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Category Archives: Dropbox

If you are concerned about the Dropbox design flaw exposed by the dbClone attack, then have we got a link for you!

The intrepid DB devs have tossed up a forum release which purports to fix all the thorny security issues. You can no longer just copy a config file to a separate machine to clone a filesystem and the file itself is now also encrypted. (Forum builds do not automagically download like standard Dropbox updates)

Given the fact that Dropbox did not prompt me for any credentials when I started the new version, I’m still a bit skeptical that it has truly fixed the problem. Given my schedule today, I doubt I’ll have time to poke at it before someone else does, but the thoroughness of this fix does need to be independently validated. The local Dropbox client has to be getting the encryption key/passphrase from *somewhere*, and if it’s not prompting me on start, then it’s stored online or locally and that’s a recipe for another hack.

There is nothing overt in the application bundle (looking on OS X) or quickly discernable from a dump of a few of the app’s .pyc files. Granted, a bit of obfuscation will stop the current hack and dissuade some other sophomoric attempts, but I can almost guarantee that the passphrase (or the algorithm one needs to discern the passphrase) will be found by folks.

The new build replaces your local configuration file with a new, encrypted one (now named config.dbx). I didn’t see signs of either SQLiteEncrypt, SEE, SQLCipher or SQLiteCrypt but haven’t had time to dig more thoroughly. It’s completely possible the Dropbox devs just built an encryption layer over the Dropbox calls themselves (which is not a difficult task).

Please note that forum builds are not necessarily stable and that this is a pretty major architecture change. I had no issues on OS X, but I suspect that any micro-errors in your SQLite config.db may cause some heartache if you do attempt the upgrade. Best to wait for a full production release if you do not have your Dropbox backed up somewhere.

Spent some time today updating the missing bits of the OS X version of the Dropbox cloner I uploaded last night. You can just grab the executable or grab the whole project from the github repository.

The app can now backup/restore of local config, clone dropbox configs to a URL/file and also impersonate a captured Dropbox config.

Use it all at your own risk. As stated in the original post, all comments, bugs, additions, fixes etc. are welcome either here or at github.

UPDATE: Check out the newer post on additional features.

There has been much ado of late about Dropbox security with one of the most egregious issues being how easy it is to surreptitiously “clone” someone else’s Dropbox by obtaining just one piece of data – the host id – from the Dropbox SQLite config.db.

Moloch built a Windows & Linux impersonation/cloning utility in Python that was/is meant to be used from a USB/external volume. The utility can save the cloned host id to a local file and also has the capability to use a simple HTTP GET request to log data to a “mothership” web site.

Since many Dropbox users use OS X (including me) I didn’t want them to feel left out or smugly more secure. So, I set about creating a native version of the utility.

This release is not as feature-rich as Moloch’s Python script but it won’t take much more effort to crank out a version that duplicates all of the functionality. “Release early. Release often.” as the kids these days are wont to say.

You can find the source at its github repository. When building it or just downloading & running the executable (see below), you should heed the repo’s README and take care to change the following items in the application’s Info.plist property list:

  • MothershipURL – this is the URL of the remote host you want to store the cloned info to. It defaults to somesite.domain/mothership.php to avoid accidentally sending your own Dropbox data to a remote host. PLEASE NOTE that you will need to get the mothership.php script from the original Windows/Linux code distribution as I have not asked for permission to distribute it here. You can grab the original dbClone.rar directly from here: (I love the irony of it being hosted on Dropbox itself).

    ALSO NOTE that there’s no need to modify the application’s property list if you don’t mind typing in a URL each run. I eventually plan on making this a separate property list file that allows for multiple URLs so you can select it from a drop-down (and still type a new one if you like).

  • LogFilenamejust include the filename you want to use when storing the cloned info locally if you do not like the default (it’s the same as Moloch’s – "GroceryList.txt"). It defaults to the top-level of the mounted volume (the original Linux & Windows dbClone was meant to be run from a USB/external volume) or "~/" if running it on your boot drive.

You can use the property list editor(s) that come with Apple’s Developer Tools or use vim, TextEdit, TextWrangler (or your favorite text editor) and modify these lines appropriately:


If you do use the “backup” option, the current naming scheme is "backup-config.db" and it”s important to note that the program will not attempt to overwrite the file. I may change that behaviour in an upcoming release.

I tested the build on OS X 10.6.7 but the Xcode project is set to build for compatibility with 10.5.x or 10.6.x. Feedback on behaviour on other systems would be most welcome.

If you just want the executable, grab the zip’d app and give it a go.

Any and all feedback is welcome (via github or in the comments).