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Category Archives: Malware

On or about Friday evening (May 7, 2021) Edge notified me that the Feedly Mini extension (one of the only extensions I use as extensions are dangerous things) was remove from the store due to “malware”.

Feedly is used by many newshounds, and with 2021 being a very bad year when it comes to supply-chain attacks, seeing a notice about malware in a very popular Chrome extension is more than a little distressing.

I’m posting this blog to get the word “malware” associated with “Feedly” so they are compelled to make some sort of statement. I’ll update it with more information as it is provided.

I’ve been doing a bit of graphing (with real, non-honeypot network data) as part of the research for the book I’m writing with @jayjacobs and thought one of the images was worth sharing (especially since it may not make it into the book :-).

Click image for larger view

This is a static screen capture of a D3 force-directed graph made with R, igraph & Vega of four ZeroAccess infected nodes desperately (each node tried ~200K times over a couple days) trying to break free of a firewall over the course of 11 days. The red nodes are unique destination IPs and purple ones are in the AlienVault IP Reputation database. Jay & I have read and blogged a great deal about ZeroAccess over the past year and finally had the chance to see a live slice of how pervasive (and, noisy) the network is even with just a view from a few infected nodes.

While the above graphic is the composite view of all 11 days, the following one is from just a single day with only two infected nodes trying to communicate out (this is a pure, hastily-crafted R/igraph image):

Two ZeroAccess Infected Nodes
Click image for larger view

There are some common destinations among the two, but each has a large list of unique ones; even the best, open IP reputation database on the planet only included a handful of the malicious endpoints, which means you really need to be looking at holistic behavior modeling vs port/destination alone (I filtered out legit destination traffic for these views) if you’re trying to find egressing badness (but you hopefully already knew that).

We infosec folk eat up industry reports and most of us have no doubt already gobbled up @panda_security’s recently released [Q1 2013 Report]( [PDF]. It’s a good read (so go ahead and read it, we’ll still be here!) and I was really happy to see a nicely stylized chart in the early pages:


However, I quickly became a #sadpanda when I happened across some explosive 3D pie charts later on. Rather than deride, I thought a re-imagining would be a better use of time and let you decide which visualizations both communicate better and are more appealing.

I chose to use @Datawrapper to showcase how easy it is to build and publish pleasing and informative visualizations without even leaving your browser.

Figure 4, Original:

Panda Labs Q1 2013 Report Fig 5 (Orig)

Figure 4, Alternative:

Figure 5, Original

Fig 4: New malware strains In Q1 2013, by Type (orig)

Figure 5, Alternative (horizontal vs vertical, just to mix it up a bit):

If the charts had been closer together in the report, I would have opted for vertical design for both and probably kept malware-type ordering vs sort by highest percentage.

How would you re-imagine the pie charts? Post a link to your creations in the comments and I’ll make sure they show up embedded with the post.

(Sing to the tune of “Fame – Remember My name” …
Here’s some YouTube background music)

They’ve been lookin’ at me, but they never did see—
no, no trace of me did they detect;
Gave me time to collect all the data at rest.
I’ve got so much in me: LUA, zlib & sqlite3–
I can infect the USB in your hand. Don’t you know who I am?
Remember my name [FLAME]

I’ve been around forever. Capturing packets on the fly. [HIGH]
My botnet is comin’ together. When researchers see me they’ll cry. [FLAME]
I even infected Lebanon. Lit up the Middle East with my FLAME. [FLAME]
I’ve been around forever. They will remember my name.


I’m not packed up too tight (I take up 20 megabytes).
With no kill date, I’ll never stop.
Give me your mic and I’ll take all you’ve got to give.
Finding me will be tough. Too much (you’ll say ‘enough’!)
I can ride your net but not break (it). Yeah, I got what it takes.


I’ve been around forever. Capturing packets on the fly. [HIGH]
My botnet is comin’ together. When researchers see me they’ll cry. [FLAME]
I even infected Lebanon. Lit up the Middle East with my FLAME. [FLAME]
I’ve been around forever. They will remember my name.



The FBI made a tool to help you determine if you were a victim of the DNSChanger malware.

If you’re like many casual Internet users, you have no idea how to get the information to plug into the input box.

Unfortunately, the security model of most modern browsers makes it impossible to easily retrieve this information. However, it is possible to grab the DNS entries if the user is willing to trust the requesting source.

To help make it easier to determine if you’re infected, I wrote DNSChanger Detector. It’s a small Java applet that requires the user to allow it to have privileged access to the DNS entries via a call to to get the nameservers. Once it has them, there is some jQuery glue in place to let Javascript access the results.

I understand why the FBI didn’t attempt to go this route, but it will hopefully be useful to folks who don’t wish to walk their friends and family through the process.