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Category Archives: Information Security

The basic technique of cybercrime statistics—measuring the incidence of a given phenomenon (DDoS, trojan, APT) as a percentage of overall population size—had entered the mainstream of cybersecurity thought only in the previous decade. Cybersecurity as a science was still in its infancy, as many of its basic principles had yet to be established.

At the same time, the scientific method rarely intersected with the development and testing of new detection & prevention regimens. When you read through that endless stream of quack cybercures published daily on the Internet and at conferences like RSA, what strikes you most is not that they are all, almost without exception, based on anecdotal or woefully inadequately small evidence. What’s striking is that they never apologize for the shortcoming. They never pause to say, “Of course, this is all based on anecdotal evidence, but hear me out.” There’s no shame in these claims, no awareness of the imperfection of the methods, precisely because it seems to eminently reasonable that the local observation of a handful of minuscule cases might serve the silver bullet for cybercrime, if you look hard enough.

But, cybercrime couldn’t be studied in isolation. It was as much a product of the internet expansion as news and social media, where it was so uselessly anatomized. To understand the beast, you needed to think on the scale of the enterprise, from the hacker’s-eye view. You needed to look at the problem from the perspective of Henry Mayhew’s balloon. And you needed a way to persuade others to join you there.

Sadly, that’s not a modern story. It’s an adapted quote from chapter 4 (pp. 97-98, paperback) of The Ghost Map, by Steven Johnson, a book on the cholera epidemic of 1854.

I won’t ruin the book nor continue my attempt at analogy any further. Suffice it to say, you should read the book—if you haven’t already—and join me in calling out for the need for the John Snow of our cyber-time to arrive.

Far too many interesting bits to spam on Twitter individually but each is worth getting the word out on:


– It’s [π Day](*
– Unless you’re living in a hole, you probably know that [Google Reader is on a death march]( I’m really liking self-hosting [Tiny Tiny RSS](,d.dmg) so far, and will follow up with a standalone blog post on it.
– @jayjacobs & I are speaking soon at both [SOURCE Boston]( & [Secure360]( We hope to have time outside the talk to discuss security visualization & analysis with you, so go on and register!
– Speaking of datavis, [VizSec 2013]( is on October 14th in Atlanta, GA this year and the aligned [VAST 2013 Challenge]( (via @ieeevisweek) will have another infosec-themed mini-challenge. Watch that space, grab the data and start analyzing & visualizing!
– If you’re in or around Boston, it’d be great to meet you at @openvisconf on May 16-17.
– Majestic SEO has released a new data set for folks to play with: [a list of the top 100,000 websites broken down by the country in which they are hosted]( It requires a free reg to get the link, but no spam so far. (h/t @teamcymru)
– And, finally, @MarketplaceAPM aired a [good, accessible story]( on “Who pays the bill for a cyber war?”. I always encourage infosec industry folk to listen to shows like Marketplace to see how we sound to non-security folk and to glean ways we can communicate better with the people we are ultimately trying to help.

*Image via davincismurf

This is a fourth post in my [Visualizing Risky Words]( series. You’ll need to read starting from that link for context if you’re just jumping in now.

I was going to create a rudimentary version of an interactive word tree for this, but the extremely talented @jasondavies (I marvel especially at his cartographic work) just posted what is probably the best online [word tree generator]( ever made…and in D3 no less.


A word tree is a “visual interactive concordance” and was created back in 2007 by Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Viégas. You can [read more about]( this technique on your own, but a good summary (from their site) is:

A word tree is a visual search tool for unstructured text, such as a book, article, speech or poem. It lets you pick a word or phrase and shows you all the different contexts in which it appears. The contexts are arranged in a tree-like branching structure to reveal recurrent themes and phrases.

I pasted the VZ RISK INTSUM texts into Jason’s tool so you could investigate the corpus to your heart’s content. I would suggest exploring “patch”, “vulnerability”, “adobe”, “breach” & “malware” (for starters).

Jason’s implementation is nothing short of beautiful. He uses SVG text tspans to make the individual text elements not just selectable but easily scaleable with browser window resize events.


The actual [word tree D3 javascript code]( shows just how powerful the combination of the language and @mbostock’s library is. He has, in essence, built a completely cross-platform tokenizer and interactive visualization tool in ~340 lines of javascript. Working your way through that code through to understanding will really help improve your D3 skills.

The DST changeover in the US has made today a fairly strange one, especially when combined with a very busy non-computing day yesterday. That strangeness manifest as a need to take the D3 heatmap idea mentioned in the [previous post]( and actually (mostly) implement it. Folks just coming to this thread may want to start with the [first post]( in the series.

I did a quick extraction of the R TermDocumentMatrix with nested for loops and then extracted the original texts of the corpus and put them into some javascript variables along with some D3 code to show how to do a [rudimentary interactive heatmap](

(click for larger)

(click for live demo)

As you mouse over each of the tiles they will be highlighted and the word/document will be displayed along with the frequency count. Click on the tile and the text will appear with the highlighted word.

Some caveats:

– The heatmap looks a bit different from the R one in part 2 as the terms/keywords are in alphabetical order.
– There are no column or row headers. I won’t claim anything but laziness, though the result does look a bit cleaner this way.
– I didn’t bother extracting the stemming results (it’s kind of a pain), so not all of the keywords will be highlighted when you select a tile.
– It’s one, big HTML document complete with javascript & data. That’s not a recommended practice in production code but it will make it easier for folks to play around with.
– The HTML is not commented well, but there’s really not much of it. The code that makes the heatmap is pretty straightforward if you even have a rough familiarity with D3. Basically, enumerate the data, generating a colored tile for each row/col entry and then mapping click & mouseover/out events to each generated SVG element.
– I also use jQuery in the code, but that’s not a real dependency. I just like using jQuery selectors for non-D3 graphics work. It bulks up the document, so use them together wisely. NOTE: If you don’t want to use jQuery, you’ll need to change the selector code.

Drop a note in the comments if you do use the base example and improve on it or if you have any questions on the code. For those interested, I’ll be putting all the code from the “Visualizing Risky Words” posts into a github repository at the end of the series.

This is a follow-up to my [Visualizing Risky Words]( post. You’ll need to read that for context if you’re just jumping in now. Full R code for the generated images (which are pretty large) is at the end.

Aesthetics are the primary reason for using a word cloud, though one can pretty quickly recognize what words were more important on well crafted ones. An interactive bubble chart is a tad better as it lets you explore the corpus elements that contained the terms (a feature I have not added yet).

I would posit that a simple bar chart can be of similar use if one is trying to get a feel for overall word use across a corpus:

(click for larger version)

It’s definitely not as sexy as a word cloud, but it may be a better visualization choice if you’re trying to do analysis vs just make a pretty picture.

If you are trying to analyze a corpus, you might want to see which elements influenced the term frequencies the most, primarily to see if there were any outliers (i.e. strong influencers). With that in mind, I took @bfist’s [corpus]( and generated a heat map from the top terms/keywords:

(click for larger version)

There are some stronger influencers, but there is a pattern of general, regular usage of the terms across each corpus component. This is to be expected for this particular set as each post is going to be talking about the same types of security threats, vulnerabilities & issues.

The R code below is fully annotated, but it’s important to highlight a few items in it and on the analysis as a whole:

– The extra, corpus-specific stopword list : “week”, “report”, “security”, “weeks”, “tuesday”, “update”, “team” : was designed after manually inspecting the initial frequency breakdowns and inserting my opinion at the efficacy (or lack thereof) of including those terms. I’m sure another iteration would add more (like “released” and “reported”). Your expert view needs to shape the analysis and—in most cases—that analysis is far from a static/one-off exercise.
– Another area of opine was the choice of 0.7 in the removeSparseTerms(tdm, sparse=0.7) call. I started at 0.5 and worked up through 0.8, inspecting the results at each iteration. Playing around with that number and re-generating the heatmap might be an interesting exercise to perform (hint).
– Same as the above for the choice of 10 in subset(tf, tf>=10). Tweak the value and re-do the bar chart vis!
– After the initial “ooh! ahh!” from a word cloud or even the above bar chart (though, bar charts tend to not evoke emotional reactions) is to ask yourself “so what?”. There’s nothing inherently wrong with generating a visualization just to make one, but it’s way cooler to actually have a reason or a question in mind. One possible answer to a “so what?” for the bar chart is to take the high frequency terms and do a bigram/digraph breakdown on them and even do a larger cross-term frequency association analysis (both of which we’ll do in another post)
– The heat map would be far more useful as a D3 visualization where you could select a tile and view the corpus elements with the term highlighted or even select a term on the Y axis and view an extract from all the corpus elements that make it up. That might make it to the TODO list, but no promises.

I deliberately tried to make this as simple as possible for those new to R to show how straightforward and brief text corpus analysis can be (there’s less than 20 lines of code excluding library imports, whitespace, comments and the unnecessary expansion of some of the tm function calls that could have been combined into one). Furthermore, this is really just a basic demonstration of tm package functionality. The post/code is also aimed pretty squarely at the information security crowd as we tend to not like examples that aren’t in our domain. Hopefully it makes a good starting point for folks and, as always, questions/comments are heartily encouraged.

# need this NOAWT setting if you're running it on Mac OS; doesn't hurt on others
# input the raw corpus raw text
# you could read directly from @bfist's source :
a = readLines("intext.txt")
# convert raw text into a Corpus object
# each line will be a different "document"
c = Corpus(VectorSource(a))
# clean up the corpus (function calls are obvious)
c = tm_map(c, tolower)
c = tm_map(c, removePunctuation)
c = tm_map(c, removeNumbers)
# remove common stopwords
c = tm_map(c, removeWords, stopwords())
# remove custom stopwords (I made this list after inspecting the corpus)
c = tm_map(c, removeWords, c("week","report","security","weeks","tuesday","update","team"))
# perform basic stemming : background:
# save original corpus
c_orig = c
# do the actual stemming
c = tm_map(c, stemDocument)
c = tm_map(c, stemCompletion, dictionary=c_orig)
# create term document matrix : : from corpus
tdm = TermDocumentMatrix(c, control = list(minWordLength = 1))
# remove the sparse terms (requires trial->inspection cycle to get sparse value "right")
tdm.s = removeSparseTerms(tdm, sparse=0.7)
# we'll need the TDM as a matrix
m = as.matrix(tdm.s)
# datavis time
# convert matri to data frame
m.df = data.frame(m)
# quick hack to make keywords - which got stuck in row.names - into a variable
m.df$keywords = rownames(m.df)
# "melt" the data frame ; ?melt at R console for info
m.df.melted = melt(m.df)
# not necessary, but I like decent column names
colnames(m.df.melted) = c("Keyword","Post","Freq")
# generate the heatmap
hm = ggplot(m.df.melted, aes(x=Post, y=Keyword)) + 
  geom_tile(aes(fill=Freq), colour="white") + 
  scale_fill_gradient(low="black", high="darkorange") + 
  labs(title="Major Keyword Use Across VZ RISK INTSUM 202 Corpus") + 
  theme_few() +
  theme(axis.text.x  = element_text(size=6))
# not done yet
# better? way to view frequencies
# sum rows of the tdm to get term freq count
tf = rowSums(as.matrix(tdm))
# we don't want all the words, so choose ones with 10+ freq
tf.10 = subset(tf, tf>=10)
# wimping out and using qplot so I don't have to make another data frame
bf = qplot(names(tf.10), tf.10, geom="bar") + 
  coord_flip() + 
  labs(title="VZ RISK INTSUM Keyword Frequencies", x="Keyword",y="Frequency") + 

If you haven’t viewed/read Wendy Nather’s (@451Wendy) insightful [Living Below The Security Poverty Line]( you really need to do that before continuing (we’ll still be here when you get back).

Unfortunately, the catalyst for this post came from two recent, real-world events: my returned exposure to the apparent ever-increasing homeless issue in San Francisco (a side effect of choosing a hotel 10 blocks away from Moscone) and the hacking of a [small, local establishment]( resulting in exposure of customer credit cards.

If you do any mom-and-pop, brick-and-mortar shopping you’ve seen it: the Windows-based point-of-sale terminal that is the *only* computer for the owners. Your credit card will be scanned on the same machine cat videos will be viewed and e-mail will be read. In many small shops, that machine is also where accounting functions are performed.

These truly small business (TSB) owners aren’t living below the security poverty line, they are security hobos. They *kinda* know they need to care about the safety of their data, but their focus is on their business or creative processes. When they do have time to care about security, that part of their world is so complex that it’s far too easy to make the choice to ignore it than to do something about it. If your immediate reaction was to disagree with my complexity posit, here are just a few tasks a TSB owner must face in a world of modern commerce:

– Updating operating system patches
– Updating browser software
– Updating Flash
– Updating Java
– Maintain web site/Twitter/Facebook securely
– Recognizing phishing e-mails/posts/tweets
– Understanding browser security
– Keeping signature anti-malware up-to-date
– Remember passwords for system, POS vendor, government sites, e-mail, etc.
– Maintain secure Wi-Fi and Internet firewall
– Maintain physical security (e.g. cameras)

Those tasks may be as autonomous as breathing for security folk and technically-savvy users, but they are extraneous tasks that are confusing for most TSBs and may often cause instability issues with the wretched POS software options out in the marketplace. These folks also cannot afford to hire security consultants to do this work for them.

Verizon’s 2012 DBIR & Trustwave’s 2012 report both showed that [these types of businesses]( were part of the groups most targeted by criminals, yet the best our industry can do is dress up folks in schoolgirl costumes at @RSAConference whilst telling TSBs to keep their systems up-to-date and not re-use passwords. It’s the security equivalent of walking by a truly desperate person on the street without even making eye contact as your body language exudes the “get a job” vibe.

We have to do better than this.

Until software and hardware vendors start to—or are forced to—actually care about security, it will be up to security professionals to create the digital equivalent of a soup kitchen to make the situation better. What can you do?

– speak at local Chamber of Commerce meetings and provide practical take-aways for those who attend
– discuss security topics with friends or relatives who are TSB owners
– have your [ISSA|ISC2|NAISG] chapter setup a booth at conventions which attract TSBs (y’know…get out of the echo chamber, mebbe?)
– raise awareness through blogging and other media outlets
– produce & distribute awareness materials—a great example would be @Veracode’s non-domain [infographics](
– demand better (in general) out of your security vendors
– lobby government for better security standards

It may not seem like much, but we have to start somewhere if we’re going to find a way to help protect those that most vulnerable, especially since it will also mean helping to keep *our own* information safe.

In case you are a truly small business owner who is reading this post, there are some things you can do to help ensure you won’t be a victim:

– Use a dedicated machine for your POS work—an iPad with [Square]( is a good option but doesn’t work for everyone
– Do not perform any operations on the Internet on the system that you do accounting tasks on
– Use @1Password to create, store & manage all your passwords on all your systems/devices
– Use [Secunia PSI]( to help keep your Windows systems up-to-date
– Set all operating system and anti-malware software to auto-update
– Do not put your security cameras on the Internet; if you do, password protect them
– Research what your responsibilities are and what actions you’ll need to take in the event you do discover that your business or customer information has been exposed

Many thanks to all who attended the talk @jayjacobs & I gave at RSA on Tuesday, February 26, 2013. It was really great to be able to talk to so many of you afterwards as well.

We’ve enumerated quite a bit of non-slide-but-in-presentation information that we wanted to aggregate into a blog post so you can viz along at home. If you need more of a guided path, I strongly encourage you to take a look at some of the free courses over at [Coursera](

For starters, here’s a bundle of data analysis & visualization bookmarks that @dseverski & I maintain. We’ve been doing (IMO) a pretty good job adding new resources as they come up and may have some duplicates to the ones below.

People Mentioned

– [Stephen Few’s Perceptual Edge blog]( : Start from the beginning to learn from a giant in information visualization
– [Andy Kirk’s Visualising Data blog]( (@visualisingdata) : Perhaps the quintessential leader in the modern visualization movement.
– [Mike Bostock’s blog]( (@mbostock) : Creator of D3 and producer of amazing, interactive graphics for the @NYTimes
– [Edward Tufte’s blog]( : The father of what we would now identify as our core visualization principles & practices

Tools Mentioned

– [R]( : Jay & I probably use this a bit too much as a hammer (i.e. treat ever data project as a nail) but it’s just far too flexible and powerful to not use as a go-to resource
– [RStudio]( : An *amazing* IDE for R. I, personally, usually despise IDEs (yes, I even dislike Xcode), but RStudio truly improves workflow by several orders of magnitude. There are both desktop and server versions of it; the latter gives you the ability to setup a multi-user environment and use the IDE from practically anywhere you are. RStudio also makes generating [reproducible research]( a joy with built-in easy access to tools like [kintr](
– [iPython]( : This version of Python takes an already amazing language and kicks it up a few notches. It brings it up to the level of R+RStudio, especially with it’s knitr-like [iPython Notebooks]( for–again–reproducible research.
– [Mondrian]( : This tool needs far more visibility. It enables extremely quick visualization of even very large data sets. The interface takes a bit of getting used to, but it’s faster then typing R commands or fumbling in Excel.
– [Tableau]( : This tool may be one of the most accessible, fast & flexible ways to explore data sets to get an idea of where you need to/can do further analysis.
– [Processing]( : A tool that was designed from the ground up to help journalists create powerful, interactive data visualizations that you can slipstream directly onto the web via the [Processing.js]( library.
– [D3]( : The foundation of modern, data-driven visualization on the web.
– [Gephi]( : A very powerful tool when you need to explore networks & create beautiful, publication-worthy visualizations.
– [MongoDB]( : NoSQL database that’s highly & easily scaleable without a steep learning curve.
– [CRUSH Tools by Google]( : Kicks up your command-line data munging.

Here’s a quick example of couple additional ways to use the netintel R package I’ve been tinkering with. This could easily be done on the command line with other tools, but if you’re already doing scripting/analysis with R, this provides a quick way to tell if a list of IPs is in the @AlienVault IP reputation database. Zero revelations here for regular R users, but it might help some folks who are working to make R more of a first class scripting citizen.

I whipped up the following bit of code to check to see how many IP addresses in the @Mandiant APT-1 FQDN dump were already in the AlienVault database. Reverse resolution of the Mandiant APT-1 FQDN list is a bit dubious at this point so a cross-check with known current data is a good idea. I should also point out that not all the addresses resolved “well” (there are 2046 FQDNs and my quick dig only yielded 218 usable IPs).

# get the @AlienVault reputation DB
av.rep = Alien.Vault.Reputation()
# read in resolved APT-1 FQDNs list
apt.1 = read.csv("apt-1-ips.csv")
# basic set operation
whats.left = intersect(apt.1$ip,av.rep$IP)
# how many were in the quickly resolved apt-1 ip list?
# how many are common across the lists?
[1] 44
# take a quick look at them
[1] ""   ""  ""  ""   ""  
[6] ""  ""  ""  ""  "" 
[11] ""  ""  "" ""  "" 
[16] ""   ""  "" ""  ""  
[21] "" ""   ""   ""   ""   
[26] ""    ""  ""   ""      ""    
[31] ""     ""     ""  ""   ""  
[36] ""  ""   ""   ""   ""   
[41] ""   ""    ""     ""

So, roughly a 20% overlap between (quickly-I’m sure there’s a more comprehensive list) resolved & “clean” APT-1 FQDNs IPs and the AlienVault reputation database.

For kicks, we can see where all the resolved APT-1 nodes live (BGP/network-wise) in relation to each other using some of the other library functions:

apt.1 = read.csv("apt-1-ips.csv")
ips = apt.1$ip
# get BGP origin & peers
origin = BulkOrigin(ips)
peers = BulkPeer(ips)
# start graphing
g = graph.empty()
# Make IP vertices; IP endpoints are red
g = g + vertices(ips,size=1,color="red",group=1)
# Make BGP vertices ; BGP nodes are light blue
g = g + vertices(unique(c(peers$Peer.AS, origin$AS)),size=1.5,color="orange",group=2)
# no labels
V(g)$label = ""
# Make IP/BGP edges
ip.edges = lapply(ips,function(x) {
  iAS = origin[origin$IP==x,]$AS
# Make BGP/peer edges
bgp.edges = lapply(unique(origin$BGP.Prefix),function(x) {
  startAS = unique(origin[origin$BGP.Prefix==x,]$AS)
  lapply(startAS,function(z) {
    pAS = peers[peers$BGP.Prefix==x,]$Peer.AS
    lapply(pAS,function(y) {
# get total graph node count
node.count = table(c(unlist(ip.edges),unlist(bgp.edges)))
# add edges 
g = g + edges(unlist(ip.edges))
g = g + edges(unlist(bgp.edges))
# base edge weight == 1
E(g)$weight = 1
# simplify the graph
g = simplify(g, edge.attr.comb=list(weight="sum"))
# no arrows
E(g)$arrow.size = 0
# best layout for this
L = layout.fruchterman.reingold(g)
# plot the graph


If we take out the BGP peer relationships from the graph (i.e. don’t add the bgp.edges in the above code) we can see the mal-host clusters even more clearly (the pseudo “Death Star” look is unintentional but appropro):


We can also determine which ASNs the bigger clusters belong to by checking out the degree. The “top” 5 clusters are:

16509 40676 36351 26496 15169 
    7     8     8    13    54

While my library doesn’t support direct ASN detail lookup yet (an oversight), we can take those ASN’s, check them out manually and see the results:

16509   | US | arin     | 2000-05-04 | AMAZON-02 -, Inc.
40676   | US | arin     | 2008-02-26 | PSYCHZ - Psychz Networks
36351   | US | arin     | 2005-12-12 | SOFTLAYER - SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
26496   | US | arin     | 2002-10-01 | AS-26496-GO-DADDY-COM-LLC -, LLC
15169   | US | arin     | 2000-03-30 | GOOGLE - Google Inc.

So Google servers are hosting the most mal-nodes from the resolved ASN-1 list, followed by GoDaddy. I actually expected Amazon to be higher up in the list.

I’ll be adding igraph and ASN lookup functions to the netintel library soon. Also, if anyone has a better APT-1 IP list, please shoot me a link.