By now, word of the forcible deplanement of a medical professional by United has reached even the remotest of outposts in the #rstats universe. Since the news brought this practice to global attention, I found some aggregate U.S. Gov data made a quick, annual, aggregate look at this soon after the incident:
While informative, that visualization left me wanting for more granular data. Alas, a super-quick search turned up empty.
However, within 24 hours I had a quick glance at a tweet (a link to it in the comments wld be ++gd if anyone fav’d it) that had a screen capture from a PDF from the U.S. DoT Air Travel Consumer Reports site.
There are individual pages for each monthly report which can be derived from the annual index pages. I crafted the URL scraping code below before inspecting an individual PDF. It turns out grabbing all the PDFs was not necessary since they don’t provide monthly figures for the involuntary disembarking. But, I wrote the code and it’ll likely be useful to someone out there so here it is:
# some URLs generate infinite redirection loops so be safe out there
safe_read_html <- safely(read_html)
# grab the individual page URLs for each month available in each year
"") %>%
map(function(x) {
read_html(x) %>%
html_nodes("a[href*='air-travel-consumer-report']") %>%
}) %>%
flatten_chr() %>%
discard(stri_detect_regex, "feedback|/air-travel-consumer-reports") %>% # filter out URLs we don't need
sprintf("", .) -> main_urls # make them useful
# now, read in all the individual pages.
# do this separate from URL grabbing above and the PDF URL extraction
# below just to be even safer.
map(main_urls, safe_read_html) -> pages
# URLs that generate said redirection loops will not have a valid
# result so ignor ethem and find the URLs for the monthly reports
discard(pages, ~is.null(.$result)) %>%
map("result") %>%
map(~html_nodes(., "a[href*='pdf']") %>%
html_attr('href') %>%
keep(stri_detect_fixed, "ATCR")) %>%
flatten_chr() -> pdf_urls
# download them, being kind to the DoT server and not re-downloading
# anything we've successfully downloaded already. I really wish this
# was built-in functionality to download.file()
walk(pdf_urls, ~if (!file.exists(file.path("atcr_pdfs", basename(.))))
download.file(., file.path("atcr_pdfs", basename(.))))
It also wasn’t a complete waste for me since the PDF reports have monthly data in other categories and it did provide me with 3 years of data to compare visually.
The table with annual data looks like this in the PDF:

and, that page looks like this after it gets processed by pdftools::pdf_text()
:
The format is mostly consistent across the three files, but there are enough differences to require edge-case handling. Still, it’s not too much code to get three, separate tables:
# read in each PDF; find the pages with the tables we need to scrape;
# enable the text table to be read with read.table() and save the
# results
c("2017MarchATCR.pdf", "2016MarchATCR_2.pdf", "2015MarchATCR_1.pdf") %>%
file.path("atcr_pdfs", .) %>%
map(pdf_text) %>%
map(~keep(.x, stri_detect_fixed, "PASSENGERS DENIED BOARDING")[[2]]) %>%
map(stri_split_lines) %>%
map(flatten_chr) %>%
map(function(x) {
y <- which(stri_detect_regex(x, "Rank|RANK|TOTAL"))
grep("^\ +[[:digit:]]", x[y[1]:y[2]], value=TRUE) %>%
stri_trim() %>%
stri_replace_all_regex("([[:alpha:]])\\*+", "$1") %>%
stri_replace_all_regex(" ([[:alpha:]])", "_$1") %>%
paste0(collapse="\n") %>%
read.table(text=., header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
}) -> denied
## [[1]]
## V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10
## 1 1 _HAWAIIAN_AIRLINES 326 49 10,824,495 0.05 358 29 10,462,344 0.03
## 2 2 _DELTA_AIR_LINES 129,825 1,238 129,281,098 0.10 145,406 1,938 125,044,855 0.15
## 3 3 _VIRGIN_AMERICA 2,375 94 7,945,329 0.12 1,722 80 6,928,805 0.12
## 4 4 _ALASKA_AIRLINES 6,806 931 23,390,900 0.40 5,412 740 22,095,126 0.33
## 5 5 _UNITED_AIRLINES 62,895 3,765 86,836,527 0.43 81,390 6,317 82,081,914 0.77
## 6 6 _SPIRIT_AIRLINES 10,444 1,117 19,418,650 0.58 6,589 496 16,010,164 0.31
## 7 7 _FRONTIER_AIRLINES 2,096 851 14,666,332 0.58 2,744 1,232 12,343,540 1.00
## 8 8 _AMERICAN_AIRLINES 54,259 8,312 130,894,653 0.64 50,317 7,504 97,091,951 0.77
## 9 9 _JETBLUE_AIRWAYS 1,705 3,176 34,710,003 0.92 1,841 73 31,949,251 0.02
## 10 10 _SKYWEST_AIRLINES 41,476 2,935 29,986,918 0.98 51,829 5,079 28,562,760 1.78
## 11 11 _SOUTHWEST_AIRLINES 88,628 14,979 150,655,354 0.99 96,513 15,608 143,932,752 1.08
## 12 12 _EXPRESSJET_AIRLINES 33,590 3,182 21,139,038 1.51 42,933 4,608 24,736,601 1.86
## [[2]]
## V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10
## 1 1 _JETBLUE_AIRWAYS 1,841 73 31,949,251 0.02 2,006 650 29,264,332 0.22
## 2 2 _HAWAIIAN_AIRLINES 358 29 10,462,344 0.03 366 116 10,084,811 0.12
## 3 3 _VIRGIN_AMERICA 1,722 80 6,928,805 0.12 910 57 6,438,023 0.09
## 4 4 _DELTA_AIR_LINES 145,406 1,938 125,044,855 0.16 107,706 4,052 115,737,180 0.35
## 5 5 _SPIRIT_AIRLINES 6,589 496 16,010,164 0.31 **** **** **** ****
## 6 6 _ALASKA_AIRLINES 5,412 740 22,095,126 0.33 4,176 864 19,838,878 0.44
## 7 7 _UNITED_AIRLINES 81,390 6,317 82,081,914 0.77 64,968 9,078 77,317,281 1.17
## 8 8 _AMERICAN_AIRLINES 50,317 7,504 97,091,951 0.77 35,152 3,188 77,065,600 0.41
## 9 9 _FRONTIER_AIRLINES 2,744 1,232 12,343,540 1.00 3,864 1,616 11,787,602 1.37
## 10 10 _SOUTHWEST_AIRLINES 96,513 15,608 143,932,752 1.08 82,039 12,041 116,809,601 1.03
## 11 11 _SKYWEST_AIRLINES 51,829 5,079 28,562,760 1.78 42,446 7,170 26,420,593 2.71
## 12 12 _EXPRESSJET_AIRLINES 42,933 4,608 24,736,601 1.86 55,525 7,961 29,344,974 2.71
## 13 13 _ENVOY_AIR 18,125 2,792 11,901,028 2.35 18,615 2,501 15,441,723 1.62
## [[3]]
## V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10
## 1 1 _VIRGIN_AMERICA 910 57 6,438,023 0.09 351 26 6,244,574 0.04
## 2 2 _HAWAIIAN_AIRLINES 366 116 10,084,811 0.12 1,147 172 9,928,830 0.17
## 3 3 _JETBLUE_AIRWAYS 2,006 650 29,264,332 0.22 502 19 28,166,771 0.01
## 4 4 _DELTA_AIR_LINES 107,706 4,052 115,737,180 0.35 81,025 6,070 106,783,155 0.57
## 5 5 _AMERICAN_AIRLINES 60,924 7,471 135,748,581 0.55 ** ** ** **
## 6 6 _ALASKA_AIRLINES 4,176 864 19,838,878 0.44 3,834 714 18,517,953 0.39
## 7 7 _SOUTHWEST_AIRLINES 88,921 13,899 125,381,374 1.11 *** *** *** ***
## 8 8 _UNITED_AIRLINES 64,968 9,078 77,317,281 1.17 57,716 9,015 77,212,471 1.17
## 9 9 _FRONTIER_AIRLINES 3,864 1,616 11,787,602 1.37 3,493 1,272 10,361,896 1.23
## 10 10 _ENVOY_AIR 18,615 2,501 15,441,723 1.62 19,659 1,923 16,939,092 1.14
## 11 11 _EXPRESSJET_AIRLINES 55,525 7,961 29,344,974 2.71 47,844 6,422 31,356,714 2.05
## 12 12 _SKYWEST_AIRLINES 42,446 7,170 26,420,593 2.71 35,942 6,768 26,518,312 2.55
And, it’s not too much more work to get that into a usable, single data frame:
map2_df(2016:2014, denied, ~{
.y$year <- .x
c("rank", "airline", "voluntary_denied", "involuntary_denied",
"enplaned_ct", "involuntary_db_per_10k", "year")) %>%
mutate(airline = stri_trans_totitle(stri_trim(stri_replace_all_fixed(airline, "_", " ")))) %>%
readr::type_convert() %>%
}) %>%
select(-rank) -> denied
## Observations: 37
## Variables: 6
## $ airline <chr> "Hawaiian Airlines", "Delta Air Lines", "Virgin Americ...
## $ voluntary_denied <dbl> 326, 129825, 2375, 6806, 62895, 10444, 2096, 54259, 17...
## $ involuntary_denied <dbl> 49, 1238, 94, 931, 3765, 1117, 851, 8312, 3176, 2935, ...
## $ enplaned_ct <dbl> 10824495, 129281098, 7945329, 23390900, 86836527, 1941...
## $ involuntary_db_per_10k <dbl> 0.05, 0.10, 0.12, 0.40, 0.43, 0.58, 0.58, 0.64, 0.92, ...
## $ year <int> 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, ...
## # A tibble: 37 × 6
## airline voluntary_denied involuntary_denied enplaned_ct
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Hawaiian Airlines 326 49 10824495
## 2 Delta Air Lines 129825 1238 129281098
## 3 Virgin America 2375 94 7945329
## 4 Alaska Airlines 6806 931 23390900
## 5 United Airlines 62895 3765 86836527
## 6 Spirit Airlines 10444 1117 19418650
## 7 Frontier Airlines 2096 851 14666332
## 8 American Airlines 54259 8312 130894653
## 9 Jetblue Airways 1705 3176 34710003
## 10 Skywest Airlines 41476 2935 29986918
## # ... with 27 more rows, and 2 more variables: involuntary_db_per_10k <dbl>, year <int>
Airlines merge and the PDF does account for that (to some degree) but I’m not writing a news story and only care about the airlines with three years of data since I — for the most part — have only ever flown on ones in that list, so the last step is to filter the list to those with three years of data and make a multi-column slopegraph/bumps chart based on the involuntary disembarking rate by 10k passengers (normalized rates FTW!):
select(denied, airline, year, involuntary_db_per_10k) %>%
group_by(airline) %>%
mutate(yr_ct = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(yr_ct == 3) %>%
select(-yr_ct) %>%
mutate(year = factor(year, rev(c(max(year)+1, unique(year))))) -> plot_df
update_geom_font_defaults(font_rc, size = 3)
ggplot() +
geom_line(data = plot_df, aes(year, involuntary_db_per_10k, group=airline, colour=airline)) +
geom_text(data = filter(plot_df, year=='2016') %>% mutate(lbl = sprintf("%s (%s)", airline, involuntary_db_per_10k)),
aes(x=year, y=involuntary_db_per_10k, label=lbl, colour=airline), hjust=0,
nudge_y=c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-0.0005,0.03,0), nudge_x=0.015) +
scale_x_discrete(expand=c(0,0), labels=c(2014:2016, ""), drop=FALSE) +
scale_y_continuous(trans="log1p") +
ggthemes::scale_color_tableau() +
labs(x=NULL, y=NULL,
title="Involuntary Disembark Rate Per 10K Passengers",
subtitle="Y-axis log scale; Only included airlines with 3-year span data",
caption="Source: U.S. DoT Air Travel Consumer Reports <>") +
theme_ipsum_rc(grid="X") +
theme(plot.caption=element_text(hjust=0)) +

I’m really glad I don’t fly on JetBlue much anymore.
The code and a CSV of the cleaned data is in this gist and the code is also in this RPub.
I’m also glad to now know about a previously hidden, helpful resource for consumers who have to fly on U.S. carriers.