Creating A Custom MaxMind mmdb File For Cloud Provider Ranges

I’ve been wanting to create a custom MaxMind mmdb file for alternate IPv4 range classifications for a while, and finally had an opportunity to do so for the $DAYJOB. MaxMind mmdb files are small and easy to work with and provide lightning fast lookups. This repo — — has an R script for pulling… Continue reading

RSwitch 2.1.2b Bug-fix Release

RStudio is continuing to refine their 👍🏽 new product version string scheme, with the most recent change using something like the following for daily builds: RStudio-pro-2021.11.0-daily+23.pro1.dmg The full URL for these Amazon S3-hosted builds is something like: with the + getting URL encoded to %2B. Unfortunately, AWS S3’s fairly unintelligent web server really wanted… Continue reading

Acoustic: Solving a CyberDefenders PCAP SIP/RTP Challenge with R, Zeek, tshark (& friends)

Hot on the heels of the previous CyberDefenders Challenge Solution comes this noisy installment which solves their Acoustic challenge. You can find the source Rmd on GitHub, but I’m also testing the limits of WP’s markdown rendering and putting it in-stream as well. No longer book expository this time since much of the setup/explanatory bits… Continue reading