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Tag Archives: HTTP cookie

One of my subdomains is for mail and I was using an easy DNS hack to point it to my hosted Gmail setup (just create a CNAME pointing to This stopped working for some folks this week and I’ve had no time to debug exactly why so I decided to go back to a simple HTTP 301 redirect to avoid any glitches (for whatever reason) in the future – or, at least ensure the glitches were due to any ineptness on my part. Unfortunately, this created an interesting problem that I had not foreseen.

I started playing with Strict Transport Security (HSTS) a while ago and – for kicks & some enhanced WordPress & Drupal cookie security – moved a couple domains to it. I neglected to actually pay for a cert that would give me wildcard subdomain usage and only put in a couple domains for the cert request. I neglected to put the mail one in and that caused Chrome to not honor the redirect due to the certificate not being valid for the mail domain.

I tweaked theStrict-Transport-Security header setting in my nginx config to not include subdomains, but it seems Chrome had already tucked the entry into (on OS X):

[code padlinenumbers=”false” gutter=”false”]~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/TransportSecurity[/code]

and was ignoring the new expiration and subdomain settings I was now sending. Again, no time to research why as I really just needed to get the mail redirect working. I guessed that removing the entry would be the easiest way to bend Chrome to my will but it turns out that it’s not that simple since the browser seems to hash the host value:

[code]"wA9USN1KVIEHgBTF9j2q0wPLlLieQoLrXKheK9lkgl8=": {
"created": 1300919611.230054,
"expiry": 1303563439.443086,
"include_subdomains": true,
"mode": "strict"

(I have no idea which host that is, btw.)

I ended up backing up the TransportSecurity file and removing all entries from it. Any site I visit that has the cookie will re-establish itself and it cleared up the redirect issue. I still need to get a new certificate, but that can wait for another day.

Windows and Linux folk should be able to find that file pretty easily in their home directories if they are experiencing any similar issue. If you can’t find it, drop a note in the comments and I’ll dig out the locations.

I’m putting together a computer & online safety presentation for an upcoming talk at a senior center in Portsmouth (NH) and came across Support Details in my information hunting trek. This site makes it dirt simple to get basic information from whomever you are providing remote support to (a task I’m sure many of us have to do on occasion). I suspect it could also be handy to a developer who wants to double-check client settings. If you’ve ever tried asking someone what their IP address is or even what browser they are using, you know how helpful it might be if you could find out simple information quickly and painlessly.

Support Details collects data on the following system/browser elements:

  • Operating System
  • Screen Resolution
  • Web Browser
  • Browser Size
  • IP Address
  • Color Depth
  • Javascript
  • Flash Version
  • Cookies
  • User Agent

Support Details | Tech Support Management

Both Windows and OS X provide internal utilities to do full screen sharing – and more – for remote assistance if you’re on that same platform. There are third party services such as GoToAssist and Copilot that enable remote support across platforms. While Support Details does not even come close to either types of interaction it does provide basic data to help you triage where to go next…and, it’s free.