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My wife tricked me into a partial-weekend project to try to get all the primary/caucus results to-date on a map (the whole us). This is challenging since not all states use counties as boundaries for aggregate results. I’m still piecing together some shapefiles for the primary/caucus summation boundaries for a couple remaining states but I didn’t want to let the data source for the election results go without a mention.

The bestest part of the `iframe` below (which can be busted with [this link](/projects/primaryplotting.html)) is the CNN JSON link. You can discover those with Developer Tools on any modern browser. Here’s [the rest]( of those links (using a gist to add enough layers of redirection to hopefully keep this data free/available).

It’s really well-formatted JSON. As of this post, not all those links completely work (the Maine & PR results weren’t certified yet). Please credit the hard-working folks at CNN whenever/wherever you use this data (if you use it at all). Making a resource like this available is a great service (even if it wasn’t 100% intentional).

The rest of the post shows how to display the voting % per top-candidate in each Texas county. Because Texas uses counties for roll-up aggregation, we can also use `tigris` to get great maps.

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  1. […] of plotting to show the results. We can get the JSON data from CNN, as pointed out by Bob Rudis in his post here. Utah’s results were not available when he wrote that post but I was able to poke around and […]

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