_score = get_chr(m, "X-Spam-Score")
  ) -> mdf

  content_type <-  m$get_content_maintype() %|0|% NA_character_

  if (content_type[1] == "text") { # we don't want images
    while (m$is_multipart()) m <- m$get_payload()[[1]] # cycle through until we get to something we can use
    mtmp <- m$get_payload(decode = TRUE) # get the message text
    mdf$body <- utf8_decode(mtmp) # make it safe to use


}) -> mbox_df

## Observations: 198
## Variables: 7
## $ date          2018-08-01 11:01:17, 2018-08-01 09:09:18, 20...
## $ from          "jim holtman ", "PIKAL Pe...
## $ to            ", R mailing list  "Re: [R] read txt file - date - no space", "R...
## $ spam_score    "-3.631", "-3.533", "-3.631", "-3.631", "-3.5...
## $ content_type  "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text...
## $ body          "Try this:\n\n library(lubridate)\n library...


By now, you've likely figured out this post really had nothing to do with reading mbox files. I mean, it did — and this was a task I had to do this week — but the real goal was to use a fairly basic task to help R folks edge a bit closer to becoming more friendly with Python in R. There hundreds of thousands of Python packages out there and, while I'm one to wax poetic about having R or C[++]-backed R-native packages — and am wont to point out Python's egregiously prolific flaws — sometimes you just need to get something done quickly and wish to avoid reinventing the wheel. The reticulate package makes that eminently possible.

I'll be wrapping up some of the reticulate helper functions into a small package soon, so keep your eyes on RSS.

: You might want to read this even if you're not interested in mbox files. FIN (right above this note) might have some clues as to why.
1: yes, the section title was a stretch
2: am I doing this right, Mara? ;-)
3: Make Latin Great Again

After reading this interesting analysis of “How Often Are Americans’ Accounts Breached?” by Gaurav Sood (which we need more of in cyber-land) I gave in to the impulse to do some gg-doodling with the “Have I Been Pwnd” JSON data he used.

It’s just some basic data manipulation with some heavy ggplot2 styling customization, so no real need for exposition beyond noting that there are many other ways to view the data. I just settled on centered segments early on and went from there. If you do a bit of gg-doodling yourself, drop a note in the comments with a link.

You can see a full-size version of the image via this link.

library(hrbrthemes) # use github or gitlab version

# get the data

dat_url <- ""

jsonlite::fromJSON(dat_url) %>% 
  mutate(BreachDate = as.Date(BreachDate)) %>% 
  tbl_df() -> breaches

# selected breach labels df
group_by(breaches, year = lubridate::year(BreachDate)) %>% 
  top_n(1, wt=PwnCount) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  filter(year %in% c(2008, 2015, 2016, 2017)) %>% # pick years where labels will fit nicely
    lab = sprintf("%s\n%sM accounts", Name, as.integer(PwnCount/1000000))
  ) %>% 
  arrange(year) -> labs

# num of known breaches in that year for labels
count(breaches, year = lubridate::year(BreachDate)) %>% 
  mutate(nlab = sprintf("n=%s", n)) %>% 
  mutate(lab_x = as.Date(sprintf("%s-07-02", year))) -> year_cts

mutate(breaches, p_half = PwnCount/2) %>% # for centered segments
  ggplot() +
  geom_segment( # centered segments
    aes(BreachDate, p_half, xend=BreachDate, yend=-p_half), 
    color = ft_cols$yellow, size = 0.3
  ) +
  geom_text( # selected breach labels
    data = labs, aes(BreachDate, PwnCount/2, label = lab),
    lineheight = 0.875, size = 3.25, family = font_rc,
    hjust = c(0, 1, 1, 0), vjust = 1, nudge_x = c(25, -25, -25, 25),
    nudge_y = 0,  color = ft_cols$slate
  ) +
  geom_text( # top year labels
    data = year_cts, aes(lab_x, Inf, label = year), family = font_rc, 
    size = 4, vjust = 1, lineheight = 0.875, color = ft_cols$gray
  ) +
  geom_text( # bottom known breach count totals
    data = year_cts, aes(lab_x, -Inf, label = nlab, size = n), 
    vjust = 0, lineheight = 0.875, color = ft_cols$peach,
    family = font_rc, show.legend = FALSE
  ) +
  scale_x_date( # break on year
    name = NULL, date_breaks = "1 year", date_labels = "%Y"
  ) +
  scale_y_comma(name = NULL, limits = c(-450000000, 450000000)) + # make room for labels
  scale_size_continuous(range = c(3, 4.5)) + # tolerable font sizes 
    title = "HIBP (Known) Breach Frequency & Size",
    subtitle = "Segment length is number of accounts; n=# known account breaches that year",
    caption = "Source: HIBP via "
  ) +
  theme_ft_rc(grid="X") +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_blank()) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank())

Continuing the blog’s UDF theme of late, there are two new UDF kids in town:

Now, if you’re an Apache Drill fanatic, you’re likely thinking “Hey hrbrmstr: don’t you know that Drill has a parse_url()? function already?” My answer is “Sure, but it’s based on which is fundamentally broken.”

Slicing & dicing URLs and IDNs is a large part of the $DAYJOB and they go together pretty well, hence the joint UDF release.

Rather than just use boring SQL for an example, we’ll start with some SQL and use R for a decent example of working with the two, new UDFs.

Counting Lying Lock Icons

SSL/TLS is all the craze these days, so let’s see how many distinct sites in the GDELT Global Front Page (GFG) data set use port 443 vs port 80 (a good indicator, plus it will help show how the URL tools pick up ports even when they’re not there).

If you go to the aforementioned URL it instructs us that the most current GFG dataset URL can be retrieved by inspecting the contents of this metadata URL

There are over a million records in that data set but — as we’ll see — not nearly as many distinct hosts.

Let’s get the data:


  file = "", 
  delim = " ", 
  col_names = FALSE,
  col_types = "ccc"
) -> gfg_update

dl_path <- file.path("~/Data/gfg_links.tsv.gz")

if (!file.exists(dl_path)) download.file(gfg_update$X3[1], dl_path)

Those operations have placed the GFG data set in a place where my local Drill instance can get to them. It's a tab separated file (TSV) which — while not a great data format — is workable with Drill.

Now we'll setup a SQL query that will parse the URLs and domains, giving us a nice rectangular structure for R & dbplyr. We'll use the second column since a significant percentage of the URLs in column 6 are malformed:

db <- src_drill()

tbl(db, "(
  b.rec.hostname AS hostname,
  b.rec.assigned AS assigned,
  b.rec.tld AS tld,
  b.rec.subdomain AS subdomain
    host, port, suffix_extract(host) AS rec             -- break the hostname into components
    (SELECT AS host, a.rec.port AS port
        columns[1] AS url, url_parse(columns[1]) AS rec -- break the URL into components
      FROM dfs.d.`/gfg_links.tsv.gz`) a
    WHERE a.rec.port IS NOT NULL                        -- filter out URL parsing failures
  ) b
WHERE b.rec.tld IS NOT NULL                             -- filter out domain parsing failures
)") -> gfg_df

## # Database: DrillConnection
##    hostname  port host              subdomain assigned      tld  
##  1 www         80 NA ee   
##  2 www         80 NA ee   
##  3 www         80 NA ee   
##  4 www         80 NA ee   
##  5 www         80 NA ee   
##  6 www         80 NA ee   
##  7 www         80 NA ee   
##  8 www         80 NA ee   
##  9 www         80 NA ee   
## 10 www         80 NA ee   
## # ... with more rows

While we could have done it all in SQL, we saved some bits for R:

distinct(gfg_df, assigned, port) %>% 
  count(port) %>% 
  collect() -> port_counts

# A tibble: 2 x 2
   port     n
1    80 20648
2   443 22178

You'd think more news-oriented sites would be HTTPS by default given the current global political climate (though those lock icons are no safety panacea by any stretch of the imagination).


Now, R can do URL & IDN slicing, but Drill can operate at-scale. That is, R's urltools package may be fine for single-node, in-memory ops, but Drill can process billions of URLs when part of a cluster.

I'm not 100% settled on the galimatias library for URL parsing (I need to do some extended testing) and I may add some less-strict IDN slicing & dicing functions as well.

Kick the tyres & file issues & PRs as necessary.

There are many ways to gather Twitter data for analysis and many R and Python (et al) libraries make full use of the Twitter API when building a corpus to extract useful metadata for each tweet along with the text of each tweet. However, many corpus archives are minimal and only retain a small portion of the metadata — often just tweet timestamp, the tweet creator and the tweet text — leaving to the analyst the trudging work of re-extracting hashtags, mentions, URLs (etc).

Twitter provides a tweet-text processing library for many languages. One of these languages is Java. Since it make sense to perform at-scale data operations in Apache Drill, it also seemed to make sense that Apache Drill could use a tweet metadata extraction set of user-defined functions (UDFs). Plus, there just aren’t enough examples of Drill UDFs out there. Thus begat drill-twitter-text?.

What’s Inside the Tin?

There are five UDF functions in the package:

  • tw_parse_tweet(string): Parses the tweet text and returns a map column with the following named values:
    • weightedLength: (int) the overall length of the tweet with code points weighted per the ranges defined in the configuration file
    • permillage: (int) indicates the proportion (per thousand) of the weighted length in comparison to the max weighted length. A value > 1000 indicates input text that is longer than the allowable maximum.
    • isValid: (boolean) indicates if input text length corresponds to a valid result.
    • display_start / display_end: (int) indices identifying the inclusive start and exclusive end of the displayable content of the Tweet.
    • valid_start / valid_end: (int) indices identifying the inclusive start and exclusive end of the valid content of the Tweet.
  • tw_extract_hashtags(string): Extracts all hashtags in the tweet text into a list which can be FLATTEN()ed.
  • tw_extract_screennames(string): Extracts all screennames in the tweet text into a list which can be FLATTEN()ed.
  • tw_extract_urls(string): Extracts all URLs in the tweet text into a list which can be FLATTEN()ed.
  • tw_extract_reply_screenname(): Extracts the reply screenname (if any) from the tweet text into a VARCHAR.

The repo has all the necessary bits and info to help you compile and load the necessary JARs, but those in a hurry can just copy all the files in the target directory to your local jars/3rparty directory and restart Drill.


Here’s an example of how to call each UDF along with the output:

  tw_extract_screennames(tweetText) AS mentions,
  tw_extract_hashtags(tweetText) AS tags,
  tw_extract_urls(tweetText) AS urls,
  tw_extract_reply_screenname(tweetText) AS reply_to,
  tw_parse_tweet(tweetText) AS tweet_meta
     '@youThere Load data from #Apache Drill to @QlikSense - #Qlik Tuesday Tips and Tricks #ApacheDrill #BigData' AS tweetText
   FROM (VALUES((1))))

| mentions | tags | urls | reply_to | tweet_meta |
| ["youThere","QlikSense"] | ["Apache","Qlik","ApacheDrill","BigData"] | ["",""] | youThere | {"weightedLength":154,"permillage":550,"isValid":true,"display_start":0,"display_end":153,"valid_start":0,"valid_end":153} |


Kick the tyres and file issues and PRs as needed.

A previous post explored how to deal with Amazon Athena queries asynchronously. The function presented is a beast, though it is on purpose (to provide options for folks).

In reality, nobody really wants to use rJava wrappers much anymore and dealing with icky Python library calls directly just feels wrong, plus Python functions often return truly daft/ugly data structures. R users deserve better than that.

R is not a first-class citizen in Amazon-land and while the cloudyr project does a fine job building native-R packages for various Amazon services, the fact remains that the official Amazon SDKs are in other languages. The reticulate package provides an elegant interface to Python so it seemed to make sense to go ahead and wrap the boto3 Athena client into something more R-like and toss in the collect_async() function for good measure.


I forced a dependency on Python 3.5 because friends don’t let friends rely on dated, fragmented ecosystems. Python versions can gracefully (mostly) coexist so there should be no pain/angst associated with keeping an updated Python 3 environment around. As noted in the package, I highly recommend adding RETICULATE_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python3 to your R environment (~/.Renviron is a good place to store it) since it will help reticulate find the proper target.

If boto3 is not installed, you will need to do pip3 install boto3 to ensure you have the necessary Python module available and associated with your Python 3 installation.

It may seem obvious, but an Amazon AWS account is also required and you should be familiar with the Athena service and AWS services in general. Most of the roto.athena functions have a set of optional parameters:

  • aws_access_key_id
  • aws_secret_access_key
  • aws_session_token
  • region_name
  • profile_name

Ideally, these should be in setup in the proper configuration files and you should let boto3 handle the details of retrieving them. One parameter you will see used in many of my examples is profile_name = "personal". I have numerous AWS accounts and manage them via the profile ids. By ensuring the AWS configuration files are thoroughly populated, I avoid the need to load and pass around the various keys and/or tokens most AWS SDK API calls require. You can read more about profile management in the official docs: 1, 2.


The project README and package manual pages are populated and have a smattering of usage examples. It is likely you will really just want to execute a manually prepared SQL query and retrieve the results or do the dplyr dance and collect the results asynchronously. We’ll cover both of those use-cases now, starting with a manual SQL query.

If you have not deleted it, your Athena instance comes with a sampledb that contains an elb_logs table. We’ll use that for our example queries. First, let’s get the packages we’ll be using out of the way:

library(DBI) # for dplyr access later
library(odbc) # for dplyr access later
library(roto.athena) # hrbrmstr/roto.athena on gh or gl
library(tidyverse) # b/c it rocks

Now, we’ll prepare and execute the query. This is a super-simple one:

query <- "SELECT COUNT(requestip) AS ct FROM elb_logs"

  query = query,
  database = "sampledb",
  output_location = "s3://aws-athena-query-results-redacted",
  profile = "personal"
) -> qex_id

The qex_id contains the query execution id. We can pass that along to get information on the status of the query:

get_query_execution(qex_id, profile = "personal") %>%
## Observations: 1
## Variables: 10
## $ query_execution_id   "7f8d8bd6-9fe6-4a26-a021-ee10470c1048"
## $ query                "SELECT COUNT(requestip) AS ct FROM elb_logs"
## $ output_location      "s3://aws-athena-query-results-redacted/7f...
## $ database             "sampledb"
## $ state                "RUNNING"
## $ state_change_reason  NA
## $ submitted            "2018-07-20 11:06:06.468000-04:00"
## $ completed            NA
## $ execution_time_ms    NA
## $ bytes_scanned        NA

If the state is not SUCCEEDED then you’ll need to be patient before trying to retrieve the results.

get_query_results(qex_id, profile = "personal")
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
##   ct             
## 1 4229

Now, we’ll use dplyr via the Athena ODBC driver:

  driver = "/Library/simba/athenaodbc/lib/libathenaodbc_sbu.dylib",
  Schema = "sampledb",
  AwsRegion = "us-east-1",
  AwsProfile = "personal",
  AuthenticationType = "IAM Profile",
  S3OutputLocation = "s3://aws-athena-query-results-redacted"
) -> con

elb_logs <- tbl(con, "elb_logs")

I've got the ODBC DBI fragment in a parameterized RStudio snippet and others may find that as a time-saver if you're not doing that already.

Now to build and submit the query:

mutate(elb_logs, tsday = substr(timestamp, 1, 10)) %>%
  filter(tsday == "2014-09-29") %>%
  select(requestip, requestprocessingtime) %>%
    database = "sampledb",
    output_location = "s3://aws-athena-query-results-redacted",
    profile_name = "personal"
  ) -> qex_id

As noted in the previous blog post, collect_async() turn the dplyr chain into a SQL query then fires off the whole thing to start_query_execution() for you and returns the query execution id:

get_query_execution(qex_id, profile = "personal") %>%
## Observations: 1
## Variables: 10
## $ query_execution_id   "95bd158b-7790-42ba-aa83-e7436c3470fe"
## $ query                "SELECT \"requestip\", \"requestprocessing...
## $ output_location      "s3://aws-athena-query-results-redacted/95...
## $ database             "sampledb"
## $ state                "RUNNING"
## $ state_change_reason  NA
## $ submitted            "2018-07-20 11:06:12.817000-04:00"
## $ completed            NA
## $ execution_time_ms    NA
## $ bytes_scanned        NA

Again, you'll need to be patient and wait for the state to be SUCCEEDED to retrieve the results.

get_query_results(qex_id, profile = "personal")
## # A tibble: 774 x 2
##    requestip       requestprocessingtime
##  1              0.0000900
##  2              0.0000970
##  3             0.0000870
##  4             0.0000940
##  5              0.0000760
##  6              0.0000830
##  7             0.0000630
##  8             0.0000540
##  9              0.0000820
## 10               0.0000870
## # ... with 764 more rows

You can also use the query execution id to sync the resultant CSV from S3. Which one is more performant is definitely something you'll need to test since it varies with AWS region, result set size, your network connection and other environment variables. One benefit of using get_query_results() is that it uses the column types to set the data frame column types appropriately (I still need to setup a full test of all possible types so not all are handled yet).

Kick the tyres

The package is up on both GitLab and GitHub and any and all feedback (i.e. Issues) or tweaks (i.e. PRs) are most welcome.

I’ve blogged about how to use Amazon Athena with R before and if you are a regular Athena user, you’ve likely run into a situation where you prepare a dplyr chain, fire off a collect() and then wait.

And, wait.

And, wait.

And, wait.

Queries that take significant processing time or have large result sets do not play nicely with the provided ODBC and JDBC drivers. This means “hung” R sessions and severe frustration, especially when you can login to the AWS Athena console and see that the results are right there!!

I’ve been crafting SQL by hand or using sql_render() by hand to avoid this (when I remember to) but finally felt sufficient frustration to craft a better way, provided you can install and run rJava-based code (it’s 2018 and that still is not an easy given on many systems unfortunately).

There are two functions below:

  • collect_async(), and
  • gather_results()

The collect_async() function is designed to be used like collect() but uses Athena components from the AWS SDK for Java to execute the SQL query behind the dplyr chain asynchronously. The companion function gather_results() takes the object created by collect_async() and checks to see if the results are ready. If if they are, it will use the aws.s3 package to download them. Personally, I’d just aws s3 sync ... from the command line vs use the aws.s3 package but that’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

Once I figure out the best package API for this I’ll add it to the metis package. There are many AWS idiosyncrasies that need to be accounted for and I’d rather ship this current set of functions via the blog so folks can use it (and tweak it to their needs) before waiting for perfection.

Here’s the code:


#' Collect Amazon Athena query results asynchronously
#' Long running Athena queries and Athena queries with large result
#' sets can seriously stall a `dplyr` processing chain due to poorly
#' implemented ODBC and JDBC drivers. The AWS SDK for Athena has 
#' methods that support submitting a query asynchronously for "batch"
#' processing. All Athena resutls are stored in CSV files in S3 and it's
#' easy to use the R `aws.s3` package to grab these or perform an
#' `aws s3 sync ...` operation on the command line.
#' @md
#' @param obj the `dplyr` chain
#' @param schema Athena schema (usually matches the `Schema` parameter to the 
#'        Simba ODBC connection)
#' @param region Your AWS region. All lower case with dashes (usually matches
#'        the `AwsRegion` parameter to the Simba ODBC connection)
#' @param results_bucket the S3 results bucket where query results are stored 
#'        (usually matches the `S3OutputLocation` parameter to the Simba ODBC
#'        connection)
#' @return a `list` with the query execution ID and the S3 bucket. This object
#'         is designed to be passed to the companion `gather_results()` if you
#'         want to use the `aws.s3` package to retrieve the results. Otherwise,
#'         sync the file however you want using the query execution id.
#' @note You may need to change up the authentication provider depending on how 
#'       you use credentials with Athena
collect_async <- function(obj, schema, region, results_bucket) {

  ugly_query <- as.character(sql_render(obj))

  region <- toupper(region)
  region <- gsub("-", "_", region, fixed=TRUE)

  regions <- J("com.amazonaws.regions.Regions")

  available_regions <- grep("^[[:upper:][:digit:]_]+$", names(regions), value=TRUE)
  if (!region %in% available_regions) stop("Invalid region.", call.=FALSE)

    "GovCloud" = regions$GovCloud,
    "US_EAST_1" = regions$US_EAST_1,
    "US_EAST_2" = regions$US_EAST_2,
    "US_WEST_1" = regions$US_WEST_1,
    "US_WEST_2" = regions$US_WEST_2,
    "EU_WEST_1" = regions$EU_WEST_1,
    "EU_WEST_2" = regions$EU_WEST_2,
    "EU_WEST_3" = regions$EU_WEST_3,
    "EU_CENTRAL_1" = regions$EU_CENTRAL_1,
    "AP_SOUTH_1" = regions$AP_SOUTH_1,
    "AP_SOUTHEAST_1" = regions$AP_SOUTHEAST_1,
    "AP_SOUTHEAST_2" = regions$AP_SOUTHEAST_2,
    "AP_NORTHEAST_1" = regions$AP_NORTHEAST_1,
    "AP_NORTHEAST_2" = regions$AP_NORTHEAST_2,
    "SA_EAST_1" = regions$SA_EAST_1,
    "CN_NORTH_1" = regions$CN_NORTH_1,
    "CN_NORTHWEST_1" = regions$CN_NORTHWEST_1,
    "CA_CENTRAL_1" = regions$CA_CENTRAL_1,
  ) -> region

  provider <- J("com.amazonaws.auth.DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain")
  client <- J("")

  my_client <- client$standard()
  my_client <- my_client$withRegion(region)
  my_client <- my_client$withCredentials(provider$getInstance())
  my_client <- my_client$build()

  queryExecutionContext <- .jnew("")
  context <- queryExecutionContext$withDatabase(schema)
  result <- .jnew("")

  startQueryExecutionRequest <- .jnew("")

  res <- my_client$startQueryExecutionAsync(startQueryExecutionRequest)

  r <- res$get()
  qex_id <- r$getQueryExecutionId()

    qex_id = qex_id,
    results_bucket = results_bucket


#' Gather the results of an asynchronous query
#' @md
#' @param async_result the result of a call to `collect_async()`
#' @return a data frame (tibble) or `NULL` if the query results are not ready yet
gather_results <- function(async_result) {
  if (bucket_exists(sprintf("%s/%s", async_result$results_bucket, async_result$qex_id))) {
      get_object(sprintf("%s/%s.csv", async_result$results_bucket, async_result$qex_id))
  } else {
    message("Results are not in the designated bucket.")

Now, we give it a go:

# Setup the credentials you're using

# load the AWS Java SDK classes

# necessary for Simba ODBC and the async query ops
aws_region <- "us-east-1"
athena_schema <- "sampledb"
athena_results_bucket <- "s3://aws-athena-query-results-redacted"

# connect to Athena and the sample database
  driver = "/Library/simba/athenaodbc/lib/libathenaodbc_sbu.dylib",
  Schema = athena_schema,
  AwsRegion = aws_region,
  AuthenticationType = "IAM Profile",
  AwsProfile = "personal",
  S3OutputLocation = athena_results_bucket
) -> con

# the sample table in the sample db/schema
elb_logs <- tbl(con, "elb_logs")

# create your dplyr chain. This one is small so I don't incur charges
# collect_async() MUST be the LAST item in the dplyr chain.
elb_logs %>%
  filter(requestip == "") %>%
    schema = athena_schema,
    region = aws_region,
    results_bucket = athena_results_bucket
  ) -> async_result

## $qex_id
## [1] "d5fe7754-919b-47c5-bd7d-3ccdb1a3a414"
## $results_bucket
## [1] "s3://aws-athena-query-results-redacted"

# For long queries we can wait a bit but the function will tell us if the results
# are there or not.

## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   timestamp = col_datetime(format = ""),
##   elbname = col_character(),
##   requestip = col_character(),
##   requestport = col_integer(),
##   backendip = col_character(),
##   backendport = col_integer(),
##   requestprocessingtime = col_double(),
##   backendprocessingtime = col_double(),
##   clientresponsetime = col_double(),
##   elbresponsecode = col_integer(),
##   backendresponsecode = col_integer(),
##   receivedbytes = col_integer(),
##   sentbytes = col_integer(),
##   requestverb = col_character(),
##   url = col_character(),
##   protocol = col_character()
## )
## # A tibble: 1 x 16
##   timestamp           elbname requestip     requestport backendip     backendport
## 1 2014-09-29 03:24:38 lb-demo       20159        8888
## # ... with 10 more variables: requestprocessingtime , backendprocessingtime ,
## #   clientresponsetime , elbresponsecode , backendresponsecode ,
## #   receivedbytes , sentbytes , requestverb , url , protocol 

If you do try this out and end up needing to tweak it, feedback on what you had to do (via the comments) would be greatly appreciated.

Both my osqueryr and macthekinfe packages have had a few updates and I wanted to put together a fun example (it being Friday, and all) for what you can do with them. All my packages are now on GitHub and GitLab and I’ll be maintaining them on both so I can accommodate the comfort-level of any and all contributors but will be prioritizing issues and PRs on GitLab ahead of any other platform. Having said that, I’ll mark non-CRAN packages with a # notcran comment in the source views so you know you need to install it from wherever you like to grab sketch packages from.

One table that osquery makes available under macOS is an inventory of all “apps” that macOS knows about. Previous posts have shown how to access these tables via the dplyr interface I built for osquery, but they involved multiple steps and as I started to use it more regularly (especially to explore the macOS 10.14 beta I’m running) I noticed that it could use some helper functions. One in particular — osq_expose_tables() — is pretty helpful in that it handles all the dplyr boilerplate code and makes table(s) available in the global environment by name. It takes a single table name or regular expression and then exposes all matching entities. While the function has a help page, it’s easier just to see it in action. Let’s expose the apps table:

library(osqueryr) # notcran


## # Source:   table [?? x 19]
## # Database: OsqueryConnection
##    applescript_enab… bundle_executable    bundle_identifier   bundle_name  bundle_package_…
##  1 0                 1Password 6          com.agilebits.onep… 1Password 6  APPL            
##  2 0       …… 1Password m… APPL            
##  3 1                 Adium                com.adiumX.adiumX   Adium        APPL            
##  4 1                 Adobe Connect        com.adobe.adobecon… Adobe Conne… APPL            
##  5 1                 Adobe Illustrator    com.adobe.illustra… Illustrator… APPL            
##  6 ""                AIGPUSniffer         com.adobe.AIGPUSni… AIGPUSniffer APPL            
##  7 ""                CEPHtmlEngine Helper com.adobe.cep.CEPH… CEPHtmlEngi… APPL            
##  8 ""                CEPHtmlEngine        com.adobe.cep.CEPH… CEPHtmlEngi… APPL            
##  9 ""                LogTransport2        com.adobe.headligh… LogTranspor… APPL            
## 10 ""                droplet              ""                  Analyze Doc… APPL            
## # ... with more rows, and 14 more variables: bundle_short_version ,
## #   bundle_version , category , compiler , copyright ,
## #   development_region , display_name , element , environment ,
## #   info_string , last_opened_time , minimum_system_version , name ,
## #   path 

There’s tons of info on all the apps macOS knows about, some of which are system services and “helper” apps (like Chrome’s auto-updater). One field — last_opened_time — caught my eye and I thought it would be handy to see which apps had little use (i.e. ones that haven’t been opened in a while) and which apps I might use more frequently (i.e. ones with more recent “open” times). That last_open_time is a fractional POSIX timestamp and, due to the way osquery created the schemas, it’s in a character field. That’s easy enough to convert and then arrange() the whole list in descending order to let you see what you use most frequently.

But, this is R and we can do better than a simple table or even a DT::datatable().

I recently added the ability to read macOS property lists (a.k.a. “plists”) to mactheknife by wrapping a Python module (plistlib). Since all (OK, “most”) macOS apps have an icon, I thought it would be fun to visualize the last opened frequency for each app using the app icons and ggplot2. Unfortunately, the ImageMagick (and, thus the magick package) cannot read macOS icns files, so you’ll need to do a brew install libicns before working with any of the remaining code since we’ll be relying on a command-line utility from that formula.

Let’s get the frontmatter out of the way:

library(osqueryr) # notcran
library(mactheknife) #notcran


# macOS will use a generic app icon when none is present in an app bundle; this is the location and we'll
# need to use it when our plist app spelunking comes up short

default_app <- "/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/GenericApplicationIcon.icns"

Next, we'll:

  • collect the apps table locally
  • filter out system-ish things (which we really don't care about for this post)
  • convert the last used time to something useful (and reduce it to a day resolution)
  • try to locate the property list for the app and read the path to the app icon file, substituting the generic one if not found (or other errors pop up):
select(apps, name, path, last_opened_time) %>%
  collect() %>%
  filter(!str_detect(path, "(^/System|usr|//System|/Library/|Helper|/Contents/|\\.service$)")) %>%
  mutate(lop_day = as.Date(anytime::anytime(as.numeric(last_opened_time)))) %>%
  mutate(icon = map_chr(path, ~{
    p <- read_plist(file.path(.x, "Contents", "Info.plist"))
    icns <- p$CFBundleIconFile[1]
    if (is.null(icns)) return(default_app)
    if (!str_detect(icns, "\\.icns$")) icns <- sprintf("%s.icns", icns)
    file.path(.x, "Contents", "Resources", icns)
  })) -> apps_df

## # A tibble: 274 x 5
##    last_opened_time name                       path                      lop_day    icon                       
##  1 1529958322.11297 1Password            /Applications/1Password … 2018-06-25 /Applications/1Password 6.…
##  2 1523889402.80918                  /Applications/   2018-04-16 /Applications/…
##  3 1516307513.7606  Adobe          /Applications/Adobe Conn… 2018-01-18 /Applications/Adobe Connec…
##  4 1530044681.76677 Adobe      /Applications/Adobe Illu… 2018-06-26 /Applications/Adobe Illust…
##  5 -1.0             Analyze      /Applications/Adobe Illu… 1969-12-31 /Applications/Adobe Illust…
##  6 -1.0             Make          /Applications/Adobe Illu… 1969-12-31 /Applications/Adobe Illust…
##  7 -1.0             Contact         /Applications/Adobe Illu… 1969-12-31 /Applications/Adobe Illust…
##  8 -1.0             Export Flash /Applications/Adobe Illu… 1969-12-31 /Applications/Adobe Illust…
##  9 -1.0             Web            /Applications/Adobe Illu… 1969-12-31 /Applications/Adobe Illust…
## 10 -1.0             Adobe InDesign CC /Applications/Adobe InDe… 1969-12-31 /Applications/Adobe InDesi…
## # ... with 264 more rows

Since I really didn't feel like creating a package wrapper for libicns, we're going to use the sys package to make system calls to convert the icns files to png files. We really don't want to do this repeatedly for the same files if we ever run this again, so we'll setup a cache directory to hold our converted pngs.

Apps can (and, usually do) have multiple icons with varying sizes and are not guaranteed to have every common size available. So, we'll have the libicns icns2png utility extract all the icons and use the highest resolution one, using magick to reduce it to a 32x32 png bitmap.

# setup the cache dir -- use whatever you want
cache_dir <- path.expand("~/.r-icns-cache")

# create a unique name hash for more compact names
mutate(apps_df, icns_png = map_chr(icon, ~{
  hash <- digest::digest(.x, serialize=FALSE)
  file.path(cache_dir, sprintf("%s.png", hash))
})) -> apps_df

# find the icns2png program
icns2png <- unname(Sys.which("icns2png"))

# go through each icon file 
pb <- progress_estimated(length(apps_df$icns_png))
walk2(apps_df$icon, apps_df$icns_png, ~{

  pb$tick()$print() # progress!

  if (!file.exists(.y)) { # don't create it if it already exists

    td <- tempdir()

    # no icon file == use default one
    if (!file.exists(.x)) .x <- default_app

    # convert all of them to pngs
      cmd = icns2png,
      args = c("-x", "-o", td, .x),
      error = FALSE
    ) -> res

    rawToChar(res$stdout) %>% # go through icns2png output
      str_split("\n") %>%
      flatten_chr() %>%
      keep(str_detect, "  Saved") %>% # find all the extracted icons
      last() %>% # use the last one
      str_replace(".* to /", "/") %>% # clean up the filename so we can read it in
      str_replace("\\.$", "") -> png

    # read and convert
    image_read(png) %>%
      image_resize(geometry_area(32, 32)) %>%



You can open up that cache directory with the macOS finder to find all the extracted/converted pngs.

Now, we're on the final leg of our app-use visualization journey.

Some system/utility apps have start-of-epoch dates due to the way the macOS installer tags them. We only want "recent" ones so I set an arbitrary cutoff date of the year 2000. Since many apps would have the same last opened date, I wanted to get a spread out layout "for free". One way to do that is to use ggbeeswarm::position_beswarm():

filter(apps_df, lop_day > as.Date("2000-01-01")) %>%
  ggplot() +
    aes(x="", lop_day, image = icns_png), size = 0.033,
    position = position_quasirandom(width = 0.5)
  ) +
    data = data_frame(
      x = c(0.6, 0.6),
      y = as.Date(c("2018-05-01", "2017-09-15")),
      label = c("More recently used ↑", "Not used in a while ↓")
    aes(x, y, label=label), family = font_an, size = 5 , hjust = 0,
    color = "lightslategray"
  ) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = "Last Opened Time") +
    x = NULL, y = NULL,
    title = "macOS 'Last Used' App History"
  ) +
  theme_ipsum_rc(grid="Y") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank())

There are tons of other ways to look at this data and you can use the osquery daemon to log this data regularly so you can get an extra level of detail. An interesting offshot project would be to grab the latest RStudio dailies and see if you can wrangle a sweet D3 visualization from the app data we collected. Make sure to drop a comment with your creations in the comments. You can find the full code in this snippet.

UPDATE (2018-07-07)

A commenter really wanted tooltips with app names. So did I, but neither plotly nor ggiraph support ggimage so we can't get tooltips for free.

However, if you're willing to use the latest RStudio Preview or Daily editions, then we can "easily" use the new built-in D3 support to get some sketch tooltips.

First, we need to change up the plotting code a bit so we can get some base data to feed to D3:

filter(apps_df, lop_day > as.Date("2000-01-01")) %>%
  mutate(name = sub("\\.app", "", name)) %>% 
  ggplot() +
    aes(x="", lop_day, image = icns_png, name=name), size = 0.033,
    position = position_quasirandom(width = 0.5)
  ) +
    data = data_frame(
      x = c(0.6, 0.6),
      y = as.Date(c("2018-05-01", "2017-09-15")),
      label = c("More recently used ↑", "Not used in a while ↓")
    aes(x, y, label=label), family = font_an, size = 5 , hjust = 0,
    color = "lightslategray"
  ) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = "Last Opened Time") +
    x = NULL, y = NULL,
    title = "macOS 'Last Used' App History"
  ) +
  theme_ipsum_rc(grid="Y") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank()) -> gg

gb <- ggplot_build(gg) # compute the layout

idf <- tbl_df(gb$data[[1]]) # extract the data
idf <- mutate(idf, image = sprintf("lib/imgs-1.0.0/%s", basename(image))) # munge the png paths so D3 can find them

write_rds(idf, "~/Data/apps.rds") # save off the data

Now, we just need some D3 javascript glue:

// !preview r2d3 data=data.frame(readRDS("~/Data/apps.rds")), d3_version = 4, dependencies = htmltools::htmlDependency(name = "imgs", version = "1.0.0", src = "~/.r-icns-cache", all_files = TRUE)

var margin = {top: 16, right: 32, bottom: 16, left: 32},
    width = width - margin.left - margin.right,
    height = height - - margin.bottom;

var x = d3.scaleLinear().range([0, width]);
var y = d3.scaleLinear().range([height, 0]);

  d3.min(data, function(d) { return d.x; }) - 0.05,
  d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.x; }) + 0.05

  d3.min(data, function(d) { return d.y; }) - 16,
  d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.y; }) + 16

var tooltip ="body")
    .style("position", "absolute")
    .style("z-index", "10")
    .style("visibility", "hidden")
    .style("color", "blue")
    .style("background", "white")
    .style("padding", "5px")
    .style("font-family", "sans-serif")

svg.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
    .attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)
          "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");

var images = svg.selectAll("appimg")
      .attr("xlink:href",  function(d) { return d.image;})
      .attr("x", function(d) { return x(d.x);})
      .attr("y", function(d) { return y(d.y);})
      .attr("height", 32)
      .attr("width", 32)
      .on("mouseover", function(d) { return"visibility", "visible").text(; })
  .on("mousemove", function(){ return"top", (event.pageY-10)+"px").style("left",(event.pageX+10)+"px"); })
  .on("mouseout", function(){ return"visibility", "hidden"); });

If you don't want to live dangerously, you can also save that script off and just use r2d3 directly:

  data = data.frame(readRDS("~/Data/apps.rds")), 
  script = "~/Desktop/app-d3.js",
  d3_version = 4, 
  dependencies = htmltools::htmlDependency(
    name = "imgs", 
    version = "1.0.0", 
    src = "~/.r-icns-cache", 
    all_files = TRUE

Either way gives us interactive tooltips: