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2017 is nearly at an end. We humans seem to need these cycles to help us on our path forward and have, throughout history, used these annual demarcation points as a time of reflection of what was, what is an what shall come next.

To that end, I decided it was about time to help quantify a part of the soon-to-be previous annum in R through the fabrication of a reusable template. Said template contains various incantations that will enable the wielder to enumerate their social contributions on:

  • StackOveflow
  • GitHub
  • Twitter
  • WordPress

through the use of a parameterized R markdown document.

The result of one such execution can be found here (for those who want a glimpse of what I was publicly up to in 2017).

Want to see where you contributed the most on SO? There’s a vis for that:

What about your GitHub activity? There’s a vis for that, too:

Perhaps you just want to see your top blog posts for the year. There’s also a vis for that:

Or — maybe — you just want to see how much you blathered on Twitter. There’s even a vis for that:

Take the Rmd for a spin. File issues & PRs for things that need work and take some time to look back on 2017 with a more quantified eye than you may have in years’ past.

Here’s to 2018 being full of magic, awe, wonder and delight for us all!

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