2022 Hanukkah of Data • Puzzle 1

Visiting #2 and doing some $WORK-work, but intrigued with Hanukkah of Data since Puzzle 0 was solvable with a ZIP password cracker (the calendar date math seemed too trivial to bother with). Decided to fall back to R for this (vs Observable for the Advent of Code which I’ll dedicate time to finishing next week)…. Continue reading

Into The Fediverse!

This is more of a test post after enabling some new Fediverse features on the server. Said Fediverse got a bit more real-ish this week (with moderate apologies to the pioneers in this space who’ve languished for ~five years) You can find me at: @hrbrmstr (general blathering/primary masto-account) @hrbrmstr (reserved for cybersecurity chatter) @hrbrmstr (the… Continue reading