Jumping on the “Banned” Wagon

>_The parent proposed a committee made up of parents and teachers of different cultural backgrounds come up with a list of books that are inclusive for all students._ Where’s the [ACLU](https://www.aclu.org/issues/free-speech/artistic-expression/banned-books)? They’d be right there if this was an alt-right’er asking to ban books with salacious content they deem (rightly or wrongly) “inappropriate” or “harmful”… Continue reading

The Devil is in the Details

The [first public informational video](https://www.greatagain.gov/news/message-president-elect-donald-j-trump.html) from the PEOTUS didn’t add a full transcript of the video to the web site and did not provide (at least as of 0700 EST on 2016-11-22) their own text annotations/captions to the video. Google’s (YouTube’s) auto-captioning (for the most part) worked and it’s most likely “just good enough” to… Continue reading

This is not cool.

First it was OpenDNS selling their souls (and, [y]our data) to Cisco (whom I don’t trust at all with my data). Now, it’s Dyn — — doing something even worse (purely my own opinion). I’m currently evaluating offerings by [FoolDNS](http://www.fooldns.com/fooldns-community/english-version/) & [GreenTeam](http://members.greentm.co.uk/) as alternatives and I’ll post updates as I review & test them. I’m… Continue reading


[Bulbs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROEIKn8OsGU). If those were real, functional bulbs that were destroyed…spreading real, irreclaimable refuse…all to shill a far less than revolutionary “professional” laptop…then, just how “enlightened” is Apple, really? But, I guess it’s fine for the intelligentsia class to violate their own prescribed norms if it furthers their own causes.


>_Stop making people suicidal. Stop telling people they’re going to be killed. Stop terrifying children. Stop giving racism free advertising. Stop trying to convince Americans that all the other Americans hate them. Stop. Stop. Stop._ Just. [Stop](http://slatestarcodex.com/2016/11/16/you-are-still-crying-wolf/).

When life imitates Fullmetal Alchemist

The NIH is [moving forward](http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/08/04/488387729/nih-plans-to-lift-ban-on-research-funds-for-part-human-part-animal-embryos) with plans to financially support & encourage human-animal chimera research. You can find more info over at the [NIH blog](http://osp.od.nih.gov/under-the-poliscope/2016/08/next-steps-research-using-animal-embryos-containing-human-cells). Chimera’s have been a longstanding subject of science-fiction/fantasy and many authors have visited it to help inform the ethics debate. A fairly recent exploration of this has been through the… Continue reading

New codewords for “age & family discrimination”

From: [Why Corporate America Is Leaving the Suburbs for the City](http://nyti.ms/2adP5Rn): >_We wanted energy, vibrancy and diversity, and to accelerate a change in our culture by moving downtown._ translation: >_We want to begin a process of strategically removing more highly paid, legacy employees who can’t commit 12 hours a day to our company and replacing… Continue reading