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The ASA (American Statistical Association) has been working in collaboration with the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) on developing a data science curriculum for Two Year Colleges. Part of this development is the need to understand the private-sector demand for two-year college data science graduates and the prevalence of the need to invest in the continuing education of existing employees for gap-filling critical skills shortages in “knowledge workers”.

By taking this survey, participating in a workshop/summit or — especially — submitting a letter of collaboration you will be helping to prepare your organization and our combined workforce meet the challenges of succeeding in an increasingly data-driven world.

Take The ACS/ACM Data Science Survey

Optionally (or additionally), you may contact Mary Rudis directly ( for more information on this joint ASA/ACM initiative and how you can help.

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  1. By Survey on Data Science In Two Year Colleges - Use-R!Use-R! on 06 Dec 2016 at 1:19 pm

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