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Category Archives: Metrics

A while back, Medium blogger ‘Nykolas Z’ posted results from a globally distributed DNS resolver test to find the speediest provider (NOTE: speed is not the only consideration when choosing an alternative DNS provider). While the test methodology is not provided (the “scientific method” has yet to fully penetrate “cyber”) the data is provided…in in text form in <blockquote>s. O_o

While Nykolas ranked them, a visual comparison teases out some interesting differences between the providers. However, Cloudflare seems to be the clear winner (click/tap chart for larger version):

I’m going to give Cloudflare a few weeks to “settle in” and setup a series of geographically distributed RIPE Atlas probes for them and the others on the list Nykolas provided, then measure them with the same probe sets and frequencies for a few months and report back.

Some enterprising internet explorers have already begun monitoring (that link may take a few seconds to show data since it performs a live search; a screen shot of the first page of results is below).

It’s been a while since I’ve updated my [metricsgraphics package]( The hit list for changes includes:

– Fixes for the new ggplot2 release (metricsgraphics uses the `movies` data set which is now in ggplot2movies)
– Updated all javascript libraries to the most recent versions
– Borrowed the ability to add CSS rules to a widget from taucharts (`mjs_add_css_rule`)
– Added a metricsgraphics plugin to enable line chart region annotation (`mjs_annotate_region`)
– Enabled explicit coloring line/area charts (it was a new feature in the underlying Metrics-Graphics library)
– You can use bare or quoted names when specifying the x & y accessors and can also use a variable name
– You can now use the metricsgraphics title & description capabilities, but doing so voids any predictable/specified widget height/width and the description functionality is really only suited for bootstrap templates

I think all that can be demonstrated in the following snippet:

dat <- read.csv("",
DATE <- "Date"
dat %>%
  filter(Date>="2008-01-01") %>% 
  mjs_plot(DATE, y="Low", title="AAPL Stock (2008-Present)", width=800, height=500) %>% 
  mjs_line(color="#6a3d9a") %>% 
  mjs_add_line(High, color="#ff7f00") %>% 
  mjs_axis_x(xax_format="date") %>% 
  mjs_add_css_rule("{{ID}} .blk { fill:black }") %>%
  mjs_annotate_region("2013-01-01", "2013-12-31", "Volatility", "blk") %>% 
  mjs_add_marker("2014-06-09", "Split") %>% 
  mjs_add_marker("2012-09-12", "iPhone 5") %>% 
  mjs_add_legend(c("Low", "High"))

NOTE: I’m still trying to figure out why WebKit on Safari renders the em dashes and Chrome does not.

Data-Driven-SecurityIf I made a Venn diagram of the cross-section of readers of this blog and the [Data Driven Security]( web sites it might be indistinguishable from a pure circle. However, just in case there are a few stragglers out there, I figured one more post on the fact that the new book by @jayjacobs & me is available _now_ in electronic form (not pre-order) wouldn’t hurt. The print book is still making it’s way from dead trees to store shelves and should be ready for the expected February 17th debut.

Here’s the list of links to e-tailers (man, I hate that term) who have it available for the various e-readers out there.

– [Amazon/Kindle](
– [B&N/Nook](
– [Google Books](
– [Kobo](

If you happen to catch it out in the wild and not on this list, drop me (@hrbrmstr) a note `#pls`.

And, a huge thank you! to everyone for their kind accolades yesterday (esp to those who’ve purchased the book :-)

Earlier this week, @jayjacobs & I both received our acceptance notice for the talk we submitted to the RSA CFP! [W00t!] Now the hard part: crank out a compelling presentation in the next six weeks! If you’re interested at all in doing more with your security data, this talk is for you. Full track/number & details below:

Session Track: Governance, Risk & Compliance
Session Code: GRC-T18
Scheduled Date: 02/26/2013
Scheduled Time: 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Session Length: 1 hr
Session Title: Data Analysis and Visualization for Security Professionals
Session Classification: Intermediate
Session Keywords: metrics, visualization, risk management, research
Short Abstract: You have a deluge of security-related data coming from all directions and may even have a fancy dashboard full of pretty charts. However, unless you know the right questions to ask and how to ask them, all you really have are compliance artifacts. Move beyond the checkbox and learn techniques for collecting, exploring and visualizing the stories within our security data.

NOTE: A great deal of this post comes from @jayjacobs as he took a conversation we were having about thoughts on ways to look at the data and just ran like the Flash with it.

Did you know that – if you’re a US citizen – you have approximately a 1 in 5 chance of getting the flu this year? If you’re a male (no regional bias for this one), you have a 1 in 400 chance of developing Hodgkin’s Disease and a 1 in 5,000 chance of dying from testicular cancer.

Moving away from medical stats, if you’re a NJ resident, you have a 1 in 1,000 chance of winning $275 in the straight “Pick 3” lottery and a 1 in 13,983,816 chance of jackpotting the “Pick 6”.

What does this have to do with botnets? Well, we’ve determined that – if you’re a US resident – you have a 1 in 6,000 chance of getting the ZeroAccess flu (or winning the ZeroAccess lottery, whichever makes you feel better). Don’t believe me? Let’s look at the data.

For starters, we’re working with this file which is a summary file by US state that includes actual state population, the number of internet users in that state and the number of bots in that state (data is from Internet World Statistics). As an example, Maine has:

  • 1,332,155 residents
  • 1,102,933 internet users
  • 219 bot infections

(To aspiring security data scientists out there, I should point out that we’ve had to gather or crunch through on our own much of the data we’re using. While @fsecure gave us a great beginning, there’s no free data lunch)

Where’d we get the 1 : 6000 figure? We can do some quick R math and view the histogram and summary data:

#read in the summary data
df <- read.csv("zerogeo.csv", header=T)
# calculate how many people for 1 bot infection per state:
df$per <- round(df$intUsers/df$bots)
# plot histogram of the spread
hist(df$per, breaks=10, col="#CCCCFF", freq=T, main="Internet Users per Bot Infection")

Along with the infection rate/risk, we can also do a quick linear regression to see if there’s a correlation between the number of internet users in a state and the infection rate of that state:

# "lm" is an R function that, amongst other things, can be used for linear regression
# so we use it to performa quick regression on how internet users describe bot infections
users <- lm(df$bots~df$intUsers)
# and, R makes it easy to plot that model
plot(df$intUsers, df$bots, xlab="Internet Users", ylab="Bots", pch=19, cex=0.7, col="#3333AA")
abline(users, col="#3333AA")

Apart from some outliers (more on that in another post), there is – as Jay puts it – “very strong (statistical) relationship between the population of internet users and the infection rate in the states.” Some of you may be saying “Duh?!” right about now, but all we’ve had up until this point are dots or colors on a map. We’ve taken that superficial view (yes, it’s just really eye candy) and given it some depth and meaning.

We’re pulling some demographic data from the US Census and will be doing another data summarization at the ZIP code level to see what other aspects (I’m really focused on analyzing median income by ZIP code to see if/how that describes bot presence).

If you made it this far, I’d really like to know what you would have thought the ZeroAccess “flu” chances were before seeing that it’s 1 : 6,000 (since your guesstimate was probably based on the map views).

Finally, Jay used the summary data to work up a choropleth in R:

# setup our environment
# read the data
zero <- read.csv("zerogeo.csv", header=T)
# extract state geometries from maps library
states <- map_data("state")
# this "cleans up the data" to make it easier to merge with the built in state data
zero.clean <- data.frame(region=tolower(zero$state), 
choro <- merge(states, zero.clean, sort = FALSE, by = "region")
choro <- choro[order(choro$order),]
# "bin" the data to enable us to use a better set of colors
choro$botBreaks <- cut(choro$perBot, 10)
# get the plot
c1 = qplot(long, lat, data = choro, group = group, fill = botBreaks, geom = "polygon", 
      main="Population of Internet Users to One Zero Access Botnet Infenction") +
# display it with modified color scheme (we hate the default ggplot2 blue)
c1 + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Reds")

This is an inaugural post for @MetricsHulk, on the condition that there are few – if any – “ALL CAPS” bits. Q3&4 tend to be “report season”, and @MetricsHulk usually has some critiques, praises, opines and suggestions (some smashes, too) to offer as we are inundated with a blitz of infographics.

The always #spiffy @WhiteHatSec released their 2011 Web Site Security stats report [direct link (PDF)] last week (here’s one of their teaser tweets):

With over 7,000 sites and hundreds of diverse organizations represented in the report, it is a great resource for folks to see how they stack up (more on that in a bit). Security folks should also take some encouragement from the report since:

  • Real vulnerabilities are down (significantly)
  • WAFs can help
  • Vulnerabilities are getting fixed faster (when found)

@WhiteHatSec does a fine job summarizing key & extended findings (hint: read the report), and they are awesomely up-front and honest with regard to the findings (see pages 4 & 5 for their analysis on why the ‘good stats’ might be so good).

The report is chock-full of data. Real. Data. The only way it could have been better data-wise is if they provided a Google Docs bundle of raw numbers. (NOTE: I didn’t get all the data in there, but it has decent amount from the report)

I do think there is some room for improvement. Take, for example, the – sigh – donut chart on page 9. I might be inclined to refrain from comment if this was one of those hipster infographics that seem to be everywhere these days. A pie chart isn’t much better, but at least we’re able to process the relative sizes a bit better when the actual angles are present. Here’s a before/after makeover for your comparison/opine (click for larger version):

We get an immediate sense of scale from the bars and it removes the need for the “Frosted Lucky Charms” color-wheel effect. The @WhiteHatSec folk use bars (very appropriately) almost everywhere else, so I’m not sure what the design decision was for deviating for this part of the report.

The next bit that confused me was Figure 18 (page 15). I’m having difficulty both figuring out where the “79” value comes from (I can’t get to it by averaging the values presents) and grok’ing the magnitude of the differences from the bubbles. So, here’s another before/after makeover for your comparison/opine (click for larger version):

Finally, I think Figure 23 & 24 could do with a bit of a slopegraph makeover, as the spirit of the visualization is to show year-over-year differences. The first two slopegraphs used the “Tufte binning technique“, so you’ll need to refer to the companion data tables if you want exact numbers for comparison (the trend is more important, IMO).

Average Days Open

Average Days to Close

Remediation Rates by Year

(You can also download easier to read PDFs of the slopegraphs)

Absolutely no one should take the makeover suggestions as report slander. As stated at the beginning of the post, @WhiteHatSec is open about the efficacy of their data and analysis, plus they provide actual data. The presentation of stats & trending by industry and vulnerability type should help any organization with an appsec program figure out if they are doing better or worse the others in their sector and see if they are smashing bugs with similar success. It also gives the general infosec community a view that we would otherwise not have. I would encourage other organizations to follow @WhiteHatSec’s example, even if it means more donut charts (mmm…donuts).

What information did you glean from the WhiteHat report, or what makeovers would you encourage for the next one?

I usually take a peek at the Internet Traffic Report (ITR) a couple times a day as part of my routine and was a bit troubled by all of the red today:

I wanted to do some crunching on the data, and I deliberately do not have Word or Excel on my new MacBook Pro (for reasons I can detail if asked). A SELECT / CUT / PASTE into TextWrangler did not really thrill me and I knew there had to be a way to get non-marked-up, columnar data into a format I could mangle and share easily.

Enter, Google Shreadsheet’s importHTML function.

If you don’t have the forumla bar enabled in Google Spreadsheets, just go to View->Formula Bar to enable it. Once there, enter the following in the formula bar to get the data from the ITR into a set of columns that will auto-update every time you reference the sheet.


(as you can see, it’s not case sensitive, either)

Yes, I know Excel can do this. I could have done a quick script whack the pasted data in TextWrangler. You can do something similar in R with htmlTreeParse + xpathApply and Perl has HTML::TableContentParser (and other handy modules), but this was a fast, easy way to get me to a point where I could do the basic analytics I wanted to perform (and, sometimes, all you need is quick & easy).

Official Google Help page on importHTML.

Another #spiffy tip from @MetricsHulk:

Evan Applegate put together a great & simple infographic for Businessweek that illustrates the number and size of 2011 data breaches pretty well.

(Click for larger version)

The summary data (below the timeline bubble chart) shows there was a 37.4% increase in reported incidents and over 260 million records exposed/stolen for the year. It will be interesting to see how this compares with the DBIR.