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Category Archives: Apple

Apple is in the final stages of shuttering the DarkSky service/API. They’ve replaced it with WeatherKit, which has both an xOS framework version as well as a REST API. To use either, you need to be a member of the Apple Developer Program (ADP) — $99.00/USD per-year — and calls to the service via either method are free up to 500K/month. After that, Apple has pricing tears.

As a result of the forced-ADP membership fee, I’m not sure how many folks are going to invest in building anything but freemium native or web apps. DarkSky had a generous free tier that only required an API key.

Since I had a {darksky} R package, I recently made a similar {weatherkit} package — — complete with a CLI demo program.

Lots of R folks will disagree with the following, but R is a terrible language for CLI tools if you’re not already invested in the R ecosystem. CRAN makes it a pain to modify the user’s local system, and most R things have a ton of dependencies. So, while I generally code R-first, I do not code R-only, especially for CLI tools.

I like Rust more than Golang, and am also getting used to it over C/C++, so I threw together a Rust-based WeatherKit CLI tool shortly after the R one — There’s documentation for how to cross all the t’s and dot all the i’s required to get authentication to work.

The GH releases have a signed macOS universal binary and I’m working on decomposing Starship’s wicked cool Rust release builder that uses the equally cool Google release-please to deal up binaries for virtually every platform.

I may make the Rust version a full WeatherKit API library, but I don’t know if I’m going to invest time into something that may just get shoved aside due to the hate I’m expecting to see pointed in Apple’s direction.

My {darksky} package has been around for years, now, and the service that powers it was purchased by Apple before the pandemic. The DarkSky API is slated to be shuttered in December of this year and is being replaced by Apple’s WeatherKit xOS Framework and REST API.

I’ve started work on a {weatherkit} package which uses the WeatherKit REST API. You’ll need an Apple Developer account and will also need to setup some items in said account, and locally so you can authenticate to the API. Once all the authentication bits are setup, it’s pretty easy to get the weather data:

wx <- wxkit_weather(43.2683199, -70.8635506)
wx <- wx_tidy(wx)
## List of 4
##  $ currentWeather  :List of 18
##   ..$ name                  : chr "CurrentWeather"
##   ..$ metadata              :List of 8
##   .. ..$ attributionURL: chr ""
##   .. ..$ expireTime    : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-07-07 12:28:07"
##   .. ..$ latitude      : num 43.3
##   .. ..$ longitude     : num -70.9
##   .. ..$ readTime      : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-07-07 12:23:07"
##   .. ..$ reportedTime  : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-07-07 10:48:55"
##   .. ..$ units         : chr "m"
##   .. ..$ version       : int 1
##   ..$ asOf                  : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-07-07 12:23:07"
##   ..$ cloudCover            : num 0.29
##   ..$ conditionCode         : chr "MostlyClear"
##   ..$ daylight              : logi TRUE
##   ..$ humidity              : num 0.68
##   ..$ precipitationIntensity: num 0
##   ..$ pressure              : num 1018
##   ..$ pressureTrend         : chr "rising"
##   ..$ temperature           : num 19.5
##   ..$ temperatureApparent   : num 19.4
##   ..$ temperatureDewPoint   : num 13.5
##   ..$ uvIndex               : int 2
##   ..$ visibility            : num 29413
##   ..$ windDirection         : int 50
##   ..$ windGust              : num 12
##   ..$ windSpeed             : num 4.42
##  $ forecastDaily   :List of 3
##   ..$ name    : chr "DailyForecast"
##   ..$ metadata:List of 8
##   .. ..$ attributionURL: chr ""
##   .. ..$ expireTime    : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-07-07 13:23:07"
##   .. ..$ latitude      : num 43.3
##   .. ..$ longitude     : num -70.9
##   .. ..$ readTime      : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-07-07 12:23:07"
##   .. ..$ reportedTime  : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-07-07 10:48:55"
##   .. ..$ units         : chr "m"
##   .. ..$ version       : int 1
##   ..$ days    :'data.frame': 10 obs. of  26 variables:
##   .. ..$ forecastStart      : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-07 04:00:00" "2022-07-08 04:00:00" "2022-07-09 04:00:00" "2022-07-10 04:00:00" ...
##   .. ..$ forecastEnd        : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-08 04:00:00" "2022-07-09 04:00:00" "2022-07-10 04:00:00" "2022-07-11 04:00:00" ...
##   .. ..$ conditionCode      : chr [1:10] "PartlyCloudy" "PartlyCloudy" "MostlyClear" "MostlyClear" ...
##   .. ..$ maxUvIndex         : int [1:10] 7 7 7 8 7 6 7 4 5 4
##   .. ..$ moonPhase          : chr [1:10] "firstQuarter" "firstQuarter" "waxingGibbous" "waxingGibbous" ...
##   .. ..$ moonrise           : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-07 17:38:12" "2022-07-08 18:50:47" "2022-07-09 20:07:35" "2022-07-10 21:27:35" ...
##   .. ..$ moonset            : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-07 04:32:48" "2022-07-08 04:54:51" "2022-07-09 05:20:27" "2022-07-10 05:51:50" ...
##   .. ..$ precipitationAmount: num [1:10] 0 0.49 0 0 0 1.32 0.24 3.44 5.07 8.35
##   .. ..$ precipitationChance: num [1:10] 0.01 0.15 0.07 0 0.07 0.39 0.37 0.4 0.47 0.44
##   .. ..$ precipitationType  : chr [1:10] "clear" "rain" "clear" "clear" ...
##   .. ..$ snowfallAmount     : num [1:10] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
##   .. ..$ solarMidnight      : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-07 04:48:29" "2022-07-08 04:48:39" "2022-07-09 04:48:49" "2022-07-10 04:48:58" ...
##   .. ..$ solarNoon          : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-07 16:48:26" "2022-07-08 16:48:35" "2022-07-09 16:48:44" "2022-07-10 16:48:53" ...
##   .. ..$ sunrise            : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-07 09:10:59" "2022-07-08 09:11:42" "2022-07-09 09:12:26" "2022-07-10 09:13:11" ...
##   .. ..$ sunriseCivil       : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-07 08:36:06" "2022-07-08 08:36:53" "2022-07-09 08:37:41" "2022-07-10 08:38:31" ...
##   .. ..$ sunriseNautical    : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-07 07:50:45" "2022-07-08 07:51:39" "2022-07-09 07:52:36" "2022-07-10 07:53:34" ...
##   .. ..$ sunriseAstronomical: POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-07 06:55:17" "2022-07-08 06:56:30" "2022-07-09 06:57:46" "2022-07-10 06:59:04" ...
##   .. ..$ sunset             : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-08 00:25:50" "2022-07-09 00:25:26" "2022-07-10 00:24:59" "2022-07-11 00:24:30" ...
##   .. ..$ sunsetCivil        : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-08 01:00:39" "2022-07-09 01:00:10" "2022-07-10 00:59:38" "2022-07-11 00:59:04" ...
##   .. ..$ sunsetNautical     : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-08 01:46:01" "2022-07-09 01:45:23" "2022-07-10 01:44:42" "2022-07-11 01:43:58" ...
##   .. ..$ sunsetAstronomical : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-08 02:41:14" "2022-07-09 02:40:16" "2022-07-10 02:39:14" "2022-07-11 02:38:09" ...
##   .. ..$ temperatureMax     : num [1:10] 25.8 28.7 24.9 25.4 28.9 ...
##   .. ..$ temperatureMin     : num [1:10] 13.7 16.3 14.8 12.2 12.4 ...
##   .. ..$ daytimeForecast    :'data.frame':   10 obs. of  11 variables:
##   .. .. ..$ forecastStart      : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-07 11:00:00" "2022-07-08 11:00:00" "2022-07-09 11:00:00" "2022-07-10 11:00:00" ...
##   .. .. ..$ forecastEnd        : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-07 23:00:00" "2022-07-08 23:00:00" "2022-07-09 23:00:00" "2022-07-10 23:00:00" ...
##   .. .. ..$ cloudCover         : num [1:10] 0.39 0.45 0.33 0.11 0.42 0.69 0.39 0.95 0.87 0.88
##   .. .. ..$ conditionCode      : chr [1:10] "PartlyCloudy" "PartlyCloudy" "MostlyClear" "Clear" ...
##   .. .. ..$ humidity           : num [1:10] 0.57 0.58 0.54 0.47 0.49 0.63 0.64 0.71 0.7 0.66
##   .. .. ..$ precipitationAmount: num [1:10] 0 0.31 0 0 0 0.26 0.17 3.15 0.22 1.37
##   .. .. ..$ precipitationChance: num [1:10] 0 0.09 0.04 0 0.02 0.29 0.16 0.31 0.33 0.3
##   .. .. ..$ precipitationType  : chr [1:10] "clear" "rain" "clear" "clear" ...
##   .. .. ..$ snowfallAmount     : num [1:10] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
##   .. .. ..$ windDirection      : int [1:10] 155 263 122 237 231 228 219 98 39 62
##   .. .. ..$ windSpeed          : num [1:10] 8.73 9.42 7.42 6.23 9.75 ...
##   .. ..$ overnightForecast  :'data.frame':   10 obs. of  11 variables:
##   .. .. ..$ forecastStart      : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-07 23:00:00" "2022-07-08 23:00:00" "2022-07-09 23:00:00" "2022-07-10 23:00:00" ...
##   .. .. ..$ forecastEnd        : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-08 11:00:00" "2022-07-09 11:00:00" "2022-07-10 11:00:00" "2022-07-11 11:00:00" ...
##   .. .. ..$ cloudCover         : num [1:10] 0.49 0.5 0.15 0.37 0.46 0.4 0.88 0.91 0.8 NA
##   .. .. ..$ conditionCode      : chr [1:10] "PartlyCloudy" "PartlyCloudy" "MostlyClear" "MostlyClear" ...
##   .. .. ..$ humidity           : num [1:10] 0.78 0.78 0.71 0.73 0.69 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.84 NA
##   .. .. ..$ precipitationAmount: num [1:10] 0.06 0.11 0 0 0 1.11 0.04 2.26 6.47 NA
##   .. .. ..$ precipitationChance: num [1:10] 0.05 0.07 0.01 0.02 0.1 0.27 0.24 0.31 0.31 NA
##   .. .. ..$ precipitationType  : chr [1:10] "rain" "rain" "clear" "clear" ...
##   .. .. ..$ snowfallAmount     : num [1:10] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA
##   .. .. ..$ windDirection      : int [1:10] 192 341 347 223 218 242 276 13 49 NA
##   .. .. ..$ windSpeed          : num [1:10] 9.92 7.15 6.59 5.52 10.95 ...
##   .. ..$ restOfDayForecast  :'data.frame':   10 obs. of  11 variables:
##   .. .. ..$ forecastStart      : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-07 12:23:07" NA NA NA ...
##   .. .. ..$ forecastEnd        : POSIXct[1:10], format: "2022-07-08 04:00:00" NA NA NA ...
##   .. .. ..$ cloudCover         : num [1:10] 0.47 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
##   .. .. ..$ conditionCode      : chr [1:10] "PartlyCloudy" NA NA NA ...
##   .. .. ..$ humidity           : num [1:10] 0.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
##   .. .. ..$ precipitationAmount: num [1:10] 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
##   .. .. ..$ precipitationChance: num [1:10] 0.01 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
##   .. .. ..$ precipitationType  : chr [1:10] "clear" NA NA NA ...
##   .. .. ..$ snowfallAmount     : num [1:10] 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
##   .. .. ..$ windDirection      : int [1:10] 163 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
##   .. .. ..$ windSpeed          : num [1:10] 9.7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
##  $ forecastHourly  :List of 3
##   ..$ name    : chr "HourlyForecast"
##   ..$ metadata:List of 8
##   .. ..$ attributionURL: chr ""
##   .. ..$ expireTime    : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-07-07 13:23:07"
##   .. ..$ latitude      : num 43.3
##   .. ..$ longitude     : num -70.9
##   .. ..$ readTime      : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-07-07 12:23:07"
##   .. ..$ reportedTime  : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-07-07 10:48:55"
##   .. ..$ units         : chr "m"
##   .. ..$ version       : int 1
##   ..$ hours   :'data.frame': 243 obs. of  20 variables:
##   .. ..$ forecastStart         : POSIXct[1:243], format: "2022-07-07 02:00:00" "2022-07-07 03:00:00" "2022-07-07 04:00:00" "2022-07-07 05:00:00" ...
##   .. ..$ cloudCover            : num [1:243] 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.31 0.44 0.74 0.3 1 0.96 0.32 ...
##   .. ..$ conditionCode         : chr [1:243] "Clear" "Clear" "Clear" "MostlyClear" ...
##   .. ..$ daylight              : logi [1:243] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
##   .. ..$ humidity              : num [1:243] 0.74 0.78 0.81 0.83 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.88 0.83 ...
##   .. ..$ precipitationAmount   : num [1:243] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##   .. ..$ precipitationIntensity: num [1:243] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##   .. ..$ precipitationChance   : num [1:243] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##   .. ..$ precipitationType     : chr [1:243] "clear" "clear" "clear" "clear" ...
##   .. ..$ pressure              : num [1:243] 1014 1015 1016 1016 1016 ...
##   .. ..$ pressureTrend         : chr [1:243] "rising" "rising" "rising" "rising" ...
##   .. ..$ snowfallIntensity     : num [1:243] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##   .. ..$ temperature           : num [1:243] 18.3 17 16.3 15.7 14.9 ...
##   .. ..$ temperatureApparent   : num [1:243] 18.2 16.9 16.1 15.5 14.7 ...
##   .. ..$ temperatureDewPoint   : num [1:243] 13.6 13.1 12.9 12.8 12.6 ...
##   .. ..$ uvIndex               : int [1:243] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ...
##   .. ..$ visibility            : num [1:243] 28105 26514 24730 23883 23669 ...
##   .. ..$ windDirection         : int [1:243] 315 302 315 308 310 298 307 316 319 6 ...
##   .. ..$ windGust              : num [1:243] 2.93 2.56 2.92 3.25 3.35 ...
##   .. ..$ windSpeed             : num [1:243] 2.93 2.56 2.92 3.25 3.35 3.09 3.51 2.91 2.36 4.55 ...
##  $ forecastNextHour:List of 6
##   ..$ name         : chr "NextHourForecast"
##   ..$ metadata     :List of 9
##   .. ..$ attributionURL: chr ""
##   .. ..$ expireTime    : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-07-07 13:23:07"
##   .. ..$ language      : chr "en-US"
##   .. ..$ latitude      : num 43.3
##   .. ..$ longitude     : num -70.9
##   .. ..$ providerName  : chr "US National Weather Service"
##   .. ..$ readTime      : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-07-07 12:23:07"
##   .. ..$ units         : chr "m"
##   .. ..$ version       : int 1
##   ..$ summary      :'data.frame':    1 obs. of  4 variables:
##   .. ..$ startTime             : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-07-07 12:24:00"
##   .. ..$ condition             : chr "clear"
##   .. ..$ precipitationChance   : num 0
##   .. ..$ precipitationIntensity: num 0
##   ..$ forecastStart: POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-07-07 12:24:00"
##   ..$ forecastEnd  : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-07-07 13:45:00"
##   ..$ minutes      :'data.frame':    81 obs. of  3 variables:
##   .. ..$ startTime             : POSIXct[1:81], format: "2022-07-07 12:24:00" "2022-07-07 12:25:00" "2022-07-07 12:26:00" "2022-07-07 12:27:00" ...
##   .. ..$ precipitationChance   : num [1:81] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##   .. ..$ precipitationIntensity: num [1:81] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...

The wx_tidy() function, for now, only does date-time string conversion to POSIXct objects, but it may do more in the future.

It doesn’t appear that historical weather data is available, yet, so you’re limited to using the API to get daily and hourly conditions and forecasts for the present plus some days. As such, I’ve focused a bit on some helper functions to show current conditions and forecasts in the R console/stdout:

##  Weather for (43.268, -70.864) as of 2022-07-07 08:23:07
##  Conditions: Mostly Clear
## Temperature: 67.08°F
##  Feels like: 66.92°F
##   Dew Point: 56.28°F
##        Wind: 2.7 mph (NE)
##    Pressure: 1017.68 mb (rising)
##  Visibility: 18 miles
##    UV Index: 🟩 2 (Low)
##  Weather forecast for (43.268, -70.864) as of 2022-07-07 08:23:07
## Today @ 09:00 │ 🌡 69°F │ 💦 63% │ 1018 mb — │ 😎 │ Mostly Clear  │ 🟨
##       @ 10:00 │ 🌡 71°F │ 💦 58% │ 1018 mb — │ 😎 │ Mostly Clear  │ 🟨
##       @ 11:00 │ 🌡 74°F │ 💦 55% │ 1018 mb — │ 😎 │ Mostly Clear  │ 🟧
##       @ 12:00 │ 🌡 75°F │ 💦 53% │ 1017 mb — │ 😎 │ Partly Cloudy │ 🟧
##       @ 13:00 │ 🌡 77°F │ 💦 51% │ 1017 mb ↓ │ 😎 │ Partly Cloudy │ 🟧
##       @ 14:00 │ 🌡 78°F │ 💦 50% │ 1016 mb ↓ │ 😎 │ Partly Cloudy │ 🟧
##       @ 15:00 │ 🌡 78°F │ 💦 50% │ 1016 mb ↓ │ 😎 │ Partly Cloudy │ 🟨
##       @ 16:00 │ 🌡 77°F │ 💦 52% │ 1016 mb ↓ │ 😎 │ Partly Cloudy │ 🟨
##       @ 17:00 │ 🌡 76°F │ 💦 55% │ 1015 mb ↓ │ 😎 │ Partly Cloudy │ 🟩
##       @ 18:00 │ 🌡 75°F │ 💦 58% │ 1015 mb — │ 😎 │ Partly Cloudy │ 🟩
##       @ 19:00 │ 🌡 73°F │ 💦 62% │ 1015 mb — │ 😎 │ Mostly Clear  │ 🟩
##       @ 20:00 │ 🌡 70°F │ 💦 67% │ 1015 mb — │ 😎 │ Partly Cloudy │ 🟩
##       @ 21:00 │ 🌡 68°F │ 💦 71% │ 1015 mb — │ 🌕 │ Mostly Cloudy │ 🟩
##       @ 22:00 │ 🌡 67°F │ 💦 74% │ 1015 mb — │ 🌕 │ Mostly Cloudy │ 🟩
##       @ 23:00 │ 🌡 67°F │ 💦 74% │ 1015 mb — │ 🌕 │ Mostly Cloudy │ 🟩
##   Fri @ 00:00 │ 🌡 66°F │ 💦 74% │ 1015 mb — │ 🌕 │ Partly Cloudy │ 🟩
##       @ 01:00 │ 🌡 65°F │ 💦 78% │ 1015 mb — │ 🌕 │ Partly Cloudy │ 🟩
##       @ 02:00 │ 🌡 64°F │ 💦 81% │ 1015 mb — │ 🌕 │ Mostly Clear  │ 🟩
##       @ 03:00 │ 🌡 63°F │ 💦 83% │ 1015 mb — │ 🌕 │ Partly Cloudy │ 🟩
##       @ 04:00 │ 🌡 62°F │ 💦 85% │ 1015 mb — │ 🌕 │ Partly Cloudy │ 🟩

Note that the attribution is required by Apple.

I’ll likely add a daily forecast console printer soon.

There are a few helper functions in the package for value conversion between unit systems, iconifying some values, and working with time zones. {weatherkit} uses lutz::tz_lookup_coords() in places to auto-determine the time zone from lat/lng pairs, and also includes a function to intuit lat/lng from an IP address using ipapi (they have a generous free tier).

As of the timestamp on this blog post, Apple’s WeatherKit provides up to 500,000 API calls a month per Apple Developer Program membership. If you need additional API calls, monthly subscription plans will be available for purchase sometime after the beta is officially over. This is the expected pricing:

  • 500,000 calls/month: Included with membership
  • 1 million calls/month: US$ 49.99
  • 2 million calls/month: US$ 99.99
  • 5 million calls/month: US$ 249.99
  • 10 million calls/month: US$ 499.99
  • 20 million calls/month: US$ 999.99

Apple’s WeatherKit documentation consistently says “Apple Developer Program membership”, which seems to indicate you need to give them money every year to use the REST API. We’ll see if that’s truly the case after the service leaves beta status.


Kick the tyres & drop issues/PRs as one may be wont to do.

WWDC 2021 is on this week and many new fun things are being introduced, including some data science-friendly additions to the frameworks that come with Xcode 13 and available on macOS 12+ (and its *OS cousins).

Specifically, Apple has made tabular data a first-class citizen with the new TabularData app service.

A future post will have some more expository, but here’s a sample of core operations including:

  • reading in tabular data from CSV or JSON
  • examining the structure
  • working with columns and/or rows
  • grouping and filtering operations
  • transforming and removing columns

I’ve tagged this with rstats as there are R equivalents included for each operation so R folks can translate any Swift code they see in the future.

import TabularData

// define some basic formatting options for data frame output
let dOpts = FormattingOptions(maximumLineWidth: 80, maximumCellWidth: 10, maximumRowCount: 20, includesColumnTypes: true)

// read in a CSV file
// R: xdf <- read.csv("mtcars.csv")
var xdf = try! DataFrame.init(contentsOfCSVFile: URL(fileURLWithPath: "mtcars.csv"))

// take a look at it
// R: print(xdf) # no more print() in further R equivalents; just assume interactive or wrap with print
print(xdf.description(options: dOpts))

┃    ┃ mpg      ┃ cyl   ┃ disp     ┃ hp    ┃ drat     ┃ wt       ┃ 5    ┇
┃    ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ more ┇
│ 0  │ 21.0     │ 6     │ 160.0    │ 110   │ 3.9      │ 2.62     │      ┆
│ 1  │ 21.0     │ 6     │ 160.0    │ 110   │ 3.9      │ 2.875    │      ┆
│ 2  │ 22.8     │ 4     │ 108.0    │ 93    │ 3.85     │ 2.32     │      ┆
│ 3  │ 21.4     │ 6     │ 258.0    │ 110   │ 3.08     │ 3.215    │      ┆
│ 4  │ 18.7     │ 8     │ 360.0    │ 175   │ 3.15     │ 3.44     │      ┆
│ 5  │ 18.1     │ 6     │ 225.0    │ 105   │ 2.76     │ 3.46     │      ┆
│ 6  │ 14.3     │ 8     │ 360.0    │ 245   │ 3.21     │ 3.57     │      ┆
│ 7  │ 24.4     │ 4     │ 146.7    │ 62    │ 3.69     │ 3.19     │      ┆
│ 8  │ 22.8     │ 4     │ 140.8    │ 95    │ 3.92     │ 3.15     │      ┆
│ 9  │ 19.2     │ 6     │ 167.6    │ 123   │ 3.92     │ 3.44     │      ┆
│ 10 │ 17.8     │ 6     │ 167.6    │ 123   │ 3.92     │ 3.44     │      ┆
│ 11 │ 16.4     │ 8     │ 275.8    │ 180   │ 3.07     │ 4.07     │      ┆
│ 12 │ 17.3     │ 8     │ 275.8    │ 180   │ 3.07     │ 3.73     │      ┆
│ 13 │ 15.2     │ 8     │ 275.8    │ 180   │ 3.07     │ 3.78     │      ┆
│ 14 │ 10.4     │ 8     │ 472.0    │ 205   │ 2.93     │ 5.25     │      ┆
│ 15 │ 10.4     │ 8     │ 460.0    │ 215   │ 3.0      │ 5.424    │      ┆
│ 16 │ 14.7     │ 8     │ 440.0    │ 230   │ 3.23     │ 5.345    │      ┆
│ 17 │ 32.4     │ 4     │ 78.7     │ 66    │ 4.08     │ 2.2      │      ┆
│ 18 │ 30.4     │ 4     │ 75.7     │ 52    │ 4.93     │ 1.615    │      ┆
│ 19 │ 33.9     │ 4     │ 71.1     │ 65    │ 4.22     │ 1.835    │      ┆
┇ 12 more                                                               ┇

// dimensions
// R: dim(xdf)

(rows: 32, columns: 11)

// head
// R: head(xdf)
print(xdf.prefix(5).description(options: dOpts))

┃   ┃ mpg      ┃ cyl   ┃ disp     ┃ hp    ┃ drat     ┃ wt       ┃ 5    ┇
┃   ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ more ┇
│ 0 │ 21.0     │ 6     │ 160.0    │ 110   │ 3.9      │ 2.62     │      ┆
│ 1 │ 21.0     │ 6     │ 160.0    │ 110   │ 3.9      │ 2.875    │      ┆
│ 2 │ 22.8     │ 4     │ 108.0    │ 93    │ 3.85     │ 2.32     │      ┆
│ 3 │ 21.4     │ 6     │ 258.0    │ 110   │ 3.08     │ 3.215    │      ┆
│ 4 │ 18.7     │ 8     │ 360.0    │ 175   │ 3.15     │ 3.44     │      ┆

// tail
// R: tail(xdf)
print(xdf.suffix(5).description(options: dOpts))

┃    ┃ mpg      ┃ cyl   ┃ disp     ┃ hp    ┃ drat     ┃ wt       ┃ 5    ┇
┃    ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ more ┇
│ 27 │ 30.4     │ 4     │ 95.1     │ 113   │ 3.77     │ 1.513    │      ┆
│ 28 │ 15.8     │ 8     │ 351.0    │ 264   │ 4.22     │ 3.17     │      ┆
│ 29 │ 19.7     │ 6     │ 145.0    │ 175   │ 3.62     │ 2.77     │      ┆
│ 30 │ 15.0     │ 8     │ 301.0    │ 335   │ 3.54     │ 3.57     │      ┆
│ 31 │ 21.4     │ 4     │ 121.0    │ 109   │ 4.11     │ 2.78     │      ┆

// column summaries
// summary(xdf)
print(xdf.summaryOfAllColumns().description(options: dOpts))

┃   ┃ count(mpg) ┃ uniqueCou… ┃ top(mpg) ┃ topFreque… ┃ count(cyl) ┃ 39   ┇
┃   ┃ <Int>      ┃ <Int>      ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int>      ┃ <Int>      ┃ more ┇
│ 0 │ 32         │ 25         │ 21.4     │ 2          │ 32         │      ┆

// sort it
// R: library(tidyverse) # assume this going forward for R examples
// R: arrange(xdf, cyl)
xdf.sort(on: "cyl")

print(xdf.description(options: dOpts))

┃    ┃ mpg      ┃ cyl   ┃ disp     ┃ hp    ┃ drat     ┃ wt       ┃ 5    ┇
┃    ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ more ┇
│ 0  │ 22.8     │ 4     │ 108.0    │ 93    │ 3.85     │ 2.32     │      ┆
│ 1  │ 24.4     │ 4     │ 146.7    │ 62    │ 3.69     │ 3.19     │      ┆
│ 2  │ 22.8     │ 4     │ 140.8    │ 95    │ 3.92     │ 3.15     │      ┆
│ 3  │ 32.4     │ 4     │ 78.7     │ 66    │ 4.08     │ 2.2      │      ┆
│ 4  │ 30.4     │ 4     │ 75.7     │ 52    │ 4.93     │ 1.615    │      ┆
│ 5  │ 33.9     │ 4     │ 71.1     │ 65    │ 4.22     │ 1.835    │      ┆
│ 6  │ 21.5     │ 4     │ 120.1    │ 97    │ 3.7      │ 2.465    │      ┆
│ 7  │ 27.3     │ 4     │ 79.0     │ 66    │ 4.08     │ 1.935    │      ┆
│ 8  │ 26.0     │ 4     │ 120.3    │ 91    │ 4.43     │ 2.14     │      ┆
│ 9  │ 30.4     │ 4     │ 95.1     │ 113   │ 3.77     │ 1.513    │      ┆
│ 10 │ 21.4     │ 4     │ 121.0    │ 109   │ 4.11     │ 2.78     │      ┆
│ 11 │ 21.0     │ 6     │ 160.0    │ 110   │ 3.9      │ 2.62     │      ┆
│ 12 │ 21.0     │ 6     │ 160.0    │ 110   │ 3.9      │ 2.875    │      ┆
│ 13 │ 21.4     │ 6     │ 258.0    │ 110   │ 3.08     │ 3.215    │      ┆
│ 14 │ 18.1     │ 6     │ 225.0    │ 105   │ 2.76     │ 3.46     │      ┆
│ 15 │ 19.2     │ 6     │ 167.6    │ 123   │ 3.92     │ 3.44     │      ┆
│ 16 │ 17.8     │ 6     │ 167.6    │ 123   │ 3.92     │ 3.44     │      ┆
│ 17 │ 19.7     │ 6     │ 145.0    │ 175   │ 3.62     │ 2.77     │      ┆
│ 18 │ 18.7     │ 8     │ 360.0    │ 175   │ 3.15     │ 3.44     │      ┆
│ 19 │ 14.3     │ 8     │ 360.0    │ 245   │ 3.21     │ 3.57     │      ┆
┇ 12 more                                                               ┇

// read in a JSON File
// R: xdf2 <- jsonlite::fromJSON("mtcars.json")
var xdf2 = try! DataFrame.init(contentsOfJSONFile: URL(fileURLWithPath: "mtcars.json"))

// bind the rows together
// R: xdf <- bind_rows(xdf, xdf2)

// get the new summary
// R: summary(xdf)
print(xdf.summaryOfAllColumns().description(options: dOpts))

┃   ┃ count(mpg) ┃ uniqueCou… ┃ top(mpg) ┃ topFreque… ┃ count(cyl) ┃ 39   ┇
┃   ┃ <Int>      ┃ <Int>      ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int>      ┃ <Int>      ┃ more ┇
│ 0 │ 64         │ 25         │ 21.4     │ 4          │ 64         │      ┆

// basic filtering
// R: xdf.filter(cyl == 6)
print( xdf.filter(on: "cyl", Int.self) { (val) in val == 6 } )

┃    ┃ mpg      ┃ cyl   ┃ disp     ┃ hp    ┃ drat     ┃ wt       ┃ 5    ┇
┃    ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ more ┇
│ 11 │ 21.0     │ 6     │ 160.0    │ 110   │ 3.9      │ 2.62     │      ┆
│ 12 │ 21.0     │ 6     │ 160.0    │ 110   │ 3.9      │ 2.875    │      ┆
│ 13 │ 21.4     │ 6     │ 258.0    │ 110   │ 3.08     │ 3.215    │      ┆
│ 14 │ 18.1     │ 6     │ 225.0    │ 105   │ 2.76     │ 3.46     │      ┆
│ 15 │ 19.2     │ 6     │ 167.6    │ 123   │ 3.92     │ 3.44     │      ┆
│ 16 │ 17.8     │ 6     │ 167.6    │ 123   │ 3.92     │ 3.44     │      ┆
│ 17 │ 19.7     │ 6     │ 145.0    │ 175   │ 3.62     │ 2.77     │      ┆
│ 32 │ 21.0     │ 6     │ 160.0    │ 110   │ 3.9      │ 2.62     │      ┆
│ 33 │ 21.0     │ 6     │ 160.0    │ 110   │ 3.9      │ 2.875    │      ┆
│ 35 │ 21.4     │ 6     │ 258.0    │ 110   │ 3.08     │ 3.215    │      ┆
┇ 4 more                                                                ┇

// group by a column
// R: group_by(xdf, cyl)
print(xdf.grouped(by: "cyl"))

┃   ┃ mpg      ┃ cyl   ┃ disp     ┃ hp    ┃ drat     ┃ wt       ┃ 5    ┇
┃   ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ more ┇
│ 0 │ 22.8     │ 4     │ 108.0    │ 93    │ 3.85     │ 2.32     │      ┆
│ 1 │ 24.4     │ 4     │ 146.7    │ 62    │ 3.69     │ 3.19     │      ┆
│ 2 │ 22.8     │ 4     │ 140.8    │ 95    │ 3.92     │ 3.15     │      ┆
│ 3 │ 32.4     │ 4     │ 78.7     │ 66    │ 4.08     │ 2.2      │      ┆
│ 4 │ 30.4     │ 4     │ 75.7     │ 52    │ 4.93     │ 1.615    │      ┆
│ 5 │ 33.9     │ 4     │ 71.1     │ 65    │ 4.22     │ 1.835    │      ┆
│ 6 │ 21.5     │ 4     │ 120.1    │ 97    │ 3.7      │ 2.465    │      ┆
│ 7 │ 27.3     │ 4     │ 79.0     │ 66    │ 4.08     │ 1.935    │      ┆
│ 8 │ 26.0     │ 4     │ 120.3    │ 91    │ 4.43     │ 2.14     │      ┆
│ 9 │ 30.4     │ 4     │ 95.1     │ 113   │ 3.77     │ 1.513    │      ┆
┇ 12 more                                                              ┇

┃    ┃ mpg      ┃ cyl   ┃ disp     ┃ hp    ┃ drat     ┃ wt       ┃ 5    ┇
┃    ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ more ┇
│ 11 │ 21.0     │ 6     │ 160.0    │ 110   │ 3.9      │ 2.62     │      ┆
│ 12 │ 21.0     │ 6     │ 160.0    │ 110   │ 3.9      │ 2.875    │      ┆
│ 13 │ 21.4     │ 6     │ 258.0    │ 110   │ 3.08     │ 3.215    │      ┆
│ 14 │ 18.1     │ 6     │ 225.0    │ 105   │ 2.76     │ 3.46     │      ┆
│ 15 │ 19.2     │ 6     │ 167.6    │ 123   │ 3.92     │ 3.44     │      ┆
│ 16 │ 17.8     │ 6     │ 167.6    │ 123   │ 3.92     │ 3.44     │      ┆
│ 17 │ 19.7     │ 6     │ 145.0    │ 175   │ 3.62     │ 2.77     │      ┆
│ 32 │ 21.0     │ 6     │ 160.0    │ 110   │ 3.9      │ 2.62     │      ┆
│ 33 │ 21.0     │ 6     │ 160.0    │ 110   │ 3.9      │ 2.875    │      ┆
│ 35 │ 21.4     │ 6     │ 258.0    │ 110   │ 3.08     │ 3.215    │      ┆
┇ 4 more                                                                ┇

┃    ┃ mpg      ┃ cyl   ┃ disp     ┃ hp    ┃ drat     ┃ wt       ┃ 5    ┇
┃    ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ more ┇
│ 18 │ 18.7     │ 8     │ 360.0    │ 175   │ 3.15     │ 3.44     │      ┆
│ 19 │ 14.3     │ 8     │ 360.0    │ 245   │ 3.21     │ 3.57     │      ┆
│ 20 │ 16.4     │ 8     │ 275.8    │ 180   │ 3.07     │ 4.07     │      ┆
│ 21 │ 17.3     │ 8     │ 275.8    │ 180   │ 3.07     │ 3.73     │      ┆
│ 22 │ 15.2     │ 8     │ 275.8    │ 180   │ 3.07     │ 3.78     │      ┆
│ 23 │ 10.4     │ 8     │ 472.0    │ 205   │ 2.93     │ 5.25     │      ┆
│ 24 │ 10.4     │ 8     │ 460.0    │ 215   │ 3.0      │ 5.424    │      ┆
│ 25 │ 14.7     │ 8     │ 440.0    │ 230   │ 3.23     │ 5.345    │      ┆
│ 26 │ 15.5     │ 8     │ 318.0    │ 150   │ 2.76     │ 3.52     │      ┆
│ 27 │ 15.2     │ 8     │ 304.0    │ 150   │ 3.15     │ 3.435    │      ┆
┇ 18 more                                                               ┇

// number of groups
// R: group_by(xdf, cyl) %>% group_keys() %>% nrow()
print(xdf.grouped(by: "cyl").count)


// group, manipulate (in this case, filter), and re-combine
// R: group_by(xdf) %>% filter(mpg < 20) %>% ungroup()
  xdf.grouped(by: "cyl").mapGroups { (val) in
    val.filter(on: "mpg", Double.self) { (val) in val! < 20 }.base

┃   ┃ mpg      ┃ disp     ┃ hp    ┃ drat     ┃ wt       ┃ qsec     ┃ 5    ┇
┃   ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Int> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ more ┇
│ 0 │ 22.8     │ 108.0    │ 93    │ 3.85     │ 2.32     │ 18.61    │      ┆
│ 1 │ 24.4     │ 146.7    │ 62    │ 3.69     │ 3.19     │ 20.0     │      ┆
│ 2 │ 22.8     │ 140.8    │ 95    │ 3.92     │ 3.15     │ 22.9     │      ┆
│ 3 │ 32.4     │ 78.7     │ 66    │ 4.08     │ 2.2      │ 19.47    │      ┆
│ 4 │ 30.4     │ 75.7     │ 52    │ 4.93     │ 1.615    │ 18.52    │      ┆
│ 5 │ 33.9     │ 71.1     │ 65    │ 4.22     │ 1.835    │ 19.9     │      ┆
│ 6 │ 21.5     │ 120.1    │ 97    │ 3.7      │ 2.465    │ 20.01    │      ┆
│ 7 │ 27.3     │ 79.0     │ 66    │ 4.08     │ 1.935    │ 18.9     │      ┆
│ 8 │ 26.0     │ 120.3    │ 91    │ 4.43     │ 2.14     │ 16.7     │      ┆
│ 9 │ 30.4     │ 95.1     │ 113   │ 3.77     │ 1.513    │ 16.9     │      ┆
┇ 182 more                                                                ┇

// look at one column
// R: xdf$cyl
print( xdf["cyl"] )

┃ cyl   ┃
┃ <Int> ┃
│ 4     │
│ 4     │
│ 4     │
│ 4     │
│ 4     │
│ 4     │
│ 4     │
│ 4     │
│ 4     │
│ 4     │
┇ 54 m… ┇

// combine two columns and look at it
// R: mutate(xdf, cyl_mpg = sprintf("%s:%s", cyl, mpg) %>% select(-cyl, -mpg)
// R: unite(xdf, cyl_mpg, cyl, mpg, sep = ":") # alternate way
xdf.combineColumns("cyl", "mpg", into: "cyl_mpg") { (val1: Int?, val2: Double?) -> String in
  String(val1 ?? 0) + ":" + String(val2 ?? 0.0)


┃ cyl_mpg  ┃
┃ <String> ┃
│ 4:22.8   │
│ 4:24.4   │
│ 4:22.8   │
│ 4:32.4   │
│ 4:30.4   │
│ 4:33.9   │
│ 4:21.5   │
│ 4:27.3   │
│ 4:26.0   │
│ 4:30.4   │
┇ 54 more  ┇

// look at the colnames (^^ removes "cyl" and "mpg"
// R: colnames(xdf)
print({ col in })

["cyl_mpg", "disp", "hp", "drat", "wt", "qsec", "vs", "am", "gear", "carb"]

// turn an Int into a Double
// R: xdf$hp <- as.double(xdf$hp) # or use dplyr::mutate()
xdf.transformColumn("hp") { (val1: Int?) -> Double? in
  Double(val1 ?? 0)


┃ hp       ┃
┃ <Double> ┃
│ 93.0     │
│ 62.0     │
│ 95.0     │
│ 66.0     │
│ 52.0     │
│ 65.0     │
│ 97.0     │
│ 66.0     │
│ 91.0     │
│ 113.0    │
┇ 54 more  ┇

// look at the coltypes
// R: sapply(mtcars, typeof)
print({ col in col.wrappedElementType })

[Swift.String, Swift.Double, Swift.Double, Swift.Double, Swift.Double, Swift.Double, Swift.Int, Swift.Int, Swift.Int, Swift.Int]

// distinct horsepower
// R: distinct(xdf, hp)

┃ hp       ┃
┃ <Double> ┃
│ 93.0     │
│ 62.0     │
│ 95.0     │
│ 66.0     │
│ 52.0     │
│ 65.0     │
│ 97.0     │
│ 91.0     │
│ 113.0    │
│ 109.0    │
┇ 12 more  ┇

// row slices
// R: xdf[10,]

┃    ┃ cyl_mpg  ┃ disp     ┃ hp       ┃ drat     ┃ wt       ┃ qsec     ┃ 4    ┇
┃    ┃ <String> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ more ┇
│ 10 │ 4:21.4   │ 121.0    │ 109.0    │ 4.11     │ 2.78     │ 18.6     │      ┆

// R: xdf[3:10,]

┃   ┃ cyl_mpg  ┃ disp     ┃ hp       ┃ drat     ┃ wt       ┃ qsec     ┃ 4    ┇
┃   ┃ <String> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ <Double> ┃ more ┇
│ 0 │ 4:22.8   │ 108.0    │ 93.0     │ 3.85     │ 2.32     │ 18.61    │      ┆
│ 1 │ 4:24.4   │ 146.7    │ 62.0     │ 3.69     │ 3.19     │ 20.0     │      ┆
│ 2 │ 4:22.8   │ 140.8    │ 95.0     │ 3.92     │ 3.15     │ 22.9     │      ┆
│ 3 │ 4:32.4   │ 78.7     │ 66.0     │ 4.08     │ 2.2      │ 19.47    │      ┆
│ 4 │ 4:30.4   │ 75.7     │ 52.0     │ 4.93     │ 1.615    │ 18.52    │      ┆
│ 5 │ 4:33.9   │ 71.1     │ 65.0     │ 4.22     │ 1.835    │ 19.9     │      ┆
│ 6 │ 4:21.5   │ 120.1    │ 97.0     │ 3.7      │ 2.465    │ 20.01    │      ┆
│ 7 │ 4:27.3   │ 79.0     │ 66.0     │ 4.08     │ 1.935    │ 18.9     │      ┆
│ 8 │ 4:26.0   │ 120.3    │ 91.0     │ 4.43     │ 2.14     │ 16.7     │      ┆
│ 9 │ 4:30.4   │ 95.1     │ 113.0    │ 3.77     │ 1.513    │ 16.9     │      ┆
┇ 54 more                                                                    ┇
, subranges: _RangeSet(3..<11))

My archinfo utility is a small macOS command line application that displays process id, name, and architecture (arm64 or x86_64).

Version 0.4.0 adds the following capabilities:

  • Added --x86 (-x short option) to have archinfo only show x86_64 processes
  • Added --arm (-a short option) to have archinfo only show arm64 processes
  • Added --basename (-b short option) to havearchinfo` only show basenames of running processes vs the full path

The key driver for this update was to make it easier to only see the remaining, non-universal binary or ARM-only laggards.

Example runs with the new options:

$ archinfo --x86 --basename
  42801 x86_64 QtWebEngineProcess
  40408 x86_64 QtWebEngineProcess
  40378 x86_64 RStudio
  56426 x86_64 gpg-agent
   4244 x86_64 TwitchStudioStreamDeck
   4243 x86_64 QtWebEngineProcess
   4213 x86_64 QtWebEngineProcess
   4173 x86_64 kbfs
   4155 x86_64 keybase
   4140 x86_64 updater
   4065 x86_64 Keybase Helper (Renderer)
   4057 x86_64 Keybase Helper (Renderer)
   4056 x86_64 Keybase Helper
   4053 x86_64 Keybase Helper (GPU)
   4045 x86_64 krisp
   4043 x86_64 Keybase
   4035 x86_64 AdobeCRDaemon
   4033 x86_64 AdobeIPCBroker
   3993 x86_64 Elgato Control Center
   3971 x86_64 Stream Deck
   3959 x86_64 LogiVCCoreService
$ archinfo --x86 --basename --json
{"pid":4065,"arch":"x86_64","name":"Keybase Helper (Renderer)"}
{"pid":4057,"arch":"x86_64","name":"Keybase Helper (Renderer)"}
{"pid":4056,"arch":"x86_64","name":"Keybase Helper"}
{"pid":4053,"arch":"x86_64","name":"Keybase Helper (GPU)"}
{"pid":3993,"arch":"x86_64","name":"Elgato Control Center"}
{"pid":3971,"arch":"x86_64","name":"Stream Deck"}

You can find signed binaries and source code on the Releases page.

Apple M1/Apple Silicon/arm64 macOS can run x86_64 programs via Rosetta and most M1 systems currently (~March 2021) very likely run a mix of x86_64 and arm64 processes.

Activity Monitor can show the architecture:

but command line tools such as ps and top do not due to Apple hiding the details of the proper sysctl() incantations necessary to get this info.

Patrick Wardle reverse engineered Activity Monitor — — and I slapped that hack together with some code from Sydney San Martin — — into a nascent, bare-bones command line utility: archinfo.

It returns columnar output or JSON (via --json) — that will work nicely with jq — of running processes and their respective architectures.

Build from source or grab from the releases via my git ( or GH (

$ archinfo
   5949  arm64 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/AudioComponentRegistrar
   5923  arm64 /System/Library/CoreServices/
   5901 x86_64 /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Desktop Common/IPCBox/
   5873  arm64 /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Creative Cloud Experience/CCXProcess/
   5863  arm64 /bin/sleep
   5861 x86_64 /Applications/
   5855 x86_64 /Applications/Elgato Control Control Center
   5852 x86_64 /Applications/
   5849  arm64 /System/Library/CoreServices/

arch <- jsonlite::stream_in(textConnection(system("/usr/local/bin/archinfo --json", intern=TRUE)))

arch %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
    name = basename(name)
  ) %>% 
    name, arch
## # A tibble: 448 x 2
##    executable                                          arch
##    <chr>                                               <chr>
## ...
## 50                         arm64
## 51                         arm64
## 52                         arm64
## 53 RStudio — tycho                                     x86_64
## 54 QtWebEngineProcess                                  x86_64
## 55 VTEncoderXPCService                                 arm64
## 56 rsession-arm64                                      arm64
## 57 RStudio                                             x86_64
## 58 MTLCompilerService                                  arm64
## 59 MTLCompilerService                                  arm64
## 60 coreautha                                           arm64
## ...

##  arm64 x86_64
##    419     29

UPDATE 2021-03-14

My original goal was to use Swift for this, but it dawned on me that the vast majority of the codebase is in C, so I’ve removed the Xcode dependency and simplified the build process.

The updated code also now defaults to columnar output. Use --json to return ndjson output.

Last week I introduced a new bookdown series on how to embed R into a macOS Swift application.

The initial chapters focused on core concepts and showed how to build a macOS compiled, binary command line application that uses embedded R for some functionality.

This week, a new chapter is up that walks you though how to build a basic SwiftUI application that takes input from the user, performs a computation in R (via embedded R) and displays the result of the computation back to the user.

The app looks like this:

and — apart from some of the boilerplate interface code from previous chapters — is around ~60 lines of Swift code that ends up consuming ~65 MB of active RAM when run with almost no energy impact (an equivalent Electron-packaged Shiny app would be 130-200 MB of initial RAM and have a significant, constant energy impact).

There’s sufficient boilerplate in this project to extend to write a basic GUI wrapper for various R operations you have hanging around.

Forthcoming chapters will show how to get graphics out of R and into a SwiftUI window as well as how to make a more diminutive Shiny app wrapper that we’ll eventually be able to ship with an embedded copy of the R framework.

Over Christmas break I teased some screencaps:

of some almost-natural “R” looking code (this is a snippet):

Button("Run") {
  do { // calls to R can fail so there are lots of "try"s; poking at less ugly alternatives

    // handling dots in named calls is a WIP
    _  = try R.evalParse("options(tidyverse.quiet = TRUE )")

    // in practice this wld be called once in a model
    try R.library("ggplot2")
    try R.library("hrbrthemes")
    try R.library("magick")

    // can mix initialiation of an R list with Swift and R objects
    let mvals: RObject = [
      "month": [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun" ],
      "value": try R.sample(100, 6)

    // ggplot2! `mvals` is above, `col.hexValue` comes from the color picker
    // can't do b/c "dots" so this is a deliberately exposed alternate call
    let gg = try R.ggplot(R.as_data_frame(mvals)) +
      R.geom_col(R.aes_string("month", "value"), fill: col.hexValue) + // supports both [un]named
      R.scale_y_comma() +
        x: rNULL, y: "# things",
        title: "Monthly Bars"
      ) +
      R.theme_ipsum_gs(grid: "Y")

    // an alternative to {magick} could be getting raw SVG from {svglite} device
    // we get Image view width/height and pass that to {magick}
    // either beats disk/ssd round-trip
    let fig = try R.image_graph(
      width: Double(imageRect.width), 
      height: Double(imageRect.height), 
      res: 144

    try R.print(gg)
    _ = R.dev_off() // can't do b/c "dots" so this is a deliberately exposed alternate call

    let res = try R.image_write(fig, path: rNULL, format: "png")

    imgData = Data(res) // "imgData" is a reactive SwiftUI bound object; when it changes Image does too

  } catch {


that works in Swift as part of a SwiftUI app that displays a ggplot2 plot inside of a macOS application.

It doesn’t shell out to R, but uses Swift 5’s native abilities to interface with R’s C interface.

I’m not ready to reveal that SwiftR code/library just yet (break’s over and the core bits still need some tweaking) but I can provide some interim resources with an online book about working with R’s C interface from Swift on macOS. It is uninspiringly called SwiftR — Using R from Swift.

There are, at present, six chapters that introduce the Swift+R concepts via command line apps. These aren’t terribly useful (shebanged R scripts work just fine, #tyvm) in and of themselves, but command line machinations are a much lower barrier to entry than starting right in with SwiftUI (that starts in chapter seven).


If you’ve wanted a reason to burn ~20GB of drive space with an Xcode installation and start to learn Swift (or learn more about Swift) then this is a resource for you.

The topics in the chapters are also a fairly decent (albeit incomplete) overview of R’s C interface and also how to work with C code from Swift in general.

So, take advantage of the remaining pandemic time and give it a 👀.

Feedback is welcome in the comments or the book code repo (book source repo is in progress).

Hope everyone has a safe and strong new year!

I (and, apparently, Gandalf O_o) are pleased to announce that RSwitch version 1.7.0 has been released. (Direct Download)

RSwitch is a macOS menubar utility that:

  • makes it dead simple to manage multiple macOS R versions
  • use the latest RStudio daily builds
  • access remote RStudio Server sessions using in a purpose-built browser that lets you use keystrokes you’re used to in RStudio Desktop
  • see switch between active RStudio projects
  • access a catalog of helpful local and web resources

Version 1.7.0 fixes a few bugs and adds the following new features:

  • New command-line switcher. After a one-line command (shown here in the RSwitch Guide) you can now just rswitch #.#[.#] from the your favorite macOS terminal. This should make it easier to switch R versions in tests/local automation.

  • File uploads and exports to RStudio Server. RSwitch’s RStudio Server purpose-built browser and manager now supports file uploads and exports to RStudio Server sessions. This is super new functionality that has been tested with more than a few edge cases, but I never use this feature (that’s what scp and curl are for IMO), so if you have any problems using them, please drop an issue or comment.

  • Ensure RStudio owns .R and .Rmd files. macOS R folks who use other environments such as Xcode know all to well how other development tools just love to own .R files (and, sometimes, .Rmd files). While I use other editors to get R stuff done much more frequently these days, I still prefer it if RStudio owns these two file types, so there’s a preference you can set for it (off by default).

  • More resources. The “Reference Desk” adds a few more resources to save you some room in your browser bookmarks.

  • Works on 10.13. I relented and included macOS 10.13 in the build support. If Apple does, indeed, release a new alpha version of macOS this Spring, 10.13 support will be removed when 10.16 is released. You folks really need to upgrade macOS to stay safe.

The Guide has been updated to provide information on all the new features.

Please kick the tyres and let me know if you have any issues with the new release and, as you’ll see if you read the Guide, much of the new functionality came from user-suggestions, so don’t hesitate to drop ideas/wants as I may have just enough Swift coding talent to pull a few of them off.

(Here’s the direct download link, again, to prevent you having to scroll up to get your hands on RSwitch 1.7.0 :-)