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I played around with OSE Firewall for WordPress for a couple days to see if it was worth switching to from the plugin I was previously using. It’s definitely not as full featured and I didn’t see any WP database extensions where it kept a log I could review/analyze, so I whipped up a little script to extract all the alert data from the Gmail account I setup for it to log to.

The script below – while focused on getting OSE Firewall alert data – can be easily modified to search for other types of automated/formatted e-mails and build a CSV file with the results. Remember, tho, that you’re going to be putting your e-mail credentials in this file (if you end up using it) so either use a mailbox you don’t care about or make sure you use sane permissions on the script and keep it somewhere safe.

I tested it on linux boxes, but it should work anywhere you have Python and mailbox access.

I highly doubt there will be any updates to this version (I’m not using OSE Firewall anymore), but you an grab the source below or on github. There should be sufficient annotation in the comments, but if you have any questions, drop a note in the comments.

# - extract WordPress OSE Firewall mail alerts to CSV
# Author: @hrbrmstr

import imaplib
import datetime
import re

# get 'today' (in the event you are just reporting on today's hits
date = ( - datetime.timedelta(1)).strftime("%d-%b-%Y")

# setup IMAP connection

gmail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('',993) # use your IMAP server it not Gmail
gmail.login("YOUR_IMAP_USERNAME","YOUR_PASSWORD")'[Gmail]/All Mail') # Your IMAP's "all mail" if not using Gmail

# now search for all mails with "OSE Firewall" in the subject

# uncomment this line and comment out the next one to just get results from 'today'
#result, data = gmail.uid('search', None, '(SENTSINCE {date} HEADER Subject "OSE Firewall*")'.format(date=date))
result, data = gmail.uid('search', None, '(HEADER Subject "OSE Firewall*")')

# setup CSV file for output

f = open("osefw.csv", "w+")
f.write("Date,IP,URI,Method,UserAgent,Referer\n") ;

# cycle through result set from IMAP search query, extracting salient info
# from headers/body of each found message

for msg in data[0].split():

    # fetch the msg for the UID
    res, msg_txt = gmail.uid('fetch', msg, '(RFC822)')

    # get rid of carriage returns
    body = re.sub(re.compile('\r', re.MULTILINE), '', msg_txt[0][1])

    # extract salient fields from the message body/header
    DATE = re.findall('^Date: (.*?)$', body, re.M)
    IP = re.findall('^FROM IP: http:\/\/\/(.*?)$', body, re.M)
    URI = re.findall('^URI: (.*?)$', body, re.M)
    METHOD = re.findall('^METHOD: (.*?)$', body, re.M)
    USERAGENT= re.findall('^USERAGENT: (.*?)$', body, re.M)
    REFERER = re.findall('^REFERER: (.*?)$', body, re.M)

    # format for CSV output
    ose_log  = "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n" % (DATE, IP, URI, METHOD, USERAGENT, REFERER)

    # quicker to replace array output brackets than to deal with non-array results checking
    f.write(re.sub("[\[\]]*", "", ose_log))

    f.flush() ;


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