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Category Archives: MaxMind

I’ve been wanting to create a custom MaxMind mmdb file for alternate IPv4 range classifications for a while, and finally had an opportunity to do so for the $DAYJOB. MaxMind mmdb files are small and easy to work with and provide lightning fast lookups.

This repo — — has an R script for pulling cloud provider info (I already had some boilerplate code for it and detest reinventing the wheel in another language just to keep a project in a single language) and a Python script for the custom mmdb writing.

Current providers supported are:

  • AWS
  • Azure
  • DigitalOcean
  • Google (GCP)
  • Oracle Cloud
  • Rackspace (see clouds2csv.r for the details)

and, PRs are welcome for other cloud providers.

The provider info is stored in the isp field:

mmdblookup --file clouds.mmdb  --ip isp 
##   "DigitalOcean" <utf8_string>