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Since F-Secure was #spiffy enough to provide us with GeoIP data for mapping the scope of the ZeroAccess botnet, I thought that some aspiring infosec data scientists might want to see how to use something besides Google Maps & Google Earth to view the data.

If you look at the CSV file, it’s formatted as such (this is a small portion…the file is ~140K lines):


While that’s useful, we don’t need quotes and a header would be nice (esp for some of the tools I’ll be showing), so a quick cleanup in vi gives us:


With just this information, we can see how much of the United States is covered in ZeroAccess with just a few lines of R:

# read in the csv file
bots = read.csv("ZeroAccessGeoIPs.csv")
# load the maps library
# draw the US outline in black and state boundaries in gray
map("state", interior = FALSE)
map("state", boundary = FALSE, col="gray", add = TRUE)
# plot the latitude & longitudes with a small dot

Can you pwn me now?

Click for larger map

If you want to see how bad your state is, it’s just as simple. Using my state (Maine) it’s just a matter of swapping out the map statements with more specific data:

bots = read.csv("ZeroAccessGeoIPs.csv")
# draw Maine state boundary in black and counties in gray

We’re either really tech/security-savvy or don’t do much computin’ up here

Click for larger map

Because of the way the maps library handles geo-plotting, there are points outside the actual map boundaries.

You can even get a quick and dirty geo-heatmap without too much trouble:

bots = read.csv("ZeroAccessGeoIPs.csv")
# load the ggplot2 library
# create an plot object for the heatmap
zeroheat <- qplot(xlab="Longitude",ylab="Latitude",main="ZeroAccess Botnet",geom="blank",x=bots$Longitude,y=bots$Latitude,data=bots)  + stat_bin2d(bins =300,aes(fill = log1p(..count..))) 
# display the heatmap

Click for larger map

Try playing around with the bins to see how that impacts the plots (the stat_bin2d(…) divides the “map” into “buckets” (or bins) and that informs plot how to color code the output).

If you were to pre-process the data a bit, or craft some ugly R code, a more tradtional choropleth can easily be created as well. The interesting part about using a non-boundaried plot is that this ZeroAccess network almost defines every continent for us (which is kinda scary).

That’s just a taste of what you can do with just a few, simple lines of R. If I have some time, I’ll toss up some examples in Python as well. Definitely drop a note in the comments if you put together some #spiffy visualizations with the data they provided.


  1. Here are two changes to your initial elegant and compact version. I first handle the CSV in R so I don’t have to edit the source and then I changed the color to have a low alpha value to allow the points to “stack up”, so areas with more dots appear to be more dense: “red” = “#FF0000” = “#FF0000FF”, I reduce that alpha down with that last bit to “#FF000033”

    read in the csv file

    bots = read.csv(“/home/jay/ZeroAccessGeoIPs.csv”, header=F)

    creates a character vector of the coordinates

    coord.vector <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(bots$V2), c(",")))

    convert that into a data frame

    mapdata <- data.frame(matrix(as.numeric(coord.vector), ncol=2, byrow=T))

    name the rows

    colnames(mapdata) <- c("lat", "long")

    load the maps library


    draw the US outline in black and state boundaries in gray

    map("state", interior = FALSE)
    map("state", boundary = FALSE, col="gray", add = TRUE)

    plot the latitude & longitudes with a small dot

    with a low alpha so the color is transparent and can "stack"


    • Definitely agree it makes the map that much clearer. For folks who aren’t playing along at home, here’s a sample of @jayjacobs’ modified version:

      Botnet Plot (modified)

      (right-click/save-as for the larger version)

2 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. […] the spirit of the previous example this one shows you how to do a quick, country-based choropleth in D3/jQuery with some help from the […]

  2. […] shiny visualizations are all well-and-good, sometimes plain ol’ charts & graphs can give you […]

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